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VOL 47 NO. 1
Lessons for April
Monthly Publication of the Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Belle S. Spafford „ President
Marianne C. Sharp First Counselor
Louise W. Madsen _Second Counselor
Hulda Parker
Anna B. Hart
Edith S. Elliott
Florence J. Madsen
Leone G. Layton
Blanche B. Stoddard
Evon W. Peterson
Aleine M. Young
Josie B. Bay
Christine H. Robinson
Alberta H. Christensen
Mildred B. Eyring
Charlotte A. Larsen
Edith P. Backman
Winniefred S.
Elna P. Haymond Elsa T. Peterson
Annie M. Ellsworth
Mary R. Young
Mary V. Cameron
Afton W. Hunt
Wealtha S. Mendenhall
Pearle M. Olsen
Irene B. Woodford
Fanny S. Kienitz
Elizabeth B. Winters
LaRue H. Rosell
Jennie R. Scott
Associate Editor
General Manager
Marianne C. Sharp
Vesta P. Crawford
Belle S. Spafford
VOL. 47
NO. 1
New Year's Greeting .....-_-...... 1
In Memoriam: President Amy Brown Lyman -. ifelie p- bP°tto.r^ 6C
Obedience to the Truth Joseph Fielding Smith b
Award Winners — Eliza R. Snow Poem Contest -- » ;--—-—: JV
Immigrant's Child — First Prize Poem Dorothy J Roberts 11
According to the Day — Second Prize Poem Lucille R. Perry 13
Loam-Stained — Third Prize Poem Eva Willes Wangsgaard 15
Award Winners — Annual Relief Society Short Story Contest ■ \'
Summer's Grace — First Prize Story Deone R. Sutherland 18
The Northern States Mission Preston R. Nibley 24
"Oh Say, What Is Truth?" - «--,-« 31
Prevent Crippling Diseases - Basil O Connor 33
More Precious Than Riches Betty Lou Martin 36
The New Day — Chapter 4 Hazel K. Todd 39
Sixty Years Ago 26
Woman's Sphere Ramona W. Cannon 27
Editorial: The Days of a Woman's Life Vesta P. Crawford 28
Notes to the Field: Relief Society Assigned Evening Meeting of Fast Sunday in March 30
Award Subscriptions Presented in April 30
Bound Volumes of 1959 Magazines 30
Notes From the Field: Relief Society Activities Hulda Parker 43
Birthday Congratulations „ 71
From Near and Far 72
Dust of Every-Dayness _ Celia Luce 16
Recipes From the Northern States Mission Vera C. Stratford 34
Rosella Jenkins Makes Quilts and Rugs - 38
Theology — A Trial of Faith Roy W. Doxey 49
Visiting Teacher Message — ''Govern Your House in Meekness, and
Be Steadfast" Christine H. Robinson 55
Work Meeting — Food Care and Preservation Charlotte A. Larsen 56
Literature — The Federalists (and the Great Transition) Briant S. Jacobs 58
Social Science — Creative and Spiritual Living — Pathways to Peace —
Part I _ Blaine M. Porter 65
No One Too Poor , - Zara Sabin 9
Years Roxana Farnsworth Hase 29
What Gifts I Bring _ Ida Elaine James 32
I Could Not Cry Gladys Hesser Burnham 33
Ruth to Boaz {Catherine F. Larsen 38
Copyright 1959 by General Board of Relief Society of The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Editorial and Business Offices : 76 North Main, Salt Lake City 11, Utah : Phone EMpire 4-2511 ;
Subscriptions 246 ; Editorial Dept. 245. Subscription Price: $2.00 a year; foreign, $2.00 a year;
20c a copy ; payable in advance. The Magazine is not sent after subscription expires. No back
numbers can be supplied. Renew promptly so that no copies will be missed. Report change of
address at once, giving old and new address.
Entered as second-class matter February 18, 1914, at the Post Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, under
the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in
section 1103, Act of October 8, 1917, authorized June 29, 1918. Manuscripts will not be returned
unless return postage is enclosed. Rejected manuscripts will be retained for six months only.
The Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts.
/tew LJears (greetings
^HE wings of time have once again flown in a New Year. With its
advent, the General Presidency extends affectionate greetings to
Relief Society sisters throughout the Church. Your labors of the past
vear have borne good fruit. To you as individuals has come life enrich-
ment, those whom you have helped on life's way have been blessed, and
the organization of which you are a part has been strengthened by your
good deeds.
Regardless of how well the past has been met, however, with the
dawning of a New Year there stirs within each of us feelings of new begin-
nings, a desire to start afresh, hopes that tomorrow will be better than
today, and a determination to shape our lives more adequately to meet
life's obligations and thus realize greater happiness in living.
We are living in a great, wide, beautiful, wonderful world filled with
endless resources for our well-being and happiness. Almost daily new
wonders present themselves adding interest, length, and comfort to life.
All about us we see evidence of the love, kindness, and benefactions of a
Heavenly Father, lavish in providing for his children upon earth. Not
only has he generously given to us the materials out of which we may
build a good life, but he has taught us how to build. He has made clear
what follows our every act. He has given us an irrevocable plan of life
and salvation. Through his prophets he has made known his will for his
children and has commanded us in all things. Nonetheless he has given
us our free agency to make choices for ourselves. Upon these choices rests
the form our lives shall take. Upon them depend our productivity, hap-
piness, and eternal well-being.
The choices we make throughout the coming year will control in
large measure the realization of today's desires, ambitions, and hopes.
Todays dreams may be tomorrow's fulfillments if we choose aright, and
having chosen, exercise the self-discipline and self-mastery that lead to
action in accordance with our choices.
To each Relief Society sister we say, "What will be your choices this
New Year? Will you choose to rid yourself of encumbering and non-
essential activities which complicate your life and interfere with your joy
in living? Will you choose to be more sensitive to the desires, hopes, and
needs of your husband and your children? Will you choose to devote
yourself more fully to the rewarding labors of your home? Will you choose
to expand your friendships, and deepen those with which you are already
blessed? Will you choose to reach out more frequently and more willingly
to help a neighbor in distress? Will you choose to become better ac-
quainted with what the Lord would have you do, and in appreciation for
Page 1
his goodness and the abundance of his blessings, will you choose to serve
him more devotedly? Having made these choices, will you exercise the
will to act in harmony with them?"
If so, the New Year will be a fruitful and a happy one for you. Peace
will reign in your heart. The evil impacts of life, over which you have
little or no control, life's strains and sorrows which are the common lot
of man will leave you unbowed and unbroken.
The Lord has told us ". . . fear not little flock; do good; let earth
and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they can-
not prevail."
Our earnest prayer for the sisters of Relief Society is that the worthi-
ness of their lives as wives, mothers, homemakers, Relief Society members,
and Latter-day Saint women may bring to them throughout the new
year an abundance of the choice blessings of our Heavenly Father.
The Cover: Buckingham Fountain, Chicago, Illinois
Photograph by Rupert Leach
Free Lance Photographers Guild, Inc.
Cover Design by Evan Jensen
Cover Lithographed in Full Color by Deseret News Press
a„ m
President Amy Brown Lyman
President Belle S. SpafFord
(This address was delivered at the funeral services for Sister Lyman held in the Twenty-
Seventh Ward Meeting House, Salt Lake City, Utah, Tuesday, December 8, 1959.)
IN speaking at this service today,
I feel a deep sense of responsibil-
ity to Sister Lyman whom I
loved, to her family and friends, and
to Relief Society, over which she
presided as its eighth General Presi-
dent, and whose affairs she influ-
enced as a member of the General
Board for manv years.
This is an important and sacred
occasion. It marks the close of
earth life for one of our Father's
favored daughters. Sister Lvman
has completed her earthlv work.
She has fulfilled her mission and
now goes on to a new sphere of
action, rich in the experiences of
earth life.
Sister Lyman has lived an event-
ful and colorful life here upon
earth. Born amid the rigors of
pioneer days in the little village of
Pleasant Grove, nestled at the foot
of loftv Mount Timpanogos, a vil-
lage which she loved, she took ad-
vantage of the opportunities life
afforded and made her earth life a
fruitful one. Her life has been rich
in experiences, progressive in view-
point, extensive in service, and
broad in influence. She has met
each day with a keen interest in its
affairs, and with judgment and cour-
age she has responded to the require-
ments each day has made of her.
Sister Lyman, I believe, was born
generously endowed with talents
and leadership capacity. These she
has continuously enlarged upon.
They have cast her into roles of
leadership, both within and with-
out the Church.
I believe I speak advisedly, how-
ever, when I say that among the
many organizations and groups to
which she gave her talents and
leadership abilities, none superseded
Relief Society in importance in her
mind and heart. Relief Society was
her great love. Just as she loved
Relief Society, so she loved Relief
Societv women. She has said of her
work in Relief Society and of the
sisters, and I quote:
I am grateful for the opportunities I
have had of serving my Church . . . par-
ticularly in the Relief Society, where
during most of my mature life I have
worked so happily and contentedly with
its thousands of members. I have visited in
their homes, slept in their beds, eaten at
their tables, and have thus learned of
their beauty of character, their unselfish-
ness, their understanding hearts, their
faithfulness and their sacrifices. I honor
beyond my power of expression this great
sisterhood of service.
Sister Lyman was called to the
General Board in 1909, during the
presidency of Sister Bathsheba W.
Smith. Prior to this time she had
been a member of the society in
her own ward, and, in her childhood
Page 3
Page 4
home, she had been taught to hon- ficient work was obtained and good
or this organization as a great hu- business and bookkeeping pro-
manitarian society. As a member cedures established,
of the General Board, her special During her time as General Sec-
talents were soon recognized, and, retary, uniform ward record books
in 1911, she was named Assistant and visiting teacher report books
General Secretary, a position she were introduced. These were im-
held for two years, when she was portant, not only in standardizing
appointed General Secretary. In the record keeping, but the work
this responsible post she served for itself.
fifteen years, being relieved only to For more than thirty years she
take over the responsible duties of was associated with the business
First Counselor in the General management of The Relief Society
Presidency. She served as a Coun- Magazine. For parts of two years
selor for eleven years until she was she acted as Magazine Editor. She
called by President Heber J. Grant, loved and supported the Magazine
in January 1940, to become General to the hour of her death. She fre-
President of Relief Society, an office quentlv called me, commenting on
she held for five years. some new feature or expressing ap-
A total of thirty-six years she gave preciation for some article, referring
to the work of the Relief Society to the Magazine "as a dearly be-
General Board — testimony enough loved child to her." Indeed she
of her love for Relief Society and must have loved it always, for in
her belief in its divine mission. the days of its beginning, days of
abject poverty for it, she and Sister
TOURING the thirty-six years she Jeannette Hyde went from business
identified herself with the Gen- house to business house soliciting
eral Board, she took part in many advertising in order to finance the
interesting developments in the Magazine, and with the help of
work of Relief Society and plaved their children, they wrapped and
an important part in the expansion mailed the publication in order that
of its programs. Time permits it might continue to exist,
mention of only a few of these She was active in the develop-
activities. Under the presidency of ment of good educational programs
President Emmeline B. Wells, she and served as chairman in the prep-
took an active part in modernizing aration of the first Relief Society
the business affairs of the society, Handbook published in 1931.
including those of stakes and wards. I am sure she is happy todav that
When she assumed the duties of the Singing Mothers are represented
General Secretary, Relief Society here. It was through her great
headquarters were not equipped as vision and foresight and wise action
they are today. There were no type- that the Singing Mothers program
writers, no filing cabinets, no adding was guided into one of ward and
machines or mimeograph machines, stake choruses, which could be corn-
There was no typist and no book- bined for General Relief Society
keeper. It was not long, however, Conference, rather than having one
until necessary equipment for ef- (Continued on page 46)
Obedience to the Truth
President Joseph Fielding Smith
Of the Council of the Twelve
(Address Delivered at the Officers Meeting of the Annual General Relief Society
Conference, October 7, 1959)
SISTER Spafford and sisters, I cannot be saved alone, neither can
feel it an honor to be asked the women.
to come and address this great In order to fulfill the purposes of
body of sisters. As I have been our Eternal Father, there must be a
sitting here, I have been thinking union, husbands and wives receiv-
of the ages past and how the women, ing the blessings that are promised
members of the Church, were in- to those who are faithful and true
vited always to take back seats and that will exalt them to Godhood.
keep silent in the churches. Paul, A man cannot receive the fulness
himself, gave counsel to that effect, of the blessings of the kingdom of
that the women should be silent, God alone, nor can the woman,
and if they wanted to know any- but the two together can receive
thing about the gospel they were to all the blessings and privileges that
ask their husbands at home. Well, pertain to the fulness of the Father's
I am grateful that that day is not kingdom. The women will become
now. I am grateful that the Lord queens, priestesses, in the eternal
revealed to the Prophet Joseph order that the Lord has given for
Smith that there is a work for the the fulness of his kingdom. The
sisters in the Church to perform, gospel means just as much to our
and there are responsibilities which sisters as it does to the brethren,
rest upon them just as well as there They are just as much concerned in
are responsibilities resting on the it as are the brethren. And when
shoulders of the brethren. the Lord said to the Prophet Joseph
Salvation is not something that Smith, "Search these command-
is confined solely to the men, the ments, for they are true and
women have to be saved also, and faithful, and the prophecies and
they are saved by the same prin- promises which are in them shall
ciples and ordinances. It is just as all be fulfilled," he did not limit
important that a woman repent of that commandment to the male
her sins, believe the truth, accept members of the Church. This
it, and be baptized for the remis- revelation from which I have quot-
sion of her sins and to receive the ed begms as follows:
gift of the Holy Ghost, as it is for Hearken, O ye people of my church,
a man. The same principles that saith the voice of him who dwells on
save the men will save the women. hign> and whose eyes are upon all men;
There is one glorious thought that >?a' ven!>' l sa>': Hearken ye people fromf
, ' , . b .1 b i .1 afar; and ve that are upon the islands of
has been given to us through the the sea> ]lkcn togcther fD & c l:l)<
revelations to the Prophet Joseph
Smith and that is that the men Now, people include both men
Page 6
and women. When we say this tion of the Almighty that the Relief
people or that people, we don't Society came into existence. The
just single out the men. It means Young Women's Mutual Improve-
everybody. Therefore, it is just as ment Association, and the Primary,
important that our sisters under- give our sisters opportunity to teach,
stand the Plan of Salvation as it is to give instruction, as well as to
for the men. It is just as essential learn. When the Lord said that
that they keep the commandments, no person could be saved in ignor-
No woman is going to be saved in ance, I think he meant women as
the kingdom of God without bap- well as he did men, and I think the
tism for the remission of sins and women of the Church are under
the laying on of hands for the gift the obligation of studying the scrip-
of the Holy Ghost. Now someone tures just as well as for the men.
might read what's in our scriptures Now, we are living in a day of
and conclude to the contrary. turmoil, strife, and contention, I
think nearly as bad as the world has
/^\UR sisters are entitled just as ever seen. There may have been
much to the inspiration for times worse, but I don't know of
their needs of the Holy Spirit as any other or reading of anything
are the men, every bit. They are worse than what we are getting
entitled to the gift of prophecy con- today — the violation of law, the
cerning matters that would be selfishness of men, the greed, the
essential for them to know as it is ambitions, the turning away from
for the men. When they pray they faith in God. I think we are get-
should pray earnestly, expecting to ting today, speaking of the world,
have an answer to their prayers, in a very serious condition in rela-
The Lord will hear them, if they tion to matters of that kind. Even
are earnest, true, just as well as he the so-called Christian churches are
will the brethren. moderating the doctrines, chang-
Now I can remember the strug- ing them. Many of them today are
gle that the women of this country beginning— if they have not already
went through in order to get the reached the point— of denying the
franchise. I am sorry to say that divinity of Jesus Christ. Now, I
after they got it, many of them have I think as far as the women are con-
failed to know just how to use it. cerned, if they believe that sort of
They haven't been any worse than thing they learned it from the men.
the men, but, nevertheless, they The gospel is just as true today
had to struggle in order to obtain as it was in the days of the Lord,
that great gift or blessing and have Jesus Christ, when he came to re-
a voice in the Government. The store it. The mission of the Proph-
women have a voice in the govern- et Joseph Smith is just as necessary
ment of the Church. When some- today as it was in the beginning,
one is appointed to an office, we The need of mankind to know that
do not ask the men only to vote, God lives and Jesus Christ is his
but we ask the whole congregation. Son, the Redeemer of the world,
The women have a right to raise the Savior of men, is just as vital
their hands. They have a right to today as it has ever been. It is
speak. And it was by the inspira- just as true as it was when Peter,
James, and John, and Paul were
teaching. The world needs repent-
ance today just as much as it ever
1VTOW it is my opinion, and I have
a very strong opinion to that
effect, that this world is rapidly
reaching the point when the cup of
iniquity will be full, and we send
our missionaries out to warn the
people. Among those missionaries
now, for many, many years, we
have been sending our sisters. They
have been doing a good work. Now
the Lord says:
Verily I say unto you, that they who
go forth bearing these tidings unto the
inhabitants of the earth, to them is pow-
er given to seal both on earth and in
heaven, the unbelieving and rebellious;
yea, verilv, to seal them up unto the day
when the wrath of God shall be poured
out upon the wicked without measure
(D & C 1:8-9).
I think that day of wickedness is
rapidly drawing upon us. We need
the help of our sisters, you good
sisters of the Relief Society, to help
us teach the principles of eternal
truth just as well as we do the elders
of the Church. You can teach it
in vour organizations. Our sisters
need to be taught, manv of them,
just as well as do our brethren. We
have sisters in the Church who are
losing their faith. We have sisters
who love the world more than they
do the kingdom of God. There is
plenty of work to do for the sisters
of the Relief Society and of the
Mutual Improvement Association.
We, the Latter-day Saints, should
keep ourselves in order, humble,
sincere, obeying the command-
ments of the Lord. Otherwise,
those who rebel shall be removed
out of their place, the Lord said it.
Today there is a condition exist-
ing in this country among our
youth. When I read the papers,
our own local papers here, it seems
to me that those same conditions
are creeping into our communities.
Our young people are becoming
rebellious, filled with the spirit of
wickedness, and something ought
to be done as far as we are con-
cerned to see if we can't correct it.
I hope that these young men who
caught a young man on his way
home and beat him up were not,
any of them, members of the
Church, sons of members of the
Church. I hope that is not getting
in among our people. I hope that
our good sisters will join, if they
have not joined, the Relief Society,
instead of going out to join clubs to
play cards and waste their time
while their children, perhaps, roam
the streets.
Our Mutual Improvement Associa-
tion has a slogan which is only half
of the sentence, "The glory of God
is intelligence, or, in other words,
light and truth/' Now we have cut
that off right in the middle. I have
no objection to it. It is all right,
but that is what the Lord said, "the
glory of God is intelligence, or, in
other words, light and truth." Then
he said, 'Tight and truth forsake
that evil one." Well, we want to
live so that the evil power will have
no influence with us, and we want
to exercise our responsibilities in
the Relief Society and in the other
organizations to keep this com-
mandment. "Light and truth for-
sake that evil one," says the Lord.
"TjWERY spirit of man was inno-
cent in the beginning. God
having redeemed man from the Fall,
men became again in their infant
state, innocent before God. Every
child born into this world is inno-
cent. No matter what he did before
he came here, he comes here
innocent, as far as this life is con-
cerned. Every spirit of man was
innocent in the beginning, and God
having redeemed man from the Fall,
men became again in their infant
state, innocent before God. We
should remember that. But here's
our trouble,
. . . that wicked one cometh and taketh
away light and truth, through disobedi-
ence, from the children of men, and be-
cause of the tradition of their fathers.
But I have commanded you to bring up
your children in light and truth (D & C
That is the commandment to the
members of the Church. Now our
sisters of the Relief Society can
help in this matter, as can the other
organizations, to see that the chil-
dren of the Latter-day Saints obey
counsel, understand the truth, walk
in its light, are taught to pray, and
have a love for their fellow men.
We don't want our sisters, be-
cause of responsibilities given to
them in the organizations of the
Church, to have to neglect their
families. We don't want any sister
in the Relief Society to have to
attend her meetings and at the same
time leave her children to run the
streets. If her Church duties re-
quire her attention, then she should
see to it that some provision is made
to care for her children, if she has
children, that they might be pro-
tected and taught to pray and to
be faithful and true, and brought
up in light and truth. That is our
responsibility. No, we do not want
any sister to neglect her responsi-
bility, but we do not want her to
have to do it at the sacrifice of
children by neglect, leaving them to
find bad company or to be idle.
Let us see to it that our children,
if we are called into the work of the
ministry in this regard, are provided
for, that they have protection.
We are in a wicked world. I
know there are good people in the
world, yes. But the Lord says it
is wicked, and if he says it is wicked,
I think maybe I can, too, and I
think it is getting more so every
day. We have many responsibilities,
but none of them to cause us to
neglect our homes.
I bless you good sisters. I am
grateful that you are engaged in this
work. It is necessary. It is part of
the gospel of Jesus Christ, and so
I leave my blessing with you in the
name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
llo K^ne cJoo [Pk
Zara Sabin
The quick kind words our neighbor needs
Are hard sometimes to give.
We lack the practice. He succeeds
Who early learns to live
For others, vaunting not his own
Nor envying. Secure
With love, none are too rich to have known
Such joy, no one too poor.
*YLward vi/taners
ibttza LK. Snow iroem Contest
^HE Relief Society General Board
is pleased to announce the
names of the three winners in the
1959 Eliza R. Snow Poem Contest.
This contest was announced in the
May 1959 issue of The Relief So-
ciety Magazine, and closed August
The first prize of forty dollars is
awarded to Dorothy J. Roberts, Salt
Lake City, Utah, for her poem
"Immigrant's Child." The second
prize of thirty dollars is awarded to
Lucille R. Perry, Woods Cross,
Utah, for her poem "According to
the Day." The third prize of
twenty dollars is awarded to Eva
Willes Wangsgaard, Ogden, Utah,
for her poem "Loam-Stained."
This poem contest has been con-
ducted annually by the Relief So-
ciety General Board, since 1924, in
honor of Eliza R. Snow, second
General President of Relief Society,
a gifted poet and beloved leader.
The contest is open to all Latter-
day Saint women, and is designed
to encourage poetry writing, and to
increase appreciation for creative
writing and the beauty and value of
Prize-winning poems are the prop-
erty of the Relief Society General
Board, and may not be used for
publication by others except upon
written permission of the General
Board. The General Board also re-
serves the right to publish any of
the poems submitted, paying for
them at the time of publication at
the regular Magazine rate. A writer
who has received the first prize for
two consecutive years must wait
two years before she is again eligible
to enter the contest.
Mrs. Roberts appears for the
fourth time as an award winner in
the Eliza R. Snow Poem Contest;
Mrs. Perry is a first-time winner; and
1959 marks the seventh time that
Mrs. Wangsgaard has placed in the
There were 173 poems submitted
in this year's contest. Entries were
received from twenty-eight states,
with the largest number coming, in
order, from Utah, California, Idaho,
Arizona, and New York. Entries
were received also from Washing-
ton D.C., Canada, and England.
The General Board congratulates
the prize winners and expresses ap-
preciation to all entrants for their
interest in the contest. The Gen-
eral Board wishes, also, to thank
the judges for their care and dili-
gence in selecting the prize-winning
poems. The services of the poetry
committee of the General Board
are very much appreciated.
The prize-winning poems, togeth-
er with photographs and brief high-
lights on the prize-winning con-
testants, are herewith published in
this issue of the Magazine.
Page 10
[Prize- Vi/i
tbliza IK. Snow Lroe/n (contest
First Prize Poem
*y m / n tgrant s C h i id
Dorothy J. Roberts
Between the winter and my sleep
Her hand-sewn quilt is spread.
White blocks, and crimson, form a star
That blessed my childhood bed.
She caught the "Star of Bethlehem"
In bits of calico,
Then filled it with the wool of lambs
And made old meanings grow.
The "Star" that lit the centuries
Has touched my mother's hands—
The carding combs they deftly meshed,
The wool in flaxen strands.
The "Lamb" that warmed the multitudes,
Still sheds warmth on my dream,
Bound to me by her linen thread,
A prayer, and a seam.
With little save her faith, she brought
The star to a quilting frame,
And cloth repeats, now hands are still,
Her meaning of love's name.
My fingers walk the even hills
Her measured stitches laid,
The miles, the years, her needle took—
That beds be warmly made.
When waiting slumber's sustenance,
I traced the lines she grooved,
Finding a richer vein than sleep,
Where her swift fingers moved.
And still, when sleep has failed to come,
More calm, I wait the light,
Because she placed this comforter
Between me and the night.
Dorothy Jensen Roberts, Salt Lake City, Utah, tells us that she enjoys working
with words and experimenting with their lovely sounds and learning their intricate and
exacting meanings: "The total power of words is not known to us, but, uttered at a
crucial time, words can make or break a life. Our words are our prophets, our sorrow
or our solace, and, in a measure, our immortality.
"The Eliza R. Snow Poem Contest is a challenge to express ourselves in an
exciting and enjoyable tradition. I am thrilled and proud to be an award winner in
this contest for the fourth time, along with other State and local contests I have won,
including the Deseret News Christmas Poem Contest. However, some of my most
satisfying writings have been to my loved family — parents (each eightv-four years old),
two daughters, sons-in-law, five grandchildren, and my beloved husband L. Paul
Second Prize Poem
J/iccording to the LDat/
Lucille Rampton Perry
Looking back toward Eden, song was still;
Fruited branches brushed upon the ground,
The grass was parted on the languid hill
By windy combings, innocent of sound.
Our world is winter as we face the West,
Stiff-booted feet upon unyielding soil,
We walk into the summer's ash, divest
Of comfort, dedicated to our toil.
A handcart carries sustenance for life:
The grain, a kettle, all our woolen stuff,
A spade, a Bible, courage of a knife;
Two candlesticks for beauty are enough,
I kneel in prayer upon the frozen crust,
"Preserve me, Godf in thee I put my trust."
The white waste washes in against my eyes,
In wholeness, broken by a shallow grave.
My ears are burdened by the children's cries;
I cross the gentle hands that made them brave,
Place the willows, stones, a bit of loam
Upon the rose that sanctifies this tomb.
Love, yours is a cruel unfriendly home;
Hard earth is grudging of that meager room.
Tears that once could warm my face and hands
Are prisoned underneath an icy veil;
Desolate the view my heart commands,
Long, long and lonelv winds the rutted trail.
"Give me new strength of soul, with force of will,
I cannot hide the good and not the ill."
The skies have prophesied the builded West
In silhouetted phantoms, gray and gold,
And spilled the soothing wines the day has pressed
Into a sea of blackness, deep and cold.
Our nights can raise us high above this sphere,
And thrill our vision with a galaxy,
But stars are chill and distant. I am here
With all I need to fix my destiny.
Somewhere ahead there is a greening field,
A spring that rises from the colored stones,
A sun-warmed earth whose fertile womb will yield
To planting, where the westerly has blown.
And thou, who gave vicissitudes to men,
Shall lift me up and quicken me again.
Lucille Rampton Penv, Woods Cross, Utah, is a first-time winner in the Eliza R.
Snow Poem Contest. She tells us: "I am the wife of Curtis S. Perry, and mother to
six children, two boys and four girls. My oldest son is a freshman at the University
of Utah, and my youngest daughter is four years old. At present I am first counselor
in the South Bountiful Second Ward Primary. I have been writing poetry for onlv two or
three years, and this is my first real accomplishment in poetry, except for one other
poem which was published in The Relief Society Magazine last year. My interest since
childhood has been primarily in drawing and painting. Family responsibilities have
forced me to set this interest aside for awhile. Poetry has given me much satisfaction.
I belong to a small group who meet for an hour every other week to study and criticize
each other's poetry, and this has been very helpful to me. Some day I would like to
combine my interests in writing and painting and illustrate some work of my own."
Third Prize Poem
cLoamS tamed
Eva Willes Wangsgaard
All day the hungry gulls
Followed my plow,
Rising to wheel and cry,
All quiet now.
Calm are these russet waves.
Breakers of gold
Wait for the way of sun
And seed in the mould.
Wide-flung on unseen masts
Luminous sails
Wait in the evening skies
Westering gales.
Crossed now by tardy wings
Limned on red light,
Pressed by twin urgencies,
Aloneness and night.
Loam-stained as mine her feet,
Our path the same.
Transformed by light she gleams
Winging through flame.
Now for a heartbeat's span,
Lifted, light-pure,
I wear her silver wings
Homebound and sure.
Eva Willes Wangsgaard, Ogden, Utah, was born in Lehi, Utah, and attended high
school there, later attending the University of Utah and Utah State University. Mrs.
Wangsgaard began writing after her three children were grown, and was past forty
before she wrote her first poem. "Unlike most writers I have known," Mrs. Wangsgaard
tells ns, "I never had a craving or longing to write. The poems came with such
urgency and such volume the first year that I was forced to recognize the need. After
that I studied as I wrote. My poetry education was acquired chiefly by correspondence
lessons and by self-study. Now I have five books of poetry: Singing Hearts, Down This
Road, After the Blossoming, Within the Root, and Shape ot Earth. I was included
this year in Who's Who in Poetry International, published in London, England. I have
published in many magazines and newspapers in America, in England, and in India.
I have three children, all living in Cache Valley, Utah, thirteen living grandchildren,
and two great-grandchildren. This autumn I was notified that I had won the Aleda
Hall Lyric Award sponsored by a poets' forum in Miami, Florida."
LOust of ibvery- Juayness
Celia Luce
"VI 7E were driving past a hillside of gray rocks, or so they seemed to us. Then the road
* * veered closer to the hillside and moved through a cut. Here the rock had been
blasted away. We found that the rock was not gray at all, but delighted us with its
red and golden hues. The rock had been covered by gray dust from the hillside above,
so looked gray.
I was reminded of how we put a gray veil of every-dayness over the people and
things about us, seldom stopping really to look at them and enjoy their sparkle and
beauty. We have become so used to them that we ignore them.
We sometimes even put a veil of gray every-dayness over our relations with God.
Sometimes it takes the blasting of trouble to tear away the gray veil and wake us up
to the rare beauty of the everyday joys.
ijLward vl/i
Jxtinual [Relief Society Short Story Contest
^HE Relief Society General Board
is pleased to announce the
award winners in the Annual Relief
Society Short Storv Contest, which
was announced in the May 1959
issue of the Magazine, and which
closed August 15, 1959.
The first prize of seventy-five dol-
lars is awarded to Deone R. Suther-
land, Idaho Falls, Idaho, for her
story "Summer's Grace." The sec-
ond prize of sixty dollars is awarded
to Myrtle M. Dean, Provo, Utah,
for her storv "Grandpa's Red Sus-
penders." The third prize of fifty
dollars is awarded to Dorothy Clapp
Robinson, Boise, Idaho, for "The
Fishbite Storv."
Mrs. Sutherland is a second-time
winner in the Relief Society Short
Story Contest; Mrs. Dean is a third-
time winner; and Mrs. Robinson is
a fourth-time winner.
The Annual Relief Society Short
Storv Contest was first conducted
by the Relief Society General Board
in 1941, as a feature of the Relief
Society centennial observance, and
was made an annual contest in 1942.
The contest is open only to Latter-
day Saint women who have had at
least one literary composition pub-
lished or accepted for publication in
a periodical of recognized merit.
The three prize-winning stories
will be published consecutively in
the first three issues of The Relief
Society Magazine for i960. Forty-
nine stories were entered in the con-
test for 1959.
The contest was initiated to en-
courage Latter-day Saint women to
express themselves in the field of
fiction. The General Board feels
that the response to this oppor-
tunity continues to increase the lit-
erary quality of The Relief Society
Magazine, and will aid the women of
the Church in the development of
their gifts in creative writing. Wom-
en who are interested in entering
the short story contest are reminded
that for several years past, and con-
tinuing to May 1958, a helpful
article on story writing has been
published in the May or June issues
of the Magazine.
Prize-winning stories are the prop-
erty of the Relief Society General
Board, and may not be used for pub-
lication by others except upon writ-
ten permission from the General
Board. The General Board also re-
serves the right to publish any of
the stories submitted, paying for
them at the time of publication at
the regular Magazine rate.
A writer who has received the first
prize for two consecutive years must
wait for two years before she is again
eligible to enter the contest.
The General Board congratulates
the prize-winning contestants, and
expresses appreciation to all those
who submitted stories. Sincere
gratitude is extended to the judges
for their discernment and skill in
selecting the prize-winning stories.
The General Board also acknowl-
edges, with appreciation, the work
of the short story committee in
supervising the contest.
Page 17
QJtrst [Prize- winning Story
xsinnual IKeltef Society Snort Store/ Contest
First Prize Story
Summer's Grace
Deone R. Sutherland
see Mama moving back and forth
in the kitchen.
Marjorie came out the back door
wiping her forehead. "She's baking
a cake!"
"A wiggily cake/' we breathed.
But Marjorie had gone to sit in
the apple cellar. It was cool there,
but Almy didn't like the spiders.
Besides, Marjorie had a book, and if
we fooled with the cider press or
made a noise, it meant trouble. We
crouched in the shade of the house.
A wiggily cake rose four glorious
lavers high with sweet cream cus-
tard nestled between the white lay-
ers. I looked on Almy tenderly.
Her round brown cheeks and rosy
mouth looked happy as she patted
her own dirt cake together and
frosted it with white dust.
"Maud!" Mama's voice brought
Almy and me racing to the back
porch. In the kitchen the wiggily
cake rose grandly above the cake
plate with the silver leaves edging
the frosting. Mama was busily tear-
ing off wax paper and adjusting
"Can I trust you to carry this
ever so gently down to Mrs. Fan-
shawe's? She's sick today, and with
nine children."
Reluctantly we said goodbye to
the wiggily cake. Almy's lip turned
out. Her dark brows drew down
IT was one of those days when
the hot noon sunlight overflowed
and shimmered before our feet.
Even with the hose running all day,
the daisies wilted and the grass
browned. The green vines reddened
on the trellises before their time,
and we sat in the windless air of
our tired apple tree and dreamed of
sudden frosts and faraway Alps
where snow glimmers above cooling
clouds. Almy and I lifted our noses
to the air. We slid down the tree
with me first to guide Almy's feet.
Through the screen door we could
Page 18
threateningly, but Mama never away to dispose of stray animals
noticed. She was busy changing than the canal dividing our prop-
into a fresh apron and tidying the erty.
soft hair that clung to her cheeks. "How is your wonderful Moth-
Mama's kiss was swift and sweet on er?" Mr. Clough's horse pranced
my cheek. She lifted Almy for a in the road. We told him proudly
kiss and a hug, though Almy how well Mother was. "She is a
weighed a ton. fine woman." Mr. Clough leaned
"Keep an eye on Almy," Mama over and looked at us sternly,
cautioned me confidently. We felt a thrill of pride for
I nodded reassuringly. When you Mother, and a twinge of conscience
were with Mama, you never minded for our own shortcomings. We
giving away all the cakes in the would never grow up to feed every
world. It was only afterwards, gypsy who came begging, or take
while you were walking down the in every Indian who knocked at the
dusty road and the cake smelled door, as Papa says Mama does. We
and smelled in your hands that turned in our yard, looking furtively
you minded. Almy begged for over the hedge at the lawn. No,
finger-licks at the edge. It was Mama's dark patchwork quilt was
hard to give her some and not dis- not stretched across the grass with
turb the silver leaves. a rumpled tramp resting in the
"They'll not notice," I soothed shade while Mama's green pitcher
my conscience, though Almy's hands of ice water tipped in his hand,
showed traces of her own cake mak-
ing. YA/"^ circled the back yard. There
We minded most of all going was no wild hammering from
up the dusty lane with the barefoot the shed while Mama knocked
Fanshawe kids crowding in upon something together for one of
us, hungry eyes fastened on the God's poor wild things to rest in
towering cake. We had hungry while it recovered from some ca-
eyes, too, I wanted to shout to them, lamity that would have killed it for
Mary took the cake at the door, sure, if Mama hadn't stepped in.
"Mama's sick," she said shyly. We opened the back door, and
"Yes, we know." there eating bread and milk at the
"We'll bring back the plate," table and staring wildly at us with
they shouted after us. It was a red-rimmed eves sat a girl we'd
refrain we'd heard too many times, never seen before. She clutched a
Our dog Jake came running gray shawl at her throat while the
crookedly to meet us. "Go away," perspiration ran in rivulets into her
I grumbled at his wild wagging. He eyes.
was really one of Mr. Johnson's "She doesn't speak a word of
pups that he'd tried to drown, but English, poor girl. Her cough is
Mama had caught him at it. Final- terrible, but we'll fix that. . . ."
ly, Papa had held a private talk Mama was brewing herbs on the
with Mr. Johnson. After all, back of the stove. "Don't stare,
Mama could take in only so many children; we'll have to fix the bed
dogs and cats and all. Mr. Johnson on the back porch." She looked
agreed to go some place farther pleadingly at us, for it was the only
cool place to sleep in the summer.
Marjoric helped Mama change
the bed. Almv and I went back to
look at the girl.
Papa stood in the doorway.
"What's this, Edith? What's this?"
He swung Almy to his shoulder,
and I snuggled inside his arm.
"I can't get her to let go of the
shawl, John. No matter what I do,
she hangs on so to it. It's so hot.
You do something, can you, dear?"
Papa put Almy down, and I lost
my nest under his arm. He made
a sweeping bow and held out his
hand for the shawl. The girl's
large blue eyes brightened, and she
giggled, "Ja," and handed her shawl
to Papa, who hung it gingerly on
the hooks by the back door.
"Wonderful," Mama said de-
lightedly, while Papa wiped the
dampness from her forehead and
kissed both her eyes.
"Where did she come from,
Edith?" Papa washed industriously
in the basin.
"I thought I heard a knock, but
no one was there. I felt something
was wrong. Poor thing, she was
going back through the field to the
railroad track. . . ." Mama lifted
the yellow corn from the steaming
kettle. "What if I had not found
her. . . ? Not a word of Eng-
lish "
Papa sat clown to the table, and
we bowed our heads. "Where is
this German girl on her way to,
Mother unrolled a crumpled en-
velope and paper from her pocket
and handed it to Papa. "Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Hergesheimer. . . ."
Papa laid down his work carefully.
"Why, they sold out and moved
away more than four months ago."
Mama nodded gently. "No won-
der she's terrified. We'll have to
trace them somehow for her."
Papa leaned his head against his
hand. "Couldn't someone else
have found her, Edith?"
Mama lifted her head. "She is
our neighbor, John. We must help
Papa groaned, "Sometimes I wish
I were your neighbor!"
A/TAMA'S eyes widened and filled
with tears which she quickly
blinked away. Papa went around
the table and put his arm around
Mama, but she said everything was
all right and began to clear the
table. It wasn't until we were eat-
ing Mama's bottled peaches for des-
sert that I remembered the four-
layer wiggily cake.
"Wie heissen Sie?" Papa inter-
rupted my thoughts.
Anna barely had time to tell us
her name before she doubled up in
a spasm of coughing.
"Marjorie and I can get her to
bed," Mama said quietlv. "You
must get Dr. Williams, John. This
is no common cough."
Dr. Williams responded to calls
at our house with alacrity. Mama's
hospitality included his favorite —
homemade ice cream. But there
was no dasher for us to lick on this
visit. We crowded at the door
while Dr. Williams peered into
Anna's throat. "The membrane is
there, all right." He washed his
hands carefully in the basin while
Mama got Anna back to bed.
"I'll ride back into town for anti-
toxin for all of you." Dr. Williams
pulled down his vest and struggled
with his coat. He avoided Papa's
eyes and turned to pick up his black
"Antitoxin?" Mama said in the
"That German girl you've be-
friended. . . ." I'd never heard Dr.
Williams speak so gruffly. Not
even once when Almv swallowed a
bottle of pills in his office, and he
put his finger down her throat to
bring them back. She'd hung on
with her teeth worse than Jake with
Mama's slipper. Dr. Williams
cleared his throat again, ''She's got
diphtheria, Edith."
Quarantine became stifling. Ma-
ma slipped in and out of Anna's
room, but that part of the house
was forbidden to the rest of us.
Sometimes we sneaked into the
parlor and pulled back the lace cur-
tain and examined the back of the
cardboard sign that kept everyone
away. It seemed even the road at
the end of the lane was avoided,
and after the glory palled, we spent
hours pitying ourselves as outcasts.
Having our shoulders stuck with
needles was of little moment if you
couldn't describe the ordeal to any-
"I want Mama," Almy began to
cry on the lawn. Marjorie hushed
her, and Almy rubbed her eyes and
dozed off with her hand under her
"She must be hot. See how red
her face is," I said to Marjorie.
Marjorie laid her hand against
Almy's round forehead where her
brown hair had dampened into fun-
ny points. Almy grumbled and
moaned in her sleep and pulled a
fat knee toward her chest. "You
better get Mama, Maudie."
I jumped up the steps two at a
time and ran into the kitchen. The
whole house smelled like sickness.
Mama was standing by the cup-
board, and she looked at me with
a smile. "The worst is over, Maud.
Run and tell Papa. Anna just ate
a whole bowl of soup."
"Mama. . . ." Her face was so
tired and happy all together.
"Mama, Marjorie wants you to
come feel Almy. She's so hot, and
all she wants to do is lie down."
I couldn't stand to look at Mama,
the happiness died out so quickly.
It was like flying, she went so fast
to Almy. I was sent for Papa in
the pasture. Papa ran all the way
back with me behind. I could hear
the breath in his throat like an
accompaniment to the swoosh-thud
of his high heavy shoes.
nnHREE nights in a row Dr. Wil-
liams came out in his brand
new Ford car. Once I caught a
glimpse of Almy held high on a
pillow, her face dark from cough-
ing. We lay under the sheets
listening. Sometimes Mama lay
down beside Almy, and Papa would
watch. But the coughing would
get bad, and then they both would
get up.
"Edith, Edith," Dr. Williams
would say gruffly. "You have to
get some rest, or you'll die your-
"I won't give her up," Mama
Anna wore Mama's wrapper and
worked in our kitchen. She made
bread and fried strips of ham for
breakfast. It was Anna who noticed
the first flag at the end of the lane.
It was a stick with a white rag tied
to it. Marjorie and I brought back
the basket beside it. That night we
ate Mrs. Snell's best poundcake.
Mama didn't want any dinner, but
she took in the new rag doll to
Almy. Almy smiled and went to
sleep with it under her cheek. She
slept with that doll until she was
better, and Papa had to burn every-
But it was that night when Mama
hadn't felt like eating that she took
sick with diphtheria. Anna helped,
but Papa was like a scarecrow. His
beard grew until it scared Almy and
made her cry. Then he scraped it
off with his ears cocked always to-
ward Mama's room.
The flag was there the next day
and the next. One day we found a
bundle of clean dish towels nicely
embroidered, wrapped in brown
paper; another, there were cookies
in a shoe box and a bundle of clean
rags. A little salt bag filled with
dried apricots appeared, and often
there were homemade loaves of
bread and rolls. Once we found a
new dressed chicken wrapped in
many folds of newspaper. We car-
ried it all home to Anna who
accepted it and served it.
Papa took in some of the gifts to
Mama. A newly made apron, a
fresh blue nightgown. But Mama
would turn her head awav and the
tears would come. "I've brought
this on us all, John. . . . It's my
foolish doing. . . ."
Papa would close the door, but
his voice carried through the tran-
som above. "Nonsense. You were
doing your Christian duty. Edith,
Edith!" She had begun to choke.
"My love, Edith. Heaven help us!
My Edith!" We shut our doors
and cried into the pillows.
Almy was well enough to be car-
ried to the kitchen by Anna. Pier
brown cheeks seemed pale, and she
scolded us when we didn't get
things for her promptly. "She won't
be so cross when she gets her full
strength back," Papa promised us,
so we spoiled her and fetched her
things and listened for Mama.
HPHE summer was almost over
before they took down the
sign. Dr. Williams sat by Mama on
the back porch and took her pulse.
Papa had missed much time in the
fields, but the neighbors had hauled
in the hay and harvested the wheat.
"You've got to get interested in
things again, Edith. Accept the
miracle of Almy and you being alive,
not to exclude Anna, also."
The tears began to run down
Mama's cheeks. She pulled her
blanket about her knees. I broke
off a hollyhock by the back step and
fastened the skirt on a stick doll
for Almv.
"Crying's natural, Edith. You're
still mighty weak. But the sooner
you can accept what's in the past
and begin living in the future, then
the strength will come back."
Anna brought Mama her warm
milk. And Mama shook her head,
crying silently all the while. Anna
got a spoon and fed the milk to
The wind was cold, and there was
a spattering of orange leaves already
on the lawn. In the dark I put my
arms around Papa and held him
when he came to kiss us good night.
"When will things be the same as
before, Papa?" I whispered to the
For a long time there was no
sound in the room. Then Papa
stirred on the edge of the bed. "I
don't know, Maudie. Your Mama
did a Christian deed, to her think-
ing, and the punishment exceeded
all that a devil might imagine. She's
lost touch with the rhythm of liv-
ing, and we have to give her time,
I guess. . . " He sighed and fell We told her about Ludwig and
silent. I fell asleep before he left all the blood. She wrapped her
the room. shawl around her shoulders and
Anna never did go to work for followed us to the lawn. Ludwig
Herman Hergesheimer. "Nein, looked very bloody and pitiful.
nein" she said vigorously. "Ich will "Give me the towel, Maud." Mama
bei ihr bleiben.'" She would not put the cold towel on his forehead
leave Mama. Besides, there was and sent us to chip a piece of ice
Ludwig, Papa's hired man who was from the icebox,
going to buy a small farm of his When we came back, Mama was
own. His cap was set for Anna, scolding Ludwig. "So much blood,
and if the time ever came when Ludwig. What is the cause of all
Mama didn't need her, she thought this?"
she would make do with Ludwig. "It's bleeding from the heart
But until that time came, he need maybe," said Ludwig. Mama gave
not bother her. him a sharp glance, and sent us
in for more cloths though anyone
A NNA made us aprons for school, could see the nosebleed was prac-
Autumn was really here, then, tically over,
and but one last day remained be- When we came back, Mama and
fore the long wagon rides to school Ludwig were talking about Anna,
began. We walked around the Mama kept saying, "But nobody
yard feeling lonesome. Ludwig told me a thing, not a thing." She
walked up to the back lawn and invited Ludwig to dinner. "We'll
stretched out. We peered into his have it late so you'll have plenty of
face. time to go home and dress up."
"Dosebleed. . . ." he said, wiping Ludwig smiled and smiled,
at his face. "I'll make a wiggily cake for din-
We ran into the house and wet ner," Mama said as much to her-
one of Mama's best dish towels, self as to us. "You girls can do the
"Anna!" we shrieked. Mama lay fetching, and I'll do the stirring.
on the couch in the kitchen that That is," now she really looked at
Papa had fixed for her. "Anna's us, "if I haven't forgotten how."
gone into town for more goods for We smiled and smiled at her, just
Marjorie's dress. What is it?" like Ludwig.
■ ♦ «
Deone R. Sutherland, Idaho Falls, Idaho, has had the privilege of growing up in a
home where emphasis was placed upon good literature and good education. "I was
born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and my parents are Linnie Fisher Robinson, a lovely
poet, and George Cecil Robinson. I graduated from the University of Utah and taught
English a year in high school and two years in the department of English at the
University of Utah. My first story sales occurred in my early teens to the Improvement
Era, and Professor Ouivey's page in The Salt Lake Tribune, where I won a monthly
prize. I won first prize in the Relief Society Short Story Contest in 1957. Some of
my serials in the Magazine have included 'Dear Conquest,' 'Green Willows,' 'Heart's
Bounty,' and 'Not to the Swift.' Besides Salt Lake, we have lived in Evanston, Illinois,
and in San Francisco and Oakland, California, where I have been active in theater
work and in Church activities. I am stake Relief Society literature class leader in the
East Idaho Falls Stake at the present time. My husband is Dr. Harold Pratt Sutherland,
in private practice in Idaho Falls. We have had four children, three of whom are
cJhe / tort hern States fill
Preston R. Nibley
Assistant Church Historian
'TMIE Northern States Mission was organized in 1889. It contained
within its boundaries the states of Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota,
and Wisconsin. The headquarters of the mission was established in
Council Bluffs, Iowa, with John E. Booth as president. President Booth
was succeeded in 1890 by Charles W. Stayner. President Stayner served
until 1895, when he was succeeded by Joshua Reuben Clark (father of
President J. Reuben Clark, Jr.). President Clark was succeeded in 1896
by Samuel G. Spencer. President Spencer was succeeded in December
1896 by Louis A. Kelsch. Under the direction of President Kelsch, the
headquarters of the mission was moved to Chicago in January 1897.
In 190c the Manitoba Province of Canada was added to the Northern
States Mission. Prior to this time, the State of Indiana had also been
added, and, in 1925, Ohio became a part of the mission territory.
President Kelsch served until 1901. Others who have succeeded him
are: Walter C. Lyman, 1901-2; Asahel PI. Woodruff, 1902-4; German E.
Ellsworth, 1904-19; Winslow Farr Smith, 1919-23; John H. Taylor, 1923-
29; Noah S. Pond, 1929-31. In 1930 there were 7,099 members in the
Northern States Mission.
President Pond presided until 1931, when he was succeeded by George
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From the Iowa Side of the Mississippi River
Page 24
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Ewing Galloway, New York
S. Romney. President Romney presided until December 1935, when he
died suddenly of a heart attack at Rockford, Illinois, after a very successful
mission. Presidents who have succeeded President Romney, until the
present time are: Bryant S. Hinckley, 1935-39; Leo J- Muir, 1939-43; David
I. Stoddard, 1943-46; Creed Haymond, 1946-49; Waldo M. Anderson,
1949-53; Isaac A. Smoot, 1953-57. President Smoot died in the mission
home in Chicago of a heart attack, after a successful mission, on March 12,
1957. His successor was Richard C. Stratford, who presides at the present
Chicago Stake was formed in the Northern States Mission in No-
vember 1936; Detroit Stake was organized in November 1952.
The Great Lakes Mission was formed from the Northern States Mis-
sion in October 1949; it includes the states of Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio.
On October 1, 1959, the membership of the Northern States Mission was
9,852; these members were located in fifty-nine branches.
Fifty-nine Relief Society organizations, with 1145 members, were
reported in December 1958. Vera C. Stratford presides over the Northern
States Mission Relief Society.
Note: The cover for this Magazine, Buckingham Fountain, Chicago, Illinois, is a
striking night photograph by Rupert Leach, from Free Lance Photographers Guild, Inc.
See also "Recipes From the Northern States Mission," by Vera C. Stratford, page 34.
o^txtyi LJears J/Lgo
Excerpts From the Woman's Exponent, January 1, and January 15, 1900
"For the Rights of the Women of Zion and the Rights of the Women
of All Nations"
versary of the death of George Washington, which occurred December 14, 1799, was
appropriately remembered . . . throughout the land. At Mount Vernon the scene was
impressive. . . . President McKinley, accompanied by members of his Cabinet, attended
the exercises and delivered an address. The procession that moved up the slope to the
mansion consisted of the Third United States Cavalry band . . . the Grand Lodge of
Virginia . . . and of the District of Columbia. . . . President McKinley reviewed the pro-
cession with uncovered head, and, as the last of it passed the mansion, the presidential
party fell in line at the rear and marched to the tomb where Washington was first
interred. . . . When the President finished his address twenty-one guns were fired by
the United States steamship Sylph. While the guns from the war vessel were boom-
ing, the entire assembly sang "America."
— Editorial
MISS ANTHONY'S LETTER: In this, my eightieth year, I am filled with a
great desire to urge all believers in the political enfranchisement of women to manifest
that belief in some material way. Will you not, as a New Year's pledge, promise to
aid the Suffrage Association in some direct manner? No woman is so situated that
she cannot do something. . . . The command to labor for the elevation of human kind
is not upon a chosen few only, but upon every intelligent being. . . .
— Susan B. Anthony
On the dusky edge of evening, stretched in shining peace it lies,
City built of clouds and sunshine — wonder of the Western skies. . . .
Darkness gathers, Eastward, Westward; stronger waxeth my desire,
Reaching through celestial spaces, glittering as with rain of fire.
To the city set with jasper, having twelve foundations fair,
Flashing from their jeweled splendor every color soft and rare. . . .
— Selected
man, of Phoenix, Ariz., inherited five copper claims three years ago, and has been work-
ing ever since in California and Arizona to earn the money required to hold them until
they could be developed and sold. She has always been obliged to earn her own
bread, but with the sight of a fortune before her she worked harder than ever. She
persevered, and lately sold one claim for $45,000.
— News Note
A NEW DEPARTURE: Mrs. Admiral Dewey startled Washington society by
announcing that women as well as men would be welcome at her New Year's reception.
This is the revival of a custom that was abolished in Cleveland's administration.
■ — News Note
Page 26
Woman's Sphere
Ramona W. Cannon
New York has been reap-
pointed as an alternate representa-
tive to the United States delegation
to the General Assembly of the
United Nations. She is the only
woman on the U. S. delegation.
and Monica Sinclair, contralto,
are English women who have
achieved distinction for their sing-
ing in Handel's Messiah, under the
direction of world-famous Sir
Thomas Beecham. They are both
graduates of the Royal Academy of
Music, and have sung at Covent
Garden, Sadler's Wells, the Royal
Opera House, and in many other
opera houses in the British Isles and
banks, Alaska, mother of two
children, who assists her husband
Joseph Fejes in running a hobby
and art supply shop, is a well-known
artist of the Northland whose paint-
ings have won acclaim in many
parts of the United States and are
now on display at the Women's
City Club in New York City. Her
water colors, oils, and sketches por-
tray the majestic scenery and the
Eskimo tribes in the regions of
Kotzebue and Point Hope.
T EONIE B. ADAMS, one of
America's most honored poets,
in November 1959, received the
$5,000 fellowship award presented
by the American Academy of Poets
for "distinguished poetic achieve-
ment." Author of several books of
poetry, she has also won the Bol-
lingen Poetry Award, the Harriett
Monroe Award, and the Shelley
Memorial Award.
TV/f ANY American women are tak-
ing advantage of the scholar-
ships available for study abroad.
Seventy-five thousand scholarships
are offered to men and women for
study in eighty-five countries and
of the United States, is a scien-
tific explorer in the jungles of South
America. She has made nine trips
into remote regions searching for
medicinal plants which may be of
great value in the treatment of
disease. At present she is working
for the Charles Pfizer Pharmaceuti-
cal Company, Inc. Her education
was received at Ohio State Medical
School and Harvard University. She
is the founder of the Ecuadoran
Institute of Geography and Ethnog-
raphy, and is a Fellow of the Lon-
don Geographical Society.
Page 27
VOL 47
NO. 1
cJhe LOatjs of a vi/ o man s JLtfe
The day is thine, the night also is thine: thou hast prepared the light and the
sun. Thou hast set all the borders of the earth: thou hast made summer and winter
(Psalm 74:16-17) .
A GAIN, with the coming of the
New Year, we find ourselves
contemplating and evaluating that
period of time which is past, our
present place in the life plan, and
the days which are to come. For
each day is like a jewel in its setting
of eternity — and it has meaning
far beyond the borders of its begin-
ning and its end. Each day is set
in its intricate design of former days
and future time, and never can one
day be reckoned as an island in the
sea of continuity.
One of the greatest blessings of
the gospel is the assurance it gives
of our place in the everlasting se-
quence of our far-reaching privileges
and responsibilities. With full
hearts, we rejoice in the New Year,
believing, "Lord, thou hast been our
dwelling place in all the genera-
tions" (Psalm 90:1).
In this setting, we think of the
days of a woman's life upon the
earth — and afterwards — the roles
in which she participates, her inter-
ests and her development in each
succeeding phase of the periods of
time which are given to her.
First, she is a daughter in her
mother's home; then, if she is
blessed with a companion, she be-
comes a wife, a daughter-in-law, a
mother; finally, she will be a moth-
er-in-law, and a grandmother.
Through this cycle of days she will
Page 28
also be a participant in the work of
the Church and in community
activities. And through all of these
experiences, a woman learns about
life from the vantage point of each
of her "seven ages." In the course
of this development, she acquires a
measure of wisdom, sympathy,
serenity, and a realization of her
destiny in the Heavenly Father's
eternal plan. Each age yields to
her experiences which gleam in
splendor above all trials and disap-
pointments, for it has been said of
earth and earth life "The stones of
it are the place of sapphires: and it
hath dust of gold" (Job 28:6).
The girl in her mother's home
receives training and impressions
that will determine the course of
her life. She will alwavs remember
the shelter of the home walls, the
lighted windows, her mother's face,
the tireless hands sewing a dress for
a girl child, the table set for the
evening meal, the prayers that
united the family in love and re-
sponsibility. And though partings
inevitably came and illness, and,
perhaps, hard times assailed the
home, still there came to the daugh-
ter a strength of courage and a
feeling of lifetime security that
would companion her forever.
The young wife in her new home
might perhaps say to herself, this
is a new unit in the kingdom of
earth, and in the kingdom of the
Heavenly Father. Here are two
people, strangers in many ways,
coming from different homes, to
merge together, each one bringing
the past to build into a new unit,
with the aura of youth and strength
— so the young wife builds.
The wife and her mother-in-law,
whatever may be the differences in
personality, have much to bring
them close together. They have a
shared devotion to the son who is
now a husband, and together they
will love the grandchildren, enlarg-
ing the unit of the family with a
new perspective and new compan-
To the young wife, the coming
of a child seems to be a miracle.
And so it is, for the Heavenly
Father has given a spirit to taber-
nacle upon the earth, and the child,
in his innocence, seems to be re-
membering his former home, even
as he explores the wonders of earth.
The mother, then, sees places and
people through young eyes, as if a
new portrait were being designed
upon a white canvas, all impressions
webbed in wonder and beauty. The
mother feels herself a part of all
creation — a kinship with sunlight
and flowers, and far habitations,
having a wide love for children
everywhere and a yearning to in-
crease the welfare and opportunities
of all children.
When a daughter or son marries,
a woman again meets a stranger,
certainly a stranger at first, and the
circle of the family is at the same
time diminished and enlarged.
New adjustments come for older
mothers, and there is a desire for
greater understanding and for op-
portunities that will give wisdom
and happiness in the circle of the
growing family.
One woman said, as her grand-
children grew like flowers around
her, "Now I am living in the peren-
nial garden, and I have learned to
receive with greater rejoicing the
association with children, who are
really the buds and blossoms of the
world. " This heightened sensitiv-
ity to companionship with young
spirits seems to be one of the great-
est blessings realized by grandmoth-
ers, as they see the cycle of life
thus made strong and everlasting.
Grandchildren bring gifts from the
faraway country of childhood.
Thus are the ages of a woman
combined into a cycle of increasing
wisdom, expanding sympathies, and
a widened appreciation of the gift
of life and time — the gift of years,
and always the New Year, and the
eternal horizon.
-V. P. C.
Roxana Farnsworth Hase
Have vou grown lesser since your hair is gray
And strength somewhat diminished in your arms?
Is that fine mind I always so admired
Less keenly tuned with passing of youth's charms?
Am I to think that years have warped your vision
Because you slow a little in your stride?
Ah, no! You are the ripened fruits of wisdom,
I am the seeker, ever at your side.
IKelief (society uxssigned (overling II ieeting of
C/ast cJundau in II Larch
HE Sunday night meeting to be held on Fast Day, March 6, i960, has
again been assigned by the First Presidency for use by the Relief
Society. A suggestive program for this meeting has been sent to the stakes
in pamphlet form. It is suggested that ward Relief Society presidents
confer with their bishops immediately to arrange for this meeting. It is
suggested that the ward Relief Society chorister and organist confer with
the ward president and carefully select from the ward music library the
songs for this occasion which seem to be the most appropriate and the
most inspirational.
islwara Subscriptions LP resented in J/tpril
^HE award subscriptions presented to Magazine representatives for hav-
ing obtained 75 per cent or more subscriptions to the Magazine in re-
lation to their enrolled Relief Society members, are not awarded until
after the stake Magazine representatives' annual reports have been audited.
Award cards for these subscriptions for the year 1959 will be mailed to
ward and stake Magazine representatives about April 1, i960.
lo o una Volume of ig5g 1 1 tagazines
~T) ELIEF Society officers and members who wish to have their 1959 issues
of The Relief Society Magazine bound may do so through The
Deseret News Press, 31 Richards Street, Salt Lake City 1, Utah. (See
advertisement on inside back cover.) The cost for binding the twelve issues
in a permanent cloth binding is $2.50, leather $3.80, including the index. A
limited number of the 1959 Magazines are available at the offices of the
General Board of Relief Society, 76 North Main Street, Salt Lake City 11,
Utah, for $2 for twelve issues. It is recommended that wards and stakes
have one volume of the 1959 Magazines bound for preservation in ward
and stake Relief Society libraries.
Page 30
©A Say; What @s of ruth?
Y/lfHAT a wonderful world this would be if everybody believed and
practiced the teachings of the Savior:
Ye shall know the truth,
and *lhe truth shall make; you free.
Lucky for you who ...Jive in a land built on a belief in truth and
justice. Not all people arg so fortunate.
As children we are naturally honest. And we would likely so remain
but for the bad examples, group pressures, or lack of effective moral
teaching in our lives.
Page 31
Should untruthfulness creep into our lives it is likely to come first
in faint disguise: in exaggeration; in concealment of some pertinent facts
when people have a right to believe that what we say is the whole truth
and nothing but the truth; in pretending that we agree with someone
else's statement when he expresses an idea or an opinion which is con-
trary to our own; in refraining from speaking up in defense of a person or
a cause when we know we ought to do so; in making promises which we
do not intend to keep.
Only after we have grown callous to some of these milder forms of
indirect deceit are we likely to tell deliberate falsehoods. Most people
are innocent of intentional and outright deception.
Young men and young women: how valiant are you to defend the
truth? Do you stand up to the careless opinions and irresponsible claims
which are so often expressed when young people engage in casual talk?
How careful are you in expressing your own opinions and in sticking
to facts in your own speech?
If all people were strictly truthful and honest, righteousness would
soon cover the earth — and heaven would not be far beyond!
So, believe the truth, tell the truth, love the truth, live the truth.
Vi/hat \4-ifts Sd {Jo ring
Ida Elaine James
I forgot that you are thirty-two,
Habit being a stubborn thing to break,
And so, as always, I bring home to you
Some trifle from the party ... a mint, or cake.
In long-gone days if I failed to secrete
A treasure in my purse, I would not dare
To meet your eager, outstretched hand, my sweet.
Stronger than age is strong, this will to share!
Forgive old age's tender foolishness
For harboring bits I've learned along life's way,
Expectant always of your welcoming yes,
Your heart enfolding the gifts I bring today.
But now, life's gems — my best — I am not sure
How you will take; still, hearts are hard to cure.
[Prevent Crippling ^JJiseases
Basil O'Connor
President, The National Foundation
V/'OU and the March of Dimes — that's the combination that produced
the polio vaccine. That combination — you and the new March of
Dimes — can do it again. The new March of Dimes is tackling birth
defects, arthritis, and polio. Medical surveys show that one out of sixteen
American babies is born defective. You can do something to stop it.
Arthritis is America's No. 1 crippling disease — the enemy of millions,
both adults and children. Old and new epidemics of polio have left
50,000 in need of March of Dimes care.
The National Foundation, supported by the March of Dimes, leads
in medical research to prevent crippling disease, in medical care to prevent
disease crippling, and in professional education to train disease fighters.
National Foundation scholarships train hands and minds to prevent the
tragedy of crippling diseases.
An army of volunteers will conduct the new March of Dimes in
January i960. They know the anguish that birth defects bring families;
they know that arthritis and the rheumatic diseases strike millions, in-
cluding children. They know that in 1959 polio erupted in terrifying
epidemics and that polio still cripples. They also know that a nationally
co-ordinated research program, accompanied by patient aid and the train-
ing of more medical personnel, is the only hope of checking these three
cripplers, the only way of bringing hope to their victims. Help prevent
crippling diseases. Join the new March of Dimes.
0/ Lsould I lot C/*|/
Gladys Hesser Burnham
I could not cry the day you left me standing
Unprepared for this, our last farewell.
The world around was bursting forth with promise
That life was sweet and spring about to swell.
My only premonition of disaster
Was weeping sky that filled the tulip's brim.
I thought at once of sweet, thirst-quenching moisture
That hastens growing buds along each limb.
My mind was on this earthly resurrection
Of flowing sap and flowering gardens gay.
I could not sense the fact that you were leaving;
Yet weeping skies are blue beyond the gray.
Page 33
IKectpes Qjrom the I Lor them States IlLtssiori
Submitted by Vera C. Stratford
Pride of Iowa Cookies
i c. shortening
1 c. brown sugar
1 c. white sugar
2 eggs
i tsp. vanilla
2 c. flour
Vz tsp. soda
!/4 tsp. salt
Vz c. coconut, shredded
2 c. rolled oats
i c. corn flakes
Vz c. nut meats
Cream shortening and sugar together until light. Add eggs and beat until light
and creamy. Add vanilla; sift flour, soda, and salt together and mix in. Add coconut,
oats, corn flakes, and nuts. Drop on greased cookie sheet and bake at 3500 until
lightly browned.
Poppy-Seed Cake
% c. poppy seeds
3A c. milk
1 Vz c. sugar
Vz c. butter
2 c. flour
2 tsp. baking powder
Vz c. milk
1 tsp. vanilla
3 egg whites
Soak poppy seeds in the % cup milk overnight. Mix butter and sugar. Sift dry
ingredients and add alternately to butter mixture with the Vz cup milk. Add vanilla
and soaked poppy seeds. Fold in stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Bake twenty-five
minutes at 3500. Spread a custard filling, recipe below, between layers and ice with pink
seven-minute frosting.
Custard for Poppy-Seed Cake:
Vz c. sugar (brown or white)
1 c. milk
3 egg yolks
2 tbsp. flour, or more to make desired
1 c. nut meats, chopped
Mix and cook in a double boiler, all ingredients, except nuts, until thick; cool, add
nuts, and spread between layers of cake.
Peppered Beef
1 tbsp. fat
1 lb. roundsteak
1 c. hot water
2 tbsp. cornstarch
Vz tsp. salt
1 crushed garlic clove
% c. celery, chopped
1 bouillon cube
4 tsp. soy sauce
1 chopped onion
4 green peppers
Vz c. cold water
Cut meat in narrow inch-long strips and brown in fat. Add salt, pepper, garlic,
©nion, sliced peppers, and chopped celery. Dissolve bouillon cube in hot water and
add to mixture. Cook until tender. Mix cornstarch, soy sauce, and cold water and
add to meat mixture. Cook about two additional minutes. Serve with rice or
boiled noodles.
Page 34
Southern Illinois Baked Beans
i lb. dried Great Northern beans thirty slices bacon
1 medium-sized onion brown sugar
water, as needed salt and pepper
1 bottle tomato catsup
Boil beans in sufficient water to cover, salted to taste, until done, but not soft.
In a baking dish, place a layer of beans, salted and peppered to taste, then a layer of
thinly sliced onion. Sprinkle with brown sugar and dot with catsup. Cut bacon in
short lengths and place on top of onions. Make second and third layers of the same.
Cover with thin layer of brown sugar and remaining catsup and place long strips of
bacon on top. Bake in 3500 oven until bacon is browned. Cover, reduce heat to
very low, and bake two and one-half additional hours. Add a little water, as needed,
to make sure there is always enough moisture to bake without burning.
Sister Snelgrove's Pineapple Cheese Salad
1 pkg. lemon jello 1 small can crushed pineapple
1 pkg. lime jello Vi c. sugar
2 c. hot water 1 c. grated mild cheese
juice from one lemon 1 pt. whipping cream
Dissolve jello in hot water and add lemon juice. Cool. Combine pineapple and
sugar, then bring to a boil. Add to jello mixture when cool; add cheese. When almost
starting to jell, fold in whipped cream.
Wisconsin Blueberry Muffins
1% c. flour % c. milk
2 Vi tsp. baking powder 1 egg
% tsp. salt 3 tbsp. fat
lA c. sugar blueberries, as desired
Sift dry ingredients. Beat egg, add milk and fat. Add dry ingredients, stirring
lightly. Fold in washed blueberries (as many as desired). Bake in greased muffin pan
at 42 50 for 25 minutes.
Corn-Belt Cracker Jacks
1 lb. brown sugar lA tsp. salt
1 c. white syrup Vi tsp. soda
!4 lb. butter 8 qts. popped corn
Cook sugar and syrup until it almost burns (about 8 minutes), stirring constantly
from the time it starts to boil. Melt butter and add with the salt and soda. Stir and
pour over popped corn (more or less can be used depending on taste). Now pour
out on table and press down with hands or form into balls.
Elder Cook's Crystal French Dressing for Fruit Salad
!4 c. sugar !4 c. white vinegar
1 tsp. celery seed 1 c. salad oil
Vi tsp. salt 2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp. dry mustard
Combine sugar, celery seed, salt, mustard, and vinegar. Very slowly add the oil,
beating constantly. The dressing becomes very thick as the oil is added. Add minced
garlic clove. Chill well before serving.
1 1 lore [Precious cJhan [Riches
Betty Lou Martin
4 6 nri ED, come here quick. Look cry. "Oh, Cathy, you're supposed
I at the new living-room set to sleep right now so Mommy can
that the Andrews are get- get her washing done/' Carolyn
ting." Carolyn Hayes watched sighed. "I can see that this is going
curiously out the window. "Honest- to be one of those days."
ly, they're always getting something After several unsuccessful at-
new. Why only last month they tempts, Carolyn finally finished the
got a new car, and the month before washing, then she made the beds
that. . . ." and did the breakfast dishes. She
Ted Hayes put his arm affection- worked through the lunch hour,
ately around his wife. "Now, dear, and by the time the nine-year-old
we're not interested in what the An- twins came home from school,
drews get new. After all, they don't Carolyn was exhausted. "I really
have any children to buy for, and should iron a few of those pieces
we have three to take care of. They before I start dinner, but I'm just
can afford things like that." too tired."
Carolyn turned dark, intent eyes "Mother," Jimmy called from the
upon Ted. "Really, Ted, I don't living room. "Mrs. Andrews is here
mean to be envious, but I can't help to see you."
but admire the nice things that Oh, no, thought Carolyn, and I
Barbara and Chris Andrews have, look so untidy.
Why Barbara even has a dish- Barbara Andrews sat across from
washer." Carolyn and chatted to her about
"But just think, Mrs. Hayes, you their new living-room set, and the
have three dish wipers and one trip that she and Chris planned to
potential one. What more could take to New York. Carolyn listened
you ask for?" Ted teased in his with excitement. If only she and
good natured way. Ted could take a trip like that, but
Ted, with his clean-cut appear- they could never afford it. Besides,
ance, his blonde curly hair, and his they wouldn't have anyone with
appealing blue eyes, could always whom to leave the children,
make Carolyn smile. He had a way "Oh, Barbara, it all sounds so
about him that would make the wonderful. Why I've never hardly
world seem rosy and bright, even on been out of the State, let alone to
a rainy day. New York," Carolyn said.
"I'd like to see the time that you Barbara was her usual, well-
or the children finish the job of groomed self. "I am excited about
wiping the dishes for me." Carolyn it, Carolyn. Of course we always
laughed. "At least, I know that you take a vacation every summer. Why,
have good intentions." it just wouldn't seem right, if we
Carolyn finally got the twins, didn't."
Jimmy and Jenny, ready for school. Carolyn felt even more conspicu-
They had just walked out the door ous in her soiled blue cotton dress,
when the baby, Cathy, started to with her dark hair disheveled.
Page 36
Barbara was trim and neat in a fresh The night of the party finally ar-
cotton skirt and blouse, and her rived, and little Cathy was proud
blonde hair was beautifully combed, and happy. She laughed and talked
"Well, I really must be running, and tried to blow out the candles on
I'm meeting Chris for dinner in the cake which Carolyn had taken
town tonight, and then we're going so much time decorating.
to take in a show. Do come over Carolyn looked around at the
and see my new furniture, Carolyn." happy, laughing faces of her little
family, and she knew that every mo-
npHE thought of a show sounded ment of exhausting work was worth
relaxing to Carolyn, and when it. What would she ever do with-
Ted came home, she suggested that out them? They were more pre-
they go. cious than riches. Just then a knock
"It's fine with me, honey," Ted came to the door, and when Caro-
replied. "We can all go to a drive- lyn answered it, Barbara stood be-
in." fore her.
As it turned out, Carolyn wished Barbara looked around at the gaily
that they had stayed home. Cathy decorated table, at the cake with its
wouldn't go to sleep, and the twins two single candles and one to grow
kept bouncing around in the back on, and at the brightly wrapped
seat of the car. Every few minutes presents on the table. "Oh, I'm
they had to have some popcorn, and sorry, Carolyn, I didn't know that
then some candy, and then — "a you were having a party. It's just
drink of water, please, Daddy." that I. . . ." There were tears in her
Carolyn did take note of the beau- eyes as she spoke. "I get so lone-
tiful moon that night, and her some when Chris isn't there. Oh,
thoughts went back to the days Carolyn, you have so very much to
when she and Ted were courting, be thankful for."
The next thing she remembered the Carolyn thought with amazement,
show was over, and Ted was taking all this time I have been admiring
the speaker out of the car. her beautiful things, she has been
"Ted, I've been to sleep; why wanting what I have. She took
didn't you awaken me?" Carolyn Barbara by the arm and led her into
asked. the dining room.
"You were sleeping so peacefully "I'm so happy that you came,
that I just didn't have the heart." Barbara. You're just in time to
Ted winked at Carolyn. have some cake and ice cream with
The next day started out the same us. Little Cathy will be delighted,
way for Carolyn, and she didn't have too. She loves visitors."
a spare minute to visit with Bar- As Carolyn set a place for Barbara,
bara. Suddenly, it occurred to Caro- she turned toward Ted and gave
lyn that Cathy's second birthday him a radiant smile that said,
came the end of the week. "We'll "Thank you for all the happiness
have to have a little family party," that we have together."
she mused. When the twins came Ted, in turn, wondered what he
home from school, Carolyn told had done to deserve such a lovely,
them of her plans, and they eagerly glowing smile from his beautiful
helped her plan the occasion, wife.
Uxoseila Jenkins II Lakes limits and IKugs
ROSELLA Cora Brown Jenkins, Gooding, Idaho, makes quilts, rugs, and many doilies,
pot holders, dolls, and other items for home beautification and for gifts. She
has given several quilts to her children and has made one for each of her seven grand-
children for their weddings. She pieced a quilt top for the Relief Society. Her
beautiful and useful rugs have been items of much admiration at Relief Society bazaars.
She cultivates a large vegetable garden and a lovely flower garden, and both of these
provide gifts for family and friends.
Mrs. Jenkins has been a Relief Society visiting teacher for forty-six years and has
also served many years as an executive officer. She is mother to four children, grand-
mother to nineteen, and great-grandmother to seven.
Uxuth to iuoaz
Kathcrine F. Larsen
Never for pity have I come to you,
Though pity enough were perhaps my due.
Nor for your largess do I entreat —
Only that I might lie at your feet.
Never have I stretched hands to receive
Plums, grapes, and pomegranates — only believe
I proffer to you sheer grain that I
Have garnered under the unpitying sky.
Page 38
The New Day
Hazel K. Todd
Chapter 4
Synopsis: Lynn Marlow, a dress design-
er, who lives in Chicago and is engaged
to David Talbot, returns to Springdale,
her home town, to visit her Aunt Polly,
and to find out if she has really forgotten
her early love for Johnny Spencer. He
had married a Southern girl and she had
died, leaving two children. On her way
to her aunt's home, Lynn meets Johnny's
children, but she delays going to see
IT was quite natural that her feet
should turn to the willow path.
Long ago, when the path was
new, she had gone there to think.
If she had done something wrong
and Aunt Polly had reprimanded
her, if she had quarreled with
Johnny, or if anything had hap-
pened that wasn't right, she had
come here in the willows and found
her Balm of Gilead. Now she
walked in the ferns and willow
leaves until she came to the stump
lying like a hound dog by the path.
And she sat down on it and took
off her shoes and dipped her feet
into the cool water.
In the leaves near something
caught her eye. It was the pocket
knife, the open blade shining up
at her through the leaves. Her
heart began a peculiar thumping.
That knife belonged to Johnny's
boy. He had given it to her to
make the whistle that she had never
finished. She picked it up thought-
fully. Then, reaching up, she
snipped off the willow branch hang-
ing low over her head. The blade
slid quite easily through the tender
limb, and in a short time she was
pounding the bark from her
It was funny how she could re-
member just the right things to do
after so many years. Just how deep
to make the groove, just where to
cut the slit, and then the taste of
the sap as she wet the bare whistle
in her mouth to make the bark slide
on easily. She was eager as a child
as she put the whistle to her lips.
It had always been fun to try a
new whistle. There were so many
pitches. It blew a high shrill note
that made her start a little so that
she looked squarely into the pair of
eyes peeking furtively through the
willow clump. She knew those eyes,
too. She would never question
them again. They were Johnny's
eyes, in Johnny's son's face.
"LJE knew immediately that she
had seen him, but he stayed
defiantly in the willows. "I want
my knife," he said.
Lynn had regained her compos-
ure now. "Of course you may have
it," she said "but you must come
and get it."
He came a few steps out of the
willows, and Lynn looked behind
him, expecting to see the little girl.
"Where is your sister?"
"None of your business," he said,
without offering to come further.
She raised her eyebrows. "I'm
sorry. I didn't mean to make you
"What'd you run away for when
you promised to make us a whistle?"
Page 39
Oh, so that was it!
"I'm sorry/' she said again. "It
was very foolish of me to run away.
Would you believe me if I told you
I was afraid of something when I
ran away?"
"There's nothing in these willows
to get you/' he said. He was still
eyeing her up and down.
"Oh, I'm sure of that," Lynn said
very seriously. "But — well, if you
had something that made you very,
very unhappy and you lost it, and
then suddenly found it, do you
think you might run away before it
hurt you all over again?"
He puckered his forehead into a
scowl. "You don't talk plain," he
She laughed then. "I suppose I
don't." She looked down into her
hand at the whistle. "Did you hear
my whistle?"
"Sure, I heard it. I was standing
right there. I watched you make
"Oh, did you! I thought you
just came out of nowhere."
"That's silly. Nobody comes out
of nowhere."
She laughed again. "I guess they
He still stood in the same place.
"Would you like the whistle?"
He thought a minute. "I'll give
it to Lindy," he said and came for-
Lindyl Johnny had named his
little girl Lindy! Like a fast mov-
ing drama, there rushed before her
a night along the willow path, with
Johnny's arms around her. She
could see vividly the flower in his
buttonhole. She could even smell
the violets in her hair. And sharp
and clear a voice tender, sweet, "All
our little girls we will name Lindy."
She sat stupified while he took
the whistle she held in her hand.
"I want my knife, too," he said.
"Oh, of course. Excuse me."
She reached for the knife that was
lying on the stump beside her.
"Does Lindy like whistles?"
"Course she does."
Lynn was quite calm now. "I
suppose all boys and girls like
"Lindy is asleep," Peter volun-
teered now, as though to make up
for his rudeness awhile ago.
"Who . . . who stavs with her
when she's asleep?" Lynn was un-
consciously twisting the leaves from
a willow branch.
"Sometimes I do. Sometimes she
gets up and plays by herself."
A slight frown knit her forehead.
"How old is Lindy?" she asked.
"She's four, and she knows a
lot," he announced nonchalantly.
Lynn looked at the boy thought-
fully. He talked like a grown-up.
"How old are you, Peter?" she
"Nearly six. I'll soon be as big
as my dad," he said.
"Do you and Lindy live alone,
with your father?"
"Course we do," Peter answered,
"cause our mother died."
He looked at her then as though
there was a decision forming in his
mind. "You can see our house
from here," he said, pointing to it
across the meadow.
"Yes, I see," she said, following
his finger.
"Why don't you come and see
She caught her breath.
And then David's words— "Prom-
ise me you will see Johnny," he
had said. Lynn sighed. If she
must see Johnny, perhaps she must
also see his house. The house by
the mill — wan't that part of it,
"I — I think I would like to."
They stood looking at each other.
"Now?" she asked.
IT was some far-fetched dream —
walking down the path through
the clover meadow with a boy
whose eyes belonged to a lost love,
to a house that by rights was hers,
where a little girl who might have
been her baby lay asleep, whose
leading footsteps brought her nearer
and nearer to some knot of con-
fused circumstances she could not
face; and vet could not avoid. It
was all crazy — some silly hallucina-
tion from which she must presently
awaken. She didn't belong here
anyway. She belonged with David
on a warm green hillside. Her mind
rambled wildly, inventing and en-
tangling. The breeze was soft and
sweet with scented clover bloom,
or lilac or pussy willow or birds'
songs, or chirping crickets or — on
and on it went, manufacturing in-
coherent phrases of nonsense, like
a jumbled picture puzzle where you
searched endlessly without ever find-
ing a piece that would fit. And all
the times she had cried in the night,
all the walks in the willow path,
all the dress designs she had fash-
ioned, all the rides with David
through the forest preserves were
all mixed together.
'That's the monkey tree."
Lynn came back from her con-
fused mental soliloquy. Peter was
pointing to a gnarled old juniper
tree standing like a half -naked giant
with fingers and toes stretching in
all directions.
"Monkey tree?" she repeated,
hardly knowing what she said.
"Sure. My Dad calls it that be-
cause it would be such a good tree
for monkeys. I play I'm a monkey
when I climb it."
Lynn laughed then, a little.
"Does Lindy climb the tree, too?"
It was a silly thing to ask. But
everything was unreal anyway.
"Aw, gee, no. Girls can't climb
trees. Anyway, she's too little.
She'd fall and break something."
"Yes, of course," Lynn agreed.
"The turkey nest is over that way
on the other side of the strawber-
ries. I'll show it to you after we
see the house."
T YNN looked at the house then
that sat at the top of the slope
which ran down and lost itself in
the millpond. It was a small white
house with a sun porch and a path
that curled round the hill like an
invitation. There was a chimney,
too, a rock chimney with stones
laid just so in rows of red mortar.
The roof, cool and green, spread
wide eaves far enough to shade a
summer afternoon to tranquility.
And there was a window with a
pink ruffled curtain.
Lynn had an unquenchable de-
sire to see inside the house. She
wanted to know if there was a pink
cupboard with blue teacups and a
planter box where you could put
bright geraniums. She hurried her
footsteps toward the door, and
stopped as suddenly. What will I
do ii Johnny is there? Even if I
have promised that I must see him,
would he want to see me? And any-
way, this house belonged to a girl
with dark hair horn the South.
The door opened slowly, and she
looked down into the frightened
eyes of the little girl. The tot
started as if she might run and then
she caught sight of Peter behind
Lynn and ran crying to him and
hanging on to his shirt.
"Aw, shucks, Lindy, you don't
have to be afraid. I asked her to
come and see where we live."
The child turned her head side-
ways and peered at Lynn through
tear-filled eyes, and then she hid
her face in the plaid shirt.
'Took, Lindv," Peter said with
big brother superiority, "she made
you a whistle."
Lindv unburied her face. In a
second or two she reached her
chubby hand forward for the whis-
tle, which she held silently.
"Blow it, dear," Lynn said, smil-
Hesitantly Lindy put the whistle
to her lips, but she didn't blow it.
She just looked from Peter to Lynn
and back again.
"Aw, why don't you blow it?"
Peter said.
Then she blew, weakly at first
and then loudly.
"See, I told you it'd blow," Peter
Lynn looked from the little girl
into the room. And it was filled
with Johnny from the trophy on
the mantel that he had won when
he was captain of the basketball
team to his slippers sitting by the
fireplace. There was a planter box,
too. But it had no geraniums in it.
That would have to be from a
"I want a drink," Lindy said.
"I'm thoisty."
Lynn brought herself back to the
children. "I'll get you a drink."
In the kitchen she found the pink
cupboard and a row of blue plates
and a shelf of spices and a line of
blue teacups hanging on hooks. She
took one clown and filled it with
water from the sink.
"Llere, Lindy," she said.
Lindy took the cup and drank
heartily. "Fank you," she said, and
Lynn tried to swallow the lump in
her throat.
Impulsively she leaned down and
lifted the little girl in her arms.
"You are a darling," she said.
"I am a buttonhook."
"That's what Dad calls her,"
Peter explained.
Lynn laughed and hugged the
child. As she did so her eyes found
the rocking chair by the fireplace,
and a strange urge tugged at her.
This is unreal, she thought, as she
sat in the chair with the child in
her lap. But everything is unreal.
She began rocking back and forth
while the little girl cuddled in her
The chair was turned toward the
door, and she could see down the
path that wound away into the
junipers. And up the hill she could
see Aunt Polly's. Aunt Polly was
there making rhubarb pies. She
looked at the child lying quietly in
her arms. Then some faint sound
or intuition broke the spell and she
looked up.
Johnny was staring at her. John-
ny, with his wide gray eyes, one lock
of his dark hair falling over his fore-
head. Even in the first split second
she saw him, she knew the years
had hung a weariness about him.
He was standing there in the door,
and she thought she could never
forget his face.
(To be continued)
Hulda Parker, General Secretary-Treasurer
All material submitted for publication in this department should be sent through
stake and mission Relief Society presidents. See regulations governing the submittal of
material for "Notes From the Field" in the Magazine for January 1958, page 47, and
in the Handbook of Instructions of the Relief Society.
Photograph submitted by Daisy R. Romney
District officers, seated, left to right, beginning with the third sister: Mamie
Reading, social science class leader; Valoise Gundersen, First Counselor; Jean Goodellr
President; Winnie Wold, Second Counselor; Jean Norton, literature class leader.
The sisters in the picture represent the following branches of the Scottsbluff
District: Scottsbluff, Torrington, Lance Creek, Kimball, and Bridgeport.
Daisy R. Romney, President, Western States Mission Relief Society, reports:
"With the creation of the new Cheyenne Stake on July 1, 1959, ^our branch Relief
Societies from the Western States Mission were included in the transfer to the stake.
These branches include: Scottsbluff, Nebraska, with a membership of twenty-nine;.
Torrington, Wyoming, twenty-five; Lance Creek, Wyoming, seven; Greeley, Colorado,
twenty-nine. Due to the devoted and efficient carrying out of the Relief Society's
planned program, these branches were well qualified for their admittance to the stake
Relief Society."
Page 43-
Photograph submitted by Ida A. Gallagher
Front row, seated, left to right: Ruth Beckstead, organist; Clara Christian, choris-
ter; Ida A. Gallagher, President, Murray Stake Relief Society.
Second from the left on the second row, Rhea B. Nelson. First Counselor.
Sister Gallagher reports: "This group has a total membership of eighty sisters.
Thev also furnished music for the two-stake Relief Society Convention held August
12th at the Murray Stake center, and at the Visiting Teachers Convention in May;
also at both sessions of stake conference in August."
Photograph submitted by Elva Ravsten
CONVENTION, August 18-19, 1959
Left to right: Elda Stafford, First Counselor in mission Relief Society presidency,
and President of the North Alabama District; Elva Ravsten, President, Southern States
Mission Relief Society; Crystal Burnett; Chrissie Kirk, literature class leader; Bessie
Guinn, President, South Carolina District; Roberta Washburn, visiting teacher mes-
sage leader; Violet Pattley, President, Miami District; Neva Sweat, social science class
leader; Maggie Lee Smoke, theology class leader; Alice Smith, President, West Florida
District; Mildred Barlow, President, Georgia-Florida District; Belva Morris, Second
Counselor, Southern States Mission Relief Society.
Sister Ravsten reports: "A two-day convention was held at the mission home, the
first one to be held in the mission. Twelve sisters were present out of the fifteen that
were scheduled to be there. A work meeting was conducted and each of the
sisters took back to her district several completed articles to demonstrate to her district.
President Ravsten spoke to the sisters on the theme of the convention, 'The Latter-day
Saint Home.' A testimony meeting followed. Lesson demonstration and helps were
given by the mission board members. Displayed in the picture are a few of the
articles that were made by the sisters. Between the lessons lovely smorgasbord dinners
were served to all present. New goals were set and new acquaintances made; for the
first time the mission presidency had met together and the district Relief Society presi-
dents had the opportunity to meet the counselors and board members."
Photograph submitted by Wilma F. Turley
Left to right: May Altaha; Delia Zagatah; Amelia Kane; Arlene Cook; Serena
Altaha; Diane Frost; Lillian Kaytoggy; Mary Alekay; Edith Antonio; Bela Riley. Insert,
Myrtle G. Blaisdell, Fort Apache Branch, Relief Society Supervisor.
Wilma F. Turley, President, Southwest Indian Mission Relief Society, reports:
"We are very proud of the work our missionaries are doing with the women of the
mission. The Ilopi sisters are natural Relief Society sisters. The Navajo, Apache,
and others are doing well. In every branch we have many faithful sisters who keep
us encouraged, and we feel that our time is well spent. The sisters make quilts, bake
bread, and sew articles of clothing for themselves and to sell in bazaars."
In Memorlam
Pres. Amy B. Lyman
(Continued from page 5)
Central Chorus. This has been a
strength to Relief Society and
brought happiness and development
to thousands of Relief Society sis-
ters whose sweet voices have in-
spired us and brought a spirit of
worship into our meetings.
The division of Relief Society
work with which Sister Lyman seems
to be most intimately identified,
however, in the minds of most peo-
ple who know of her work, is the
founding, in 1919, and the nurtur-
ing and development of the Relief
Society Social Service and Child
Welfare Department, under the
presidency of Sister Emmeline B.
Wells, and upon advice of President
Joseph F. Smith. This department
continues today an extremely im-
portant division of Relief Society
work, offering to children and oth-
ers standardized case work services
which require license.
Sister Lyman's work in the field
of social welfare has not been con-
fined to the Church. She has ex-
tended it nationally and even inter-
nationally. She credits her first
interest in social work to a summer
class in sociology which she took at
the University of Chicago, at which
time she also did volunteer social
work with the Chicago Charities,
which brought her into contact with
Hull House, the famous Chicago
settlement house established by one
of the nation's great social workers,
Jane Addams. She also took a spe-
cial course, in 1917, in family welfare
work in Colorado, which, she main-
tained, further stimulated her and
created in her a strong desire to
participate fully in social welfare,
utilizing the highest standard of
practices. She maintained that this
schooling in Colorado provided her
with basic preparation for her later
work. With due respect to this, it
is my personal opinion that Sister
Lyman would have been a social
worker and a good one, anyway,
because of her love for and under-
standing of people and because of
her innate desire to help her fellow-
W^E have always considered Sister
Lyman as a link which
bound the present to the beginnings
of Relief Society. She was called
to the General Board during the
presidency of Bathsheba W. Smith,
who was the youngest among the
eighteen original members, and the
fourth General President of Relief
Society. Sister Lyman often re-
called visits to Pleasant Grove, when
she was a child, of Sister Eliza R.
Snow and Sister Zina D. LI. Young.
She was familiar with the character
and work of these two great women
leaders, the second and third Presi-
dents of Relief Society. She served
under the leadership of Sister Em-
meline B. Wells, Clarissa S. Wil-
liams, Louise Y. Robison, the fifth,
sixth, and seventh General Presi-
dents respectively. She herself be-
came the eighth General President.
Today, as the ninth General Presi-
dent, I wish to express my sincere
appreciation for the opportunities
and training which she gave me
during the three years I acted as her
Counselor in the General Presi-
dency, and prior to that as Editor of
The Relief Society Magazine and as
a member of the General Board.
I feel greatly indebted to her for all
she did for me that has been so
helpful to me in the position I now
This connection of Sister Lyman
with all these leaders is of interest.
It has made her a veritable treasure
house of information. With her
remarkable memory, inimitable
speaking style, and her keen sense
of humor, an hour with her, listen-
ing to her tell interesting, intimate,
unrecorded bits in the history of
Relief Society, was both informa-
tive and delightful.
Sister Lyman loved history. A
good record keeper and historian
herself, she taught others of us the
values and delights of these activi-
ties. Relief Society has benefited
from this.
As a Relief Society representative,
Sister Lyman brought credit to the
society through her activities in the
National Council of Women of the
United States. She was recording
secretary, auditor, and Third Vice
President of the Council, and repre-
sented the Council three times as
a delegate to the International
Council of Women meetings— once
in Washington, D. C, once in
Yugoslavia, and once in Scotland.
At a recent National Council of
Women biennial meeting held in
New York City, a former president
of the Council, Dr. Valeria H.
Parker, spoke to me in high esteem
of Mrs. Lyman's work in the Coun-
cil and sent with me a message of
love and appreciation to Sister Ly-
Her own years of presidency were
war years, characterized by disturbed
times. The work had to be con-
ducted under difficult, trying, and
exceptional circumstances. The
centennial observance, which fitting-
ly came during her term of presi-
dency, and into which she had put
so much of her heart, had to be
greatly curtailed. But, with charac-
teristic courage, she met the situa-
tion. With wisdom, skill, and
obedience to those presiding over
her, she turned what might have
been an extremely disappointing
occasion to the sisters of the Church
into one long to be remembered for
its sweetness, simplicity, impressive-
ness, and enduring value.
Sister Lyman has not confined her
work to Relief Society. She has been
interested in public affairs and has
been a civic leader of distinction
among women. Among her im-
portant civic activities was member-
ship in the Utah State House of
Representatives. She served on
many local and State welfare boards,
notably the Utah State Training
School. She was on the Governor's
committee of five to select a site
for this institution and served on
its board for many years. She was
one of nine persons appointed as a
committee on the organization of
the Utah State Conference of Social
Work. It was my privilege to be
with her at the recent annual meet-
ing of this organization when she
was honored for her great work in
behalf of the organization, as well
as for her contributions to social
work, generally, throughout the
Sister Lyman traveled widely,
spreading her influence wherever
she went. From 1936-1938 she pre-
sided over the women's organiza-
tions of the European Mission. She
referred to this work "as a joy, a
satisfaction, and an inspiration
It is to be expected that a person
of Sister Lyman's abilities and scope
of activities would receive special
honors. Among many such honors
which came to her were the Brig-
ham Young University Distin-
guished Alumnus Award and the
election by the Salt Lake City
Council of Women to its Hall of
As I knew Sister Lyman (and I
believe I knew her well) she could
be described very much as she de-
scribed her own mother — "force-
ful, dynamic, and efficient; wise,
far-seeing, and of good judgment.
She was a woman's woman." She
was a good speaker and wrote with
a gifted pen. Her messages were
always well organized and present-
ed with clarity and conviction. Her
autobiography "In Retrospect" de-
lightfully preserves her own history
and gives interesting accounts of
incidents related to the history of
Relief Society. She was an intel-
lectual woman — a smart woman
I would say — a prodigious worker,
a good teacher, a great leader, and
a choice friend. And I would add
that she was a very pretty woman
with a rare personal charm.
In her autobiography, there is in-
scribed on the flyleaf her simple and
sincere testimony of the truthful-
ness of the gospel and its meaning
in her life. It reads:
I am grateful for the Gospel and espe-
cially for my testimony of its truthfulness.
This testimony has been my anchor and
my stay, my satisfaction in time of joy
and gladness, my comfort in time of sor-
row and discouragement.
Sister Lyman's admirers are
legion. In many parts of the world
today women are noting her passing
and mourn with us. Her friendship
and life will be a cherished memory.
In the book of Revelation we are
. . . Blessed are the dead which die in
the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the
Spirit, that they may rest from their
labours; and their works do follow them
(Revelation 14:13).
Sister Lyman's work will follow
her. May her family be blessed
through their beautiful memories of
her abundant and useful life. Mav
the love she has shown them and
their own tender, loving ministra-
tions to her return to bless and com-
fort them. I can think of no sweet-
er ending to this life for a mother
than to leave it enfolded in the arms
of her only daughter. This was
Sister Lyman's privilege and Mar-
garet's blessing. May her loved ones
be sustained in their hour of sor-
row and always in the knowledge
that she lives eternally.
cJneoloqy — The Doctrine and Covenants
Lesson 23— A Trial of Faith
Elder Roy W. Doxey
(Text: The Doctrine and Covenants, Sections 35, 39, and 40)
For Tuesday, April 5, i960
Objective: To understand that only those who live the gospel will receive eternal
rFIIE persons to whom the revela-
tions comprising this lesson were
addressed were formerly ministers
in the "Christian" clergy. One of
these we were introduced to in the
last lesson.
Sidney Rigdon, Forerunner
Sidney Rigdon was at one time in
the Reformed Baptist Church and
later one of the leaders in the
"Disciples of Christ" Church in
Ohio, from which so many converts
came, beginning in 1830. When
Sidney Rigdon and Edward Part-
ridge, also a former member of the
latter organization and a convert to
the gospel of Jesus Christ, visited
the Prophet Joseph Smith in De-
cember 1830, a revelation was re-
ceived in which some interesting
thoughts are given concerning
Brother Rigdon.
Behold, verily, verily, I say unto my
servant Sidney, I have looked upon
thee and thy works. I have heard thy
prayers, and prepared thee for a greater
Thou art blessed, for thou shalt do
great things. Behold thou wast sent forth,
even as John, to prepare the way before
me, and before Elijah which should come,
and thou knewest it not.
Thou didst baptize by water unto re-
pentance, but they received not the Holy
But now I give unto thee a command-
ment, that thou shalt baptize by water,
and they shall receive the Holy Ghost
by the laying on of the hands, even as
the apostles of old (D & C 35:3-6).
As this revelation points out,
there was a considerable difference
between the work performed by Sid-
ney Rigdon as one who was not a
member of the true Church of Jesus
Christ and the service to which he
was being called. Although he bap-
tized with water unto repentance,
that baptism was not effective for
salvation; for ". . . they received not
the Holy Ghost. . . ." It is neces-
Poge 49
sary for salvation that one receive
both baptisms, water and spirit,
which, in reality, are only one bap-
tism. (See John 3:5; Eph. 4:5.)
When Nephi, by vision, learned
the reasons for Jesus' being baptized
and the necessity of teaching the
Nephites (and us) the place of bap-
tism in the plan of salvation, he
Wherefore, do the things which I have
told you I have seen that your Lord and
your Redeemer should do; for, for this
cause have they been shown unto me,
that ye might know the gate by which ye
should enter. For the gate by which ye
should enter is repentance and baptism by
water; and then cometh a remission of
your sins by fire and by the Holy Ghost.
(Italics, by author.)
And then are ye in this straight and
narrow path which leads to eternal life;
yea, ye have entered in by the gate . . .
(2 Nephi 31:17-18).
In order for one to receive the
remission of sins, it is essential that
he receive the baptism of the Holy
Ghost as well as water baptism.
Preparation for Gospel Restoration
In view of the Lord's statement
that Sidney Rigdon was as John the
Baptist in preparing for a greater
work, may we consider that there
were many others, who, at different
periods, also prepared the way for
the establishment of the true gospel
on the earth? As Latter-day Saints
we believe that when the time came
for the restoration of the gospel in
its fulness, everything was in readi-
ness. The Lord had preserved this
land of America that it might be
the place where his latter-day work
would be established. Book of Mor-
mon prophets had seen in vision the
time when this land "choice above
all other lands" was being prepared.
(See 2 Nephi 1:3-9; 10:10-14, 19;
Ether 13:1-6.)
In Nephi's vision, the "man
among the Gentiles" believed by us
to be Columbus, ". . . who was
separated from the seed of my breth-
ren by the many waters ..." (2
Nephi 13:12), was wrought upon by
the Spirit of God to perform his
mission of discovery. Other Gentiles
were also to come to this land out
of captivity, until a mighty Nation
founded upon principles of freedom
would be raised up under the prov-
idence of God. (See 1 Nephi
In the meantime, other leaders
were performing a work of prepara-
tion — a preparation of the minds
of men whose descendants would
benefit from their noble labors. The
discovery of the printing press with
the removal of the shackles of
ignorance was a slow process, but,
in time, it brought about conditions
which permitted men to think for
Religiously, men benefited from
these improved conditions, but the
gospel of Jesus Christ was not re-
stored until full preparation had
been made. President John Taylor
places before us the attitude of Lat-
ter-day Saints in some of these mat-
Who are we? The children of our
Heavenly Father. Who are the world,
as we sometimes denominate those that
are not of our Church? The children of
our Heavenly Father. . . .
Now outside the Gospel, outside of
revelation, outside of any special com-
munication from the Lord, all men, more
or less, everywhere have certain claims
upon their Heavenly Father, who is said
to be the God and Father of the spirits
of all flesh . . . and whenever and wherever
there was no knowledge of life and im-
mortality there was no Gospel. But out-
side of that there have been many good
influences abroad in the world. Many
men in the different ages, who, in the
midst of wickedness and corruption, have
tried to stop the current of evil, have
placed themselves in the catalogue of re-
formers. . . . The many reformers that
existed in former ages have been men many
of whom have been sincerely desirous to
do the will of God, and to carry out His
purposes, so far as they knew them. And
then there are thousands and tens of
thousands of honorable men living today
in this nation, and other nations, who are
honest and upright and virtuous, and
who esteem correct principles and seek to
be governed by them, so far as they
know them. . . .
Men may be desirous to do right; they
may be good, honorable and conscientious;
and then when we come to the judg-
ment pertaining to these things we are
told that all men will be judged accord-
ing to the deeds done in the body, and
according to the light and intelligence
which they possessed.
I will take, for instance, the position
of the reformers, going no further back
than Luther and Melancthon; and then
you may come to Calvin, Knox, Whit-
field, Wesley, Fletcher, and many others;
men who have been desirous in their day
to benefit their fellow-men; who have
proclaimed against vice, and advocated
the practice of virtue, uprightness and the
fear of God. But we all, who have con-
templated these subjects, know that those
men never did restore the Gospel as it
was taught by our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ; neither did they see or compre-
hend alike in biblical matters; they
groped, as it were, in the dark with a
portion of the Spirit of God. They sought
to benefit their fellow-man but not hav-
ing that union with God that the Gospel
imparts, they were unable to arrive at
just conclusions pertaining to those mat-
ters. Hence one introduced and taught
one principle, and another introduced and
taught another; and they were split up
and divided, and the spirit of antagonism
was found at times among them and with
all their desires to do good, they did not,
and could not restore the Gospel of the
Son of God, and none among them were
able to say, Thus saith the Lord. And
that is the condition of the religious
world to-day . . . (Journal of Discourses
A Minister Makes a Covenant
As we now turn our attention to
another clergyman, James Covill,
(See D & C 39), who had served
in the Baptist ministry for about
forty years, we are informed by the
Prophet Joseph Smith that he came
to him ". . . and covenanted with
the Lord that he would obey any
command that the Lord would give
to him through me, as His servant
.,.." (D.H.C. 1:143).
Sons and Daughters of God
Several times in revelations we
have studied, the Savior has made
known the way we may become his
sons and daughters. For example,
Section 34 begins with "My son
Orson . . ." and later, after giving the
reasons for this introduction, states:
". . . Wherefore you are my son"
(D& 034:3). Why was this recent
convert to the Church so addressed?
Why was James Covill, a nonmem-
ber, told that Jesus Christ is the
light and life of the world and that,
in the meridian of time (the time
of the earthly ministry of Jesus),
Jesus was not received?
But to as many as received me, gave
I power to become my sons and even so
will I give unto as many as will receive
me, power to become my sons.
And verily, verily, I say unto you, he
that receiveth my gospel receiveth me;
and he that receiveth not my gospel re-
ceiveth not me (D & C 39:4-5).
The answer is the same for every-
one who qualifies in the same way
that Brother Pratt qualified, or as
you have qualified as a daughter of
the Lord. All who accept "the only
true and living church upon the face
of the earth" become sons or daugh-
ters of the "Lord God." Jesus
Christ, as your Redeemer, "so loved
the world that he gave his own life,
that as many as would believe might
become the sons of God" (D & C
Christ is our Redeemer. Redemption
means deliverance by means of ransom.
There is a deliverance from guilt. (Eph.
1:7; Col. 1:14); from the power and
dominance of sin, through the sanctifying
influence of the Holy Spirit ( 1 Peter
1:18); and from death through the resur-
rection (Rom. 8:23). There is, finally,
a deliverance from all evil (Eph. 1:14;
4:30; 1 Cor. 1:30; Titus 2:14). All this
is the work of Christ, through obedience
to the gospel (Doctrine and Covenants
Commentary, Revised Edition, page 177).
Jesus is our Savior when we ac-
cept him in the waters of baptism
and by confirmation of the Holy
Ghost. This is what James Covill
is told as a nonmember. (See D & C
39:4-6.) Jesus' atonement for in-
dividual exaltation is of no force
until the person completes his re-
pentance through the ordinances of
the gospel. (See D & C 29:17;
42:1.) As we become the sons and
daughters of Jesus, so also, he be-
comes our Father. (See Lesson 20,
October 1959 issue of The Reliei
Society Magazine for discussion on
this point.)
Rich Rewards Promised
James Covill, the clergyman, was
informed that the Lord had looked
upon him and his works and, at
that time, his heart was right before
him. (See D & C 39:7-8.) There
had been times in the past, however,
when the things of the world had
brought sorrow into Mr. Covill's
life. Notice the important fact
made known in verse 6 that if this
man would accept Jesus as his Sav-
ior, the Holy Ghost, which he had
not received, would give him the
"peaceable things of the kingdom. "
It would seem from the circum-
stances which brought this clergy-
man to the Prophet, that he was
not at peace. There were unan-
swered questions and difficulties
which had not been resolved in his
In applying this idea to us who
are members of the kingdom, how
may we receive peace of mind? A
function of the Holy Ghost is to
give to the daughter of Jesus Christ
a sense of security, peace, and joy.
This satisfaction comes by having
the influence of the Holy Spirit
through living the laws of the gos-
pel, just as James Covill was prom-
ised ". . . a blessing so great as vou
never have known" (D & C 39:10)
by his adherence to the same laws.
A greater work in teaching the
fulness of the gospel than the work
in which he had formerly engaged
was before Covill, predicated upon
his obedience. His contribution
would be to assist in moving the
kingdom forward that, eventually,
Zion might come. (See D & C
39:11-13.) How many of us have
before us this objective? Do our
works make such contributions?
Our forefathers were gathered
from out of the world that they
might eventually receive eternal life.
Mr. Covill was promised that he
could participate in this great under-
taking of gathering Israel from the
nations to ". . . be gathered unto
me [Jesus] in time and in eternity"
(D & C 39:22). Those who are
gathered are to look forth for the
signs of the Lord's coming. As we
continue steadfast in his work, our
knowledge and testimony of him
will increase. (See D & C 39:23.)
The Rejection of a Covenant
Notwithstanding that great bless-
ings were promised James Covill
upon his acceptance of the true gos-
pel, he did not have sufficient faith
in the Redeemer to accept his coun-
sel. The day of his deliverance from
the sorrows of the world was at
hand (D & C 39:10), provided he
would be obedient. But Covill re-
turned to his former principles and
people, and of him the Lord said:
Behold, verily I say unto you, that the
heart of my servant James Covill was right
before me, for he covenanted with me
that he would obey my word.
And he received the word with glad-
ness, but straightway Satan tempted him;
and the fear of persecution and the cares
of the world caused him to reject the
Wherefore he broke my covenant, and
it remaineth with me to do with him as
seemeth me good. Amen (D & C 40:1-3).
James Covill was a covenant
breaker. It is apparent that his
former weaknesses gained ascend-
ancy over the gladness which came
into his heart, and he succumbed
to fear. It was a fear of persecution
and the cares of the world. Un-
mindful of the beatitude of promised
blessings to those who are perse-
cuted for righteousness' sake (for
their reward was to be an inherit-
ance in the kingdom of heaven),
Covill's actions were not motivated
to this extent. (See Mt. 5:10-12.)
The fear that he might not be able
to provide for himself temporally,
also was a factor in his rejection of
the gospel
Blessings Predicated
Upon Obedience
Judgment of all such individuals
is in the hands of the Lord. There
have been many in the world who
have come to the threshold of the
kingdom of God but who have suc-
cumbed to similar fears. Concern-
ing such an one who was in the
same profession as James Covill, we
have the comment of President
Joseph F. Smith. An ordained min-
ister in the "English Church" for
fifty-five years wrote to his Latter-
day Saint relative that:
I preach three sermons every week and
execute other ministerial duties, but I
never preach anything contrary to the
doctrines of "Mormonism," not designedly
but necessarily, because I see the funda-
mentals of Holy Scripture are the same
as those restored by what people call
He then posed this question:
What is to become of such as me, who
believes this about you, and yet are tied
and bound by circumstances such as
The President of the Church
In answer to the question, "What is
to become of such as me?" let it be said
that every person will receive his just
reward for the good he may do and for
his every act. But let it be remembered
that all blessings which we shall receive,
either here or hereafter, must come to
us as a result of our obedience to the laws
of God upon which these blessings are
predicated. Our friend will not be for-
gotten for the kindness he has extended
to the work and the servants of the Lord,
but will be remembered of Him and re-
warded for his faith and for every good
deed and word. But there are many bless-
ings that result from obeying the ordi-
nances of the gospel, and acknowledging
the priesthood authorized by the Father
and restored to the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints, that cannot
be obtained, until the person is willing
to comply with the ordinances and keep
the commandments revealed in our day
for the salvation of mankind. The true
searcher will see and understand this truth
and act upon it, either in this world or
in the world to come, and not until then,
of course, may he claim all the blessings.
The earlier he accepts, the earlier will he
obtain the blessings, and if he neglects
to accept the laws, in this world, know-
ing them to be true, it is reasonable to
suppose that disadvantages will result that
will cause him deep regret (Improve-
ment Era, November 1912, pp. 71-72).
Unto Whom Much Is Given
Much Is Required
One is reminded of the truth
given by the Lord when he said that
". . . unto whom much is given
much is required . . ." (D & C
82:3) and as greater light is made
known and as one sins against that
light, greater condemnation results.
This thought is pertinent:
Ye call upon my name for revelations,
and I give them unto you; and inasmuch
as ye keep not my sayings, which I give
unto you, ye become transgressors; and
justice and judgment are the penalty which
is affixed unto my law.
Therefore, what I say unto one I say
unto all: Watch, for the adversary spread-
■eth his dominions, and darkness reigneth
(D & C 82:4-5).
In accordance with this thought,
liow many who have entered the
kingdom of God have found that
they were not deeply rooted in gos-
pel teachings and faith in the Re-
deemer so that they succumbed to
the fears of the world? Are any
of us as the seeds in the parable of
the sower where the word of God
has not taken sufficient root, and
"the care of this world, and the
deceitfulness of riches, choke the
word," and seeds become barren?
Or, on the other hand, are seeds
sown on the "good ground" which
beareth the fruit of the gospel in
our lives? (See Mt. 13:18-23.)
How many of us may fall away
from the principles of the gospel
because of fear of persecution? In
the early part of the dispensation
persecution was many times phys-
ical. Today, however, it may be, as
it was then also, the tauntings of
associates or "friends." The use of
names having strong unChristian
implications or inferences of over-
zealousness may be examples of a
type of persecution which has
mental or psychological effect. In
common expression it may be ex-
pressed as "Don't be fanatical about
your religion!" or "Why be so
straight-laced?" Aside from the
usual meaning of inflicting loss and
injury, persecution means to harass,
to pursue with persistent solicita-
tions or to annoy.
Additional Items From Section 35
Beginning with verse 7 of Section
35, we learn that by faith great
things are to be manifest in the lat-
ter days, including the working of
miracles. (See D & C 35:7-11.) In
harmony with what has already been
given in this lesson, the Lord makes
known that those who do "good" in
his sight, are ". . . those who are
ready to receive the fulness of my
gospel ..." (D & C 35:12) and
that those who constitute the
". . . poor and the meek . . ."
(D & C 35:15) of the earth ". . .
shall have the gospel preached unto
them, and they shall be looking
forth for the time of my coming,
for it is nigh at hand" (D & C
35:15). (See D & C 35:12-18.)
The faithful members of the king-
dom of God will make contributions
to the building of that kingdom and
eventually "Zion shall rejoice upon
the hills," probably having reference
to the home of the saints in the
West. (See D & C 35:19-24.) By
the power of God, latter-day Israel
will be saved in the Lord's king-
dom, and all who belong to the
Savior should lift up their hearts
and be glad. (See D & C 35:25-27.)
Questions for Discussion
1. What seems to be unusual about the
revelation concerning Sidney Rigdon's
activities? How does it fit into the Lat-
ter-day Saint understanding of the Lord's
work in the last days?
2. Why is it necessary for one to be
baptized with water and the Holy Ghost?
3. How did the work of the reformers
help prepare for the restoration of the
4. From what are we delivered through
our acceptance of Jesus as our Redeemer?
5. Tell the story of James Covill.
6. What comment did President Joseph
F. Smith make concerning those who
reject the gospel?
7. What is the application of Section
82:3 to this lesson?
visiting cJeacher 1 1 tessages —
Truths to Live By From The Doctrine and Covenants
Message 23— "Govern Your House in Meekness, and
Be Steadfast" (D & C 31:9)
Christine H. Robinson
For Tuesday, April 7, i960
Objective: The virtues of meekness and steadfastness applied in our lives and
homes will result in an influence for good.
HpHIS message
focuses attention
upon two virtues which can be
employed with remarkable effect in
developing our own characters and
in guiding and directing the activi-
ties of others. These two virtues
are meekness and steadfastness.
Meekness is a quality frequently
mentioned in the scriptures and de-
scribed as a most desirable human
trait. In fact, it is one of the few
qualities which Jesus attributed un-
to himself. He said, ". . . for I am
meek and lowly in heart . . ." (Mt.
Meekness is sometimes confused
with docility and lack of courage.
Still, Moses, whom history proves
to have been a man of strong
character and outstanding courage,
was described as ". . . very meek,
above all the men which were upon
the face of the earth" (Num. 12:3).
Actually the term meekness meansr
mild of temper, long-suffering,
gentle, kind. Open-mindedness and
teachableness are both facets of
meekness. With these attributes it
is easy to understand why the Sav-
ior declared, "Blessed are the meek:
for they shall inherit the earth"
(Mt. 5:5).
Steadfastness denotes firmness,
self - control, consistency, and
staunchness. Those who are stead-
fast exhibit unfaltering determina-
tion in the face of adversity.
Helen Adams Keller is one of the
truly great women of all time. Much
of her remarkable stature was
achieved through the application of
the virtues of meekness and stead-
fastness both in her own develop-
ment and through the efforts of her
outstanding teacher.
Due to a serious illness, Miss
Keller lost her senses of sight and
hearing before she was two years of
age. Her parents, seeking to lighten
the burden of her tragedy, sought
the assistance of an able teacher,
Mrs. Ann Sullivan Macy. This
teacher applied the true meaning of
meekness and steadfastness in edu-
cating and guiding the child.
Through the application of these
attributes a miracle was virtually
performed. In a very few years
Miss Keller learned to read braille,
to write, and to acquire the difficult
ability to speak without hearing. By
the time she reached her teens, Miss
Keller was as well educated as any
normal child of her age. In due
time, she graduated with honors
from Radcliffe College and has since
devoted her life to working with
the blind and deaf of the world. In
order to attain the high eminence
which she now enjoys, Miss Keller,
together with her great teacher Mrs.
Macy, has consistently employed
meekness, steadfastness, optimism,
and faith. Through exercising these
virtues, Helen Keller has inspired,
stimulated, and encouraged millions
of people in all walks of life through-
out the world.
If we would become a power for
good and lead and direct our chil-
dren and friends in a loving, helpful
way, we must govern our homes and
lives in meekness. We must strive to
be steadfast and consistent in the
application of right principles in
all our activities. In our association
with others, in and outside of the
home, we should follow the admoni-
tion of the Savior, who said:
No power or influence can or ought to
be maintained . . . only by persuasion,
by long-suffering, by gentleness and meek-
ness, and by love unfeigned (D & C
i2i 141 ) .
^\^AVork YYleettng — Physical Safety Factors
in the Home
(A Course Recommended for Use by Wards and Branches at Work Meeting)
Discussion 7— Food Care and Preservation
Charlotte A. Larsen
For Tuesday, April 12, i960
Objective: To show the importance of safe food care and proper preservation
of stored food to healthful living.
Historical Consideration perous years for the famine of the
Tj^ROM the very earliest of times lean years. He found that certain
man has been concerned with foods could be dried and saved for
preservation of his food so that he long periods of time. Later, he dis-
might save the excess of the pros- covered that certain foods and
chemicals were helpful in the pres-
ervation of other foods, such as
sugar, vinegar, and salt.
The adulteration of food danger-
ous to personal health caused laws
to be passed which protect practical-
ly every type of foodstuff. In 1906,
the United States passed the first
Federal Food and Drug Control
Act. In 1938 a much stronger
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act was
passed. The Government maintains
large laboratories where foods are
tested before they are sold. The
kind and amount of coloring mat-
ter, and the kind and amount of
preservatives are rigidly fixed by the
Food and Drug Administration.
Also, the law requires that when
important ingredients, such as vita-
mins, minerals, and butter fat from
milk, are removed from foods it
must be clearly stated on the pack-
age. In general, the State and
Federal laws against harmful adul-
teration are standard, so that the
general public is well protected from
dishonest practices.
Preservation of Food and Proper
Canning Procedures
Foods may be preserved by can-
ning, smoking, salting, drying, freez-
ing, cooking, sugaring, and by
adding chemicals. Most of these
methods of food preservation can be
carried out in the home. However,
preservation of food by adding
chemicals can be very dangerous
and harmful, and should not be
attempted by the average house-
holder. Almost all food can be pre-
served without danger when clean,
sound, unblemished fresh produce
is selected, prepared, and canned ac-
cording to instructions found in an
authoritative manual. Any home-
canned product or any canned item
purchased at a store showing any
signs of gas formation, such as bulg-
ing lids and ends of cans, should be
destroyed or returned to the store.
The term food poisoning is usual-
ly restricted to an attack of acute
intestinal upset due to the bacterial
infection of food or drink.
The prevention of food poison-
ing must be concerned with the en-
tire handling of the food from the
time it is obtained to its consump-
tion. Only inspected meats and
pasturized dairy products should be
used. All meat should be thorough-
ly cooked before it is eaten. If food
is not to be eaten immediately after
cooking, it should be placed in a re-
frigerator or ice box. Otherwise,
organisms, if present in the warm
food, will have an excellent oppor-
tunity to multiply. The protection
of custard and cream fillings and
combination meat dishes (meat
pies, etc.) requires the greatest care
and vigilance. The organisms
which produce toxin are present
everywhere; therefore, this type of
food should be kept carefully refrig-
erated. The consumption of any
animal food in the raw condition is
attended by a certain amount of
risk, particularly milk, cream, and
Botulism is caused bv a toxin
and is not an infection. The causa-
tive organism multiplies in the food
before it is consumed and produces
a powerful, soluble toxin which gives
rise to the disease. Nearly all cases
of botulism have been caused by
eating food that has not been com-
pletely preserved. It is important
to remember that non-acid foods
are particularly dangerous. These
include all vegetables (except toma-
toes and rhubarb) meat, fish, poul-
try and animal products. In most
cases where the foods have particu-
larly and noticeably spoiled, the cans
are bulged, and there are numerous
gas bubbles, and the food smells
rancid. Never, under any circum-
stances should one eat any canned
food which has any of these symp-
toms. No reported cases of botulism
have occurred in commercially
canned food since 1925. However,
cases are reported from food that
has been processed in the home.
Therefore, extreme care must be
taken in the process of home can-
ning. Destroy any food taken from
a jar with a bulging or corroded lid.
General Consideration
If any sickness or upset stomach
occurs when contaminated food is
suspected, a doctor should be con-
sulted immediately, and the suspect-
ed food should not be destroyed
until the doctor sees it. He may
want a sample of it for a culture.
1. Why does pork need particular at-
tention in the cooking?
2. What are some of the signs of im-
properly processed foods?
JLtterature — America's Literature
A New Nation Speaks
Lesson 15— The Federalists (and the Great Transition)
Elder Biiant S. Jacobs
(Textbook: America's Literature, by James D. Hart and Clarence Gohdes,
Dryden Press, New York, pp. 24-32)
For Tuesday, April 19, i960
Objective: To make preliminary acquaintance with the Federalistic concepts of man
and government as written by Timothy Dwight and Alexander Hamilton.
\\7HEN the shooting of the
American Revolution ended in
1781, the war of words which, in
the decades preceding the Revolu-
tion, had crescendoed into battle,
now continued unabated, and grew
even louder and hotter. During
the latter part of the eighteenth cen-
tury the pamphleteer and the orator
largely shaped the thinking of the
colonies, and out of these fierce
controversies came new patterns of
thought and government. Before
the war the issue was between Torv
and Rebel. Thomas Paine, Patrick
Henry, Samuel Adams, James Otis,
John Dickinson, and many less
prominent writers defended the
right of the colonies to separate,
while such Tories as Samuel Seabury
courageously answered them blow
for blow, and the Anglican minister
Jonathan Boucher preached loyalty
to England and fear of mob-rule
with such sincerity that he began
his weekly sermon only after first
laying a loaded horse pistol on either
side of his pulpit.
We must remember that well over
a third of the colonists remained
loyal to England during the war, a
majority outwardly sympathizing
with the rebels while secretly hop- But even while these central po-
ing for a British victory. During the litical and economic issues were
early years of the Rebellion, tens of paramount, a creative unity-out-of-
thousands of them fled to Canada, diversity process molded the Con-
the West Indies, and Mother Eng- stitution into the enduring standard
land. of measurement and justice which
continues to radiate throughout
Need for More Perfect Union every phase of the national charac-
The Articles of Confederation, ter.
drafted by the Continental Congress By contrast, the beginnings in the
in 1776, at the outset of the war, arts during the same period, before
had bound all colonies together, yet 1800, were so imitative and weak
robbed no colony of its sovereign as to be of little consequence; how-
powers. Once winning the war no ever, the fact that beginings were
longer consumed their energies, it made is significant. Music and
became increasingly evident that a drama continued to follow English
new form of government would patterns, although Royal Tyler's
have to be worked out. The Contrast, which appeared in
In general, the new Nation's only 1787 as a direct imitation of Shcri-
identity lay in its being separate dan's The School for Scandal,
from Britain. Until well into the contained native American charac-
nineteenth century, the great issues ters and setting which still make it
to be faced and solved centered readable. Tyler soon became a
about the government's responsibil- lawyer, leaving leadership to Wil-
ities to its people: Should the gov- liam Dunlap, the father of drama
eminent favor rural agriculture or in America, who devoted his life
urban commerce and finance? to the stage by translating, produc-
Should property rule, or should the ing, and writing such dramas as his
mass of people? Which government Andre (1798), based on a Revolu-
was to dominate, state or Federal? tionary War theme.
How far should revolution go, not The novels followed directly Sam-
only in government but in social uel Richardson's pattern of senti-
patterns, in arts, culture, and in ment and seduction as established
morals? With a pattern of success- in his highly successful Pamela, all
ful revolution behind them, how heavily moralizing. The Power of
was the momentum of revolution to Sympathy, written in 1789, is ac-
be stopped? Having repudiated cepted as the first American novel,
Mother England, should she now although Susanna Haswell Rowson's
be followed in anything? If so, in Charlotte Temple (1791) with its
what, and how far? Politically, the setting both in England and Ameri-
wobbling country achieved identity ca, was far more popular, being rc-
by forming one of our two greatest printed as late as 1930. Likewise,
documents: The Constitution. But the poetry of the Connecticut or
even after the necessary nine states Hartford Wits, centering about Yale
ratified it very reluctantly within the College, was unashamedly imitative
two years following 1787, it still had of English models, both during and
to be interpreted, a process which after the war. But, roughlv, until
continues. 1800, the Americans were compara-
tively happy with their imitations;
it was the endless tauntings of so-
phisticated English critics reminding
them that they had produced noth-
ing of their own which rubbed salt
into this opening cultural and social
Federalists Versus Republicans
Although the Federalist and Re-
publican political parties were
formed in the decades following the
Revolutionary War, their opposing
philosophies had existed at least a
hundred years previous, and with
some modification their same beliefs
and alignment of forces have con-
tinued to the present. Within
Washington's first cabinet were the
leaders of the two factions, young
Alexander Hamilton, who was to
lead the Federalists, and Thomas
Jefferson, the Republicans (today's
Democrats). Short of openly op-
posing each other publicly, they did
all they could to halt each other's
influence, since each feared the
other's policies.
In 1791 Jefferson and James
Madison, representatives of the Vir-
ginia planters and their agrarian
aristocracy, allied themselves with
Irishman George Clinton's Tam-
many faction of New York to op-
pose the wealthy shipping and
financial aristocracy of New York
City and Boston, who became the
Federalists. Conversely, it was Ham-
ilton's big-city lawyers and moneyed
men who had advocated adoption
of the Constitution in 1787, and
the coon-skin-cap frontiersmen and
farmers who feared it, and ratified
it so reluctantly.
The French Revolution of 1789
was a burning issue throughout the
colonies, and created a widening
social and economic gap between
the two parties. Seeing the French
peasants executing their wealthy
land-holding aristocrats and seizing
their property, the Federalists were
aghast, and more than all else feared
a similar unleashing of rabble de-
mocracy in their own streets. In the
elections of 1800, they attempted
to defeat Jefferson by relating him
to Tom Paine and the local French
disciples of "Liberty, Equality, Fra-
ternity." As we have seen, they
succeeded in making Tom Paine
into a boogeyman, but the back-
woods vote elected Jefferson never-
theless. While Hamilton and his
followers were openly pro-British,
Jefferson and his followers defied
them by wearing the red French
cockades in their hats, and rejoicing
at every victory of the "rabble" in
France, believing as did Paine, that
they were carrying on the second
chapter in the world revolution
which their own revolution had
While President George Wash-
ington was so disturbed at the in-
creasing enmity between these two
factions that at the end of his first
term he wished to resign, it should
be pointed out that the strength of
the Constitution, as of the Nation
ever since, has lain in these factions
opposing and, therefore, balancing
each other. The French people de-
stroyed the opposition against whom
they revolted; Napoleon followed.
In contrast, the United States per-
mitted both to speak and grow
strong; and the great system is the
result. But to understand these
general principles in terms of peo-
ple, we should see them at work in
two prominent Federalists: Timo-
thy Dwight and Alexander Hamil-
ton, and, in the next lesson, in
Thomas Jefferson.
Courtesy Yale University Art Gallery
From a Painting by John Trumbull
Timothy Dwight (1752-1817)
A grandson of Jonathan Edwards,
Timothy Dwight entered Yale at
age thirteen, became a tutor there,
and he inspired the troops with his
sermons and war songs, the most
notable being "Columbia." He was
a chaplain during the Revolution,
and in 1783, at age thirty-one, he
moved to Greenfield, Connecticut,
where for twelve years he was min-
ister, community leader, and direc-
tor of the co-educational school he
established. For the last twenty-
three years of his life he was presi-
dent of Yale, where he was a great
teacher and leader of Calvinism,
defending the faith against all at-
A lifelong Federalist, he attempt-
ed to introduce English literature
into the curriculum of Yale while
still a student, thus furnishing the
initiative for the literary group
known as the Connecticut Wits.
Of the three most prominent mem-
bers, John Trumbull and Dwight
remained Federalists, while Joel
Barlow followed Paine and Jeffer-
son in his personal philosophy.
Dwight's Conquest of Canaan, an
epic in eleven volumes, written in
1785, when he was thirty-three, was
heavily imitative of English models.
Designed to be the first American
epic, it was so filled with pretentious
language and elaborate descriptions
of thunderstorms that his compan-
ion wit, John Trumbull, suggested
it should be equipped with lightning
rods. A careful observer of the rural
countryside, Dwight's Travels in
New-England and New York pro-
vides a keen commentary on the
social and economic contemporary
scene, and has greater enduring
value than his verse.
His Greenfield Hill was a long
poem modeled after Goldsmith's
"Deserted Village/' In addition to
describing the lovely scenery and
rural virtues, which Dwight greatly
loved, it eulogizes the virtues of his
Federalistic-Calvinistic culture: sim-
plicity and plainness in manners and
morals, thrift and industry, and be-
lief in the sustaining power of prop-
erty personally owned and cared for.
In this "western village" where:
Prudence eyes her hoard with watchful care
And robes of thrift and neatness, all things
wear. . . .
the evils of European monarchy
are absent: the poor are fed, villages
are not sold to buy royal gowns,
No griping landlord here alarms the door
To halve, for rent, the poor man's little
The hymn of praise which Tim-
othy Dwight fashions for his home
town strongly predicts Whittier's
Snowbound in his confidence in the
enduring rural virtues:
Sweet-smiling village! loveliest of the
How green thy groves! How pure thy
glassy rills!
With what new joy, I walk thy verdant
How often pause, to breathe thy gale of
To mark thy well-built walls! thy budding
And every charm, that rural nature yields;
And every joy to Competence allied,
And every good, that Virtue gains from
Several New England clergymen
had previously defined the confisca-
tion of church and lands by the
French as the cause of the present
'Triumph of infidelity" in their own
midst. Timothy Dwight wrote
'The Duty of Americans, at the
Present Crisis/' to warn against the
evil French influences then threaten-
ing the new Nation, and urged
Americans to defend church and
country. In his fiery charges of
anarchy, lawlessness, immorality,
and atheism against the very group
which Jefferson and his mass fol-
lowers openly supported, Dwight
exemplifies those conservative aristo-
crats who, consciously or otherwise,
feared a potential uprising and
usurpation of control by the poor
and the uneducated. In his love
for things as they were — love of
God, country, education, and moral-
ity as defined and defended by pa-
triots, gentlemen, and Christians,
he gave much support to the Fed-
eralist political cause, clergyman
though he was. But to understand
From a Contemporary Etching
more forcefully who the Federalists
were and what they were trying to
do, we must meet their central per-
sonality—the brilliant realist who
was their unquestioned torchbearer:
Alexander Hamilton. American
nationalism owes more to Hamilton
than any other men except Wash-
ington and Marshall.
Alexander Hamilton s Life (1757-
Hamilton was the son of a weal-
thy planter in the West Indies. He
early showed the brilliance and
ambition which predicted his ma-
ture prominence. Business misfor-
tunes caused his father's bankruptcy,
and his mother died in 1768.
Knowing that he must make his
own way, and desiring to excel, he
entered King's College (now Co-
lumbia) in 1774, and a year later
he wrote two influential pamphlets
on colonial politics which made him
known among New York's political
In 1776, when the war broke out,
he organized an artillery company
and was awarded its captaincy, but
within the year was appointed to
Washington's staff, where he played
a key role. Later, he secured a field
command and won distinction at
Yorktown. In 1780 he married the
daughter of General Philip Schuy-
ler of the distinguished New York
family by whom he had seven chil-
After the war he was admitted to
the bar, and when but twenty-five
was chosen a delegate to Congress.
At twenty-nine he was appointed a
delegate to the Annapolis Conven-
tion and later to the Federal Con-
vention at Philadelphia which had
been charged with the responsibility
of revising the Articles of Confed-
eration. In the same year he began
publishing a series of essays in New
York papers which were designed to
motivate the wealthy and profession-
al classes to support the new Con-
stitution. Although James Madison
and John Jay also contributed, it
was Hamilton who conceived the
series of essavs known as The Fed-
eralist, and much more than half its
contents were Hamilton's. These
essays are acknowledged to be the
clearest, strongest exposition of the
theory of American Constitutional
In 1798, the year the Constitution
was finally ratified, Hamilton was
appointed Secretary of the Treas-
ury, a position he held until his
resignation six years later. It was
during this period that he estab-
lished the national bank, and many
money policies which characterize
the national economy to the present
day. In 1800 he watched in bitter-
ness while his opponent, Thomas
Jefferson, was elected President.
Four years later he was killed in a
duel with Aaron Burr.
Hamilton s Federalism
Because one may see his picture
ovaled on a ten-dollar bill, it be-
comes easy to think of Alexander
Hamilton predominantly as an
economist or a financier. Although
he had an evident genius for ad-
ministration, and his monetary
principles proved themselves so
sound that his successors who had
most criticized them adopted them
with scarcely any changes, Hamil-
ton's great lifelong goal was to build
the struggling Nation into a perma-
nent oneness so strong and balanced
that it would never break apart.
Just as Thomas Paine appeared
at precisely the right moment to
persuade the colonists that their
destiny was separation rather than
rebellion, so it was Hamilton's fond-
est dream to create a strong national-
ism or federation of the many states
into one at the time when national-
ism meant nothing. Everything he
did furthered this end. He favored
capitalism and the establishment of
a national bank because it would
unite the colonies together more
firmly. For the same reason, he
opposed Jefferson's agricultural
principles: they gave too much self-
determination over too scattered an
area, thus weakening the central
governing power. He strongly ad-
vocated government supports and
subsidies to American manufacturers
for the same reason: such a policy
would enhance the Nation's united
versatility, and not make it solely
dependent on agriculture.
The Federalist
Hamilton was too much a man of
affairs ever to consider himself a
literary person. He took pride in
writing but little for the public
press, feeling it beneath him, yet
like Franklin and Jefferson, he made
his way in life largely through his
use of words. His style is not affect-
ed or individualistic, but as one
might expect from a lawyer, it is
clear, condensed, carefully organized,
and entirely confident of every as-
sertion. From these qualities come
The Federalist's literary excellence.
Too sincere ever to deal with trivial
or anything less than the whole
truth of what the guiding principles
of the new Nation must be, if it was
to survive, these papers contain the
brilliant, creative thinking in the
realm of Constitutional law which
places them in the first rank of such
writings, along with those of Aris-
totle and Montesquieu. No com-
mentary on this basic document has
deserved or received more honor,
nor through constant reference has
proved itself more indispensable
than these writings.
Hamilton's fervent belief that
government should reflect the wish-
es of aristocratic owners of property
saved the Nation from the excesses
of liberalism which characterized
the repercussions following the Rev-
olution in France. He believed
that property was tangible reward
to those of superior talent, and that
"the power which holds the purse-
strings absolutely, must rule." And
while in the first of The Federalist
papers he admits that the estab-
lished class of aristocrats will do
everything possible to prevent a
decrease in their established power
and wealth, one cannot know wheth-
er their motives are blameless or
selfish, for as Hamilton reminds us:
. . . we are not always sure that those
who advocate the truth are influenced
by purer principles than their antagonists.
Ambition, avarice, personal animosity,
party opposition, and many other motives
not more laudable than these, arc apt to
operate as well upon those who support
as those who oppose the right side of a
question. . . .
Nor can we cure heresy by perse-
cution, nor gain followers by fire or
sword, or by angry words. Wisely
he points out how often those who
ostensibly work for common folk
often are driven inwardly by jeal-
ousy or selfishness:
... an enlightened zeal for the energy
and efficiency of government will be
stigmatized as the offspring of a temper
fond of despotic power and hostile to the
principles of liberty. An over-scrupulous
jealousy of danger to the rights of the
people, which is more commonly the fault
of the head than of the heart, will be
represented as mere pretence and artifice,
the stale bait for popularity at the expense
of the public good. It will be forgotten,
on the one hand, that jealousy is the usual
concomitant of love, and that the noble
enthusiasm of liberty is apt to be infected
with a spirit of narrow and illiberal dis-
trust. On the other hand, it will be equally
forgotten that the vigor of government is
essential to the security of liberty; that,
in the contemplation of a sound and well-
informed judgment, their interest can nev-
er be separated; and that a dangerous
ambition more often lurks behind the
specious mask of zeal for rights of the
people than under the forbidding appear-
ance of zeal for the firmness and efficiency
of government. History will teach us that
the former has been found a much more
certain road to the introduction of des-
potism than the latter, and that of those
men who have overturned the liberties of
republics, the greatest number have begun
their career by paying an obsequious court
to the people; commencing demagogues,
and ending tyrants.
The above quotation represents one can achieve the ideal of the
Hamilton fairly, both in the power Constitutional Convention, which
of his style and for his ideas con- pledged itself to deal in principles,
tained therein. By looking real- not in men, then he and the Fed-
isticallv at man, by finding good in eralist faction, which for so long he
him despite his weaknesses, by spearheaded, deserve man's grati-
acknowledging the Constitution to tude for their firm stand on prin-
be a compromise, but a compromise ciple as they believed it— principle
heading in the right direction; by which has been woven into the
clarifying how checks and balances
under the Constitution counter and
thus strengthen each other; and by
convincing the aristocratic classes
that the Constitution safeguarded
them from excesses and encroach-
ments, Alexander Hamilton made
his unique contribution both to
America's literature and to his great
legal structure in whose superstruc-
ture the peace and future of the
Nation has always rested. And if
heart of the American structure.
Thoughts for Discussion
i. During the last decade of the eight-
eenth century, why was the French Revo-
lution so vital an issue?
2. In what way did Timothy Dwight
give added power to the Federalist cause?
3. How could anyone who distrusted
the judgment of the common people ever
make a contribution of any value to
American institutions of Government?
4. In The Federalist Hamilton was try-
ing to convince whom of what?
Social Science— Spiritual Living
in the Nuclear Age
Lesson 6— Creative and Spiritual Living — Pathways to Peace — Part 1
Elder Blaine M. Porter
For Tuesday, April 26, i960
Objective: To explore the ways in which creative living can add to the abundance
and richness of life.
Frontiers oi the Modern World
The Geographical Frontier. Re-
corded history reveals that cer-
tain segments of mankind in all
ages, past and present, have lived
on various kinds of frontiers. In
early modern history and among
more primitive groups, there were
those who were courageous and ad-
venturous and sought to explore
beyond the confines of their own
tribal area or community. From
this early beginning we have had a
long succession of explorers, such as
Marco Polo, Lief Ericson, Christo-
pher Columbus, Magellan, Lewis
and Clark, Admiral Richard E.
Byrd, and many others who all went
beyond the confines or borders of
their towns, communities, or na-
tions, in an effort to provide more
information about the geographical
make-up and nature of the world
in which they lived. Today we are
living in an era in which man, still
adventurous, is seeking more un-
derstanding about the physical
world in which he lives, as well as
desiring to explore the space beyond.
When some of the earlier explor-
ers returned home bearing the fruits
of amazing discoveries, men had to
accommodate themselves to a new
world. However, accommodating
oneself to a new world comes hard
for some people, for the old and
familiar ways tend to become secure
and beloved. When Columbus
came home there were those whose
immediate impulse was to cast him
into chains, but, in spite of the
resistance and unwillingness of
some of his contemporaries to ac-
cept his discoveries, the march of
progress was on; the world changed
and men had to adjust to it.
Today we have become more ac-
customed to explorations of the
physical world and take for granted
that many almost unbelievable dis-
coveries regarding space will occur
in our generation. The march of
progress continues, and we must
learn to accommodate ourselves to
the changes in our lives which will
inevitably result from these dis-
Social and Political Frontiers.
There have been those among us
through history who have lived on
the frontiers of social and political
advancement. Besides the despots
and tyrants who have subjugated
people and ruled in order to achieve
their own selfish whims, we have
had many courageous and outstand-
ing statesmen who have made
immeasurable contributions to man-
kind. Through their efforts to find
a more effective way of creating an
environment for man in which he
might find opportunity for self-
expression and obtain security for
himself and his family, he has been
freed from many of the fears and
struggles for survival. Achievements
in this direction have enabled us to
visualize the day when the table
will be set for all who want to eat;
a day when the human race will
form a unified community and no
longer live as separate entities.
But advances do not come easily.
There are always resisters to change,
with their immature minds and feel-
ings of fear and insecurity. Some
stood on the rim of a crowd around
Socrates, took note of what sound-
ed like subversive utterances, and
reported them to the authorities.
And this same type of individual
continues to function in this resis-
tive capacity today.
The Scientific Frontier. Looking
at the explorations on the frontier
of knowledge and science, we can
see Galileo, after dropping his two
unequal weights from the Leaning
Tower of Pisa (when, contrary to
the official views, each reached the
ground at the identical moment)
being accused of being in league
with the devil and threatened with
death if he did not deny the truth
which he had discovered. We can
see the advances of medical science
throttled for many centuries after
the discoveries of Hippocrates, be-
cause the human body was con-
sidered too sacred to be studied in
a scientific manner.
But man's thirst for knowledge
and his desire to find a way to "sub-
due the earth" has led him to great
accomplishments. His imagination ows of uneasiness, anxiety, and con-
has made him remarkable among fusion which seldom, if ever, leave
created things, and that imagination men.
has carried him far beyond the reach
of his working hands. Charting a True Course
The Spiritual Frontier. A his- In this unsettled sea of human
torical look at the spiritual frontier perplexities, yearnings, and disap-
reveals that many great spiritual pointments, it may pay high divi-
leaders were rejected in their day. dends for us to pause and eliminate
Yet what a debt the world owes to from our minds our immediate
such individuals as Buddha, Con- demands and schemes for livelihood
fucious, Gandhi, and others. Those and personal pleasure, in order that
living on the spiritual frontier have we may chart a course which will
probably been among the more dili- lead us to a port wherein we will
gent in seeking to commune with likely find the goals and values pro-
God. And God, through his Son, viding eternal satisfaction and hap-
Jesus Christ, and through his love, piness. As part of the process of
kindness, and generosity, has re- charting this course, it is suggested
vealed to us many of his goals for that we follow the admonition of
man and has, through his prophets, Socrates when he said, ''Know thy-
tried to provide a way in which we self," and the admonition of Presi-
could live creatively, abundantly, dent McKay when he suggested
peacefully, with one another. that we ". . . talk with self in a
As we stand back and take a look serious sort of way." Self-under-
at the world of today and marvel at standing is a prerequisite to good
the great achievements in many mental health and understanding of
fields, man can view his accomplish- other people. This is important
ments and truly say, it is good. But, because we are required to relate
looking at himself, what can he say? ourselves to other people and to the
Has he come closer to the realiza- conditions of the world in which
tion of another dream of mankind, we live. We then must have an
that of the perfection oi man? Of understanding of how these forces
man loving his neighbors, doing affect us and our relationships with
justice, speaking the truth, and real- others.
izing that which he potentially is, And as we come to know our-
a son of God? selves and others, we free ourselves
Raising the question is embarrass^ to experience more of the potential
ing since the answer is so painfully within us, to achieve creative, har-
clear. While we have created won- monious relationships with other
derful things, we have failed to make people. As we are able to listen,
of ourselves beings for whom these to grasp what other persons are
great accomplishments would seem saying, we remove many of the
worthwhile. If we look at the world major hostilities of life; we raise
todav, we realize that ours is not a the psychological "iron curtain"
life of brotherhood, happiness, con- which may have been lowered
tentment, but, rather, one of between us, and find that many
spiritual chaos and bewilderment, misunderstandings of life have
We are prone to ignore the shad- disappeared. Thus freed form mis-
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understandings, fears, prejudices,
and hostilities which frequently
shackle us, we are ready to move
along our course which we are
charting, which now opens up for
us new horizons for creative living.
Expressing the Creative
Powers Within Us
Christ said, "I am come that they
might have life, and that they might
have it more abundantly" (John
10:10). President McKay, in dis-
cussing the life of the intellect and
of the spirit, stated that the intel-
lectual pursuits help men:
... to live completely and abundantly;
and in the living to serve — serve their fel-
low men! He lives most who sees or
". . . tongues in trees, books in the
running brooks,
Sermons in stones and good in every-
Shakespeare, As You Like It,
Act II, Sc. i, 1. 16-17
He lives most who sees bevond these
trees, these stones, and these running
brooks, and sees God and goodness in it
all, who sees an overruling Providence in
all this world and recognizes God's chil-
dren as brothers and sisters, in everv one
of whom there is something good, ever
striving to lift the man up out of the
sensual world into the realm of true re-
ligion (McKay, David O., Gospei Ideals,
page 148).
Creative living is living freelv in
a world in which one is at peace
with oneself. Expressions of crea-
tivity are not limited to producing
a masterpiece of art or literature or
music; neither are they limited to
the creative expression in dance or
other physical activity. Any one of
us can have the door of creativity
opened up for us, if we put forth
the effort. It may be a new idea,
a new thought, a new way of doing
a somewhat menial task, a particular
way in which we teach a class, give
a two-and-one-half minute talk, or
entertain our friends in our home.
It may be the unique way in which
we help a child discover something
new or solve a problem; it may be
an everyday occurrence in which we
bring joy and happiness to others
through our particular way of inter-
acting with them.
Harry Overstreet suggests that
much creativity is experienced
through the channel of religion:
In its very essence religion is "a dedica-
tion of the entire self to the pursuit of
ideal values." In this sense religion is
the most persistentlv and widely creative
of all the enterprises of life. It is life
forever looking beyond values already
achieved and forever enlisting itself in
behalf of values still to be achieved (Over-
street, Harry A.: The Great Enterprise,
page 198, W. W. Norton & Company,
Inc., used by permission).
The religion of Christianity, in
general, and of the Latter-day Saints,
in particular, encourages the indi-
vidual to live beyond mediocrity
and dullness, as man on his wav to
perfection seeks to qualify himself
for Godhood.
Appraising Our Values
Some individuals have found
themselves in positions of leader-
ship or unique situations which en-
couraged or forced them to see the
world and its problems from a broad
point of view; to look at the "whole
picture/' Perhaps the rest of us
could benefit from the experience
of such individuals. Henry Cabot
Lodge said:
If there is one thing which I have
learned as a result of four years at the
United Nations it is that the sense of
justice is very much the same in every man.
Regardless of whether he comes from Asia,
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Africa, Europe, or America, he has very
much the same idea of fair play as his
fellow man, who may come from a country
ten thousand miles away. . . . The future
of the world depends on the extent to
which we can base international relations
on that sense of justice and fair play
which lives in every human heart {Think,
June 1957, page 22).
Mary Hawkins, editor of the
Journal of Home Economics, report-
ing on the Ninth International Con-
gress on Home Economics, held in
College Park, Maryland, July 1958,
With other members of the international
permanent council of the federation . . .
a program of importance was developed,
but even more than that there was a readi-
ness, a fluidity, a possibility of achieve-
ment made ready for the character of the
And a character did unfold. It had
many sides, but the most inspiring and
the most awesome was its universality. We
saw that "one world" is no longer just
a concept; it is a reality. It operates in
the lives of everyday people, not just among
statesmen and internationalists. It can
bring women in religious habits across an
ocean and women in saris halfway around
the world to meet together, to find a com-
mon denominator of values, and to draw
comfort from each other's experiences.
It batters against the language barrier and
reconciles differences in color, nationality,
and occupation. With our minds, we
have known that this new character was
abroad in the world; we know it now in
our hearts and remembered handshakes.
We know it in cool Finnish melodies
sung on a sticky, southern night. We
saw it in each person's realization that he
or she had something to give to the Con-
gress (Hawkins, Mary, "This Is Our
World," Journal of Home Economics,
Vol. 50, No. 8, October 1958, page 611,
used by permission ) .
These two individuals as a result
of their positions and experiences
have been able to see "one world"
in the making. They have been
able to see the contributions which
mature, creative living can make.
Another experience in life which
brings values into sharp focus is the
anticipation of death. Mrs. Hazel
Beck Andre's account of "My Last
Wonderful Days" provides guid-
ance and inspiration not only for
those who anticipate death within
a few weeks or days, but for anyone
who wishes to live creatively
throughout life, realizing that death
will ultimately come to him. After
telling of her feelings in learning of
her condition, the adjustments
which she and her husband made,
and the maimer in which they tried
to help their children face the in-
evitable, she summarizes her phi-
losophy by saying:
I have no regrets — my life has been rich
and full, and I have loved every minute
of it. But if I were to live it over, I
would take more time for savoring of
beauty — sunrises; opening crabapple blos-
soms . . . the delighted surprised look on
a tiny girl's face as she pets a kitty for
the first time.
I would eliminate enough outside activ-
ities so that I could be always the serene
core of my home — for the triumph of
serenity has crvstallized for me and my
family in these last days. There would
be more time for family and for close
personal friends.
I would get closer to people faster.
When death is imminent, we open our
hearts quickly and wide. How much more
Christian love there would be if we didn't
wait for death to release our reserves!
I would live each day as if it were my
last one, as I am doing now (Andre,
Hazel Beck, "My Last Wonderful Days,"
Farm Journal, July 1956, used by permis-
Can we take lessons from such
experiences to help us reappraise our
values in an effort to discover if we
are living creatively? Are we ex-
periencing the potential within us?
Are we making the contributions in
services to others that we might
make. Are we contributing to the
peace of the world by being aware
of the needs of individuals around
the world and conditions in which
they live, and being aware of the
implications which our own inter-
personal relationships have as they
influence other people? Can our
scope and understandings be en-
larged in order that we may embrace
the following prayer uttered by a
fellow American, Benjamin Frank-
lin, when he said:
God grant that not only the love of
liberty but a thorough knowledge of the
rights of man may pervade all the nations
of the earth, so that a philosopher may
set his foot anywhere on its surface and
say, "This is my country."
Thoughts for Discussion
1. In what way do you participate on
the "frontiers" discussed?
2. Are you a supporter of explorations
on these various frontiers or are you a
3. What specifically have you done and
are you doing to chart a course toward
eternal values? Have your efforts been
vague and abstract or are they practical
and useful?
4. What steps can you take to become
more creative?
5. Have you appraised your values re-
cently? Are you putting first things first?
6. If you knew you had only two weeks
left to live, would you alter your daily
activities and ways of behaving? If so,
in what ways? Also, if so, wouldn't it be
well to do it now while there is still time?
Supplementary References
Christiansen, ElRay L.: "The Need
for Charity," The Improvement Era, June
1956, page 434.
McKay, David O.: "A Summation and
a Blessing," The Improvement Era, June
1958, pp. 464-465.
Mrs. Charlotte Jane Webb Neilson
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Mrs. Marie Sorensen Jensen
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Mrs. Sina C. H. Mortensen
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Mrs. Ellen Larson Smith
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Miss Grace Minot
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Mrs. Josephine Sorenson
Salt Lake City, Utah
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President Fisher and I visited a Toc-H
Club (a world-wide women's service club,
I believe) — President had been asked to
speak. We took a number of magazines
with us, but The Relief Society Magazine
really impressed the women. They said
it is what they are striving for. They were
amazed at the scope of our work. . . . One
little woman, a member of the Church,
eighty-three years old, who reads very well,
has been bedfast in a hospital for six years.
She looks forward to our visits and to the
Magazine. She says the trouble is the
nurses borrow the Magazines before she
finishes. Who knows where they might
do the most good?
—Holly W. Fisher
South African Mission
Relief Society
Mowbray, South Africa
The Magazine certainly is a blessing to
all our family, and we enjoy all the articles
and stories. The recipes are especially in-
teresting. I am the theology teacher in
our branch and have enjoyed using the
lesson material in the Magazine and find
that very good lessons can be prepared
by use of the Magazine and the standard
works of the Church. Elder Doxey has
done a marvelous job in writing these
— Bernice Kentner
North Platte, Nebraska
1 was thrilled when I read in the Oc-
tober Magazine (Sixty Years Ago, page
656) the account of the Relief Society
being organized in St. John, Kansas, July
8, 1899. I was a seventeen-year-old girl
living there at that time and well remem-
ber that ice cream social and the delicious
ice cream. We girls did not quilt, but
we helped sew carpet rags and make those
comforts. Sister Breckenridge was a love-
ly lady. All the family are dead now
except her daughter Mary. She has just
made an extended visit to St. John from
her home in Spanish Fork, Utah. Those
good old times were the happiest days of
my life.
— Georgia C. Carr
Hattiesburg, Mississippi
I feel I must write and thank you for
the wonderful Relief Society Magazine.
I am not able to get to my branch, Georges
Lane, Lewisham, London, as I live at
Birchington. I read the Magazine and am
able to keep up with the lessons, and they
help me so much in my lonely evenings.
A small group of Relief Society sisters
occasionally come to visit me for the day,
and an American, Sister McGee, from
California, visited me often. But now
many of the American lads and their wives
are gone away, and many of the big houses
are empty now, where your lads and their
wives lived, and their children attended
our schools. I have met many young mis-
sionary lads, as well as servicemen, when
I lived at Spur Road, Orpington, Kent,
when my husband was alive. I was so
fortunate that Sister McGee gave me an
invitation to go with her and her hus-
band to the dedication of our beautiful
London Temple. When I caught the
first glimpse of that spire rising into the
sky, I knew for a surety it was the
temple of God. Now I must say how
sorry I am not to have written sooner to
thank you for the wonderful Magazine.
— Lily N. Jordan
Birchington, England
I enjoy the Magazine very much, as do
also my family, especially my husband.
We think the stories are very good and
also the poetry. I have not been without
the Magazine in my home since I was first
married, some eighteen years ago.
— Dorothy M. Loveland
Burley, Idaho
We have lived in many parts of the
world, and I have always thought that
the place we were living in at the time
was the best place in all the Church in
which to live, that the members were
kinder, more loving, that the spirit was
sweeter. I find that Ames is now the
best place to be. Thank you for the
wonderful messages you continue to send
us in The Relief Society Magazine. It is
a privilege to be counted among the mem-
bers of such an organization.
— Virginia Cott
Ames, Iowa
Page 72
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uiour of vi/aiting
Lael W. Hill
Still through the brittle hours persist
Like dark-sweet petals fragment-fallen
Your summer words.
Oh, still there twist
And cling among the winter stalks
The loosened moments blown and given
To haunting wind.
In whiteness walks
Remembering, and gathers there
Companioning too briefly spoken
A love ago.
Yet gently where
The heart's root waits through withered hours,
Green voices will again be risen
And over snow, the breath of flowers.
The Cover: The Northwestern States Mission Home, Portland, Oregon
Photograph by James W. Allen
Submitted by Effie K. Driggs
Frontispiece: West Virginia Landscape in Winter
Luoma Photos
Cover Design by Evan Jensen
Cover Lithographed in Full Color by Deseret News Press
Qjiom l tear and Qjc
I would like to say thanks to you for
such a splendid little Magazine, which is
greatly appreciated here in good old
Australia. The Relief Society to me is
like a giant army of wonderful women
always ready to be of service at any time.
The sisters at our Bankstown Branch have
been particularly good to me, and through
them I am reminded of scriptures found
in Galatians 6:2 — "Bear ye one an-
other's burdens, and so fulfil the law of
Christ." This passage, I feel, goes hand
in hand with "Charity Never Faileth." I
congratulate you on the really lovely cov-
ers. How thrilling it would be one day
to see as a cover one of the scenes of our
beautiful countryside or beaches.
— Bette M. Caiman
Bankstown Branch
N.S.W., Australia
Editorial Note: Photographs of the
lovely Australian scenery (in two colors)
were presented as cover pictures and as
illustrations inside the Magazine for Feb-
ruary 1956 and August 1957.
And speaking of goodness — I am de-
lighted with the subscription to The
Relief Society Magazine. We have no
magazines here, and just a couple of
weeks ago I was trying to decide what
magazine we could enjoy and still be use-
ful. I had decided it would be The
Relief Society Magazine, and thought I
would treat myself for Christmas! But
typical Mom — you beat me to it. Please
know that I shall enjoy it completely and
will use it as I go to Relief Society here.
I also plan to save each issue. Many,
many thanks.
— From a letter written by Elaine
Reiser Alder, Eugene, Oregon, to her
mother, Elizabeth B. Reiser in Salt Lake
City, Utah! ~
I wish to tell you how much I have
enjoyed the Magazine. I do not know
which I enjoy most, the poems, lessons,
or short stories, or the editorials. They
are all so interesting and faith-inspiring.
— Cecile Wright
Dixon, California
I was delighted to discover another of
Grace Ingles Frost's poems in the No-
vember issue of The Relief Society
Magazine, "Days," page 735. I enjoy her
poems so very much and always clip them
for my scrapbook.
-Ruth T. Williams
Provo, Utah
I must write and thank you for my
Relief Society Magazine, and also tell you
how much I enjoy it. I have many dear
friends in the Church, and my family
connections go back to 1848 here in
Merthyr Tydfil, when my grandmother's
and grandfather's brothers became inter-
ested in the Church. . . . Mv very dear
friends are Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Booth
of Springville, Utah, with whom I am in
regular correspondence. Latter-day Saint
missionaries always have and always will
be sure of a welcome at 39 Upper Thomas
— Mrs. Sydney Carbin
Merthyr Tydfil
South Wales, Britain
The December 1959 cover is another
piece of superb art as was the last De-
cember cover. And I did enjoy seeing
another beautiful poem by Vesta P. Craw-
ford, with its fine line "Dividers of the
stars and keepers of the spheres." And
then there were Iris Schow and Maude
O. Cook, with their lively, moving verses
for us to enjov.
— Dorothy }. Roberts
Salt Lake City, Utah
I must take a moment to tell you of
my appreciation for The Relief Society
Magazine. I give credit to my home ward
of Freedom, Wyoming, for the gift sub-
scription they send me each year. I find
very good reading and manv helpful
articles that aid me in my missionary work
here in Western Canada. I especially
enjoy the theology lessons and their
stressing of Church doctrine.
— Elder Juel Haderlie
Edmonton, Canada
Page 74
Monthly Publication of the Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Belle S. Spafford ------- President
Marianne C. Sharp - - - - - - First Counselor
Louise W. Madsen --------- Second Counselor
Hulda Parker ___--_ Secretary-Treasurer
Anna B. Hart Josie B. Bay Elna P. Haymond Elsa T. Peterson
Edith S. Elliott Christine H. Robinson Annie M. Ellsworth Irene B. Woodford
Florence J. Madsen Alberta H. Christensen Mary R. Young Fanny S. Kienitz
Leone G. Layton Mildred B. Eyring Mary V. Cameron Elizabeth B. Winters
Blanche B. Stoddard Charlotte A. Larsen Afton W. Hunt LaRue H. Rosell
Evon W. Peterson Edith P. Backman Wealtha S. Mendenhall Jennie R. Scott
Aleine M. Young Winniefred S. Pearle M. Olsen
Editor -._-__----- Marianne C. Sharp
Associate Editor ---------- Vesta P. Crawford
General Manager ---------- Belle S. Spafford
VOL. 47 FEBRUARY 1960 NO. 2
The Responsibility of Relief Society Ofiicers in the Salvation of
Relief Society Members Mark E. Petersen 76
Relief Society and the Church Welfare Program Henry D. Taylor 81
The Northwestern States Mission Preston R. Nibley 86
"Oh Say, What Is Truth?" 98
Grandpa's Red Suspenders — Second Prize Story Myrtle M. Dean 88
Only the Essentials Frances C. Yost 102
The New Day — Chapter 5 Hazel K. Todd 106
From Near and Far 74
Sixty Years Ago 94
Woman's Sphere Ramona W. Cannon 95
Editorial: Greatness From Righteous Endurance Marianne C. Sharp 96
Notes From the Field: Relief Society Activities Hulda Parker 111
Birthday Congratulations 144
Recipes From the Northwestern States Mission Effie K. Driggs 99
Tin Time for Gertrude Lacy 105
Kindness Ida Isaacson 105
Anchor Celia Luce 143
Theology — The Great I Am Roy W. Doxey 119
Visiting Teacher Messages — "Be Faithful Unto the End, and Lo, I Am
.„ , t With You" Christine H. Robinson 125
Work Meeting — Simple First Aid Helps Charlotte A. Larsen 127
Literature — Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) Briant S. Jacobs 129
Social Science — Creative and Spiritual Living — Pathways to Peace —
part II Blaine M. Porter 137
Hour of Waiting — Frontispiece Lael W Hill 73
Letter From a Missionary Mabel' Jones Gabbott 85
w+?C?T1?uPTa^erTT Vi ; Rowena Jensen Bills 97
With Nothing in His Hands Maude Rubin 101
Alberta Revisited Helen Kimball Orgill 110
Winter Garden Eva Willes Wangsgaard 128
W<r"" Words Dorothy J. Roberts 136
What Can I Give You? Christie Lund Coles 144
Copyright 1959 by General Board of Relief Society of The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Editorial and Business Offices: 76 North Main, Salt Lake Citv 11, Utah: Phone EMpire 4-2511;
Subscriptions 246: Editorial Dept. 245. Subscription Price: $2.00 a year; foreign, $2.00 a year;
20c a copy; payable in advance. The Magazine is not sent after subscription expires. No back
numbers can be supplied. Renew promptly so that no copies will be missed. Report change of
address at once, giving old and new address.
Entered as second-class matter February 18, 1914, at the Post Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, under
the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in
section 1103, Act of October 8, 1917, authorized June 29, 1918. Manuscripts will not be returned
unless return postage is enclosed. Rejected manuscripts will be retained for six months only.
The Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts.
Page 75
The Responsibility of Relief
Society Officers in the Salvation
of Relief Society Members
(Address Delivered at the Officers Meeting of the Annual General Relief Society
Conference, October 7, 1959)
Elder Mark E. Petersen
Of the Council of the Twelve
I would like to join, my sisters,
with President Joseph Fielding
Smith, in expressing gratitude
and appreciation to you for all that
you do. It is indeed an inspiring
experience to note the remarkable
things being done by the Relief
Society sisters throughout the
Church. My appreciation for you
and your program increases day by
day. The more I see of your work,
the more I marvel at it, the more
I feel indeed the Lord is inspiring
you and strengthening you to fulfill
a great need.
With President Smith, I express
deep gratitude to the Lord for the
remarkable leadership which you
have. We feel so impressed with
Sister Spafford and her counselors
and the splendid work that they are
doing, the great devotion they
demonstrate. We are thankful for
this wonderful General Board, and
we would like to say to you from
the stakes how grateful we are for
the remarkable work which you do.
You surely have our prayers, our
faith, our confidence, and we hope
that the Lord will continue with
you always.
I cannot go on without express-
ing appreciation for this Singing
Mothers group from the Nephi
area and to Sister Hoyt for her di-
Poge 76
rection. I would like to say to
Sister Hoyt and all of the sisters
how much I appreciated this last
number in particular, the composi-
tion of Sister Hoyt. I am sure it
will be sung throughout the Church
by Singing Mother choruses.
I express appreciation to Presi-
dent Smith for the privilege of
working with him in serving as an
advisor to your wonderful organiza-
tion. It is always a great inspiration
to me to be associated with him. I
have been an admirer of him since
I was a little boy. Ever since I be-
came old enough to begin to read
serious things, I have been deeply
impressed by his remarkable works,
and I still enjoy them, and I am
lifted up always when I have the
opportunity of listening to him
speak. I am thankful this morning
that he has spoken as he has con-
cerning the importance of the gos-
pel in the lives of the women in the
Church and the manner in which
they can be of assistance in saving
the souls of the people with whom
they come in contact. It is along
this line that I would like to speak
briefly this morning also.
When Paul wrote to the saints
of his day, he set forth some of the
great principles involved in being
saved in the kingdom of heaven. In
one instance you recall he said:
... I am not ashamed of the gospel
of Christ: for it is the power of God unto
salvation . . . (Romans 1:16).
That scripture has been quoted
often and effectively. The gospel is
the power of God unto salvation.
On another occasion, speaking of
means by which we become con-
verted to the gospel so that it may
save us, Paul said:
. . . whosoever shall call upon the name
of the Lord shall be saved.
How then shall they call on him in
whom they have not believed? and how
shall they believe in him of whom they
have not heard? and how shall they hear
without a preacher?
And how shall they preach, except they
be sent? . . . (Romans 10:13-15).
At still another time, you remem-
ber that Paul explained that officers
are placed in the Church,
For the perfecting of the saints, for the
work of the ministry, for the edifying of
the body of Christ . . . (Ephesians 4:12).
T ET us put these three scriptures
together and look at them as a
group. It is the gospel which saves.
Salvation comes through conversion
to the gospel. Conversion comes
through hearing the word of the
Lord. Hearing the word of the
Lord comes through a preacher or
a teacher. A teacher cannot teach
properly unless authorized to do so.
The teacher is so authorized by the
officers of the Church. The duties
of the officers are to conduct the
work of the ministry, perfect the
saints, and edify them in connec-
tion with their program.
We can readily see, then, that
the officers of the Church are the
pivotal, central figures upon whom
rests the responsibility for the en-
tire work.
When the Prophet Joseph Smith
organized the Relief Society and
outlined its aims and objectives, he
gave the sisters more than the re-
sponsibility of caring for needy peo-
ple and more than provoking the
brethren to good works. He laid
upon them the responsibility of
helping to bring about the salvation
of their members. He said: 'The
Society is not only to relieve the
poor, but to save souls" (Relief So-
ciety Minutes, June 9, 1842).
He added that the sisters are to
correct the morals and strengthen
the virtues of the community, a
thing which could be done only
through proper obedience to the
gospel, based upon a correct under-
standing of its principles.
One of the chief responsibilities
of the Relief Society, then, is prop-
erly to instruct its own members so
that they may achieve that under-
Now whose responsibility is it to
provide this instruction? Is it the
duty of the class leader alone, she
who gives the lesson? It is in part
her responsibility, but it is not ex-
clusively hers.
Who shares it with the instructor?
The officers, of course, because they
preside over all of the Relief So-
ciety, class work included, and are
as much responsible for good class
work as they are for good work
meetings and for proper visits in
the homes. They cannot lay this
entire responsibility upon the in-
structors, because they preside over
the instructors and over the
whole group. They must see that
the entire organization functions
\A/E have two great fields of gos-
pel education. One of them
is the home, the other is the
Church, with its various organiza-
tions. But the home needs the di-
rection of the Church so that family
life will accomplish what the Lord
expects of it.
Where can parents receive this
training and instruction? From the
leaders and organizations of the
Church, of course. You, who are
here assembled, are the leaders of
the women of the Relief Society.
You must lead, and by your exam-
ples vou must teach. From your
own experience as well as from the
teachings of our Priesthood leaders,
you can give to the women of the
Church the help thev need in learn-
ing how to build good homes and
good family life.
As leaders, your own homes, in a
sense, are the laboratories in which
to prove out the best methods of
family life and to develop proper
examples for others.
We must remember that a major
part of good family life, of success-
ful and exemplary home activity, is
to teach and live the gospel in the
home. The gospel must be taught
there objectively. It must be lived
consistently and steadily and regu-
larly. Otherwise, the lesson is lost.
Mothers, generally, do most of
the teaching in most of the homes;
therefore, these mothers need good
preparation for that teaching. Where
do they get it? In part, from their
own personal studies and reading,
of course; but also from observing
how you, the leaders, teach by your
own personal examples and, then
also, from the lessons they learn in
your classwork.
Since I wish to limit my remarks
largely to class instruction, I desire
to emphasize here the importance
of its effect upon the home. Your
class instruction can influence the
homes of all who come to your
meetings. Mothers can, and will be
impressed by the classwork if it is
well done. The impression moth-
ers receive there can sway the entire
attitude of the home, and so mold
the habits and customs of the home
that family life therein may ap-
proach the ideal.
Class instruction can be that ef-
fective. It can be that important.
It should be that well done. Now
how can we best serve the needs of
these mothers through our own
class instruction?
Good classwork is dependent up-
on three important factors: first, a
wise selection of the individual who
is to serve as the instructor; second,
the choice of proper lesson material;
and third, effective presentation of
that material. Now let us review
these three points in the light of
our responsibility as presidents and
other officers of the Relief Society.
Consider first the proper selection
of the class instructors. Whose re-
sponsibility is it to choose these
teachers? The presidency's, of
TN making these selections, the
presidency will have in mind the
main qualifications of teachers for
their organizations. What are some
of them?
First and foremost, a good testi-
mony of the gospel. The teacher
herself must be converted, other-
wise, how can she convert others?
It takes fire to kindle fire. It takes
faith to build faith.
Second, the teacher must be or-
thodox in her views with respect
to the gospel. If she is not, she
will spread her wayward views like part an officer herself may take dur-
a contagion among the class mem- ing the actual class period. By
bers. wisely participating she may help to
Third, her own living habits must guide class discussions, making cer-
be in harmony with the principles tain of obtaining good results. This
of the gospel. What we do often must be done, of course, in a way
resounds so loudly in the ears of to avoid taking the lead of the class
other people that they cannot hear out of the hands of the instructor,
what we say. but if wisdom is used it can be a
Fourth, ability to teach. You strength to the instructor,
notice that I put this point in
fourth place, although it is an AFTER the selection of the
essential quality. Teachers should teacher for the class and before
possess some teaching skill, but if she begins her work, the officers of
that skill is missing, then what? the ward should sit down and have
If something is to be sacrificed, an understanding with her. They
it is better to sacrifice skill than should discuss the text material and
faith. It is better to sacrifice skill make it clear in the beginning what
than orthodoxy. It is better to sac- material is to be used and what
rifice skill than an example of good objectives are to be reached in the
living. instruction. Merely handing a book
Skill may be acquired. There are to an instructor is not enough. If
many teaching helps these days, a ward officer expects a certain type
There is much assistance available of performance from an instructor,
in the form of teacher training, certainly the instructor is entitled to
Stake board members are willing to know in the beginning what is ex-
help ward instructors. There are pected of her. A frank and friend-
also skilled teachers in every stake ly discussion at the outset can avoid
who, as neighbors, would willingly many difficulties later on.
give private help to a ward Relief The next point is the proper pre-
Society instructor, if requested to do sentation of the material. Here is
so. In a spirit of neighborliness, where stake board people can give
Latter-day Saint professional teach- invaluable help. Here is where we
ers, if asked, would help an unskilled see the great importance of good
woman to prepare her lessons, give stake board workers. Through visits
expert assistance in the selection of in the wards and through leadership
visual-aid material, and otherwise meetings, they can provide good
assist, if asked. The difficulty in this help and suggestions to ward in-
matter is that so many of our in- structors. Leadership meetings them-
structors are embarrassed to ask for selves must be teacher-training
this kind of help, although they sessions for the assistance of these
need not be. ward instructors.
Officers of the organizations, Again, this comes back to the re-
knowing this situation, could them- sponsibility of the officers of the Re-
selves arrange for such aid and in lief Society. Stake Relief Society
that manner improve the lesson presidencies must be so wise in their
work and make it more effective in selection of board members that
the ward. And then there is the they will have in mind each need
of the workers in the wards who
come for assistance.
Stake Relief Society presidencies
should not choose board members
merely because they are nice and
lovely persons, fun to be around.
Board members must be chosen for
their ability to fulfill a particular
assignment on the board. Their
impact upon the workers in the
ward must be given first consider-
ation. Their visits to wards must
be constructive and profitable.
Their leadership meeting depart-
ments must be stimulating.
Too often ward members come
away from leadership meetings feel-
ing that their attendance there has
been a waste of time, that they have
received nothing from the discus-
sion. When such reactions occur,
it is of major importance to the
stake presidency of the Relief So-
ciety, who are duty bound to see to
it that ward people get the maxi-
mum of help from their leadership
meeting departments. If the stake
board member is not making the
department profitable, the presi-
dency should correct the situation.
"DOARD members must be keenly
conscious of the importance of
adequate preparation on their own
part. When they conduct their de-
partments in leadership meeting
they must be so well prepared that
all coming to the department will
be edified and stimulated. If board
members do not know how to con-
duct good departments, they must
learn how. They can ask their stake
Relief Society presidencies, and they
can ask the General Board. Since
the ward people come expecting
help from the stake, the stake of-
ficers should be willing to seek all
the assistance necessary. They must
be prepared. There is no substi-
tute for preparation.
You see, Relief Society officers,
how great is the responsibility rest-
ing upon you with respect to your
leadership meetings; with respect to
instruction in the wards; and to the
operation of the whole program?
Yours is a responsibility of detail.
Although we delegate much of our
work, we, as officers, must be so
well informed on all of our depart-
ments that we can give adequate
and intelligent and well-advised di-
rection to those who labor under us.
Preparation and constant atten-
tion are the watchwords of the of-
ficers themselves. You cannot
properly direct your organizations if
you are not working closely with
them. You cannot operate your
work by remote control. Neither
can you run a good organization if
you do not understand the program
in detail. The work of saving souls
is so important that we cannot spare
any preparation or effort in our as-
signments. You see the chain of
relationship between our work as
officers and the saving of souls?
Salvation comes by conversion.
Conversion requires proper instruc-
tion. Proper instruction depends
to a large extent upon the direction-
al work of the officers of the organ-
ization. So you, the officers, are
basically responsible. The Lord
surely had this in mind when he
Wherefore, now let every one learn his
duty, and to act in the office in which he
is appointed, in all diligence.
... he that learns not his duty and
shows himself not approved shall not be
counted worthy to stand (D & C
107:99, 100).
That we may be found worthy to
stand is my humble prayer in Jesus'
name, Amen.
Relief Society and the Church
Welfare Program
Elder Henry D. Taylor
Assistant to the Council of the Twelve
Managing Director of the General Church Welfare Committee
(Address Delivered at the Annual General Relief Society Conference, Departmental
Meeting, Thursday Afternoon, October 8, 1959)
I consider it a great honor to be
invited to participate in this
Relief Society conference. I
have the greatest admiration and
respect for your organization and
the good you have accomplished
and are now achieving.
We are mindful of your note-
worthy contributions and support of
the Church Welfare Program, and
express gratitude and appreciation
for your excellent labors. We ex-
press particular thanks to the Gen-
eral Board for the emphasis they
have placed on the employment and
work phases of the Program in the
past two conventions.
You women are important in our
lives and give us encouragement and
strength. Without you we would
make little progress.
One morning the King and
Queen left the palace in London.
As they drove in their carriage, en-
thusiastic subjects lined the streets
and cheered. One loyal man shouted
out: "Hurrah for King George the
Fifth." A nearby companion added:
"Yes, and three cheers for Queen
Mary, the other four-fifths.,,
I have been invited to speak to
you leaders about the Welfare Plan,
and to point out some of the ways
in which the sisters can help in the
The full Welfare Plan is operative
only in the stakes. "In the missions
welfare work is generally limited to
an effort to teach members how to
solve their local problems and pro-
vide for their own needs" (Welfare
Plan — Handbook of Instructions,
page 5).
In establishing the Welfare Plan
in 1936, the First Presidency out-
lined the basic and fundamental
principles in these words:
Our primary purpose was to set up,
in so far as it might be possible, a system
under which the curse of idleness would
be done away with, the evils of a dole
abolished, and independence, industry,
thrift and self-respect be once more estab-
lished amongst our people. The aim of
the Church is to help the people to help
themselves. Work is to be re-enthroned
as the ruling principle of the lives of our
Church membership (lbid.y page 1).
The phases of the welfare activi-
ties may be divided into five
The time allotted to me will per-
mit but a brief outline of these
phases. I can present only a skel-
eton, relying upon you to furnish
some meat for the bones.
Paae 81
HTHE key figure in the Welfare Planning
Plan is the bishop.
By the word of the Lord, the sole man-
date to care for and the sole discretion in
caring for the poor of the Church is
lodged in the bishop. It is his duty and
his only to determine to whom, when,
how and how much shall be given to any
member of his ward from Church funds
and as ward help. This is his high and
solemn obligation, imposed by the Lord
himself. Whoever and whatever the help
he calls in to assist him perform his serv-
ice, he is still responsible (Ibid., page 6).
Well might we raise the question:
"Where is the place of Relief So-
ciety in Church Welfare?" The
Welfare Handbook answers this
question, and I quote: "Since the
earliest clavs of the Church the
Relief Society has been and still is
the bishop's chief help in adminis-
tering to the needs of those in dis-
tress" (Ibid., page 22).
And whv is this true?
Shortly after your society was
organized, the Prophet Joseph
Smith said to the sisters:
This is a charitable Society, and accord-
ing to your natures, it is natural for fe-
males to have feelings of charity and
benevolence. You are now placed in a
situation in which you can act according
to those sympathies which God has plant-
ed in your bosoms. If you live up to
these principles, how great and glorious
will be your reward in the celestial king-
dom! If you live up to your previleges,
the angels cannot be restrained from be-
ing your associates (Ibid., page 23. See
also D. II. C. iv, page 605.)
This observation is then made in
the Handbook: "With this back-
ground, the Relief Society has been
trained and prepared to handle cer-
tain phases of welfare work better
than any other agency."
The immediate objectives of
Church Welfare are to:
1. Place in gainful employment those
who are able to work.
2. Provide employment within the Wel-
fare Program, in so far as possible,
for those who cannot be placed in
gainful employment.
3. Acquire the means with which to
supply the needy, for whom the
Church assumes responsibility, with
the necessities of life.
4. Supply such needy with the means
of living, each "according to his
family, according to his circum-
stances, and his wants and needs."
. . . This is to be done not as a
dole, but rather in recognition of
faithful service in the past and a
present willingness to accept the
program and labor in it to the ex-
tent of his ability (Welfare Pian —
Handbook of Instructions, pp. 4-5).
To achieve these objectives re-
quires much prayerful preparation
and thoughtful planning. Welfare
meetings are held at regular inter-
vals on ward, stake, and regional
levels where ways and means are dis-
cussed for reaching these noble
goals. Your attendance at these
meetings is important. During the
year 1958, Relief Society presidents
at the ward level attended eighty-
four per cent of the weekly welfare
meetings held. Employment coun-
selors' attendance was but seventy-
three per cent, and work directors',
only sixty-six per cent.
You sisters have the responsibility
of becoming Church-trained social
workers, developing and displaying
a spirit of love, understanding, and
discernment. These planning meet-
ings can help you in learning not
only your specific duties, but give a
knowledge of the over-all program
in all its phases.
To fill the bishops' storehouses
with the commodities and clothing
necessary to care for the needy re-
quires the united efforts of all able-
bodied persons. You sisters have
contributed nobly to this effort
through your sewing activities, un-
selfish work in the canneries and the
fields, and through other types of
devoted labor on Church Welfare
production projects. The responsi-
bility for recruiting this labor rests
with the work directors.
At the end of 1958, there had
been acquired 569 owned perma-
nent welfare projects throughout
the Church, with another seventy-
seven leased projects. These proj-
ects were operated so successfully
that a major part of the budget for
last year was produced on them.
During the year 1958, there were
84,356 of you sisters who partici-
pated on the projects, contributing
667,390 hours of labor.
To discover those in need requires
constant vigilance. The visiting
teachers can render a valuable serv-
ice by being alert and reporting any
in need to the Relief Society presi-
dent, who will then advise the
The bishop has at his disposal
the commodities in the storehouse
as well as the fast offering funds.
The Relief Society president will
make investigation and determine
the needs of the family in distress
upon request of the bishop. She
prepares the orders on the store-
house for the bishop's signature.
The bishop only has the authority
to issue an order.
Relief Societv presidents should
acquaint themselves with items that
are in the storehouse, and recom-
mend and urge the use of avail-
able commodities that will give
good balance and diet, so that the
health of families will be protected
and safeguarded.
A constant review should be
made of the needs of persons being
assisted as their circumstances may
change from time to time. An
analysis of the orders issued in the
first six months of 1959 would in-
dicate that fifty-seven per cent are
being so issued without a visit from
the Relief Society president.
We commend you sisters on the
excellent work vou have done in
providing clothing for the store-
houses. We are assured that we
now have the finest stock of sizes
and styles with excellent workman-
There are now in the Church 133
bishops' storehouses. In the year
1958, there were 87,596 members
of the Church assisted. As a trib-
ute to the Relief Society presidents,
our storehouses were used more last
year than in any previous year.
You stake Relief Society presi-
dents can assume the responsibility
for seeing that clothing inventories
are maintained which are adequate
and desirable.
"T)ISTRIBUTION in the Welfare
Plan contemplates more than
just assisting with the "loaves and
fishes/' The Savior said: "Man
shall not live by bread alone . . ."
There is a spiritual aspect that
must not be overlooked. To the
Lord all things are spiritual, for he
has said: "Wherefore, verily I say
unto vou that all things unto me
are spiritual, and not at any time
have I given unto you a law which
was temporal" (D & C 29:34).
James Russell Lowell in his "Vis-
ion of Sir Launfal," represented the
Savior as uttering these words:
Not what we give, but what we share,
The gift without the giver is bare;
Who gives himself with his alms feeds
Himself, his hungering neighbor, and me.
You sisters can give encourage-
ment, sympathy, and inspiration
where needed, and can certainly be
responsible for a great spiritual up-
lift in the lives of those needing
such assistance.
"The aim of the Church is to
help the people to help themselves."
The employment phase of the
Program has been designed to help
secure employment and positions
for those desirous of obtaining gain-
ful employment. It is the responsi-
bility of the employment counselor
to be aware of and acquainted with
job opportunities where such per-
sons may be placed.
During the year 1958, there
were 4,058 unemployment occur-
rences reported. Two thousand nine
hundred eighty-five or seventy-four
per cent of these were placed in
gainful employment.
"Work is to be re-enthroned as
the ruling principle of the lives of
our Church membership." Those
receiving welfare assistance are ex-
pected to work to the extent of their
abilities. There must be no dole.
It is the responsibility of the work
director to provide these work op-
portunities. A list of such oppor-
tunities prepared in advance would
be helpful. In 1958, 4,345 sisters
worked 175,332 hours for assistance
"Church Welfare accepts as fun-
damental truth the proposition that
the responsibility for one's economic
maintenance rests ( 1 ) upon him-
self, (2) upon his family, and (3)
upon the Church, if he is a faithful
member thereof."
The ward Relief Society president
can teach many things that one can
do himself to provide economic in-
dependence, making it unnecessary
to call upon relatives or the Church.
He must plan ahead. The old pro-
verb is true: "A stitch in time saves
nine." Follow the counsel of the
brethren, and secure at least one
year's supply of food, clothing, and
fuel, where practical. Accumulate
sufficient savings to provide for
times of emergency. Home canning
and group canning are helpful in
acquiring a supply of foodstuffs.
You women, generally, handle
the family finances as well as man-
aging the household. Encourage
your family to live within its in-
come. Don't let "Momma's yearn-
ings exceed Poppa's earnings."
Avoid debt. We are advised that
you have had lessons dealing with
thrift management. Relief Society
employment counselors can encour-
age your daughters to secure all the
education they can. Learn a pro-
fession or trade. This is an age of
specialization. Those who are
trained and skilled have access to
more job opportunities than the un-
On December 10, 1856, Brigham
Young and his Counselor, Heber C.
Kimball, issued an epistle from the
First Presidency to the saints.
Jedediah M. Grant, the other Coun-
selor, had passed away the week
before. This instruction was given
to the women:
Mothers in Israel, you also are called
upon to bring up your daughters to pur-
sue some useful avocation for a sustenance,
that when they shall become the wives
of the elders of Israel, who are frequently
called upon missions, or to devote their
time and attention to the things of the
Kingdom, they may be able to sustain
themselves and their offspring. Teach
them to sew, spin and weave; to cultivate
vegetables as well as flowers; to make soap
as well as cakes and preserves; to spin,
color and weave and knit, as well as em-
broidery; to milk, make butter and cheese,
and work in the kitchen, as in the parlor.
Thus will you and your daughters show
yourselves approved, and prove helpmeets
in very deed, not only in the domestic
relations, but in building up the King-
dom also (Nibley, Preston: Brigham
Young — The Man and His Work, page
The Welfare Plan has noble ob-
jectives. It accepts the doctrine
that "it is more blessed to give than
to receive"; also accepting the re-
sponsibility that we are "our broth-
er's keeper. " The Welfare Plan is
the "Gospel in Action."
I bear you my testimony that the
Welfare Plan is a divinely inspired
plan in the name of Jesus Christ.
JLetter off
rom a
Mabel Jones Gabbott
The letter came today; the postman smiled
As if he knew how much it meant to me;
I scanned the date and postmark hurriedly,
And then I could not wait. Just like a child
I fairly tore the envelope apart
And read it through. Each closely lettered word
Smiled up at me. Somehow my eyes were blurred,
But I could read the message with my heart.
A bit of paper, scratched upon with pen,
And yet it was a vibrant living thing;
So simply said, "I'm well; don't worry." Then
"With all my love." It made the whole day sing.
So might the saints at Ephesus have waited
Hungrily the word from Paul — like this, belated.
cJhe I lorthwestern States 1 1 tission
Pieston R. Nibley
Assistant Church Historian
^HE Northwestern States Mission, which comprised the states of
Oregon, Washington, and Northern and Central Idaho, wras organized
under the direction of the First Presidency, in July 1897. George C.
Parkinson, President of Oneida Stake, was selected as the first president
of the mission. The first missionaries called to labor with President Park-
inson were Lewis S. Pond, Denmark Jensen, Thomas Preston, George Z.
Lamb, Gaston Braley, and James R. Smurthwaite.
In June 1898, Montana was added to the Northwestern States Mis-
sion, and the president of that mission, Franklin S. Bramwell, was made
president of the combined missions, succeeding President Parkinson. In
1901 the Union Stake was organized in eastern Oregon and President
Bramwell was selected as president of the stake. He served also as
president of the mission until 1902, when he was succeeded by Nephi
Pratt. President Pratt moved the headquarters of the mission to Portland,
Oregon, where it has remained since that time.
President Pratt was succeeded in 1909 by Melvin J. Ballard. During
President Ballard's presidency, British Columbia and Alaska were added
to the Northwestern States Mission and the first missionaries were sent
to Alaska. President Ballard served until 1919 when he was made a mem-
ber of the Council of the Twelve. Presidents who have served since that
Courtesy Pacific Northern Airlines, Inc.
Submitted by Effie K. Driggs
Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts in the Background
Page 86
Courtesy Union Pacific Railroad
Submitted by Effie K. Driggs
time are: Heber C. Iverson, 1919-23; Brigham S. Young, 1923-27; William
R. Sloan, 1927-34; Joseph Quinney Jr., 1934-37; Preston Nibley, 1937-40;
Nicholas G. Smith, 1940-42; Delsa Bennion, 1942-44; Samuel E. Bring-
hurst, 1944-47; Joel Richards, 1947-50; James A. McMurrin, 1950-55; Doug-
las H. Driggs, 1955-60; Franklin D. Richards, i960 — .
During the presidency of Preston Nibley, the first branch of the
Church was organized in Alaska, at Fairbanks, in July 1938.
Since the organization of the Northwestern States Mission in 1897,
twenty stakes have been organized within its original borders.
At the end of October 1959, there were 9,272 members of the Church
in the Northwestern States Mission, located in forty-two branches. Bap-
tism of converts during the first ten months of the year numbered 768.
Forty-four Relief Society organizations, with 986 members were re-
ported in December 1958. Effie K. Driggs presided over the Northwest-
ern States Mission Relief Society from 1955 until January i960. Helen
K. Richards is the new president.
Note: The cover for this Magazine "Mission Home," Portland, Oregon, is repro-
duced from a color transparency bv James W. Allen and was submitted by Effie K.
Driggs. See also "Recipes From the Northwestern States Mission," by Sister Driggs
on page 99.
(Second Lrrtze Story
*jLnnual IKeltef Society Short Story (contest
Grandpa's Red Suspenders
Myrtle M. Dean
IT was near the middle of May,
when Grandpa Foster came to
stay at Brookside, with his son
James and his family. Janie would
always remember the time, for it
was so near her eighteenth birthday.
She had planned a big birthday
party. She had made a list of all
of her young friends, the most spe-
cial one being Stan Dalby, who was
just home from college. Janie was
anxious to make a good impression
on Stan this summer.
Janie's heart sank low when her
mother said, "You will have to give
up your party, Janie. Now grandpa
is here, the noisy crowd will disturb
him. He has been ill you know."
"But, Mom, grandfather will be
in his room. We won't make that
much noise." Janie could hardly
believe that her mother was serious.
"I told your father that all the
family would have to give up their
own normal life and pleasures, if
grandpa came here to live," Janie's
mother continued.
It seemed to Janie now that her
mother was forcing them all to play
the martyr. Anne Foster had
agreed to grandfather's coming so
grudgingly. Janie had heard her
mother say, "I'm only a daughter-in-
law, and he has two daughters. It
seems that they should be glad to
care for him."
There had been many conferences
over the matter, before Grandpa
Foster came. There were five chil-
dren and all agreed that something
Page 88
must be done about Father. After
all their discussions, James, the old-
est son, decided it was his duty to
see that his father was taken care
of "Lovingly," he had said to the
Grandma Foster had died last
year, just before Thanksgiving time.
Usually all the families went
down to Grandpa Foster's farm for
Thanksgiving dinner, but last year
they all went to their grandmoth-
er's funeral. Grandpa had protest-
ed so vigorously against leaving his
home then that they left him down
at the farm. The grandchildren
had gone to visit him often. Then
this spring he had had a bad case
of influenza. That was when the
family decided something must be
As James Foster stopped at the
front of the house with his father,
the family all came out to greet
him as cheerfully as they could. Bill
and the two younger children, Jim-
my and Beth, ran out to the car to
help bring in his things. Janie and
her mother stood waiting on the
porch. There were a small suitcase
and several paper bags full of his
things. Then Bill and Jimmy came
along behind the others carrying a
little, old-fashioned trunk.
"Perhaps we had better put that
trunk downstairs in the storeroom/'
Anne Foster said.
Grandpa Foster's face became
anxious, and he spoke up promptly,
"I'd like awful well to keep the
trunk close by me, in my room.
The things in there are mostly keep-
sakes of Grandma's and mine." His
face was very serious, and he fol-
lowed closely as they carried his
things to his room.
^HE room was clean and comfort-
able. There was a radio, and
in a corner of the room, a fine TV
set. Near his bed was a small table
where he could eat his meals, if he
His eves teared, and his hands
trembled a little when he spoke.
"I'm real grateful for all your kind-
ness." For a moment then he was
silent before he spoke more firmly,
"It is foolish though — real foolish,
that a man can't stay in his home
and not trouble folks. A flu bug
hit me, but I'd soon have been as
good as ever, and could look after
"Now, Father," James Foster
said, "you are too independent. I
want my boys and girls to know
you better. And your farm is in
good hands. Sam Carson has it
rented and will keep things in good
shape. You must not worry."
James tried to pacify his father.
Janie thought that her grand-
father kept to his room too much.
Was it because he didn't want to
trouble the family, or that he liked
to be left alone? she wondered.
His appetite seemed to lag more
each day. Grandpa isn't happy
here, she thought, and she won-
dered sometimes if her mother
might have planned the comforts of
Grandfather's room to keep him
away from her family.
Each evening Janie took in a
tasty meal to her grandpa's room.
It seemed that he sent most of it
back on the tray.
"Grandfather, you eat so little.
What would you like? Can't I fix
you something?" Janie asked one
evening, when he seemed paler,
and even more quiet than usual.
At first he hesitated, then a smile
crossed his face as he said, "Janie,
do you remember eating bread and
milk, with honey and jam and fresh
butter, down on the farm with
Grandma and me, for supper?"
"Oh, Grandpa, I can never for-
get how good it was. It was so
much fun to eat with you and
grandmother. Her good homemade
bread. I can taste it now. Let me
try baking some tomorrow and we
will eat it here together," Janie said
HE late afternoon sun shone
softly into the window, making
the room cozy and bright. Janie
and her grandfather sat together
enjoying the fresh baked bread that
she had brought, to eat with milk
and honey. As her grandpa ate he
talked of the days on the farm with
grandma, when they had first gone
there together. How wonderful
their love must have been, Janie
thought. Sitting here listening to
her grandpa's voice so full of happy
remembrance, she wondered how it
would be to have someone love her
as grandpa had loved his wife. She
thought of Stan Dalby, of her plans
for the summer which included him.
She thought, too, of the birthday
party which she had counted on,
and must not have on account of
"Oh, Grandpa, why couldn't you
have waited to come until after mv
party?" she said to herself. She real-
ized now that Stan had not even
met her grandfather, and she won-
dered what he would think of him.
This old man with such homey
ways, and he had always lived on a
farm. There was another thing that
always worried the family. Grand-
father Foster had a pair of bright
red suspenders and a tie to match,
which he had won down at the
county fair, years ago. He always
put them on for special occasions.
There had been no place for him to
wear them here at Brookside. There
would probably be none. He would
have to keep them stored away in
his trunk of memories.
"I'm afraid that you children are
bothering Grandfather too much
lately," Mrs. Foster warned them.
They had begun to visit him to hear
his stories, and followed him on his
morning walks.
"Grandpa knows the names of all
the birds, and just where to find
their nests," young Jimmy said.
"Mother, I think he enjoys hav-
ing somebody to talk to. He doesn't
seem to mind," Janie told her.
A few days later Bill surprised
Janie by saying that his mother was
letting him have an Explorer fire-
side at their house the next Wed-
nesday evening
"Mother says it will be more of
a meeting, with a speaker, than a
noisy party. I've asked Bob Han-
sen to come and talk to us. You
know he has traveled a lot and tells
of such interesting things." Bill was
"Oh, but Bill, all those noisy
boys. That will be just as bad as
though I had my party, and Mother
made me give that up," Janie spoke
"I thought I'd ask Stan Dalby to
come and give us a couple of his
songs." Bill smiled slyly at her.
"Would you agree to come down
when we need you and accompany
Janie's face flushed with pleasure.
"You are a swell brother . . . some-
times," she added.
"Do you suppose that we could
slip in a bit of guitar strumming,
and maybe a game or two for good
measure?" Bill asked mischievously.
"You would never get by Mom
with that, Billy boy," Janie told
T T was almost six o'clock on Wed-
nesday that Bill came to Janie
with a sober face. "Our fireside is
off. Will you phone Stan and tell
him he won't need to come and
sing? I'll call the boys. Bob Han-
sen just called. His little brother
got hit by a car, and they have to
rush him to a hospital. They think
it isn't too serious, but they can't
tell until they take X-rays, and go
over him thoroughly."
Janie looked as crestfallen as her
brother. She had counted on see-
ing Stan, and playing for his songs.
"I'm real sorry, Bill," she said
'Things have been so dead
around here lately, and now for this
to happen/' Bill spoke disconso-
lately. "Well, I'd better get on the
phone and tell the guys. It is too
late to get another speaker now."
They sat there for a moment to-
gether, their heads bent thought-
"It seems that since Grandpa
came, all we hear from Mama, is —
vou can't do this — or you can't do
that — I hate it," Bill 'finished bit-
"But Grandpa wouldn't want it
that way, I'm sure he wouldn't,"
Janie said, then suddenly her face
brightened. "I have a wonderful
idea, Bill. Don't call and say the
fireside is off."
"Well, tell it. Don't keep me in
suspense." Bill's face was puzzled.
"Grandpa Foster. . . ."
"Grandpa Foster — what? Of all
the bright ideas," Bill said disgusted-
"Listen, Bill, Grandpa can tell the
most exciting things. Stories of
true happenings. The boys will love
it. Really he has such a sweet way
of telling things." Janie spoke earn-
"The fellows won't want to sit
and hear Grandfather talk about
himself," Bill said, still skeptical.
"Please try it, Bill. Grandfather
will love it. It will do him ever so
much good, too," Janie said.
"What about Mother? What is
she going to say?"
"We won't ask Mother. We will
ask Grandpa," Janie laughed.
"What if Grandpa wears his red
tie and suspenders? I'll bet he is
just dying for a chance to put them
on." Bill spoke, still reluctant to
"I suppose he will wear them, and
also tell the story of going to the
county fair, and winning them by
throwing the most balls into a china
pig's open mouth to do so. The
boys will love that, too," Janie
"Will you ask him to talk, then,
"If you do it yourself, it will be
more official. It's your affair, you
know." Janie left her brother still
pondering the subject, but she felt
sure her suggestion would work out.
'WO hours later she heard the
noise from twenty boys as they
came in with boyish greetings. A
little later she heard her grandfather
going down the stairs to the play-
room. She wanted to peek to see
what he was wearing, but refrained.
I will see soon enough if I play for
Stan to sing, she thought.
Stan came up to the living room
to escort her down to accompany
him. She was glad when he said,
"Janie, I'm so glad I got to come
and hear your Grandfather talk. He
has had such wonderful experiences.
Not only exciting, but so faith pro-
moting. It is so fine for the boys
to hear such stories."
Janie knew that all the others had
enjoyed her grandpa, too, for their
faces were full of interest as he still
held them busily in conversation.
She saw that she was just in time to
hear him telling the event of his
winning the red tie and galluses, as
he called them. He opened his coat
and displayed them proudly. The
boys all laughed uproariously.
"Grandfather, I'm glad that you
could be our speaker for our fire-
side. Especially since it turned out
that Bob Hansen's little brother was
not hurt seriously. You sure went
over with the guys," Bill told him.
Janie thought, how fine for the
old and the young to become ac-
quainted. We can do so much for
each other.
A few days later as she went to her
grandfather's room she saw him
sitting by the little old trunk he had
brought with him. The lid was
open, and some of the things he had
lifted out and placed beside him on
his bed. His face was sad, and Janie
knew that he was pining for Grand-
ma Foster. She hesitated, and was
about to turn away, when he saw
her. "Come in, Janie dear," he said.
She stood by his side, and he told
her of many of the things that be-
longed to Grandma. A little silk
lace shawl that she had worn to
keep warm on chilly evenings, he
had given her for her seventieth
birthday. A faded bouquet of
pressed violets.
"I gathered these from the
woods," he said. "She loved violets
in the early springtime." Janie saw
the love in his eyes as he spoke of
grandma. She bent down and
kissed his cheek.
"Grandpa, that lovely dress. It
looks as if it belonged to a young
"Janie, this is the dress that your
Grandma wore to her birthday party
the night that I told her I loved her.
The night that I asked her to be my
wife. She was just eighteen then.
She was young and beautiful, but of
course I was a bit older."
Just eighteen, Janie thought. I
will be eighteen, and I can't have a
"Janie, do you know, you look so
much like your Grandma when she
was your age, that when you came
to the door just now, I could almost
believe it was she."
"Am I? I do hope I can be as
lovely a woman as she," Janie said.
"Do you remember that your
birthday comes the same day as
Grandma's? The twenty-fourth of
May? Why bless you, that is day
after tomorrow."
"Yes, I do remember, and I will
be eighteen," Janie answered a bit
solemnly. She was silent for quite
awhile. She was thinking, how
nice if I could have a party. I won-
der if Stan would find me as nice
and beautiful as Grandpa did
Janie was almost startled when
her grandpa spoke. "Janie, why
don't we have a birthday party? I'll
bet it would be as nice as Grand-
ma's. There is plenty of room down-
stairs for fun and dancing," he said,
and there were little smile wrinkles
breaking all over his face.
"Oh, but Grandpa . . ." Janie
said, thinking of her mother and her
forbidding a party on account of
Grandpa. On account of Grandpa
— and here it was Grandpa who
was suggesting it.
"I'll buy the birthday cake. It
will be a big one with white frost-
ing and pink roses, just like the cake
that Grandma had," he said. His
eyes were shining and his voice was
full of enthusiasm. "I wondered
what I was going to do with all this
money." He jingled the few silver
coins he had in his pocket.
Janie threw her arms about his
neck. "Grandpa, I love you so
much. I would love having a party."
"You had better get busy with
your invitation list, and get on the
telephone," he said.
JANIE didn't tell him that she
had made her list weeks ago,
and had put it away because there
was to be no party. She ran to her
"Mother, I don't have to give up
my party. Grandfather wants me
to have it. He is going to buy a
lovely cake for my birthday/' Janie
was breathless with excitement.
"But, Janie . . ." her mother be-
gan, "first there was the fireside,
then the children bothering him for
stories and tagging along on his
walks. Now you ask for your
"Mother, please don't stop us.
Grandfather remembered it was
Grandma's birthday, too, on the
twenty-fourth of May. It will be a
happy time for him."
"Maybe you are right. Grandpa
has seemed much better since he
has been doing things with the fam-
ily. I guess your father was right
about bringing him here to live.
You have all been so willing to
sacrifice and do things for one an-
other. And Grandpa is doing won-
ders for our family. The children
love his stories." Anne Foster
looked very serious as she made this
"I am sure you are right, Mother.
We gave Grandpa a comfortable
room, and shut him up to enjoy it,
mostly to keep him out of our way.
What he really needed was to be
one of us, a part of our family. He
needed love, to help fill his loss of
Grandma." Janie put her arm about
her mother, feeling grateful that her
mother understood.
There were telephone calls —
calls in and out, that crowded the
party line. Janie's guests were all
"Get out your guitar, Billy boy/'
she told her brother. "Grandfather
and I are giving a party. You can
strum to your heart's content. There
will be singing and dancing and all
the fun anyone can want. I'll bet
Grandpa will think you can sing as
well as Ricky Nelson," Janie
Stan and Janie stood by the piano
talking happily when Grandpa en-
tered with the huge birthday cake.
He carried it, and ceremoniously
placed it on a table at the end of
the room. It was a surprise to all
except Janie and her mother.
Everyone at the party exclaimed
with ohs and ahs, and gathered to
admire its pink and white loveli-
"It's for my best girl," Grandpa
Foster said mischievously.
Janie thought that her grand-
father's smile was the best part of
it all. It spread all over his face.
He wore his bright red tie and sus-
penders, and Janie hoped that after
she had danced with Stan, the first
waltz, that Grandpa and she would
dance the old-fashioned polka.
Myrtle M. Dean, Provo, Utah, who is already well known to readers of The Relief
Society Magazine, tells us that she loves to write, but her home and her family are her
chief interests: "I had my first story published in The Relief Society Magazine in 1925.
Then, for many years, I was occupied with my young family and with Church duties,
and so did very little writing. In 1948 I was awarded third prize in the Relief Society
Short Story Contest, and in 1949, I placed second. Since that time I have published
several stories. I enjoy writing and divide my spare moments with genealogical research
and writing family histories and short story writing. My husband is Charles E. Dean,
and we have five children. One son is in charge of the electric computer and also
teaches at Brigham Young University. Our four daughters are all married. We have
nineteen grandchildren, including twin granddaughters. Our families are our chief
Sixty LJeais J^rgo
Excerpts From the Woman's Exponent, February 1, and February 15, 1900
"For the Rights of the Women of Zion and the Rights of the Women
of All Nations"
a Congressional representative from Utah) in the affairs of the state it seems that every
man and woman, and especially heads of families, should stand for the principles
embodied in the good old Constitution and Declaration of Independence, formulated
by our forefathers under divine inspiration . . . and whatsoever others may do who
disregard the Constitution or trample it under foot, the Latter-day Saints above all
people should maintain their integrity to it and manifest to the world that intense love
of freedom and conscience and the true spirit of liberty that was the crowning virtue
of our Pilgrim fathers, and which eventually must be the touchstone of human liberty
... for all who love their country.
— Editorial
A LAW OF NATURE: Every life needs some diversity. Many mothers, home-
workers, are apt to allow their time and their minds to be entirely occupied with the
one, all-absorbing theme: to run too exclusively in the one, never ending channel.
Thus they injure, instead of gaining best results for their dearest purposes in life. . . .
A square rod of native prairie will give a dozen varieties of grass. . . . This law of
diversity in nature is a good law to develop in our homes. We want good, wholesome
food all the year round, but we want variety. And as with our physical natures, so also
with the mental and spiritual parts of our beings.
— L. L. Greene Richards
We call for a soft cushioned carriage,
A phaeton, barouche or coupe,
Ashamed of the style of our fathers,
Ashamed of the wagon and sleigh. . . .
Our grandchildren — Ah, they will circle,
Like birds, to and fro in the skies;
Will play with the fangs of lightning
And laugh when earth trembles and sighs;
They never need "wait for the wagon,"
Nor ever be left by the car,
But, mounting like eagles or angels,
May challenge the speediest star.
— Isabel Darling
Society conference of the San Luis Stake was held in Sanford, Conejos Co.. Colorado,
on November 10, 1899, President Cornelia Mortensen presiding. . . . Sister M. Sellers,
of Manassa, Sister P. E. Cullers, of Mountain View, Sister M. E. Hamil, of Morgan,
and Sister M. A. Berthelsen, of Sanford, all gave reports of their respective wards. . . .
By request a special prayer was offered ... in behalf of the sick and afflicted among
us. . . . Sister Dollie Russell, of Antonito, spoke a short time upon the duties of sisters
in the Relief Society. . . . Sister Margaret Haskell, of Manassa, said, "I feel to bear my
testimony that the spirit of God is with us. I believe a spirit of reformation is among
the Latter-day Saints. God has spoken from heaven, and His work is established on
earth. . . .
— Man' F. Crowther,
Stake Secretary, R. S.
Page 94
Woman's Sphere
Ramona W. Cannon
accompanist, once again ap-
peared in concert with her famous
brother Yehudi Menuhin, at Car-
negie Hall in New York City in
November 1959. A child prodigy
like her brother, Hepzibah received
early acclaim for her remarkable
power and perception as a pianist.
After her marriage she went to live
on a 24,000 acre sheep ranch in
Australia, returning to Europe and
America occasionally for brief con-
cert appearances. Since 1954 she
has lived in London, but had not
appeared in the United States for
twelve years before her 1959 con-
I ILLIAN BARREL has been ap-
pointed Director of Public Re-
lations for the Israel Government
Tourist Office. She was formerly
on the staff of the Consulate Gen-
eral of Israel in New York City.
She has served as radio script writer
and editor for the Voice of Ameri-
ca, has worked on several commit-
tees for displaced persons in her
own country, and has acted as
publicity director for the Council
of Democracy of Israel.
gIRGIT NILSSON, Swedish so-
prano, recently sang the role of
Isolde in 'Tristram and Isolde" at
the Metropolitan Opera House in
New York City. Her voice was
rated by critics as the finest since
Kirsten Flagstad sang the same role
twenty years ago. They said her
voice was ''charged with power and
has written a delightful history
of 'The White House and Its
Thiity-two Families" (published by
McGraw - Hill, New York) with a
"kind, serene, uncritical, non-parti-
san" point of view. All the First
Ladies are presented, complete with
children, guests, servants, and pets;
and all the Presidents, with their
problems, their cabinets, their world-
shaking decisions. The book is il-
lustrated with many excellent
RETT, sisters, both elderly
widows, are still running the unique
Shea and Barrett Gift Shop in
Eureka, Utah, which has been their
career for more than thirty years.
Almost an "institution" in the fam-
ous mining town, the sisters have
outfitted hundreds of brides and
babies over the years, and have kept
their store well stocked with wom-
en's and children's clothing and
handmade articles for the home.
Many of the articles are made by
Mrs. Shea and Mrs. Barrett, and
others are stocked on an exchange
Page 95
VOL. 47
NO. 2
(greatness QJrom uiighteous <bnd\
HROUGHOUT the earth the
peoples recognize and venerate
men for great and enduring attri-
butes and accomplishments. A
Latter-day Saint knows by the words
of Abraham that noble and good
men were known to the Heavenly
Father in the spirit world before
they were clothed with mortal
Now the Lord had shown unto me,
Abraham, the intelligences that were or-
ganized before the world was; and among
all these there were many of the noble
and great ones;
And God saw these souls that they
were good, and he stood in the midst of
them, and he said: These I will make my
rulers; for he stood among those that
were spirits, and he saw that they were
good; and he said unto me: Abraham,
thou art one of them; thou wast chosen
before thou wast born (Abraham 3:22-23).
Among these "noble and great
ones" one would perhaps designate
two men whose birthdays are cele-
brated in the month of February —
George Washington and Abraham
Lincoln — the former instrumental
in winning freedom for and estab-
lishing the Nation under whose gov-
ernment the gospel could be re-
stored; and the other holding that
Nation indivisible as one in which
the gospel could grow strong to
spread over the earth. Washington
was born in affluence and reared
among educated men; Lincoln was
born in poverty amid backwoods
country, yet the Lord gave to both
Page 96
trials and experiences which fitted
them to be his tools in fulfilling
his purposes — for both were prayer-
ful men seeking the guidance of
the Lord.
In modern times it has become
the vogue to search out real or
imagined weaknesses in men of
great accomplishments; but the writ-
ings of such critics, themselves not
great, will grow dim and vanish,
while the illustrious deeds of noble
men will shine with increasing in-
tensity and serve as beckoning
lights to those who would emulate
their greatness. It is proper to re-
spect and admire fellow mortals
who forward the lot of mankind
and to commemorate their great
Especially today when children,
through modern media in their own
homes, may read of and see and
hear evil actions portrayed, it would
seem necessary for mothers to teach
their children wherein true great-
ness lies and impress upon them
that life is not a primrose path but
a continual struggle to preserve
one's righteousness and integrity.
It is essential to show children that
every great man had to withstand
and overcome temptations, endure
tribulations, and adhere to right. A
case in point are the lives of Abra-
ham Lincoln and Stephen A. Doug-
las. Greatness came to Lincoln and
disappointment and heartbreak to
Douglas. It is noteworthy that
Lincoln never raised his hand
against the saints. His moderation
toward a misunderstood and ma-
ligned people is in sharp contrast to
the lying accusation, in 1857, of
Douglas against the saints in Utah,
as he sought political preference by
accusing them "of all crimes known
to the penal code." This action
brought down on his head the ful-
fillment of the prophecy made to
him by the Prophet Joseph in 1843,
and Douglas was defeated for the
presidency. Greatness came to
Lincoln as the result of choosing
the right and living by the truth,
and failure to Douglas through his
self-interest and hypocrisy.
Accumulated minor evils grow in
one, if unchecked, to tip the scales,
in a crisis, away from righteousness,
while daily self-discipline and the
overcoming of selfishness will tip the
scales to righteousness: George
Washington refused a crown; Abra-
ham Lincoln did not compromise
with truth; the Prophet Joseph
Smith gave his life for the truth.
Each one passed through disap-
pointments, sorrows, trials and suf-
fering. Even the Savior learned
". . . obedience by the things which
he suffered" (Hebrews 5:8). If
repeatedly to the attention of her
children a mother brings such facts,
they will be strengthened and en-
couraged to resist temptations.
While children may not fully ap-
preciate the need for suffering the
cares and sorrows of mortal life, still
that mother who points out to them
the mastery of the sufferings and
temptations while indicating to
them the accomplishments of great
men, will guide them to the realiza-
tion that the triumph of a soul in
righteousness comes as the result
of aspirations, self-discipline, and
wise decisions in conformity with a
noble goal.
-M. C. S.
ace tn Lr rayer
Rowena Jensen Bills
I closed my book, then closed my eyes in prayer.
Tonight my heart would linger in this room
Where shadows of today would blend with gloom
And follow when my footsteps reached the stairs.
Oh, that I might recapture for this bare
And empty soul some rapture from the loom
Of yesterdays; memories lifting doom,
Transcending out beyond this midnight air,
God knows my heart and knows my need for rest.
My prayers alone will comfort, end my quest,
My search for answer far beyond the scheme
Of mind. Enduring strength through faith — the stream
Of life — will come and flowering pastures green
Will speak of all eternal life unseen.
(yA Say, What 3s of ruth?
^HE day-by-day living of an hon-
est and truthful life of personal
integrity can be guided and blessed
by a knowledge and a realization of
life's eternal purposes.
A friend once asked a Latter-day
Saint woman why she so often re-
ferred to the teachings of her
parents and the attitudes and beliefs
of her ancestors, saying that it was
better to consider only the present
day, without reference or thought
to the past or the future.
The woman's answer explained
her belief in eternal continuity. For
the gospel has given us a knowledge
and understanding of the fulness of
the plan of salvation and our place
in the ancestral lineage. This all-
pervading truth tells us that we are
not living for one day alone, or even
for the earthly existence.
From the time of Adam there
were teachings upon the earth
which illuminated with purpose and
grandeur the lives of the people who
served the living God.
The Lord possessed me in the beginning
of his way, before his works of old. I
was set up from everlasting, from the be-
ginning, or ever the earth was. When
there were no depths, I was brought forth;
when there were no fountains abounding
with water. Before the mountains were
settled, before the hills was I brought
forth. . . . When he prepared the heavens
I was there: when he set a compass upon
the face cf the depth: When he estab-
lished the clouds above. . . . Then I was
by him, as one brought up with him:
and I was daily his delight, rejoicing
always before him . . . (Proverbs 8:22-30).
If we had not this great and ever-
lasting truth to guide our lives —
this knowledge of the Father's
Page 98
courts on high, where we com-
muned with our heavenly parents
— this knowledge of our privilege
of returning, in eternity, to our for-
mer home — if we did not have this
glorious blessing of truth, we might
be indeed as one on a journey
through a dark and forested land-
scape. We might see only the im-
mediate surroundings and have no
knowledge of the origin of our path
or of its destination. How could we
feel as much strength and serenity
and hope and faith if we had knowl-
edge of our present circumstances
''Oh say, what is truth? 'Tis the
last and the first, for the limits of
time it steps o'er." All of the most
sacred events of earth life are given
a deeper and a more tender mean-
ing, because the light of truth glows
upon them.
[Recipes QJroni the I lorthwestern States 1 1 ttssioa
Submitted by Effie K. Driggs
Missionary Conference Meat Loaf
5 quarts meat 1 quart bread crumbs
lA c. salt 5 beaten eggs
1 Vz c. ground onion 3 c. milk
1 pt. wheaties 3 cans tomato sauce
1 pt. crumbled shredded wheat
Mix all ingredients together. Bake in 9" x 12" pyrex pans at 3250 F. for one hour.
This recipe serves 45.
Frozen Fruit Salad
1 can (small) diced fruit cubes 2 tbsp. mayonnaise
1 can (small) crushed pineapple sweet pickle juice
Vz c. nuts Vi pt. whipping cream slightly sweetened
1 small pkg. Philadelphia cream cheese cake coloring — red or green
Allow cream cheese to stand at room temperature until soft. Cream with spoon,
adding mayonnaise. When creamy and smooth, add enough pickle juice to make of
consistency of thick cream soup. Drain fruit cubes and add crushed pineapple with
its juice. Add part of chopped nuts, saving rest for top. Whip cream and sweeten it
slightlv, adding enough cake coloring to make it light green or pink. When cream is
sufficiently stiff to stand by itself, but not buttery, fold it into the cheese and fruit
mixture gently, but thoroughlv. Place in freezing tray and let stand overnight, if
possible. (When frozen, you may remove it from tray, wrap it in foil securely and
place in your freezer to keep indefinitely, but it will not taste good if left in freezer
tray uncovered for more than two days ) . The salad may be decorated with chopped nuts
and cherries, or you may make roses of cherry rings, with green pepper stems. Freeze
the decorations with the salad.
Two-Hour Rolls
2 yeast cakes 41/; c. flour
Vz c. water (slightlv warm) 1 tsp. salt
2 eggs, beaten well 4 tbsp. sugar
1% c. scalded milk (cooled)
Mix all the dry ingredients together and the liquids together. Combine and stir
with a spoon, until blended.
Let rise — roll out, and cut. Dip in butter. Make into Parker House Rolls.
Bake at 4000 F. for 10 to 15 minutes.
Fruit Cake
2 lbs. pitted dates (5 cups) 1 c. flour (sifted)
1 lb. Brazil nuts, whole (3 cups) Vz tsp. salt
1 c. maraschino cherries, drained 1 tsp. baking powder
1 c. mixed candied fruit 4 well-beaten eggs
1 c. sugar
Place all fruit in bowl. Sift dry ingredients. Sprinkle over fruit and mix lightly.
Add well-beaten eggs. Stir until all are lightly coated. Place in two pyrex loaf pans
or four small tin pans, which have been lined with two thicknesses of brown paper.
Bake 1 Vz hours at 3000 F. in small pans or 1 hour and 45 minutes in larger pans.
Page 99
Elders' Choice — Pineapple Cheese Salad
i c. crushed pineapple Vz c. cold water
Vi c. sugar i c. boiling water
i large lemon (juice) l c. grated cheese (mild)
2 envelopes gelatin Vi pt. cream (whipped)
Boil crushed pineapple, lemon juice, and sugar for five minutes. Soak gelatin in
cold water. Add i cup boiling water. When this begins to thicken, add crushed pine-
apple mixture. Last, fold in i cup mild grated cheese and Vz pint heavy cream
(whipped). Let stand in refrigerator.
Serve with mayonnaise diluted with cream, topped with mint, cherry, or parsley.
Best Brown Beans
3 c. dry pinto beans l can tomato sauce
2 ham hocks or two slices of ham i can tomato soup
i c. diced onions salt, pepper, and vegetable salt to taste
l c. diced celery
Cook beans with ham hocks or diced ham. When almost done, add diced onions,
celery, tomato sauce, and tomato soup.
Alaska Apricot Delight
i no. 2 Vi can peeled apricots i eggs, well beaten
or equivalent of cooked dried apricots Vz c. butter
i lb. vanilla wafers i pt. whipped cream
2 c. powdered sugar i c. chopped pecans
Mash apricots. Mix sugar, eggs, and butter. Blend well. Place Vz the wafer
crumbs in bottom of pan, add the egg mixture — add a layer of mashed apricots, fol-
lowed by a layer of whipped cream. Add the other half of the wafer crumbs. Let
stand over night in refrigerator. Serves 12.
Oregon Fizz
1 qt. pineapple juice 1 qt. sherbet, either lime or pineapple
1 qt. ginger ale 1 qt. vanilla ice cream
Blend all together with a beater and serve in punch cups.
Centennial Punch
3 c. sugar 1 qt. grape juice or cranberry juice
2 qts. water 1 small can crushed pineapple
12 lemons 1 c. pineapple juice
12 oranges 2 qts. ginger ale
Boil water and sugar 8 minutes. Cool. Add fruit juices and fruit. Let stand one
hour or longer, on ice. Add ginger ale and serve.
Washington Crab Salad
2 pkgs. lemon jello Vz tsp. salt
3 c. boiling water 1 tbsp. grated onion
3 tbsp. vinegar J4 c. cottage cheese
Vi lb. fresh crab meat
1 c. chopped celery
2 tsp. pimento
!4 c. chopped green pepper
Vz c. mayonnaise
Add boiling water to lemon jello. When it begins to thicken slightly, add all
other ingredients. Place in refrigerator and cool until firm.
Idaho Quick Cookies
30 square graham crackers
1/4 c. condensed milk (approximately)
c. semi-sweet chocolate chips
or butterscotch chips
c. chopped nuts (more if desired)
Crumble crackers into a bowl and add chips and milk. Blend until the crackers
are moist. Bake in 32 50 oven until done, about ten to fifteen minutes. Cut in squares
and serve.
Pear Preserves
12 c. sugar
10 c. diced pears
1 bottle pectin
blanched almonds, if desired
2 chopped oranges
1 no. 2 can pineapple, diced
1 bottle maraschino cherries with juice
Let pears and sugar stand over night. In the morning, bring to boil, add pectin,
chopped oranges, pineapple, cherries, and almonds. Cook until thick, or according to
instructions on pectin bottle.
vUtth I iothtng in utts uiands
Maude Rubin
My morning, endless acreage of pleasure,
Was hedged by uncles.
They were my boundaries, my fences, my horizon.
My Uncle Walter bringing candy —
(Crackle of paper, narrow stripes of red and green).
My Uncle Tim had hard strong arms,
Orange freckles on his wrists.
He brought baseballs and marbles; fishing line.
But quiet as a sleeping wind,
The tallest, Patrick, came
With nothing in his hand ... no gift;
But stories on his lips:
Tales of a dog called Toby; of a farm,
Another acreage of morning, hedged by other uncles.
Then stories done, a game of mumble-the-peg!
Only the Essentials
Frances C. Yost
YOUNG Mike Palmer had
carried his bride over the
threshold of the old Miller
place. The house was run-down
and had been vacant for several
months, but the rent was cheap,
and that was important, when you
were just starting married life.
"Karen, I guess you're going to
find out that you have to do with-
out a lot of things that you're used
to," Mike Palmer said, as he made
a fire for her in the old coal and
wood range. "You're going to miss
cooking with electricity and doing
dishes with a dishwasher, and hav-
ing an automatic washer and dryer
for your laundry. Honestly, I feel
sorrv for you. It's sort of like pio-
neering in the year i960."
"I've thought of all those things,
Mike, but I still have you, and I
feel vour love and this old coal stove
will keep me warm. I have my two
hands for washing dishes, and, well,
I won't have to scrub clothes on a
washboard like the pioneers, be-
cause there is our own conventional
washer you bought at the second-
hand store." Karen laughed softly.
"It's going to be fun."
"You're a good sport, I'll say that
for you. But I want you to remem-
ber I just don't have money to burn
as your father has."
"Oh, Mike, Daddy doesn't have
money to burn. Why he's really
very careful with his money."
"Most people are that have mon-
ey. That is if they have gotten
ahead in this world. And believe
me, Karen, I mean to be successful
Page 102
like your father and some other men
I admire. So, I'm going to start
out by being careful about little
things. I want you to budget all
your spending and trim off all the
nonessential buying. If it's some-
thing we can't get along without,
why, fine, buy it. But if it's some-
thing we can jolly well manage with-
out, why pass it up and. . . ."
"Yes, I know, Mike. Only the
essentials. I'm going to be very
careful. You watch."
"I'm sure you will be. Bye for
now. Your ambitious husband is
going out into the world and make
a few honest dollars." Mike laughed,
and raised her chin for his kiss.
Alone, Karen surveved the old
house. There were curtains in the
living room, but they were faded
and full of holes. She would buy
some pretty flowered cretonne and
make drapes for the windows.
Karen found just what she want-
ed, flowered cretonne, in the yard-
age department, which was much
more economical than drapery cloth.
She sewed every moment while
Mike was gone all week. Then Fri-
day morning she hung the new
drapes. Why, they made all the
difference in the world to the whole
house. She could hardlv wait for
Mike to come home and see them.
\17HEN Mike walked in the door
he had eves only for Karen.
He gathered her into his arms and
kissed her tenderly. Then he raised
his head and saw the drapes. At
first his face registered surprise, and
pleasure. Then, as if he had ap-
praised their value in terms of
money, his face hardened.
"Mike, I know what you're think-
ing. You like the looks of the
drapes, but you don't think we can
afford them."
'That's right, Karen. I believe
we could have managed with those
net curtains which were already here
in the house. You remember what I
said, only the essentials."
Karen felt hurt. Sometime she
would tell him how economical the
cloth had been, and that she had
sewed every stitch herself, not hired
them made by a professional draper.
It wasn't just spending the money
for the drapes. It was Mike she
was worried about. What type of
man had she married? She had
known him so well, but she hadn't
known this financial side of him.
Was Mike really close? Karen
somehow abhorred tightness in a
person. She surely didn't want to be
married to a man who inspected
the potato peelings to see if they
were thick or thin.
During the evening Mike com-
mented a time or two that he really
liked the drapes, and that they made
the whole house more beautiful,
and that perhaps her judgment had
been right about going ahead and
buying them.
]\JOW that the drapes were hung,
and the entire house had been
polished, Karen had time on her
hands. She dropped into the little
rocker she and Mike had purchased
at the secondhand store, the same
time as the stove. She wished she
had something interesting to read.
She wondered if The Relief Society
Magazine for the month was out
yet. It would be nice to subscribe
for the Magazine, have it delivered
to her home each month. But
Mike would probably class it among
the luxuries, as he had the drapes.
"Maybe our budget doesn't allow
for subscribing for the Magazine,"
Karen jumped up excitedly, "but,
by golly, I'm not going to miss a
single copy. I'm going right this
minute over to Mike's mother and
borrow her Magazine."
What had Shakespeare said:
"Neither a borrower, nor a lender
be." "Well, in spite of what he
said, I'm going borrowing, and I
hope Mother Palmer is a cheerful
lender. The Relief Society Maga-
zine should be passed around to
enjoy it."
"Of course you can take the Mag-
azine, Karen," Mrs. Palmer said
"But if you haven't had time to
read it . . ." Karen hesitated.
"I can read it when you are fin-
ished. You go right ahead. I have
these few peaches to make preserves
of today, and oh, Karen, get a sack
from the drawer and take some of
these peaches home with you.
There's a jar of fresh cream in the
frig you can have. Mike just loves
peaches and cream."
"Oh, thank you, Mother Palmer.
This will answer my dessert prob-
lem for our supper, and we'll have
peaches on our cereal for breakfast."
Karen left the house with the
sack of peaches in one hand, a jar
of cream in the other, and The Re-
lief Society Magazine tucked under
her arm.
Karen curled up in the rocker and
enjoyed the afternoon with the
Magazine. "Why there are a dozen
poems, and each one is a treasure.
And three nice stories, besides the
serial. There are three worthwhile
articles, and in the features for the Mike, tired from the day's work,
home are recipes and sewing hints, dropped into the little rocker where
and bits of wisdom." Karen had been, and picked up the
Magazine on the nearby table. He
1ZAREN closed the little Magazine started reading.
and held it almost lovingly to "Dinner, Mike," Karen called in-
ner. Why this Magazine could not vitingly. "Come and get it."
be classed as a luxury. A single issue "I've become interested in a story.
cost even less than twenty cents, Say, where did you get that little
and where could you get so much Magazine?"
for your money? But Mike had said "Oh, that's The Relief Society
nothing hut essentials. She guessed Magazine. I borrowed it from your
she would just have to figure on mother."
borrowing Mother Palmer's Maga- "You mean that Magazine's been
zine for awhile. in my home, and I've never noticed
"Well, it's time to start supper." it before?"
What would she fix? There were "Perhaps you didn't take time to
recipes in the Magazine. She opened read it, but it was there." Karen
it again. "How about a fluffy lemon laughed,
chiffon pie?" "Did you read it before you were
Karen checked the ingredients, married, Karen."
"I have everything to make it, luck- "Never missed an issue. Fact is,
ily, but I have the fresh peaches it's my favorite Magazine, Mike."
Mike's mother gave me. No need "Karen, it's a Magazine we should
for dessert. Oh, here's a main dish have in our home. You better make
that sounds interesting and nourish- out a check tomorrow and send for
ing, macaroni loaf. It has cheese a year's subscription."
and hard-boiled eggs. I'll make this, Karen felt something warm inside
and with a green salad, and some her. Why, Mike wasn't tight as
raisin cookies and the peaches and she had imagined at all. She
cream, such a meal should please guessed about the hardest thing
any hard-working man." about being a bride was to get used
Karen was busy for the next two to spending someone else's money,
hours, and she was complimenting Especially a new husband's, when
herself on baking the cookies in the he didn't have any more than when
coal stove and not burning a single he was courting and living with his
one, when Mike came through the folks, and not maintaining a house,
door. Yes, it was true, she would have to
"How's my pretty little wife?" He make sacrifices, go without things
kissed her lovingly. she was used to as Mike had point-
"Just fine, Mr. Palmer, and your ed out that first day, go without
supper is almost ready. Want to things she had taken for granted in
sit in the living room while I finish? her parents' home. But they would
It's a little warm in here." Karen be able to have and enjoy the im-
wiped her brow. It was warm cook- portant things of life, like The Re-
ing on a coal stove, but soon it lief Society Magazine. She could
would be chilly weather and the hardly wait for the postman to
same warmth would be inviting, deliver her first copy.
cJia cJtme for \^ei trade JLacu
IT is tin time in Jewel, Oregon, where Gertrude Lacy, a Relief Society sister, has
snipped and clipped with her magic sheers through a heap of discarded tin cans, and
wrought miracles. Can you imagine an ordinary tomato can, stripped of its gaudy
paper cover and emptied of its vitamin-laden contents, appearing again on your writing
desk as a bouquet of pansies? Or a baby food can lighting on your lapel, looking like
a real live butterfly? Mrs. Lacy has fashioned spiders, each spinning a web of its own.
There are dolls and doll furniture, even covered wagons, complete with oxen, shovels,
water buckets, and the usual pioneer gear. Her daisies, dogwood, and tulips know no
season, neither do they fade nor tarnish, but glow and glisten year after year.
One of the most charming results of her search for new designs for discarded tin
material is a blend of modern and Victorian motifs. Using the same circular back-
ground which formed the foundation for her Christmas ornaments, she applied flowers
cut from tin and painted them with transparent-colored laquers. The result is a
wreath with a frilled, nosegay look which can be used as a decorative accent at any
season of the year. These gay wreaths may be hung on the wall or placed flat on a
table as a centerpiece.
Her jewelry is another tin-craft highlight with a new approach; most anyone seeing
one of her green necklaces invariably exclaims, "It's absolutely precious."
Sister Lacy will be the first to assure you that the Relief Society work meeting
program did much to interest her in handicraft and its possibilities. Recently she spoke
on "Tinning Your Way to Beauty," at the Northwestern States Mission Relief Society
Convention. Here she displayed many of her attractive creations and gave a demon-
stration with this inexpensive, inexhaustible metal.
There is no grandeur like the shape of kindness. — Ida Isaacson
Page 105
The New Day
Hazel K. Todd
Chapter 5
Synopsis: Lynn Marlow, a dress design-
er, who lives in Chicago and is engaged
to David Talbot, returns to Springdale,
her home town, to visit her Aunt Polly
and to find out if she has really forgotten
her early love for Johnny Spencer. Johnny
had married a Southern girl and she had
died, leaving two children. Lynn meets
the children, and finally goes to Johnny's
home to see him.
AS Lynn watched, Johnny's face
became whiter. His lips
moved to say her name, but
there was no sound.
She didn't know when the child
slid from her lap. But, presently,
she was hugging her father's legs,
and he was resting his hand on her
head. But his eyes were still on
Lynn, and there were tears in them.
Then she stood up, shaking. The
first shock had passed. This
couldn't be Johnny. This was some
strange, unknown person she had
never seen before.
"Johnny," she said in a voice that
didn't belong to her. "Johnny . . .
I. . . ." She floundered for words,
but the right ones, if there were
any, were lost.
"Why . . . why did you come?"
She looked from his drawn face
to his shaking hand on the little
girl's head.
"I ... I "
"I asked her to come 'cause she
made Lindy a whistle." Peter was
looking curiously at his father.
Lindy blew the whistle shrilly.
Johnny leaned down and picked
Page 106
the little girl up in his arms. But
he never took his eyes from Lynn.
"If you came out of curiosity," he
said, "maybe you have been satis-
His words stung her vaguely. But
it was not so much his words, but
something else about him that made
her feel so faraway. True, they were
the same eyes, the same lock of hair
falling over his forehead, but he
was not the Johnny who had clung
so tightly to her memory.
"Peter," he said, still watching
Lynn, "you shouldn't ask strangers
into the house."
No, it was not the Johnny she
knew at all.
A strange calmness was taking
possession of Lynn. All the pent-up
anxiety she had felt with anticipa-
tion of meeting him seemed to melt
and run away leaving her quite clear
to think. She sorrowed for him
standing there — this Johnny who
had doodled on the margins of her
yearbook, this Johnny with whom
she had chased water skaters. But
this man standing before her, aloof
and faraway, was not that same
Johnny. He was a man grown bit-
ter and withdrawn, so distant from
her that she felt she could never
reach him.
"Please," she said, "I didn't come
to annoy you. I — I came because
I wanted to see you. I. . . ."
"You never seemed very anxious
to see me in the years past," he said
"Johnny, I want to help you.
I "
"I don't need your help, yours, or
anybody else's/' he said.
"But Johnny, you can't. . . ."
"Will you please go and leave us
His face was drawn and his hands
were trembling. He looked old and
tired. He will kill himself and ruin
his children s Jives, she thought. But
there is nothing I can do.
"I'm sorry," she said. "I will go."
YNN started toward the door.
As she did so, she caught Peter's
gaze, puckered in a scowl. "You
didn't see the turkey nest," he said
Lynn paused involuntarily. Lindy
whimpered in her father's arms so
that, without looking at her, Johnny
slid her to the floor.
To Lynn's surprise, the little girl
came running to cling to her skirt,
She forgot Johnny standing there
accusing her. She leaned and
picked the child up and nestled the
golden head against her shoulder.
And then she remembered John-
ny. He was crying, crying as
though he were a little boy. When
she looked at him he turned and
went into the kitchen without say-
ing anything.
She stood, holding the child,
filled with conflicting emotions, of
pity to the extent that she almost
wanted to run after him, and of a
desire to run away from it all. It
was easier to run.
She loosened the child's arms
from her neck and stood her on the
floor. And then she said to the
scowling boy, "I'm sorry I don't
have time to see the turkey nest.
I must go."
She walked rapidly down the
path, feeling weak and confused and
almost guilty for running away.
This one thing she knew. It
stood out vivid and clear above the
confusion. She wanted David. She
wanted his calm serenity, his mature
wisdom. Now she knew why he
had put her off when she wanted
him to come with her, why he want-
ed her to see Johnny without him.
She had to find out for herself.
Funny how time could fly so quick-
ly. In that few minutes she had
looked into Johnny's face, she had
come to know what must be an
eternal truth — you can never quite
go back. You must go on and on
and on. The willow path, the
house by the mill, the sodas, and
the boy she had played with as a
girl and loved as a teenager, was a
lovely experience in the past. But
she had grown older now, with new
experiences and new needs. And it
was the new needs that cried out to
"Oh, David," she whispered, "I
love you! I do love you! My house
by the mill is a house on a hill!"
In her turmoiled thinking, she
had paid no heed to the way she
went, and now she suddenly real-
ized that she had been following
the path winding round the hill and
had suddenly come to a dead end
in a secluded nook, with a willow
bench built snugly in the rocks and
foliage. Thoughtfully she moved to
it to sit on its rustic seat. And then
she suddenly gasped in astonish-
ment. Carved in fancy lettering
like the doodles on the margins of
a book was the name Lindy MarJow/
Johnny had made this bench to her
memory. She looked up aghast at
the thought. There was an open-
ing in the tree branches. Like a
window it was, and silhouetted in
the window was Aunt Polly's house.
Johnny had sat there to think of
She stood still, staring at the
name. Since she had looked into
Johnny's face, it was as though she
had been snapping the threads one
by one from some tangled dream,
and now suddenly she had com-
pletely broken the last strand, so
that it all became very clear.
How foolish they had both been,
striving to hold back the fleeting
past that no one could stay. Some-
one must help Johnny!
T YNN sat thoughtfully on the
edge of the rustic seat. Aunt
Polly had wanted to get her to come
home. Not alone because she want-
ed to see her. She and Mr. Jensen
had been trying to help Johnny.
Did they hope she could be recon-
ciled with him?
Lynn straightened up, suddenly.
Perhaps she owed Johnny this. After
all, it was, in a way, her fault — a
man grown morose and bitter, two
motherless children. She hesitated
in her thinking. Was it so much
her fault that she must take the
place of the dark-haired Southern
girl! But he had sent her away.
Besides, she didn't love Johnny any
more. That love belonged back on
a green hillside to David. There
must be a fairer way for everyone.
She had a great longing for
David. A sudden impulse to find a
phone and call him possessed her.
She stood up quickly, and then she
sat down again. She couldn't call
David, not yet. Not until she had
released Johnny from the hold she
had over him. But how, when he
refused to talk to her? Johnny was
a stranger to her now. Someone
had to help her, someone who knew
this new silent and bitter Johnny.
She paused again in her thinking.
Johnny still went to the drug store.
Of course! Mr. Jensen would
know more about him than anyone
else. Maybe there was some way
he could help her.
She rose from the bench without
looking back, and went down the
hill through the clover blooms.
Mr. Jensen's face lighted up when
he saw her.
"Lindy," he said, "it's wonderful
to have you here again."
"Could we sit somewhere?" Lynn
He led her toward hers and John-
ny's table.
"Oh, please," she said, "let's sit
somewhere else."
They sat at the opposite table.
"How is Aunt Polly?" he asked.
She looked at him calmly. "Aunt
Polly is very well. I have seen
"So you have seen Johnny, then?"
he asked a little wearily.
"Yes, I have seen Johnny and his
children. What do you think I can
He looked at her with delibera-
"I had thought you could either
marry him or release him from the
memory he holds of you."
She looked at him through a mist
of tears. "I can't marry him, Mr.
Jensen," she said. "I don't love him
any more. I wasn't sure until I
saw him."
He looked at her and nodded his
head slowly. "At least we have solved
that part of it. You see, it was
necessary to make sure you were
marrying the right man, too."
Lynn looked down at her ring
and back into his face. "I love
David very much/' she said.
"I am sure you do/' he said and
patted her hand.
"What — what will happen to
Johnny?" Lynn asked. "He will
spoil his life and his children's."
"You must wake him up, Lindy.
Wake him up from that old dream,
just as you woke yourself up. He
seems to cling to it since he lost
his wife."
"But how? He doesn't even want
to see me. He ordered me out of
his house."
"I don't know how, Lindy. You
see, you have someone else. Johnny
"He has his children."
"Which is not quite the same.
But it might be a way."
HHHAT night Lynn's sleep was
filled with troubled dreams.
She awoke early with a great long-
ing for David. And why not? After
all, why should she try to help
Johnny? Especially when he re-
fused to be helped. Could she help
it if he built seats to her memory,
if he named his children after her,
if he chose to be a recluse! How
unfair had he been to his wife?
If she called David he would come
immediately, and she could go away
and forget Johnny and his unhappy
life. She slipped out of bed quick-
ly with a feeling of relief.
Wishing to avoid the disappoint-
ment in Aunt Polly's face when
she was leaving, Lynn waited until
Aunt Polly had slipped through the
kitchen door with her basket and
old straw hat to gather asparagus.
As Lynn reached the receiver from
the wall phone, her heart pounded
frightfully. How wonderful it
would be to hear David's voice.
"Long Distance, please," she said
to the inquiry. And then a sound
at the door made her turn half guilt-
ily, expecting to see Aunt Polly.
But it was not Aunt Polly. It
was Johnny's children. She stared,
unbelieving, at Peter with a Marine
cap sitting jauntily on the back of
his head, and Lindy with a huge
bow made from a piece of cloth
tucked in her golden curls.
"Peter!" she said aghast, "What
are you doing here?"
She became aware of a small voice
coming from the telephone receiver
she held in her hand. Only half
realizing what she did, she hung it
back on the hook. Then she col-
lected her wits.
"That is — I mean, did you come
to visit Aunt Polly?"
"We came to get you to see the
turkey nest," the boy announced.
"The turkey nest?"
"Sure. You didn't see it yester-
There were no words in her to
match this boy. He took her breath
away. Under different circum-
stances it might even be humorous.
Here she stood helpless before a
very important little boy and a tiny
girl, decked out to make the best
impression, demanding that she
come and view a turkey nest. She
half laughed an odd sort of laugh
and dropped into the needlepoint
rocker there.
"What 'ya laughin' at?" Peter de-
manded sternly.
Again she felt inadequate.
"I'm — I'm sorry. I didn't mean
to laugh. That is, I mean I shall
be glad to see the turkey nest!"
There seemed nothing else to say.
"Well, come on, then."
Keeping hold of Lindy's hand,
Peter turned and started through
the door.
T^HERE was nothing to do but
follow his commands. But how
could seeing a turkey nest possibly
help to solve anything? And if she
ran into Johnny what could she say
that would do any good, especially
when she felt sure he wouldn't
even listen to her? And besides, she
was becoming conscious of a new
worry. The children had seized
eagerly onto the friendship she had
offered them to fill a need that had
been denied them. It would already
be difficult to break away, without
carrying the friendship further.
Peter turned to see if she was
following. "Come on. We have
to see it before dinner, 'cause Lindy
has to go to sleep after dinner."
She began fumbling in her purse.
Peter was scowling impatiently.
"Well, why don't you come?"
"Could I please write a note to
Aunt Polly?" Lynn asked much the
same as she would have asked per-
mission from someone who had
jurisdiction over her.
"Well, hurry up," Peter answered
grudgingly, and watched her closely
while she scribbled a few hurried
She folded the paper and stood it
against the cookie jar where she was
sure Aunt Polly would see it.
(To be continued)
xjLtberta LKevisded
Helen Kimball Oigill
The longing came to visit haunts of long ago,
To view again the well-remembered past, and so
I journeyed far and heard the feather-throated lark,
Take up Alberta's note of spring the surest mark.
I saw the garden's green, clothes swinging in the sun,
Small lakes all flashing blue till day is done;
And beading wheat of golden store for days to be,
The grassy hills and fields as far as eye could see.
I saw the Big Chief Mountain, so substantial, high,
And snow-capped Rockies bright against the sky.
I well remembered rainless land and, after toil,
We chafed to be expecting much of parching soil.
But, oh, the tender memories beyond compare,
When falling rain brought joy from deep despair.
But greater than the fruitage of the fields of grain,
Is love remembered and sweet friendship's golden chain.
With pleasure now I view the winding path we trod,
When shadows of the day hid not our faith in God.
Today I feel deep peace that drives away my fears,
And strength has come that is not born of sheltered years.
Hulda Parker, General Secretary-Treasurer
All material submitted for publication in this department should be sent through
stake and mission Relief Society presidents. See regulations governing the submittal of
material for "Notes From the Field" in the Magazine for January 1958, page 47, and
in the Handbook of Instructions of the Relief Society.
Photograph submitted by Anna C. Merrill
Seated in front, left to right: Esther Prigmore as Mary Rowlandson; Bertha Smith
as Margaret Winthrop; Jeanne Stoddard and her seven children as Anne Bradstreet
and her children.
Standing, left to right: Leota Bolingbroke as "the Voice of History"; Beyrle
Esplin as Mrs. Noyes; Dorothy Knight as Sarah Pierrepont; Shirley Brown as Anne
Hutchinson; Esther McArthur as Sarah Kimball Knight; Joann Schneiter as Pocahontas.
Anna C. Merrill, President, West Central States Mission Relief Society, reports:
"The three Billings Branch Relief Societies combined their efforts for their closing
social in May. Under the direction of the three literature class leaders: Dorothy Knight,
Leota Bolingbroke, and Esther McArthur, a pageant was presented entitled 'Meet the
Women of the New World.' "
Page 1 1 1
Photograph submitted by Mina Giles
Front row, left to right: Mina Giles, President, Wasatch Stake Relief Society;
Thelma Wootton, First Counselor; DeEsta Jordan, Secretary-Treasurer; Marjoria
Provost, chorister; Ethel Watson, organist.
There are sixty-four members in this chorus, representing all twelve wards of
Wasatch Stake.
Photograph submitted by Grace C. Gamble
Seated, Reda Ricks Allen, who was president of Riverheights Ward Relief Society,
Mount Logan Stake, 1946-51. Sister Allen is the mother of eleven living children,
seven daughters and four sons. Three have served on missions; one is now a bishop.
Standing, daughters who have served or who are now serving as ward Relief Society
presidents, left to right: Dorothy A. Miles, President, Banida Ward, Oneida Stake
1948-53; Opal A. Georgeson, President, Pocatello Second Ward Relief Society, Pocatello
Stake 1949-54; Irene A. Young, President, Thatcher Ward Relief Society, Portneuf
Stake 1952-55, now a member of the Portneuf Stake Relief Society Board; Margaret V.
Allen, President, First Ward, Idaho Stake, 1955-57; Eunice A. Lindblom, appointed in
August 1959 as president of Balboa Ward Relief Society, San Francisco Stake.
Grace C. Gamble is president of Oneida Stake Relief Society.
Photograph submitted by Cleona W. Hedenstrom
Left to right: Marie Allen, work meeting leader; Ruby Smith, chorister; Beth
Jensen, President; Phyllis Penman, social science class leader; Berdean Christenson,,
Second Counselor.
Fawn Woodward and Cleo Peterson were absent when the picture was taken.
Cleona W. Hedenstrom, President, Ogden Stake Relief Society, reports: "The
singing of this group of sisters is conducted by Beth Jensen in sign language. The
Ogden Stake Relief Society Board deem it a privilege to have the honor of working
with these outstanding sisters." This Deaf Branch Relief Society was organized four
years ago. It has an enrollment of twenty-nine members as of November 1959.
Alta Fuhriman, President, Nampa Stake Relief Society, reports an outstanding
program presented at the September Relief Society Leadership Meeting under the direc-
tion of Ida Cafferty, stake Magazine representative. A song "Relief Society Magazine,"
written especially for the occasion by Agnes Frank, was sung as an introduction to the
"Previous to the meeting," Sister Fuhriman reports, "Sister Cafferty had a tape
recording made of talks given by women from eleven wards, in which they made com-
ments and gave their views, summarizing the benefits which they had received from
the Magazine. Sister Cafferty took a colored slide picture of each participant, and
showed the pictures on a screen, while she played the recordings. To complete the
program, she showed a picture of our stake president and our high council advisor, who
also made comments and recommendations to subscribe to the Magazine. The program
was enthusiastically received, and I believe it will help in increased subscriptions and
Photograph submitted by Clara S. Roberts
Front row, seated, left to right: Florence Staples; Vilate Anderson; Clara Staples;
Stena Anderson.
Standing, left to right: Rosalee Marble, present President; Berneice Anderson; Helen
Gray; Montez Christiansen; Pearl Ence; Alice Christensen.
Sister Marble reports: "Our presidency paid tribute to each of the nine former
presidents at a dinner on March 17th, at which time all members of the stake Relief
Society presidency and their partners were invited to join us. The program was very
inspiring, with a history given of our ward Relief Society from its organization in 1874.
The feature attraction of the evening was a small golden tree decorated with the pictures
of the sisters who have been presidents of the ward Relief Society since its organization."
Clara S. Roberts is president of South Sevier Stake Relief Society.
Photograph submitted by Marcia C. Steele
May 24, 1959
Marcia C. Steele, President, Washington Stake Relief Society, fourth from the
right on the first row; Lucile R. Smith, First Counselor, second from the right on
the third row; Laura G. Snow, Second Counselor, seventh from the left on the second
row; Mary Stimpson, stake Magazine representative, second from the left on the second
row; Zina Willey, visiting teacher message leader, fifth from the left on the second
row; Alfarette Liddle, work meeting leader, third from the right on the third row;
Rose Blana, theology class leader, first on the right on the third row; Verna Sanford,
literature class leader, sixth from the left on the third row; Dorothy McDonnel, organ-
ist, fifth from the left on the third row; Ellen N. Barnes, chorister, center front, hold-
ing baton.
Sister Steele reports: "Sister Ellen N. Barnes, chorister, and Sister Dorothy
McDonnel, organist, are giving outstanding service in directing our Singing Mothers.
Thev are tireless in their efforts to give the individual wards aid and suggestions. Music
and the appreciation of it have increased many fold through their efforts.
"This chorus has sung at the Washington Stake spring quarterly conference for
the past three vears. The chorus is composed of sisters from thirteen Relief Societies
in the Washington Stake."
Photograph submitted by Phoebe H. Norton
Front row, seated, left to right: Beth H. Toomer, Secretarv; Avilda B. Barker,
First Counselor; Phoebe H. Norton, President; Lillian H. Taylor, Second Counselor.
Back row, standing, left to right: LaDean P. Thomson, literature class leader;
Mildred B. Harker, visiting teacher message leader; Ruth R. Rice, work meeting leader;
Ruth S. Hovey, Magazine representative; Jehzell M. Harker, social science class leader;
Lois D. Blumell, theology class leader; Inez W. Gibb, chorister.
Tena T. Sabey, organist, was not present when this picture was taken.
Photograph submitted by Ada K. Sneddon
Standing, front, left to right: Velda Ronnow; Louise L. Bell, Stake Education
Second row, left to right: Claire Richards, soloist; Lora Allen, stake chorister;
Cclia Kcele; Bonnie Taylor; Irvin Schelin, stake Relief Society advisor; Ethel M. Ball,
stake literature class leader; Carla Johnson; Veone Hastings.
Back row, left to right: Jo Ann Stewart; Joyce Young; Ann Garrett, stake organist.
Ada K. Sneddon, President, Reno Stake Relief Society, reports: "The program
'Legacy' has created greater interest in the literature lessons. Four wards are repre-
sented in the picture."
Photograph submitted by Eleanor Nielsen
Betty Tatton (fourth from the left on the front row), Maxine McAllister (sixth
-from the left), and Colleen Cummings (first at the right on the front row), each was
.at the piano, in turn.
Eleanor Nielsen, President, Ben Lomond Stake Relief Society, stands second from
the left on the second row; First Counselor Mildred Cragun stands at the left rear,
Evelyn Hull, Second Counselor, is third from the left in the second row.
Wanda Chatelain, director of the chorus, stands at the right in the top row.
Sister Nielsen reports: "The eighty-five members of the Ben Lomond Stake
Singing Mothers felt very honored at being asked to sing at the devotional services of
the first Brigham Young University — Ogden Area Leadership Week held in the new
Ogden Tabernacle, June 24, 1959."
Photograph submitted by Alyce B. Glade
Front row, left to right: Belle Carlton as Emma H. Smith; Eva Patten as Sarah
M. Cleveland; Julia Kirby as Martha Knight; Ruby Smidt as Bathsheba W. Smith;
Violet Wappctt as Desdemona Fulmer; Ruth Fisher as Elizabeth Jones; Lauraine Wil-
liams as Eliza R. Snow; Evelyn Harrell as Sophia Robinson; Gladys Marsh as Sophia
R. Marks; Lydia Crist as Phebe M. Wheeler.
Second row, left to right: Verna Hansen as Elvira A. Coles; Mellisa Ward as
Elizabeth Ann Whitney; Alice Davies as Philinda Merrick; Grace Miley as Phebe Ann
Back row, left to right: Grace Hopkins as Sarah M. Kimball; Marian Kowallis as
Margaret A. Cook; Irene Hayes as Sophia Packard; Naomi Eller as Leonora Taylor.
Alyce B. Glade, President, Boise Stake Relief Society, reports: "The members of
the original Relief Society organized by the Prophet Joseph Smith were portrayed by
eighteen members of the Boise Stake for a most successful Visiting Teachers Conven-
tion. The convention program was directed by Clara Anderson, stake visiting teacher
message leader, assisted by the Stake Relief Society Presidency: Alyce B. Glade, Zola
Jeppson, and Eugenia Carver."
Photograph submitted by Effie K. Driggs
Left to right: Calysta Stratford, Education Counselor; Effie K. Driggs, President;
Sonoma Y. Toolson, Work Director Counselor.
Sister Driggs reports: "The picture was taken at one of the many displays in the
work department. This display represents part of the ideas suggested and made by
the mission Relief Society presidency. Included are: sock clowns to match Christmas
boots; yarn octopuses wearing straw hats, flowered bonnets, and 'beanies,' all for
Christmas giving; Christmas stockings and red-nosed reindeer. Also, there were re-
covered quilts, new appliqued quilts made from flour sacks, quilts tied with bright yarn
and with blanket-stitched edges; suits and dresses from old suits and coats; closet
storage boxes from grocery cartons, attractively covered with leftover wallpaper. There
were smart aprons for all occasions, inexpensive guest towels made from linen yardage,
and attractive clothes for children made from used suits.
"It was work meeting, and the presidency, wearing their aprons, greeted the sisters
ready for a model work meeting. The theme of this work meeting was 'Help direct
the 1959-60 traffic to better homemaking ideas.'
"Included in the one hundred thirty women attending the conference were all
district presidencies and several officers from each branch of the mission, including two
from faraway Alaska. The Sunday sessions were spiritual and informative. Compas-
sionate service, the visiting teacher program, The Relief Society Magazine, and the les-
sons for the coming year were all featured with valuable helps given for each district
and branch. The goals for the conference were designed to aid the sisters towards
self-improvement, greater accomplishments, and a higher level of spirituality in their
homes and in the Relief Society organizations."
cyheology — The Doctrine and Covenants
Lesson 24— The Great I Am
Elder Roy W. Doxey
(Text: The Doctrine and Covenants, Sections 36, 37, and 38)
For Tuesday, May 3, i960
Objective: To understand the position of Jesus in the plan of salvation and of his
concern for his saints.
TpHE revelation (D & C, Section
38), which will command our
attention principally in this lesson,
was given at the beginning of the
year 1831. The Church had been
organized for about nine months.
It was a year during which a large
number of revelations were received
for the development of the growing
kingdom of God. Many command-
ments during this period were given
for the temporal as well as for the
spiritual welfare of the saints.
The Great I Am
Section 38 opens with some im-
portant truths regarding the Savior.
Other books of scripture give affir-
mation of those truths, but this rev-
elation provides us with a clear
understanding of Jesus' position in
the plan of salvation before his
mortal birth.
Thus saith the Lord your God, even
Jesus Christ, the Great I Am, Alpha and
Omega, the beginning and the end, the
same which looked upon the wide ex-
panse of eternity, and all the seraphic hosts
of heaven, before the world was made;
The same which knoweth all things,
for all things are present before mine
I am the same which spake, and the
world was made, and all things came by
I am the same which have taken the
Zion of Enoch into mine own bosom; and
verily, I say, even as many as have believed
in my name, for I am Christ, and in mine
own name, by the virtue of the blood
which I have spilt, have I pleaded before
the Father for them (D & C 38:1-4).
In verse one we find the title to
this lesson — The Great I Am. This
title or name of the Christ is related
in meaning to Jehova, a name which
the Jews regarded as sacred to the
extent of not saying it. They sub-
stituted the Hebrew name Adonai
(Ad-o-ni), meaning "the Lord."
The use of the title I Am is found
Page 119
in other scriptures and is definitely
associated with Jesus in this and
other revelations. (See D & C
29:1; 39:1.) Certain Jews at the
time of the Master criticized him
and declared themselves to be of
Abraham's Jineage, and thereby be-
lieved themselves preferred above
others. The Savior used this expres-
sive statement in declaring his di-
vine calling: ". . . Verily, verily, I
say unto you, Before Abraham was,
I am" (John 8:58). In effect, the
Lord was saying that before Abra-
ham was, he was Jehova, or the
Being that gave revelation to the
Seraphic Hosts
In this revelation (Section 38),
the Redeemer is said to have sur-
veyed the wide expanse of eternity
and also to have seen ". . . the se-
raphic hosts of heaven, before the
world was made" (D & C 38:1).
Those who compose the seraphic
hosts are seraphs or angels, without
wings, however, for when wings or
flying is associated with such person-
ages, the language is symbolic and
conveys the meaning of the power
of motion.
Jesus as Creator
As one continues to read this reve-
lation, he is immediately impressed
with the additional point that Jesus
is truly the creator of this earth and
that all things come by him. (»See
D & C 38:3.) His work with the
children of men in this world has
not been confined to what we some-
times call the New Testament or
meridian period, but, from the very
beginning, he is the Lord of the
Old Testament dispensations. No-
tice how verse 4 points this up:
I am the same which have taken the
Zion of Enoch into mine own bosom;
and verily, I say, even as many as have
believed in my name, for I am Christ, and
in mine own name, by the virtue of the
blood which I have spilt, have I pleaded
before the Father for them (D & C
For those who obediently follow
the Master's way of life, the full
benefits of his atonement are avail-
able, while, on the other hand, those
who become hardened in their lives
must look forward to a ". . . judg-
ment of the great day, which shall
come at the end of the earth"
(D & C 38:5). In the meantime,
however, the hardened or "wicked"
unrepentant remain in chains of
darkness in the spirit world. (See
D & C 38:6; and Alma 40:11-14.)
The same Jesus who was born in
the meridian of time gave command-
ments and revelations to the proph-
ets of the Old Testament. The Book
of Mormon brings out clearly that
it was Jesus Christ who spoke to
the prophets before the time of his
birth into mortality. (See I Nephi
19:10; 3 Nephi 11:10, 14.) Impor-
tant in this regard are the words of
the resurrected Jesus to the Ne-
phites as recorded in 3 Nephi
15:5, 10.
God Is Perfect
That God is perfect is acclaimed
in scripture. (See Mt. 5:48; D & C
93:21, 26.) Revelation 38 makes
known concerning the Lord's knowl-
edge of all things.
The same which knoweth all things,
for all things are present before mine
eyes (D & C 38:2).
In Section 88, verse 41, the Lord
also makes known his characteristic
of being all-knowing.
From the Lectures on Faith,
prepared for use in the School of
Elders, during the winter of 1834-
35, there are some meaningful pas-
sages concerning the perfection of
God in all things. These two quo-
tations are important :
. . . God is the only supreme governor
and independent being in whom all ful-
ness and perfection dwell; who is omni-
potent [all-powerful], omnipresent [every-
where present] and omniscient [all-know-
ing]; without beginning of days or end
of life; and that in him every good gift
and every good principle dwell. . . .
. . . Without the knowledge of all
things, God would not be able to save
any portion of his creatures, for it is by
reason of the knowledge which he has of
all things, from the beginning to the end,
that enables him to give that understand-
ing to his creatures by which they are
made partakers of eternal life and if it
were not for the idea existing in the minds
of men that God had all knowledge it
would be impossible for them to exercise
faith in him (Lectures on Faith, Lec-
ture 2, paragraph 2; Lecture 4, paragraph
God is not relatively perfect, but
his perfection is absolute. Latter-
day Saints have recognized that our
knowledge of the Lord and our re-
lationship to him are known by
what he has revealed on these mat-
ters. Men may believe ideas which
are not in the revealed word of
God, but these notions are but the
products of their own thinking and
not from him who knoweth all
things. (See 2 Nephi 9:20, 28-29.)
The Latter-day Saint finds in
modern revelations great comfort,
strength, and a security such as that
experienced by Ammon of The
Book of Mormon, as related in
Alma 26:35-36.
"I Am in Your Midst"
Continuing in Section 38, we
But behold, verily, verily, I say unto
you that mine eyes are upon you. I am
in your midst and ye cannot see me;
But the day soon cometh that ye shall
see me, and know that I am; for the veil
of darkness shall soon be rent, and he
that is not purified shall not abide the
day (D & C 38:7-8).
Here again, the Lord gives further
assurance to his saints that there is
reason to rejoice for "I am in your
midst and ye cannot see me." As
one remains true to the faith, the
Spirit whispers to his soul that this
is the work of God, and that he is
directing it through his appointed
servants. He has not always made
himself visibly manifest, but the
time will come when he shall with-
draw the veil separating himself
from us, and we shall then behold
him. The comforting assurance
that he is with his Church and peo-
ple abounds in the soul of every true
Latter-day Saint.
One may be reminded of the vi-
sion of the Prophet Joseph Smith in
the Kirtland Temple in 1836, when
he said:
I saw the Twelve Apostles of the
Lamb, who are now upon the earth, who
hold the keys of this last ministry, in
foreign lands, standing together in a circle,
much fatigued, with their clothes tattered
and feet swollen, with their eyes cast
downward, and Jesus standing in their
midst, and they did not behold Him.
The Savior looked upon them and wept
(D. H. C. 11:381.)
As with them, so today the Savior
is continuing to direct his Church
on the earth.
When the Lord at his coming
shall be seen, it is said that the puri-
fied will abide that day. Those who
have accepted the Savior as their
Redeemer are declared in this reve-
lation to be "clean." As to the
world at large, the powers of dark-
ness prevail upon the earth because
of the great apostasy which will
bring destruction to the tares, or
the wicked. (See D & C 38:10-12.)
Notwithstanding the saints are
''clean/' there are those among them
who are not taking full advantage
of their privileges in receiving great-
er blessings. Although the Lord is
mindful of their weaknesses, he will
extend his mercy to them. (See
D & C 38:14.)
Section 37
In this short revelation given in
December of the year 1830, the Lord
makes known that the Prophet and
Sidney Rigdon were to discontinue
their present activities in "translat-
ing" or revising the Bible until they
go to the Ohio valley. The mem-
bership of the Church was com-
manded also to "assemble together
at the Ohio/' This is the first time
that a place of gathering was indi-
cated for the Church as a whole.
We have already learned of the
growth of the kingdom in that area.
(See Lesson 22.)
A Promise oi the Future
Returning to Section 38, we learn
that the Lord reveals his intentions
concerning the temporal welfare of
the saints. It is evident that not
only the Prophet Joseph Smith but
the poor among the saints had
prayed for the time when the condi-
tion of those in need might be
improved. Taking cognizance of
their condition, the revelation reads:
And for your salvation I give unto you
a commandment, for I have heard your
prayers, and the poor have complained be-
fore me, and the rich have I made, and
all flesh is mine, and I am no respecter
of persons.
And I have made the earth rich, and
behold it is my footstool, wherefore, again
I will stand upon it.
And I hold forth and deign to give
unto you greater riches, even a land of
promise, a land flowing with milk and
honey, upon which there shall be no curse
when the Lord cometh;
And I will give it unto you for the land
of your inheritance, if you seek it with all
your hearts (D & C 38:16-19).
What are the promises of the
Lord to his people who cry unto
him for relief from a lack of the
things of this earth? The day will
come, when the Lord stands upon
the earth, that his people shall in-
herit it and receive all of the
bounteous blessings that the earth
will provide. By what means will
these blessings come to the saints?
Here is a commentary upon this
God's design was to give to His gath-
ered people great riches, even a land of
promise, "upon which there shall be no
curse [of destitution! when the Lord com-
The Lord promises to give His Saints
such a land, if they will seek it with all
their hearts. It cannot be obtained except
through diligent, God-directed effort (Doc-
trine and Covenants Commentary, page
Notice in verse 20 how the prom-
ised land is to be:
... for the inheritance of your chil-
dren forever, while the earth shall stand,
and ye shall possess it again in eternity,
no more to pass away (D & C 38:20).
Were the saints to wait until
some long period ahead for the re-
lief of the poor among them? No,
certain members of the Church in
the New York area were to "look
to the poor and the need}", and ad-
minister to their relief that they
shall not suffer." (See D & C
The commandment had gone
forth that the members were to go
to the Ohio, where the law of the
Lord would be given his people.
(See D & C 38:32.) The keeping
of this law would bring great spirit-
ual blessings as well as temporal. It
is the Lord's purpose to provide for
his saints in his own way and not
after the manner of the world. An
explanation of that law of the Lord
is spoken of in the revelations to
be studied in this course of study.
There are yet great blessings to be
received by the Lord's people.
As we return to a study of the
future as envisioned in this revela-
tion, it is apparent that there were
questions among the members in
1831 concerning the laws of the
land, and what the saints might
expect. When the Savior comes to
inaugurate his reign, he shall be the
ruler of the earth, and then men
shall truly be free.
But, verily I say unto you that in time
ye shall have no king nor ruler, for I will
be your king and watch over you.
Wherefore, hear my voice and follow
me, and you shall be a free people, and
ye shall have no laws but my laws when
I come, for I am your lawgiver, and what
can stay my hand? (D & C 38:21-22).
From the Great I Am, who is
our Creator and Redeemer, we are
asked the question (38:22): "What
can stay my hand?" The voice of
the Spirit to each Latter-day Saint
verifies the all-perfection of God
and his designs for his people. The
answer to this question is given in
many scriptures. (See D & C
76:3; 121:33; Mt- 24:35-)
Be One in Purpose and Action
Following the assurance that the
time will come when a righteous
reign of law will begin with the sec-
ond coming of Christ, the Lord in-
forms us that each person is to
esteem his brother as himself and
to ". . . practice virtue and holiness
before me" (D & C 38:24). When
men so esteem their brothers, then
they will have come, in a large
measure, to the objective of the ac-
complishment of the Lord's pur-
poses by following this important
truth: "... I say unto you, be one;
and if ye are not one ye are not
mine" (D & C 38:27). Unity in
faith and oneness in action have
been the objectives of the Church
in all dispensations. The necessity
for unity in The Church of Jesus
Christ is strongly expressed in Jesus'
words as he prayed to the Father
that his apostles might "be one, as
we are." Furthermore, it was his
desire that all those who would be-
lieve on him:
. . . may be one; as thou, Father, are in
me, and I in thee, that they also may be
one in us: that the world may believe that
thou hast sent me (John 17:21).
As the saints of this dispensation
become unified in the building up
of the kingdom of God upon the
earth, to which they are committed,
then the world will more readily be-
lieve in the Christ and in the res-
toration of the gospel. Are not peo-
ple attracted to the standard of
righteousness by the fruits of the
gospel as they are observed in the
lives of the members of the Church?
This was the prophetic understand-
ing of Ezekiel who saw the gather-
ing of Israel in our dispensation,
and who saw that the unbeliever
should ". . . know that I am the
Lord, saith the Lord God, when I
shall be sanctified in you before
their eyes" (Ezekiel 36:23). (Italics
are the author's.) (See Ezekiel
So important is the need for unity
among the members of the Priest-
hood of the Church and also the
other members, that President }.
Reuben Clark, Jr. of the First Presi-
dency has often admonished the
Church to come more fully to a
oneness of action.
We are all bound together as one, and
insofar as we fail, as individuals, to carry
on the work which we are supposed to do,
we are to that extent hindering the carry-
ing on of the work of the Lord and to
that extent we are responsible for the
lack of fulness of growth that may occur
on account of our failure (One Hundred
Twenty-First Semi- Annual Conference,
September 29, 30, and October 1, 1950,
page 171).
The Civil War
Consistent with Ihe theme of this
revelation regarding the Lord's con-
cern for his people, another im-
portant part of the future is called
to their attention. The first intima-
tion of the coming American Civil
War is indicated in this manner:
Ye hear of wars in far countries, and
you say that there will soon be great wars
in far countries, but ye know not the
hearts of men in your own land.
I tell you these things because of your
prayers; wherefore, treasure up wisdom in
your bosoms, lest the wickedness of men
reveal these things unto you by their
wickedness, in a manner which shall speak
in your ears with a voice louder than that
which shall shake the earth; but if ye are
prepared ye shall not fear (D & C
Important in understanding this
portent of things to come is this
comment from the Doctrine and
Covenants Commentary, page 208:
In the United States the opinion pre-
vailed that internal troubles, such as those
from which France, Belgium, Poland, and
some other countries suffered, could not
arise in the great Republic. The people
generally did not know what was in the
hearts of men, but the Lord knew, and
He gave in this paragraph, the first intima-
tion that there would be civil war in the
United States. . . .
If they [the saints] were wise, they
would prepare themselves by gathering to
one place. As a matter of fact the Saints
did, in due time, go to the valleys of the
Rocky Mountains, and in those impreg-
nable "chambers" they were effectively
secluded "for a little moment, until the
indignation be overpast" (Isa. 26:20).
Seek the Riches of Eternity
After the Lord counseled his peo-
ple to care for the needs of the
poor (D & C 38:35), reference is
made to the time when his servants
will be endowed with power from
on high and sent forth to the na-
tions. (See D & C 38:38.) Not
many years later, when the Church
was assembled in Ohio, a great
Pentecostal feast was enjoyed at the
dedication of the Kirtland Temple
and manifold blessings accrued to
the Church membership therefrom.
(See D & C, Section no.)
Significantly, this revelation draws
to an end with the admonition that:
... if ye seek the riches which it is the
will of the Father to give unto you, ye
shall be the richest of all people, for ye
shall have the riches of eternity; and it
must needs be that the riches of the earth
are mine to give; but beware of pride, lest
ye become as the Nephites of old
(D & C 38:39).
This stern reminder of the Ne-
phite period and the destruction of
their civilization and people is one
to be remembered. Examples of
the results of pride and other evils
as emphasized by Nephite historians
who saw them either in vision or
who witnessed the destructions are
worthy of careful consideration.
(See 2 Nephi 26:10; 3 Nephi 6:15;
Moroni 8:27.)
To the Relief Society sisters who
dedicate so much of their time and
effort to the assistance of those in
need, the words of Jacob will give
encouragement to continue and fur-
ther to assure their own eternal wel-
Think of your brethren like unto your-
selves, and be familiar with all and free
with your substance, that they may be
rich like unto you.
But before ye seek for riches, seek ye
for the kingdom of God.
And after ye have obtained a hope in
Christ ye shall obtain riches, if ye seek
them; and ye will seek them for the intent
to do good — to clothe the naked, and
to feed the hungry, and to liberate the
captive, and administer relief to the sick
and the afflicted (Jacob 2:17-19).
Section 36
The short revelation numbered
thirty-six was addressed to Edward
Partridge, who later became "a bish-
op to the Church." (See D & C,
Section 41.) It was during the
month of December 1830, that he
was baptized. In this revelation he
is called to preach the gospel boldly.
(See D & C 41:1, 3.) By his receiv-
ing the Holy Ghost, Brother Part-
ridge was to be taught "the peace-
able things of the kingdom" (D & C
36:2). As a missionary is called to
bring people to repentance, so this
recent convert to the Church was to
speak peace to the souls of men who
would thus be rescued from the evils
of the world (See D & C 36:6.)
We have in this revelation the
first indication that temples were to
be constructed in this dispensation.
The Lord says, ". . . I will suddenly
come to my temple" (D & C 36:8).
Edward Partridge was present in the
Kirtland Temple when the Savior
accepted it as his own. (SeeD&Cr
Section no.)
Questions iox Discussion
1. What evidence do we have for the
fact that Jesus of the New Testament is
the same Being who gave revelation to
the prophets of the Old Testament?
2. What assurance do we find in this-
lesson that the Lord is with his Church
3. What indication is there in this les-
son that the Lord recognized the prayers
of his saints? In what way?
4. According to this lesson, what bless-
ings will come to the faithful saints when
the Savior comes?
5. Of what necessitv is it for Latter-day-
Saints to be unified in purpose and action?
Visiting cJeacher 1 1 tessages —
Truths to Live By From The Doctrine and Covenants
Message 24— "Be Faithful Unto the End, and Lo, I Am With You. . . ."
(D & C 31:13).
Chiistine H. Robinson
For Tuesday, May 5, i960
Objective: Only by enduring to the end can we be with our Father in heaven and:
hope to reap his choicest blessings.
IT is a rule of life that each of us, and temptations. One of the rea-
along with joy, success, and ac- sons we are put on this earth is for
complishment, must meet his share us to learn how to stand firm and
of trials, troubles, disappointments, strong against these buffetings. At
no time should we boast we are the eternities to come" (MIA
saved. As long as we live we are Theme, 1943-44).
subject to the possible temptations Being faithful unto the end con-
of Satan. This is a fundamental sists simply in meeting each day's
part of the great plan of salvation, problems and temptations con-
Neither can we at any time hope to structively and righteously as they
sit back and rest upon past successes come. One of the beautiful and
and achievements. We either pro- encouraging aspects of life's experi-
gress and grow or we slip backwards, ences is that each problem met and
The Lord hopes we will live joy- surmounted strengthens us to meet
ously, courageously, and enthus- the next. If we approach them in-
iastically all the days of our lives, telligently, all of life's experiences,
We are promised, if we do this, we good or bad, can serve as stepping
shall receive rich, eternal blessings, stones to a stronger, more stalwart
In The Book of Mormon, King character.
Benjamin says: Many of the influences which
... if they hold out faithful to the end divert us from constant faithfulness
they are received into heaven ... for the are not the big problems but life's
Lord God hath spoken it (Mosiah 2:41). little temptations. In the western
The Lamb declared: ". . . if they part of the United States stands a
endure unto the end they shall be forest of trees which, for centuries,
lifted up at the last day ... (I have withstood the rigors of winds
Nephi 13:37). and storms. Today, despite their
As we ponder this message, "Be stalwart heights and sturdy roots,
faithful unto the end, and lo, I am they are slowly but surely dying,
with you . . ." let us remember that Minute worms have worked their
". . . These words are not of man way under the bark and into the
. . . but of me, even Jesus Christ, hearts of the trees. These little
your Redeemer, by the will of the termites are killing trees which for
Father" (D & C 31:13). centuries have withstood mighty
It is an encouraging fact that the storms.
Lord gives us no commandment nor So it is with life, often it is the
admonition which is beyond our little temptations which enter into
ability to obey. The command- our souls and weaken our resistance,
ment "to be faithful unto the end" Some of these destroying influences
may, at first glance, seem to be an consist of such things as greed, false-
extremely severe one. We know our hood, deception, shortness of tem-
own weaknesses and the ease with per, arrogance, fault-finding, slander,
which we can succumb to them, and intolerance. If we guard against
Furthermore, of course, we never these little weaknesses and meet
know under what circumstances or each problem honestly, courageous-
when our own end will come. How ly, as it comes, recognizing that none
then can we be constantly faithful? of us can see the end from the
President Grant gives us an ex- beginning, then the Savior has as-
plicit answer. He said, "Let us all sured us that he will be with us and
do the will of our Father in Heaven will help us to endure to the end.
today, and we will then be prepared He has promised: "Be faithful unto
for the duty of tomorrow, and for the end, and lo, I am with you. . . ."
Vvork llleettng — Physical Safety Factors
in the Home
(A Course Recommended for Use by Wards and Branches at Work Meeting)
Discussion 8— Simple First Aid Helps
Charlotte A. Larsen
For Tuesday, May 10, i960
Objective: To show how the knowledge of first aid can be valuable in helping
oneself and family in cases of emergencies.
THIRST aid is defined as the im-
mediate and temporary care
given the victim of an accident or
sudden illness until the services of
a physician can be obtained. All
adults should have some training or
knowledge of first aid in order to
be prepared for any such emergency.
First aid is more than a dressing
or a splint. It commences with the
calming effect, of one who knows
what to do, upon the stricken per-
son. He must know what not to
do as well as what to do. Thus he
avoids the errors so commonly made
through well-meant but misguided
efforts, knowing that any of these
first aid measures should not be
overdone, knowing that if they are
overdone they may turn out to be
more harmful than helpful, and
knowing that the moving of injured
parts should be kept to a minimum.
Prevention of burns is more
satisfactory than treatment, especial-
ly since burns are the largest cause
of accidental death among small
children and one of the most im-
portant causes of death among chil-
dren up to fifteen years of age. A
severe or extensive burn should be
seen at once by a physician. If shock
is present, treat it first. Keep the
injured person lying down with his
head low, wrap him in blankets and
keep him warm. If he is conscious,
give him small drinks of water fre-
When a person swallows poison
one is faced with a need for immedi-
ate action. Call a doctor. If you
know what the poison is, tell him,
and ask him what you should do
until he arrives. Remember two im-
portant things:
1. Dilute the poison with fluids.
2. In many cases it is expedient to
induce vomiting quickly.
Give four to seven glasses of
either lukewarm salty water, soda-
water, baking soda solution, several
teaspoonfuls to a half glass of water,
or plain lukewarm water to the
patient. After the victim has
drunk several glasses of the solution
in quick succession, vomiting may
be induced by using a finger in the
back of the throat. Repeat the di-
luting and washing out process,
if it appears that poison still remains
in the stomach. Then give the an-
Page 127
tidote for the poison if known.
(Do not try to induce vomiting
in cases of swallowing alkali, lye, or
Broken Bones
Unless it is absolutely necessary
to move a person with a broken
bone, don't do anything except ap-
ply an ice bag to the injured part
to relieve pain, until professional
help arrives. If the injured person
must be moved, keep him lying
down flat; move him on a wide
board, such as an ironing board or
door. Broken bones in hand, arm,
or shoulder should be supported by
a sling.
Most wounds heal quickly if they
are cared for properly, but wounds
can become extremely serious if
infection develops. Most infections
result from neglect of simple in-
juries, such as small cuts or scratches.
Remember, get immediate first aid
for all wounds, no matter how slight
they may seem.
.First Aid Kits
Every home should have a first
aid kit, and the knowledge of how
to use it. There is a unit-type kit,
which has a complete assortment of
first aid materials put up in stand-
ard packages. Each unit package
contains one or more individual
dressings, each dressing complete in
itself, and sealed in a sterile wrap-
per. All liquids for treating injuries
are put up in individual, sealed glass
ampoules, and consequently cannot
deteriorate. There are no bottles to
spill or break. Illustrations and in-
structions for the use of the con-
tents are on the front of each pack-
age. The contents are clearly indi-
cated on the top side in bold type.
Unit refills are easy to obtain.
Relief Society members have
always been encouraged to know
how to care for illness and emer-
gencies in their homes. A knowledge
of some first aid principles is a
necessary part of caring for one's
i . What is the definition of first aid?
2. Explain the value of a first aid course.
3. Discuss, the necessity of having first
aid kits available.
Viz inter (garden
Eva Willes Wangsgaard
Hillocks of white
In the cold garden where
Rose-ruffled petals
Once scented the air.
Foliage of crystal
Where hummingbird wings
Jeweled altheas
To sate hungerings.
With icicle poniards
Tall white soldiers stalk
Forbidding all comers
The unbroken walk.
JLtterature — America's Literature —
A New Nation Speaks
Lesson 16— Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
Elder Brian t S. Jacobs
(Textbook: America's Literature, by James D. Hart and Clarence Gohdes,
Dryden Press, New York, pp. 149-154)
For Tuesday, May 17, i960
Objective: To understand and appreciate Jefferson's contribution to the American
way of Life.
Jefferson's Influence on
His Contemporaries
\ movement so vast as the found-
ing of a new Nation can never
be the work of any one man; on the
other hand, neither is it a com-
munal movement, rising spon-
taneously, anonymously into exist-
ence. Being aware that each man
in his own time makes his unique
contribution, if one were to work
from the outside of the Revolution-
ary movement toward its center,
removing first those men least indis-
pensable, a strong case might be
made that the last man to go might
be Thomas Jefferson.
The War for Independence was
a liberalizing culmination of modern
man's belief in his own ability un-
der God to perfect himself and his
governing institutions to heights
never before attained; it was one
of the greatest ventures in faith
throughout recorded history. All
peoples of the world have marveled
at the courage and sincerity of pur-
pose of the signers of the Declara-
tion of Independence who wrote:
'with a firm reliance on the protec-
tion of divine Providence, we mu-
tually pledge to each other our
Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred
It is particularly for Americans
to realize that the American Revolu-
tion was the first revolution. More
than any other, its aspirations were
higher, its accomplishments have
been more enduring than those fol-
lowing. And its credo, the great
words which molded all factions
into one greatness of purpose, and
which afterward have been carved in
stone to carry the torch of the de-
parted Founding Fathers to later
generations— these words came not
so much from Jefferson's pen as
from his heart and head. Jefferson
was supremely qualified to write the
Declaration of Independence. Its
phrases are immortal because in
writing it he has translated into liv-
ing words eternal principles. And
this, his greatest literary achieve-
ment, is entirely consistent with the
entire pattern of his life, as proved
by his formative impact on his con-
temporaries during the first fifty
years of the young Nation's exist-
ence when patterns were being
formed, a tone established, a direc-
tion pointed, which have ever since
characterized the American national
Jefferson's Life
Encircled within Jefferson's per-
Page 129
Paul's Photos
sonal seal was his motto, "Rebellion
to tyrants is obedience to God/'
His origins prepared him for such a
motto; his maturity became its real-
ization. Born in Albemarle Coun-
ty, Virginia, he had had bred in
his bones the love of freedom and
individuality which have always
characterized rural, agricultural life.
At age seventeen he entered Wil-
liam and Mary College, was admit-
ted to the bar at age twenty-four,
and was a gentleman farmer in 1775
when he was chosen a delegate to
the Continental Congress. After
writing the Declaration of Inde-
pendence in 1776, he became a
member of the Virginia Assembly
and, in 1779, was elected Governor
of Virginia. From that date until
his retirement to Monticello, his
country estate near Charlottesville,
Virginia, in 1809 at age sixty-six,
most of his energies were divided
among his many public offices and
the role he liked best: that of a
gentleman farmer. He was a mem-
ber of Congress, minister to France,
Secretary of State, Vice-President of
the United States, and President
from 1801 to 1809. Yet so large
and liberal a man was he that the
offices he held were secondary to his
thought, both in his own mind as
in ours.
Jefferson died at Monticello on
July 4, 1826, the fiftieth anniversary
of the signing of the Declaration of
Independence. Ten days before his
death he wrote a letter to Roger C.
Weightman declining an invitation
to attend anniversary commemora-
tive exercises. An excerpt from his
letter reveals love of liberty still to
be his dominant passion, and the
world-wide fulfillment of the Dec-
laration of Independence his great-
est hope:
May the Declaration of Independence
be to the world . . . the signal of arousing
men to burst the chains under which
monkish ignorance and superstition had
persuaded them to bind themselves, and
to assume the blessings and security of
self-government. That form which we have
substituted, restores the free right to the
unbounded exercise of reason and freedom
of opinion. All eyes are opened, or are
opening, to the rights of man. . . . The
mass of mankind has not been born with
saddles on their backs, nor a favored few
booted and spurred, ready to ride them
legitimately, by the grace of God.
How consistently Jefferson fol-
lowed the words of his motto, "I
have sworn upon the altar of God
eternal hostility against every form
of tyranny over the mind of man."
This can be seen also from his tomb-
stone, carved with the three ac-
complishments for which he wished
to be remembered. Two of these
accomplishments were statements
which he wrote in defense of free-
dom; the third was the establish-
ment of a university which directly
reflected his image, since, as the
architect, he drew every window
and fireplace; as the landscape
gardener he placed every tree and
bush; he pushed the bill creating
the University through the Virginia
State Legislature, then handpicked
the faculty and the student body,
the courses to be taught as well as
the books in the librarv— all dedi-
cated to his concept of education's
role in creating a free society.
His tombstone reads:
Thomas Jefferson
Of the Declaration of American
The Statute of Virginia
For Religious Freedom, and
Father of the University of Virginia
The Versatile Jefferson
Strongly resembling his older
contemporary and good friend,
Benjamin Franklin, Jefferson was
interested in almost all phases of
life around him. He invented an
ingenious dumb-waiter and weather-
measuring device for Monticello, of
which he was the architect, and
which set the fashion of the classic
Greek column which became so
prominent in Southern mansions.
He dearly loved music. As one of
his Negro slaves recalled when inter-
viewed in 1840, Jefferson owned
three ''fiddles," and more often
than not played at least a half hour
following the evening meal, as well
as in the afternoon. And never did
the Negro see him riding or walk-
ing out-of-doors unless he was sing-
ing. In his fields of alfalfa and
tobacco he was happiest, believing
in the balancing, restorative quali-
ties of nature.
He introduced many new seeds
into America, was one of the first
to practice systematic crop rotation,
and carried on a voluminous corre-
spondence in both Europe and
America on agricultural as well as
scientific topics. A skilled mathe-
matician, he employed calculus as
a daily tool. He made a pioneer
anthropological study of the Indian
to prove him not inferior to Euro-
pean races, and did the same for
plants and animals, filling his Paris
apartment with animal skeletons to
prove American bison, bear, and
deer larger than their European
counterparts. He was a lifelong
friend to science, his vast personal
library— which he sold to his coun-
try after the destruction of the Li-
brary of Congress by the British in
1814 — contained many scientific
writings. It contained also many
selections from the classical writers,
for daily, as time permitted, Jeffer-
son read Greek and Latin. In addi-
tion he had a good knowledge of
French, Spanish, Italian, and Anglo-
Saxon. His personal correspondence
was so large that in the present
decade it is being published for the
first time, at the rate of two over-
size volumes each year. When com-
pleted in the 1960's, his published
papers will comprise one of the
largest collections of personal writ-
ings in existence.
Jefferson's need for friends never
ceased. Even though he was to eat
alone, his table was never set for few-
er than eight. He did as much as any
man to shape the beautiful tradition
of the Southern gentleman. Being
incapable of believing in man's
''irresistible corruption," he believed
that self-love, the great corrupter of
man's virtue, can be controlled,
even largely eliminated, through
education of the natural good which
Jefferson passionately believed lay
within every man's breast. In his
own words:
I believe sincerely in the general exis-
tence of a moral instinct. I think it the
brightest gem with which the human
character is studded, and the want of it
more degrading than the most hideous
of bodily deformities. . . . Nature hath
implanted in our breasts a love of others,
■a sense of duty to them, a moral instinct,
in short, which prompts us irresistibly to
feel and to succor their distresses.
To his dear friend, Dr. Benjamin
Rush, he wrote his personal list of
the virtues in descending order of
importance: 1. good humor; 2. in-
tegrity; 3. industry; 4. interest in
science. In a letter to his grandson
he defined "politeness as good hu-
mor; it covers the natural want of
it, and ends by rendering habitual a
substitute nearly equivalent to the
real virtue." But more precious
even than endeavoring to make life
pleasant for others was his esteem
for honor and morality, for him the
supreme personal virtues:
Give up money, give up fame, give up
science, give up the earth itself and all it
contains, rather than do an immoral act
.... Never suppose that in any possible
situation or under any circumstances it
is best for you to do a dishonorable thing,
however slightly so it may appear to you.
So deeply ingrained was Jeffer-
son's esteem for man as man that he
always bowed to everyone he met,
including his freed Negro slaves on
his own estate. When his grandson
refused to bow as Jefferson himself
exchanged bows with a Negro, Jef-
ferson waited a moment until the
grandson had fully absorbed the
contrasting behaviors, then said to
him softly, "Do you permit a Ne-
gro to be more of a gentleman than
He hated and feared slavery, since
he could not envision how slave-
holders could ever endow their chil-
dren with the proper esteem for the
divinity of the human soul. He made
certain that the influential North-
west Ordinance of 1787, which
shaped the policy for colonizing the
vast Ohio Valley, stipulated that
education was to be compulsory and
that no slavery was to be permitted.
Thinking of slavery, he wrote in his
Notes on Virginia, "I tremble for
my country when I reflect that God
is just."
The Aristocratic Jefferson
Jefferson's friend Thomas Paine
was in Europe when he wrote The
Rights oi Man, a book which so
rashly attacked the British govern-
ment that it caused Paine endless
pain, even in America. One might
summarize Jefferson's contribution
by saying that in our new Nation
he championed the rights of man as
Paine might have done. When in the
five years preceding Jefferson's elec-
tion to the Presidency, in 1800, the
Federalists became so fearful of all
change and criticism that they
passed the Alien and Sedition Acts
which empowered them to imprison
anyone who belittled the adminis-
tration, it was Jefferson and Madi-
son who drafted the Virginia and
Kentucky Resolutions, which reaf-
firmed the basic concept of the Con-
stitution, namely, that government
must ever be based on the will of
the governed, and that without the
right to speak freely that will is
denied. He saw the Sedition Act
"as an experiment on the American
mind to see how far it will bear an
avowed violation of the Constitu-
tion," and believed that had not
these laws been repealed, the Fed-
eralists' next step would have been
to declare the President a lifelong
office, soon afterward to be ad-
dressed with royal title.
This form of aristocracy Jefferson
felt to be artificial, entrenched
though he found it to be in the
minds of his countrymen, who
seemed to have forgotten the ideals
of the Revolution two decades
earlier. Wrote Jefferson, 'The Rev-
olution of 1800 was as real a
revolution in the principles of our
government as that of 1776 was in
its form." Despite Federalist ac-
cusations that Jefferson was imbued
with the diabolical French philoso-
phies of reason, immorality, atheism,
and confiscation of property, he was
elected President in 1800; his con-
cept of natural aristocracy thus be-
came dominant through the eight
years following.
He believed that form of govern-
ment best 'which provides the most
effectually for a pure election of
these natural aristoi into the offices
of government/7 While he never
believed in electing mob leaders or
ignorant or irresponsible men, he
believed fervently that his "natural
aristocracy" would triumph and the
future of the Nation thus be secured
if his two great conditions were ful-
filled: government on the local lev-
el, and education of the people.
Every government degenerates when
trusted to the rulers of the people
alone. "The people themselves,
therefore, are its only safe deposi-
tories." To protect themselves,
then, the people must be instructed.
First Jefferson would have them
know who they were.
Persuaded that "the good sense
of the people will always be found
to be the best army," Jefferson dedi-
cated his life to his faith in the com-
mon man as few other Americans
have ever done, save perhaps Lin-
coln and Whitman. Writing in
later life to his friend John Adams,
he defined an artificial aristocracy
or aristoi as one "founded on wealth
and birth, without either virtue or
talents." He ever deserves our
esteem as the great champion of
natural aristocracy:
The grounds of this are virtue and tal-
ents. Formerly, bodily powers gave place
among the aristoi. But since the inven-
tion of gunpowder has armed the weak
as well as the strong with missile death,
bodily strength, like beauty, good humor,
politeness and other accomplishments, has
become but an auxiliary ground for dis-
tinction. . . . The natural aristocracy I
consider as the most precious gift of na-
ture, for the instruction, the trusts, and
government of society (Text, page 152).
This definition of man Jefferson
could never dream of questioning,
just as he never questioned that "all
men are created equal." Without
any qualification he really believed
that the people themselves, when
enlightened through education, free-
dom of press, and freedom of wor-
ship, are the only source of wise
government. As he wrote to du
Pont de Nemours:
We both love the people, but you
love them as infants whom you are afraid
to trust without nurses, and I as adults
whom I freely leave to self-government.
But Jefferson also was wise enough
to know that if ever the masses of
people become indifferent to the
processes of government, almost in-
stantly those who govern them
will become wolves. Preliminary
to the people's freedom of choice,
Jefferson emphasized three vital
preliminary freedoms: freedom of
the press, freedom of education, and
freedom of religion.
Jefferson was entirely free of any
self-righteousness, so fully did he
believe that, though the people
might be misled for a time, soon
they and they alone define truth.
No one could give truth a greater
chance to prove itself than did
Jefferson when he said:
The wise know too well their own weak-
ness to assume infallibility; and he who
knows most knows how little he knows.
In order that truth might con-
stantly be redefined by each suc-
ceeding generation, freedom of the
press was for Jefferson absolutely
necessary. As President of the
United States no one save perhaps
Lincoln received greater abuse in
the public press than did Jefferson.
This he bore with serenity, making
no attempt to silence his attackers.
As stated in his second Inaugural
Address on March 4, 1805, he was
permitting an experiment to be
made to prove whether "freedom of
discussion, unaided by power, is not
sufficient for the protection of
truth." This sentiment merely
amplifies one of the grandest sen-
tences Jefferson ever uttered, as
phrased in his first Inaugural Ad-
If there be any among us who would
wish to dissolve this Union, or to change
its republican form, let them stand un-
disturbed as monuments of the safety with
which error of opinion may be tolerated,
where reason is left free to combat it.
To Jefferson, so long as man's
mind is free, he is worthy of com-
plete trust. Knowledge of his con-
viction on this score makes his
attitude toward newspapers some-
what more understandable and
rational, as stated in a letter written
in 1787:
The basis of our government being the
opinion of the people, the very first object
should be to keep that right; and were it
left to me to decide whether we should
have a government without newspapers, or
newspapers without a government, I
should not hesitate a moment to prefer
the latter. But I should mean that every
man should receive those papers, and be
capable of reading them. . . . Cherish,
therefore, the spirit of our people, and
keep alive their intention.
We have already received some
insight into his great belief in educa-
tion by his creation, almost single-
handed, of the University of Vir-
ginia. Yet, if we are to gain true
perspective into his spirit, we should
say, in fairness, that it is impossible
to overemphasize the importance
of education in Jefferson's code of
values. In his own words:
Every government degenerates when
trusted to rulers of the people alone. The
people themselves, therefore, are its only
safe depositories. And to render them
safe, their minds must be improved. . . .
The influence over government must be
shared among all the people.
Jefferson drew up a bill for the
establishment of public libraries,
but schools were of first importance.
His system of holding annual com-
petitive examinations within each
borough or county, with winners in
each state receiving tuition-free
scholarships to the state university,
is being practiced for the first time
in our own generation, as seen in
the national competitions for high
school graduates. But perhaps his
greatest battle in education was to
free it entirely from domination of
the state church, which Jefferson
spoke of as "the severest contest in
which I have ever been engaged/'
The evil which he combatted
seems to us inconceivably remote,
yet it still exists in many European
and other countries of the world.
For example, were you a Catholic
or a Lutheran in present-day Ger-
many, in addition to paying your
income tax once a year, you would
also pay your church tax. But the
money would be paid, not to your
church, but to the government,
which in turn subsidizes the min-
ister of your chosen faith. Jefferson
could not agree that forced payment
under government supervision to
any church, was consistent with the
intention of the Declaration of In-
dependence. Framed in 1777, his
Virginia Statute of Religious Lib-
erty is the most famous single docu-
ment in the history of American
religious freedom. The purpose of
this bill was to separate forever
church and state and church and
school; thus it was he who kept the
United States from ever having an
"official" or national religion. Al-
though this bill was not passed until
1786, almost ten years after Jefferson
first wrote it, Jefferson felt it to be
one of the major documents ever to
come from his pen. The first sen-
tence gives us its direction and
Whereas Almighty God hath created
the mind free; that all attempts to influ-
ence it by temporal punishments or
burthens, or by civil incapacitation only
to beget habits of hypocrisy and meanness,
are a departure from the plan of the Holy
author of our religion. . . .
Thus in religion, in freedom of
the press, in social and aristocratic
titles, it was Jefferson who was ever
fighting to make certain that the
gulf between the theory and prac-
tice of the Nation, as stated in the
Declaration of Independence and
the Constitution, was never allowed
to widen sufficiently to endanger
those principles which he and the
Founding Fathers had held most
The Declaration of Independence
Who reads a book on July 4th?
Few do; everyone should. What
better time, what better way to re-
new rapport with the Founding
Fathers than to read aloud each
Independence Day at least the be-
ginning and ending paragraphs of
that greatest national literature, the
Declaration of Independence? Such
a solemn, annual ritual seems to
exemplify mature patriotism at its
best, particularly if done within
family groups.
Although this most famous docu-
ment in American history was pro-
duced by a committee of five
appointed by the Continental Con-
gress, with but few minor changes,
the organization and phrasing are
Jefferson's. His great achievement
was that he was so entirely at one
with the will of the group that he
knew what was in their hearts; then
he phrases this statement of those
emerging beliefs in a condensed
statement of immortal clarity, sim-
plicity, and eloquence:
We hold these truths to be self-evident,
that all men are created equal, that they
are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable Rights, that among these are
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
That to secure these rights, Governments
are instituted among Men, deriving their
just powers from the consent of the
governed, — That whenever any Form of
Government becomes destructive of these
ends, it is the Right of the People to
alter or to abolish it, and to institute new
Government, laying its foundation on such
principles and organizing its powers in
such form, as to them shall seem most
likely to effect their Safety and Happiness
(Text, page 150).
Since Jefferson's wording was ac-
cepted by the entire Congress, he
was as successful in speaking for
those gentlemen of principle and
courage as he has been for succeed-
ing generations. Indeed, this is the
source of its strength: through Jef-
ferson's words all of us find expres-
sion for our commonly shared
convictions as to what we are, and
what rights and privileges we grant
to each other as members of the
same great Nation.
It should be pointed out that not
until these very words of the Dec-
laration of Independence had been
written, accepted, and circulated,
did Jefferson's revolutionary ideas
become crystallized. Then the Dec-
laration began to cause reaction and
stimulation among those for whom
it spoke. Jefferson expressed in a
letter written in 1825, scarcely more
than a year preceding his death,
this point concerning the origin of
the Declaration:
There was but one opinion on this side
of the water. All American whigs thought
alike on these subjects. When forced,
therefore, to resort to arms for redress,
an appeal to the tribunal of the world was
deemed proper for our justification. This
was the object of the Declaration of In-
dependence. . . . Neither aiming at the
originality of principle or sentiment, nor
yet copied from any particular previous
writing, it was intended to be an expres-
sion of the American mind, and to give
to that expression the proper tone and
spirit called for by the occasion.
So near to the hearts of the
American people are the results of
this Declaration that it is almost
impossible to judge it objectively;
yet time has done this for them.
It is easy to conjecture that some-
one else could have phrased it
equally as well; perhaps this is so.
Yet until someone else composes a
more memorable statement of the
great and commonly accepted
American belief, a considerable debt
to Thomas Jefferson must be ac-
knowledged both for his great words
and for his life of principle and
integrity out of which they came.
Thoughts ior Discussion
1. What elements of the Enlighten-
ment are exemplified in Jefferson's life
and character?
2. Do you feel he exemplifies his own
definition of aristocracy?
3. For Jefferson why was education of
such importance?
4. In your own estimation, what was
Jefferson's principal contribution to the
Declaration of Independence?
Star ViJ or as
Dorothy J. Roberts
If the dart of bitterness
Has pierced the layered bark of silence
To the living center, pour
The Savior's words over the wound.
Here in the midnight silence, let
His syllables mend the tissue's bruise,
Till the wound becomes scar, the scar
Becomes healed and at length forgotten.
Social Science — Spiritual Living
in the Nuclear Age
Lesson 7— Creative and Spiritual Living — Pathways to Peace — Part II
Elder Bhine M. Porter
For Tuesday, May 24, i960
Objective: To explore the ways in which creative and spiritual living can contribute
toward building a world of peace and good will toward men.
The Quest for Peace in Society
''THE need for world peace is
obvious. No matter how gloomy
the picture may appear at times, one
optimistic fact exists— each one of
us can make a contribution toward
world peace and good will toward
men. It is important, however, that
we actively assume responsibility for
putting our own house in order.
What the world needs is individuals
who are living a practical religion,
who are living applied Christianity.
We need not only pray, "Thy king-
dom come. Thy will be done in
earth, as it is in heaven" (Mt. 6:10),
but individually to work and strive
to create the kind of world in which
these conditions may prevail.
Pertinent to this thought, Charles
Wagner, author of The Simple Life,
makes this comment:
Each person's base of operation is the
field of his immediate duty; neglect this
field, and all you undertake at a distance
is compromised. First, then, be of your
own country, your own city, your own
home, your own church, your own work-
shop; then, if you can, set out from this
to go beyond it. That is the plain and
natural order . . . (McKay, David O.:
Gospel Ideals, page 292).
This implies that if religion is to
make a contribution in our quest
for peace, it must not only be a sub-
jective feeling, but also an expression
of that feeling manifested in human
associations and social relations.
Knowing a thing or merely feeling
an assurance of the truth is not suf-
ficient. ". . . to him that knoweth
to do good, and doeth it not, to
him it is sin" (James 4:17).
Christ invited us to follow in his
steps in order that we might have
life more abundantly. Those indi-
viduals who experience satisfaction
and happiness by living creatively,
by serving their fellow men, indi-
viduals who are dedicated to the
creation of a still better world for
everyone, are traveling the course
which we charted toward a better
world. President McKay said:
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
day Saints, accepting Christ as the reve-
lation of God to man, believes that Jesus
in his life and teachings reveals a stand-
ard of personal living and of social rela-
tions, which, if fully embodied in indi-
vidual lives and in human institutions,
would not only ameliorate the present ills
of society but also bring happiness and
peace to mankind.
If it be urged that during the past two
thousand years so-called Christian nations
have failed to achieve such a goal, we
answer that all failure to do so may be
found in the fact that they have failed
to apply the principles and teachings of
true Christianity (McKay, David O.:
Gospel Ideals, page 97).
We believe firmly that the basis upon
Page 137
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which world peace may be permanently
obtained is not by sowing seeds of dis-
trust and suspicion in people's minds; not
by engendering enmity and hatred in hu-
man hearts; not by individuals or nations
arrogating to themselves the claim of
possessing all wisdom or the only culture
worth having; not by war with resulting
suffering and death from submarines,
poison gas, or explosions of nuclear bombs.
No! The peace that will be permanent
must be founded upon the principles of
righteousness as taught and exemplified by
the Prince of Peace, our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ, "For there is none other
name under heaven among men, whereby
we must be saved" (McKay, Llewelyn
R.: Home Memories of President David
O. McKay, page 233),
Needed— Better Human Relations
The key to world peace will more
likely be found in better human
relations than in establishing more
laws or issuing more command-
ments. We have learned through
centuries of experience that a com-
mandment alone does not make a
person love another. We have
learned that if a person is filled
with hate and anger and hostilities,
the passing of a law does not remove
the hate, anger, and hostility. At-
tempts to command and legislate
kindness, mercy, and love appear to
have essentially failed. It would
seem that the development of such
traits and characteristics will result
from living in healthy conditions
which nurture their growth from an
inner desire within the individual.
If sincere men and women the world
over could unite in an earnest effort
to supplant feelings of selfishness,
hatred, suspicion, and greed with
feelings of kindness, mercy, and
justice, and service to others, then
leaders would think more of men
than of the success of a system; and
they would thereby promote the
peace and happiness of mankind.
There is no road to universal peace
which does not lead into the hearts
of humanity. This was clearly stat-
ed in an editorial in the Deseiet
What this world needs, and needs most
desperately, is better human relationships.
Or to use a more common if more mis-
understood term, better public rela-
tions. . . .
Human relations? There was a man who
was the greatest master of human relations
the world has ever known. His greatness
had many facets. Not the least among
them was a superhuman capacity to meet
each problem on the level of the troubled
person — and to solve it.
Thus, faced with a woman in sin, he
spoke of the person without sin casting
the first stone. Faced with a rich young
ruler who had everything except the most
precious gift of all, he counseled him to
become as a little child. Faced with men
who wanted to sit at the right and left
hand of God, he taught them humility.
Faced with a wavering, over-impetuous
man whom he needed to lead his people,
he taught him steadfastness and faith.
Today's world needs such human rela-
tions as that. We will never equal the
work and teachings of the Carpenter from
Nazareth, of course. But we do have a
great potential in this field ("Which Way
to Peace," Editorial, Deseret News - Salt
Lake Telegram, February 1, 1958).
Let us hope that some day soon
all human beings will realize the
importance and benefits of improv-
ing our human relations with one
another. When and if that time
comes, we could anticipate a con-
dition in which the Savior's prayer
would be in the hearts of all peo-
ple—'That they all may be one; as
thou, Father, art in me, and I in
thee, that they also may be one in
us . . ." (John 17:21).
Love, The Greatest Thing
in the World
fesus, having man's future in
mind, said nineteen centuries ago,
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"A new commandment I give unto
you, That ye love one another . . ."
(John 13:34). Today scientists of
human behavior have arrived at the
conclusion that love is the greatest
medicine and provides the most
hope for achieving a world of peace
and a condition in which man can
live and maintain good mental
health. A modern scientist has
stated what might be termed an im-
portant spiritual question of today,
''How can we encourage love and
diminish hate"? (Karl Menninger,
Love Against Hate, page 5). This
quotation extends itself as a chal-
lenge to those who can move be-
yond their own concerns to affirm
love and brotherhood as the central
realities of existence. We then
come closer to living the philosophy
expressed by Christ that ". . . he
that loseth his life for my sake shall
find it" (Mt. 10:39), for tnen we
have concerned ourselves with how
to save others and in the process we
save ourselves.
Having been instructed that the
two greatest commandments are to
love God and to love our fellow
men and that the greatest thing in
the world is love, we would do well
to learn as much as we can about
the phenomenon of love, and how
we can incorporate it in our lives.
We give lip service to the import-
ance of love, but many of us know
very little about what it really means
or how we develop the ability to
love. Modern scientific evidence
suggests that love does not occur
by chance, but rather develops
through certain kinds of experi-
ences. Love is an achievement —
quite a rare and important achieve-
ment. Many people believe that
nothing is easier than to love; but,
on the contrary, while every human
being has a potential capacity for
loving, its realization is one of the
most difficult achievements.
Jesus prescribed, perhaps, the best
medicine for many of our present
ills of today when he said, ". . . love
thine enemies . . ." (Mt. 5:44). As
difficult as this challenge may seem,
it is imminently practical. It is
essential for our health and well-
being that we eliminate from our
minds the poison of hate. The
clinical experience of psychiatry
demonstrates that, actually, we can-
not oppose our enemies effectively
when we hate them. Hate shackles
our powers, but when we love our
enemies as people who, like us, have
their unique humanhood — then we
are able, strongly and effectively, to
oppose them when they become
misguided, sick, or hate-laden.
Menninger, in discussing what
we might do in order to experience
greater happiness in our personal
lives and peace in society, points out
that before that day comes we shall
have learned more about ourselves,
that we shall have achieved a great
deal of self-understanding, that we
shall have revised our ways of living
and our ways of working to insure
more joy in our work. In essence,
we shall have become accomplished
in the creative life. He concludes
his book by saying:
We shall have accorded to love the pre-
eminence which it deserves in our scale
of values; we shall seek it and proclaim
it as the highest virtue and the greatest
boon. We shall not be ashamed to have
"suffered much extremity for love," in
the full realization that love is the medi-
cine for the sickness of the world, a
prescription often given, too rarely taken.
We shall have realigned our faith in God
to include more faith in human beings,
and extended our identifications to include
more brothers, more sisters, more sons
and daughters, in a vastly wider family
concept. . . .
This goal is not unattainable in spite
of past errors and present vicissitudes.
For we have the courage to hope and the
power to love. And for all the evil with-
in us, we cannot escape the will to live.
From that springs our determination to
better our lot. By the use of our intelli-
gence and our knowledge, we can use the
slave of science for the promotion of
human happiness. Speed the day! (From
Love Against Hate, copyright 1942, by
Karl Menninger and Jeanetta Lyle Men-
ninger, pp. 293-294. Reprinted by
permission of Harcourt, Brace and Com-
pany, Inc.).
Another scientist of today, dis-
cussing the urgency and necessity
for developing loving personalities,
If man is to be able to love, he must
be put in his supreme place. The eco-
nomic machine must serve him, rather
than he serve it. He must be able to
share experience, to share work, rather
than, at best, share in profits. Society
must be organized in such a way that
man's social, loving nature is not sep-
arated from his social existence but be-
comes one with it. It is true, as I have
tried to show, that love is the only sane
and satisfactory answer to the problem of
human existence, then any society which
excludes, relatively, the development of
love, must in the long run perish of its
own contradiction with the basic necessi-
ties of human nature. Indeed, to speak
of love is not "preaching," for the simple
reason that it means to speak of the ulti-
mate and real need in every human being.
That this need has been obscured does
not mean that it does not exist. To
analyze the nature of love is to discover
its general absence today and to criticize
the social conditions which are responsible
for this absence. To have faith in the
possibility of love as a social and not only
exceptional-individual phenomenon, is a
rational faith based on the insight into
the very nature of man (Fromm, Eric:
The Art oi Loving, page 133, Harper &
Brothers, publishers. Used by permis-
sion ) .
From the earliest spiritual leaders
to modern-day scientists, those liv-
ing on the spiritual frontier have
been and are telling us that the
greatest thing in the world is love.
If we are to make this meaningful,
we must realize that the power to
love does not come full-grown into
our lives. It does not come by mere
admonition nor by logical, verbal
proof of its importance. To promote
love among men requires that we do
more than talk about it, that we
actually promote situations and cre-
ate atmospheres in which love will
spontaneously flourish without be-
ing admonished to do so. It must
form a very core of our lives as we
attempt to live and practice a re-
ligion of love.
The Peace oi Christ
The peace of Christ does not come by
seeking the superficial things of life, neith-
er does it come except as it springs from
the individual's heart. . . .
Centered in the heart also are the
enemies to peace — avarice, ambition, envy,
anger, and pride. These and other vices
which bring misery into the world must
be eradicated before permanent peace is
assured. There shall have to be felt in
the hearts of men more consideration for
others — there shall have to be manifested
around the coming peace table at least a
little of the Christ spirit — do unto others
as you would have others do unto you
(McKay, David O.: Gospel Ideals, pp.
39, 298).
The challenge and task obviously
rest upon the shoulders of each of
us. We cannot expect the leaders
of nations or delegates sitting around
a peace table to solve the problems
of a complex and confused world.
It will take all of us working dili-
gently together to create a world of
peace-loving people, to develop with-
in ourselves the skill, the capacity,
the desire to live harmoniously and
creatively with one another, to love-
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God and to love our fellow men,
to create within our homes the kind
of environment which will produce
loving personalities in our children.
This means we must search for self-
understanding, for inner peace, con-
tentment, serenity, while, at the
same time, maintaining sufficient
feelings of dissatisfaction that we
have a propelling drive and urge to
improve the life situation.
Living spiritually in the nuclear
age represents a real challenge to all
of us. It should be obvious by now
that spiritual living cannot be
accomplished by immature, unthink-
ing persons, but rather that the ap-
plication of the teachings of Christ
is directly related to the degree of
emotional and religious maturity
which we possess. It is quite prob-
able that if we achieve success in
our efforts toward becoming more
mature that spiritual and creative
living and therefore a world of peace
will come almost automatically.
If through more mature behavior
and thinking we are able to create
an environment within our homes
for our children to become mentally
healthy, creative, spiritually minded
individuals, then we should turn
out of our homes the kind of indi-
viduals who can bring about many
of the goals which we have been dis-
cussing in this series of lessons dur-
ing the past few months. Perhaps
then the peace of the world will at
last come from the peace of the fam-
ily and the extension of that peace
to families of all nations. Thus may
come to pass the fulfillment of the
dream of all the ages expressed
through Abraham, ". . . and in thee
shall all families of the earth be
blessed" (Genesis 12:3).
Thoughts for Discussion
i. What specific contributions can you
make toward "Better Human Relations"?
2. What can you do to "encourage love
and diminish hate"?
3. As you consider the conditions which
exist in the world today, is your own home
in order?
a. Where do you place your values?
b. What goals or standards, ideals or
purposes, do you emphasize when
decisions are made?
4. How do your feelings toward other
people show through your daily tasks and
the ways you carry them out?
a. What proportion of the feelings
so transmitted are warm, happy
b. How many are little, bitter, re-
sentful feelings?
5. What do you contribute to relation-
ships? Do you "love things and use peo-
ple" when it should be the other way
Supplementary References
Brown, Hugh B.: "The Seventh Beati-
tude," The Instructor, October 1956, pp.
Brown, Hugh B.: "Who Is My Neigh-
bor," The Instructor, October 1958, pp.
Lindbergh, Anne Morrow: Gift From
the Sea, Pantheon Books, Inc., New
York, 1955.
Mead, Margaret: "Raising Children
Who'll Reach for the Moon," Parents
Magazine, Vol. 32, No. 10, (October
1957)^ PP- 44> 182-184.
20 r
Celia Luce
VK THEN a ship is ready to put out to
** sea, the first thing that is done is
to pull up the anchor. The anchor holds
the ship in the harbor, or, if it should
reach the open sea with the anchor drag-
ging, it forms a weight that keeps the
ship from making any real progress.
My bad habits are like an anchor drag-
ging at the wrong times. They hold me
back and keep me from making any real
progress. Instead of blaming the stormy
weather for my slow speed ahead, I had
better go to work on my bad habits, pull
up anchor, and be free to surge forward.
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Against the intruding years?
What will keep each moment bright
To withstand the tears?
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And always, always, always
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VOL 47 NO, 3
MARCH 1960
Lsiip of cfaith
Margery S. Stewart
I know people like cherry boughs, who,
Smitten by snow, retain a beauty
Written in starkness, black and white
Reality of suffering.
Dark in pain they endure,
Shaken but unquailing,
Forsaken by all but sparrows . . .
Vulnerable. . . .
Stripped by the lightning's
Whim, seared trunk, shattered
Limb, yet year after year they
Draw from remembering roots
Up to the farthest tip the liquid
Cup of their faith. Past
All time of bearing
They bring forth
Fruit from triumph of blossoms,
Mute trumpets of glory.
Let me be like them
In my own storms ... all roots of my
Being waiting for the recurrence,
Seeing beyond tempest, sustenance
From his sure, unfailing springs.
The Cover: A Southern Mansion in Spring, With Dogwood in Bloom
Courtesy Chamber of Commerce, Atlanta, Georgia
Submitted by Lucile W. Bunker
Frontispiece: Springtime Blossoms
Luoma Photos
Cover Design by Evan Jensen
Cover Lithographed in Full Color by Deseret News Press
Cjrom I Lear and cfc
It is so comfortable and enjoyable read-
ing The Relief Society Magazine. I love
it, and especially the lessons. They have
increased and strengthened my testimony.
— Ilo Robbins Evans
Canyon, British Columbia
After forty-three years of continuous
reading of The Relief Society Magazine*
I think I should add my bit of praise
and thankfulness for so wonderful a pub-
lication — and it gets better all the time.
It would be hard to single out one par-
ticular part as the best, as I take great
joy in reading the Magazine from cover
to cover. The editorials are especially
fine and the clean, refreshing stories are
always good. I loved Leola Seely Ander-
son's ''The Miracle Mile" in the Decem-
ber 1959 issue. Thanks for the wonder-
ful message from our beloved General
Presidency of Relief Society, in January.
It is inspiring.
— Lora H. Thompson
Malta, Idaho
I am a missionary in the Southern Far
East Mission field, and I would like to
congratulate the Relief Society on receiv-
ing the Simpson-Lee Paper Company
Award for the December 1958 cover of
the Magazine (see December 1959, page
80 5 ) . I wish to express my thanks for
the lovely Magazine, and the beautiful
covers. . . . The stories are wonderful, and
the poems are good. I love the whole
— Esther Julia Smith
Southern Far East Mission
I have been reading the Magazine since
I was a young girl in my mother's home.
The stories and articles are all interesting,
and I especially enjoy the recipes and
homemaker's articles. I had the privilege
of knowing Grace Ingles Frost and have
always felt it a treat to have known one
who can express the beauties of the world
around us as ably as she does. I especially
enjoyed her poem "The Edge of Summer"
(September 1959).
— Mrs. Ann B. Porter
La Puente, California
Since I found The Relief Society Maga-
zine at the library in our branch, I have
read as many copies of the Magazine as
possible. Even though I have to look up
the English-Japanese dictionary here and
there, I am deeply moved by many articles
that my unknown sisters wrote with the
faith. I always find at least a story in
the Magazine that I cannot read through
without tears, deeply impressed. Nowa-
days I am busy reading the Magazines of
the back numbers. ... I dared to take
up my pen to write to you, feeling that
I must tell you how much I am thankful
for The Relief Society Magazine.
— Seiko Takeda
Tokyo, Japan
Just an expression of gratitude for this
ever-helpful, exciting little Magazine,
which I appreciate more and more as
the years pass by. And now that I help
to sell it (as a representative), my interest
and enthusiasm have increased. As we
start a new decade and look back on the
past one, I am reminded that ten years
ago I wasn't a subscriber, nor did I know
of the Magazine, nor was I a Latter-day
Saint. What I might have been missing
all these years if I had not come as a
stranger to a Latter-day Saint commun-
ity. ... I am still thrilled to be a mem-
ber of the Church, a member of my
ward, and a member of Relief Society.
—Norma M. ZoBell
Raymond, Alberta
The Relief Society Magazine, with its
beautiful covers, its just-right size, and
interesting variety of contents, is very dear
to me. The lesson material gives us a
second chance to go to school when we
really appreciate it more. So many in-
spirational articles, beautiful and fitting
poetry, and stories that bring tears and
smiles, are all uplifting to our souls. I
was especially impressed with the story
"The Bishop's Wife," by Sylvia Probst
Young, in April 1959, and also the poem
"To Benjamin Franklin," by Elsie Mc-
Kinnon Strachan, in the July issue. Thanks
for all of it.
— Irene Andrus
Sunland, California
Page 146
Monthly Publication of the Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Belle S. Spafford ..__.-- President
Marianne C. Sharp - First Counselor
Louise W. Madsen --------- Second Counselor
Hulda Parker ------ Secretary-Treasurer
Anna B. Hart Josie B. Bay Elna P. Haymond Elsa T. Peterson
Edith S. Elliott Christine H. Robinson Annie M. Ellsworth Irene B. Woodford
Florence J. Madsen Alberta H. Christensen Mary R. Young Fanny S. Kienitz
Leone G. Layton Mildred B. Eyring Mary V. Cameron Elizabeth B. Winters
Blanche B. Stoddard Charlotte A. Larsen Afton W. Hunt LaRue H. Rosell
Evon W. Peterson Edith P. Backman Wealtha S. Mendenhall Jennie R. Scott
Aleine M. Young Winniefred S. Pearle M. Olsen
Editor __---------- Marianne C. Sharp
Associate Editor Vesta P. Crawford
General Manager ---------- Belle S. Spafford
VOL 47 MARCH 1960 NO.~3
Ly on tents
Beauty in the Home Christine H. Robinson 148
Spiritual Living — Pathway to Peace Blaine M. Porter 157
The Southern States Mission Preston R. Nibley 164
The American Red Cross and Its Campaign for Members and Funds Theodore V. Houser 178
An Ounce of Precaution Mabel Harmer 186
The Relief Society Magazine in Durban, South Africa Muriel Wilson 206
The Fishbite Story — Third Prize Story Dorothy Clapp Robinson 151
A Place for Everything Charmaine Kohler 166
Offerings of the Heart Frances C. Yost 189
With a Song in My Heart Mabel Law Atkinson 191
The New Day — Chapter 6 Hazel K. Todd 197
From Near and Far 146
Sixty Years Ago 172
Woman's Sphere Ramona W. Cannon 173
Editorial: The Refining Influence of Relief Society Louise W. Madsen 174
Notes to the Field: Organizations and Reorganizations of Stake and Mission
Relief Societies for 1959 176
Index for 1959 Relief Society Magazine Available 178
Announcing the Special April Short Story Issue 185
Notes From the Field: Relief Society Activities Hulda Parker 201
Birthday Congratulations 208
Recipes From the Southern States Mission Lucile W. Bunker 179
Whys, Wherefores, and Fun With Green Plants Maude N. Howard 181
Dreams Celia Luce 190
A Peppermint-Stick Party Helen S. Williams 194
Kathryn A. Carne — Artist, Nurse, Homemaker 196
A Quick Fade-Out Sylvia Pezoldt 204
Reward of Obedience Flora J. Isgreen 207
Cup of Faith — Frontispiece '. Margery S. Stewart 145
Ram Song Maude Rubin 150
Bluebird Eva Willes Wangsgaard 163
March Time Enola Chamberlin 171
Miraculous Advent Ida Elaine James 175
Morning Zara Sabin 188
This I Know Mabel Jones Gabbott 196
Hilltop Dawn Ethel Jacobson 207
Bubbles Christie Lund Coles 208
Spring Nancy W. Wilcox 208
Copyright 1959 by General Board of Relief Society of The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Editorial and Business Offices: 76 North Main, Salt Lake City 11, Utah: Phone EMpire 4-2511;
Subscriptions 246; Editorial Dept. 245. Subscription Price: $2.00 a year; foreign, $2.00 a year;
20c a copy; payable in advance. The Magazine is not sent after subscription expires. No back
numbers can be supplied. Renew promptly so that no copies will be missed. Report change of
address at once, giving old and new address.
Entered as second-class matter February 18, 1914, at the Post Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, under
the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in
section 1103, Act of October 8, 1917, authorized June 29, 1918. Manuscripts will not be returned
unless return postage is enclosed. Rejected manuscripts will be retained for six months only.
The Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts.
Page 147
Beauty in the Home
Christine H. Robinson
Member, General Board of Relief Society
(Address Delivered at the General Session of the Annual General Relief Society
Conference, October 7, 1959)
RECENTLY, a national maga-
zine featured an unusual
family that lives in an
unusual place. This family makes
its home at the bottom of a steep
canyon on the winding Snake River.
Here, without many of the common
household conveniences to which
all of us are accustomed, including
electricity, the parents have reared
eleven children. We are told that
theirs is a happier, more satisfying
life than that of most conventional
householders. In this secluded can-
yon, the parents and children de-
pend upon each other for com-
panionship, and upon a colorful
wilderness for enjoyment and rec-
reation. One of the children
remarked, ''As for television, who
needs that when one lives in an
enchanted canyon?"
I am not personally acquainted
with the members of this family nor
the circumstances under which they
have built their unusual home.
Furthermore, I am sure that not all
of us could or would want to live
in an isolated canyon. Yet, I am
impressed with the fact that with-
out many of the physical home con-
veniences, which we feel are so
necessary to our own happiness, this
family, apparently, has built much
beauty into its home.
I am sure all of us strive to make
our homes places of beauty. Many
of us search long and hard to find
Page 148
just the right piece of furniture, the
right accessories and color scheme,
to achieve this beauty. Surely, the
physical beauty of a home is im-
portant to our comfort and well-
being. Still, another type of beauty
is far more essential. This beauty
is an atmosphere, a climate, the
spirit of the home, the attitude of
its inhabitants one toward the other.
At first glance these may seem in-
tangibles, but, actually, they are as
real and as accessible as the smile
on your face, the friendly light in
your eyes, the kind words on your
lips, and the expression of love and
understanding in your heart. This
is the type of beauty which you
may not be able to touch or to
describe, but you can feel and sense
it the very moment you enter a
The beauty of which I speak is
well within the reach of everyone.
It can be found in the humblest
cottage, in the tiniest apartment, as
well as in a palatial home. And,
as with most great things in life,
it is free for the asking. We can
buy palatial homes and extravagant
furnishings, but we cannot give
silver or gold for peace or happi-
ness. We can pay for pleasures and
luxuries, but we cannot buy love.
Still, many of us are prone to
think of beauty only in its objec-
tive, physical state. Yet, the wise
men of the ages, who have attempt-
ed to define and analyze beauty, all
agree that its spiritual aspects are of
paramount importance. Socrates,
Aristotle, Plato, and Aquinas, all
describe beauty as synonymous with
truth, goodness, harmony, unity,
and tranquility. These are values
well within the reach of all of us
and, through their application, we
can bring a feeling of serenity,
peace, and rest into our homes. In
a home where this type of beauty is
present, jealousy, fear, and insecur-
ity are banished and replaced with
settled courage, faith, and trust.
Think back with me into the
early experiences in your home life.
What are the pleasant things that
come first to your mind? Are they
the big things associated with ma-
terial possessions, or are they the
simple, little, heart-warming things,
such as the fragrance of newly baked
bread, the feeling of "togetherness"
as you met daily around the kitchen
or dining table, the spiritual uplift
of family prayers, the memory of
loving friends stopping in for a chat
and a piece of grandmother's won-
derful apple pie? Do you remem-
ber the little acts of thoughtfulness
and kindness your mother per-
formed each day — the smile on her
face, and the fact that she was
always there to mend a bruised
knee or a broken heart? Today,
in our busy schedules, are we pro-
viding these types of surroundings
and these memories for our chil-
dren? These are the so-called in-
tangible qualities which are so
important, if we would have real
and lasting beauty in our homes.
A LL of us need beauty to make
our lives complete. And we all
have that beauty within us, though
we express it in different ways. The
poet expresses it in words; the artist
uses canvas and colors; the sculptor,
stone. The mother expresses it in
the tender love for her child. Each
one of us in our everyday contact
with one another can express the
beauty within us. We can mingle
with one another in a spirit of con-
sideration and thoughtfulness. We
can be gentle, patient, and courte-
ous. We can govern our actions
with a kindly regard for others. We
can radiate cheerfulness wherever
we go. For cheerfulness, also, is an
expression of beauty, and it will
reflect in the attitude of everyone
we meet, just as surely as a beauti-
ful flower drooping over the edge
of a pond reflects in the water.
A few days ago a friend of mine
told me how her six-year-old
brought her back abruptly to reality
and the importance of cheerfulness.
It was one of those busy, frustrating
mornings, and my friend was hur-
rying through her work with what
must have been a grim expression
on her face, when she noticed her
daughter looking at her intently.
Finally the little girl said: "I was
just thinking, Mama, how pretty
your face is when you smile."
In the home where spiritual
beauty is stressed vou will find kind-
ness, for kindness dwells in each
member's heart. You will find good-
humored tolerance of others, be-
cause forgiveness is practiced. You
will find courtesy, for people who
have formed the habit of being
kind, loving, and patient are natural-
ly courteous.
Like many of you, I was blessed
in having a wise grandmother who
was also a fine cook. She brought
many choice recipes with her from
the "old country." One day she was
sharing a recipe with a friend and,
after telling her to take so many
cups of this and tablespoons of that,
grandmother finished with, "But
remember, Carrie, if the soup is to
be a success, you must also add a
generous amount of grace." To me,
a young child, this seemed very
strange. I hadn't seen any cans on
our cupboard shelves marked
"grace," and I told grandmother so.
I shall always remember her reply.
"My dear, no matter what you do
in life, whether it's making Danish
soup, singing a lullabv, or writing a
book, if you would know the true
flavor of living, you must give gen-
erously of yourself, of your sweet
spirit, of your love. You must add
Let us add grace to our lives. And
let us remember that lasting, perma-
nent beauty in our hearts and in
our homes is made up of encourag-
ing words, loving deeds, sympathy
expressed, heartaches healed, a kiss,
a smile, a song which makes us feel
light-hearted, free, and glad. These
are tried links which, when bound
together, make a golden chain of
beauty around our door. May we
all strive to gain such beauty in our
souls and in our homes is my
humble prayer.
♦ »
uiatn Song
Maude Rubin
The robin sings to the springtime rain
Long before there is breath of rain,
Long before there is hint of warmth;
When every ridge and every roof
Gives visible proof
Of winter.
Visible? Yet can the heart see rain
When the night
Is white?
So does the robin sing to the rain,
Asking again
That her slender fingers braid the willow,
Drip crystal jewels to bead the yellow
Forsyth ia . . .
Drape a fringe of glittering fires
On telephone wires,
Prisms of light before the sun
Warms earth sufficiently to prove that done
Is winter rule. Oh, truly myth is a
World of winter
When robin-song is a silver splinter
To pierce the clouds,
To sift the rain.
cJhtrd [Prize Story
J/Lnnual [Relief Society Short Story (contest
The Fishbite Story
Dorothy Chpp Robinson
PAPA said there would not be
enough potatoes to last un-
til Thanksgiving, if Mama
didn't quit digging them as fast as
they reached the size of a marble.
"Then Emmy would starve/' His
voice sounded the way it does when
he wants you to think he is cross.
I was cross. He knows my name
is Emma Loretta and I am not a
baby to be called "Emmy."
Mama didn't answer. She just
went on tieing her bonnet strings.
Then she picked up an old kitchen
fork and a pan and went out. Janie
and I followed but were sent back
for our bonnets. Mama wouldn't
let us dig. She said Janie was too
small, and she was afraid I would
break the roots of the potato vines.
Our city lot was planted to all
potatoes this year. All except where
the barn and the chicken coop are.
Oh, yes, and the gooseberry and
currant patch and the regular gar-
Mama would go along the row
and scratch carefully until she
found a potato big enough to cook.
Then she would break it carefully
away, put it in the pan, then pat
the ground around the vine again.
She was not digging them for us
to eat. I should say not. Every
last potato was going to Eastdale.
Same with the carrots and turnips
and the beet greens. She had
thinned them so many times Papa
said next time he would broadcast
the seed. There had been no rain
in Eastdale, and the dab of water
stored in the little reservoir above
town had been used on pastures
before the gardens were planted. I
wished we didn't have water. Then
I wouldn't have to pull weeds.
Sunday was conference in Ma-
nassa. Mama said she wasn't going.
She was taking the garden truck to
Eastdale. Any other time Papa
would have said "Wait until Mon-
day," but this time he didn't. I
loved going to Eastdale after we
got there.
We left real early and when we
passed through La Cerritos no one
was up except the old man with the
Page 151
sheep. We had to wait while his
dog hurried them across the little
bridge over the creek. I was a little
afraid of him. He had no teeth
and something was wrong with his
upper lip. He smiled and said
"Buenos Dias." Mama nodded but
didn't say anything, but then she
never does.
I was hungry and wanted to stop
and eat our picnic, but Mama said
no we just had breakfast.
"Goodness golly . . ." Janie said.
"There is no such word as good-
ness golly," I corrected her.
"Goodness gwacious. Breakfast
was a long time." Mama didn't
answer her either.
What a road. The buggy jerked
from one big chuckhole to another.
Janie clung to Mama and I clung
to the seat.
"See the cat-tules," Janie cried
when we turned east.
"Say either cattails or tules," I
told her, "but not cat-tules."
T^HE meadows were soft green
and cattails were growing in
water alongside the road. We could
see devil-bugs and mosquitoes skit-
tering along on top of the water.
"Why don't they have their own
potatoes?" I meant the people in
"Their seed didn't come up."
"Why didn't they plant some
more, or buy grub from the store
in Manassa?"
"They spent their money on seed,
and seed won't germinate in dry
"What does that mean?"
"It means they need rain."
"Papa said tomorrow they pray
for rain at conference." Janie
thought we didn't know that.
"Well," I looked up at the big,
bright sky, "there have to be big
clouds before it can rain."
"Uh-uh," Janie contradicted.
"Once was a cloud big as a man's
hand and it rained. My Sunday
School teacher said so."
"That was a long time ago and it
doesn't count." Then I thought of
something. "If it rains will Willie
come alive?" Willie was our baby
brother who was buried in Eastdale.
Mama turned so she could see in
my eyes. "What in the world are
you talking about?"
"The Fishbite," Janie said.
"She means Tishbite. You know,
Elijah, in the Bible. He made it
rain and he made the widow's son
come alive. 'Course, you are not a
widow but I hope it is Willie."
Mama went back to her driving.
"Anyway," I said it real loud, "a
cloud big as a man's hand wouldn't
fill a dishpan."
I guess dishpan reminded us and
we looked back. The space between
the seats was filled with garden
truck covered with wet gunny sacks.
There was butter, too, for besides
churning all our cream, Mama had
borrowed two pounds from Mrs.
"Could I have a handful of peas?"
I asked.
"Certainly not."
I knew I couldn't but might as
well ask. "I am hungry."
Pretty soon I asked, "Don't they
have a teeny-weeny bit?" Of food,
I meant.
"They have very little. What
would they eat when they have no
I thought Mama was going to
spat me but she didn't. Janie and
I laughed and laughed.
Finally we came to a big ditch
that crossed the road. Mama un-
hitched the team and let them
drink. Then they browsed on the
grass along the fence while we ate
our picnic.
Soon after starting again we ran
into broken hills with rabbit-brush
and greasewood between. Then
suddenly I saw the bridge over the
Rio Grande. I could not see the
river for it was down in the canyon.
There were three mud huts back a
piece from the rim. Papa said once
there had been a trading post here.
A Mexican lived in one of the huts
and his dogs ran snarling and bark-
ing at us.
^HE bridge was high and black,
and it was real scary when the
horses' clop-clop sounded on the
boards. I closed my eyes and didn't
move. I didn't want to look down
at the water. It was too far down,
but I knew it was green and ripply.
"If I fall it will take a whole
year to hit the water."
I opened my eyes and Janie was
leaning over trying to see the water.
I pushed her back against Mama
and held tight to her. "No, sir,"
I told her. "It wouldn't take more
than a day."
Then I heard Mama take a long
breath and I knew we were off the
bridge. We rode through more
rocks and boulders and then we
came to the sand hills. The sun
was oven-hot and we drank and
drank from Mama's waterbag. I
wanted to eat but Mama said no.
Then the next thing I knew Janie
and I were both waking up and
Mama was sitting between us. We
were on the last hill above East-
"Look," Mama cried, "there isn't
a green leaf anywhere." She sound-
ed real worried.
The sand crunched under our
wheels. I could see a million dia-
monds sparkling in the sand, but
Mama wouldn't let me get any. She
said it was just mica. We went
down into the creek bottoms that
used to be meadows, then up on a
little bench and down it again to
Miller's place. Hattie and Albert
ran to meet us when their mother
opened the gate.
After we helped unload we each
had a slice of bread and butter left
from our picnic. Then we ran out
to play. I liked having no water.
The ditch bottom was covered with
soft white sand that squashed be-
tween our toes. The willows along
the ditchbanks looked like queer
feather dusters. The cows had eat-
en the leaves and bark up as far
as they could reach. Brown dust-
ers, of course.
When Sister Miller called that
it was time to go for the cows we
all went to the herd corral. Pete
Moser had been herding that day
and he had the cows there ahead
of us. They were bawling and push-
ing against the bars. They were
nothing but rough hide over bones.
Their bags looked like they had
already been milked. Pete was
dusty and tired and his lips were
cracked. Maybe no water would
not be much fun after all.
E didn't have to drive the
Miller cows home. They just
about ran, especially the last block,
and their bags flopped back and
forth spilling some of the milk they
did have. Elmer, Hattie's married
brother, was at the well when we
caught up with the cows. He
drew water in a bucket from the
well and poured it in a trough for
them, but they still wanted more
when he quit.
"Water is getting mighty low,"
I heard him tell his mother. "The
bucket came up half full each time/'
We had some of our new peas
and potatoes for supper. After their
first helping I saw Hattie and Al-
bert look at their mother. Her lips
went tighter together, but she gave
each of us a small helping. She
wanted Mama to eat more but
Mama said no thanks she wasn't
hungry. I was about to ask for
more, but I looked at Mama and
changed my mind. I took back my
wish about no water. I didn't know
why it had to be boss of everything.
When we had family prayers that
night Sister Miller prayed for rain.
I didn't know her voice could be
so soft. I got a prickly feeling all
over and then before I knew I was
saying the words right along with
her. I wanted every place in the
world to have plenty of water so
every child could have more than
one potato for supper.
We prayed for rain again the next
morning, but so far it hadn't done
any good. The sun was just as hot
and the ground just as dry as ever.
Hattie and I drove the cows to the
herd corral. Frank Hesse was tak-
ing the herd out today and his little
brother, Jim, was helping get them
started. Jim didn't look hungry.
"We had potatoes and gravy for
breakfast," he boasted.
"Don't be smart," Hattie told
him. "We gave you the potatoes."
"No, sir, it was. ..." I swallowed
hard so I would not say the next
words. When Mama gives some-
thing she does not say who shall
have part of it.
But we didn't have potatoes and
gravy for breakfast. We had noth-
"We are all fasting," Sister Miller
said. Then she saw our faces. "It
is the least we can do. People over
the stake are fasting and praying
for rain. The food they don't eat
will be sent to us."
"But we already gave our share,"
I told Mama.
"Emma," her voice made me
catch my breath, "you have given
nothing until you have done with-
out yourself." I wasn't sure what
else that meant but it sure meant
no breakfast.
Instead of Sunday School, they
had testimony meeting, and it
wasn't even the day for it. It was
a very good meeting, but they all
talked about water. They started
out by singing "Did You Think to
Pray?" Everyone told about his
many blessings. Old Grandpa
Hesse said the people hadn't been
living right, and this was their pun-
Elmer, who was conducting, for
the Bishop was at conference, said
we were being tried, and if we
proved faithful the Lord would still
bless us. I thought Grandpa Hesse
might be right. Anyway Elijah
made the rain not come because the
people were wicked. I sure hoped
if the people were wicked, they
would not have to wait three years
for rain. That is a long time to be
\\f HEN I came out of the little
log meetinghouse the sun
nearly blinded me and the gravel
in the yard was hot through my
shoes. Everyone looked to the sky,
but there wasn't even a baby's hand-
sized cloud. I was about to die by
the time dinner was ready. Mama
and Sister Miller didn't eat. I
heard Mama say she would bring
more food next week.
'Tor goodness sake/' I said,
chewing fast on my bread and but-
ter, "we want some left for our-
Something happened to Sister
Miller's face, and right quick I was
full up. I asked forgiveness in a
hurry, and when no one was look-
ing I put my bread on Hattie's
Later, our mamas said they were
going to the graveyard and did we
want to go along. It was on a
knoll that was the driest and lone-
somest place I had ever seen. Even
the sand lilies were dead. There
were seven graves and two of them
were ours. I couldn't remember
our big brother, but I could remem-
ber what a sweet cuddly baby Wil-
lie had been. I held Janie's hand
tight. I looked at Mama. She
never cries out loud but her face
made me swallow hard. I looked
around for something to do.
One of the graves had a hole in
it. I looked all around the sky and
kept looking. There wasn't a sign
of a cloud so I guessed a coyote had
dug it, and we could fill a coyote
hole. The grave belonged to some
people from Taos.
We started by carrying dirt in
our hands. That was too slow. If
I used my bonnet Mama would
notice mighty fast, so I decided to
use my dress. Pretty soon we were
all using our dresses. Albert
scooped the dirt and we took turns
having our laps filled. The dirt was
so fine it scooped easy, but we sure
looked a mess when we had fin-
ished and we were all choked for
a drink. Then Mama noticed.
'That Emma," she told everyone,
"can think of more mischief. Next
time, young lady, you will be left
at home."
''But, Mama," Janie said, "if the
Fishbite was going to bring someone
alive we didn't want it to be that
Sister Miller didn't understand
what Janie meant, but she said
water was getting scarce for wash-
ing, even.
I didn't hear what else she said,
for just then a big whirl of wind
flew by and filled our eyes and
noses with dust. By the time we
were through spluttering and cough-
ing, we were all shivering. Right
in this hot weather, only it wasn't
hot any more. Then the earth tore
apart with a crack that made us
jump. We looked toward Ute
Mountain. We could not see the
mountain, for a storm of dust was
coming our way like mad. Thunder
crackled again and lightning split
the sky. Beyond it came moun-
tains and mountains of clouds.
"Oh" Sister Miller said, and it
sounded like a prayer.
| held my breath, watching. If this
was the end of the world all
these graves should come alive. I
grabbed Janie as a big drop of water
hit me right on the nose. I started
to say, "It is raining," but all the
faces were being pelted. Sister
Miller started to shake, and Mama
set her down on a flat tombstone.
"It cant be," she said over and
over. But even Janie could see it
was, and we were getting wet. The
dust on our hands and dresses had
turned to mud.
"Run, all of you," Mama called,
and we ran. I held Janie's hand,
and Hattie held Albert's, and we
nearly ran their legs off.
Going to the graveyard hadn't
been far, but coming back was a
long way. The rain came harder
and faster and thunder cracked
like a mad dog at our heels. We
stood around in the kitchen but
kept getting colder so we went into
the bedroom and changed our
When Mama and Sister Miller
came they were walking like they
were going to church. Their bon-
nets looked like draggled chicken
feathers. They didn't even scold
us for making tracks all over the
scrubbed board floor. After they
had changed their clothes they set
supper on. The rain was still com-
ing down in sheets and every time
Sister Miller looked she offered us
more to eat. For once I really had
The cows came home by them-
selves long before milking time.
Sister Miller was talking about light-
ing the lamp when the meeting-
house bell began to ring. The way
it rang it said for us to go there.
Mama said she would put the chil-
dren to bed, but Sister Miller said
no they must go.
So we went to the meetinghouse
again. We ran and we wore coats,
but we were nearly soaked by the
time we got there. Elmer had a
fire in the big stove and was light-
ing the extra lamps. We held our
coats close to the stove so they
could dry. All they did was steam.
When everyone was there Elmer
said it was fitting that we give
thanks for this life-saving rain.
Grandpa Hesse said it would have
to rain more than this to save the
country. From all over the room
people whispered, "It will. It will."
And it did.
Then we all sang "Now Let Us
Rejoice." Sister Miller really
pumped the squeaky old organ and
the voices rose in a mighty chorus.
I had heard that somewhere.
It rained so long and so hard we
didn't get home until Wednesday.
Vy/'HEN Papa was digging po-
tatoes that fall Janie and I
got plenty tired picking them up.
"There are too manv," I grum-
"Thank your mother for that,"
Papa said, "All the cultivating she
did with that fork brought a heavy
Mama was helping. Now she
straightened and said, "No. It was
the Fishbite."
My mouth dropped open and I
stared. Then I saw Papa give her
his special look, and she smiled as
she does sometimes.
Dorothy Clapp Robinson, Boise, Idaho, is well-known to readers of the Magazine,
having written many short stories and serials. "Since being a Relief Society Short Story
Contest winner in 1954," Mrs. Robinson tells us, "my grandchildren have increased to
twenty -five. Our son Philemon has returned from presiding over the Finnish Mission;
our daughter has come back from Germany, where her husband was stationed as a
serviceman, and our other twin has twins, which makes three sets for the family, four
if I count myself. We had a reunion last summer, with all members of our family
"I was born in Eastdale, Colorado. My husband, P. B. Robinson, Sr., was reared
in Old Mexico. I have served in all the women's auxiliaries of the Church on a ward
and stake level, except Primary, but including teacher training and genealogy. At pres-
ent I am teaching the theology course in Relief Society. I am a charter member of
the Idaho Writers League, and have had one book published, and sixteen serials, as
well as many short stories and articles."
Spiritual Living - Pathway to Peace
Elder Blaine M. Porter
Professor and Chairman of Human Development and Family Relationships,
Brigham Young University
(Address Delivered at Departmental Meeting, Annual General Relief Society Conference,
October 8, 1959)
An Era oi Confusion next-door neighbors of today, is
and Insecurity adding new challenges in human
HIS is the nuclear age and relations,
living in a nuclear age forces
us to deal with many dial- An Era oi Great Potentiality
lenges. Even though we have many Concomitant with this confusion
luxuries and comforts of living and anxiety are the potential ac-
which our grandparents did not complishments for good in the fore-
even dream of, I'm sure that our seeable future which could result
task of adjusting to and meeting from the remarkable developments
the challenges which face us far in the physical sciences. If the
surmounts the kinds of problems peace of the world can be kept, if
which our grandparents faced. we are able to develop sufficient
These are confusing times. The skill in getting along with one an-
daily headlines carrying evidences of other, both within our communities
fear and anxiety in high places fill and in the world at large, it is quite
us with this same fear and anxiety, probable that the last half of the
The large black banners of war, twentieth century will record the
strikes, atom and hydrogen bomb greatest material changes in the his-
experinients, and guided missiles tory of our civilization. If we are
multiply this confusion. Radio and able, creatively, to handle the prob-
television programs discussing these lems which face us and to be
problems, often in a passionate and somewhat philosophical about the
pessimistic manner, arouse feelings unfinished world in which we live,
of uneasiness and confusion in our we can quite honestly say that we
youth and in ourselves. are now living in the most exciting
Parents are confused; teachers are era of all times. The remarkable ad-
perplexed; Congressmen and states- vancements which potentially exist
men disagree, and military person- in the peaceful use of nuclear
nel argue as to the size of the armed energy are legion,
forces and need for mobilization. This is an age, too, in which the
Authority, in many respects, includ- advances made in nutrition, health
ing religion, is being questioned, education, and medicine, are not
and old ways of life are being re- only making it possible for men to
placed with new ones or unfamiliar live longer, but, at the same time,
ones. The advancement of the jet have removed many of our most
age, which is making of countries dreaded diseases and appear to be
which were history and geography on the threshold of conquering
book fantasylands of yesterday, our numerous others.
Page 157
Balancing the Scales
The accomplishments in the
physical sciences are so remarkable
in comparison with advances in
other areas of living that the scales
are out of balance. We have sent
atomic submarines underneath the
ice cap covering the region sur-
rounding the North Pole, satellites
circling the earth and traveling to
the moon, and have conquered
many of our feared diseases. The
advancements in the area of travel
and communication have altered
our lives in many ways. If we are
to put these many accomplishments
to use for the betterment of man-
kind, rather than its destruction, we
must balance the scales with the
attributes of maturity, love, and
Today, increasing numbers of
people are beginning to understand
that the fundamental problem of
the human race is to learn how to
live together in peace and harmony.
No matter how many rockets we
launch to the moon nor how many
scientific instruments the rockets
carry, they still cannot teach us
much about human development
and behavior. Guided missiles or
hvdrogen bombs do not pick them-
selves up in one city and drop
themselves on another city. Such de-
structive actions occur only through
the motivations and directions of
human beings. As long as we have
leaders of nations who are charac-
terized by immaturity, jealousy,
greed, and hostility, we will con-
tinue to live in an anxious age
threatened bv the fear of suffering
and destruction.
Challenge to Develop Harmonious
Human Relationship
The challenges which lie before
us are clear. Advances in the
physical sciences must be balanced
with achievements in the social or-
der and understanding of human
behavior. We must change our way
of thinking; we must change our
way of feeling. Instead of hating,
fighting, and crushing one another,
we must seek to build our lives up-
on the principles of righteousness
as taught and exemplified by our
Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. These
challenges may not be easy for some
because of the attraction which the
glitter and ease of following other
paths may have. The gospel of
Jesus Christ beckons us to follow
the high road wherein we dedicate
ourselves to the eternal values of
noble and righteous living. Any-
thing less than this may mean the
decline, if not the destruction, of
our civilization, and it obviously
will result in a less abundant life
than is potentially within each of us.
Need ior Emotional Maturity
The significant problem at hand
is: Can we meet the challenge? If
we are to meet successfully the chal-
lenges and responsibilities of living
meaningfully and spiritually in a
nuclear age, it is essential that we
develop a clear understanding of
emotional and religious maturity
and that we exert every effort to-
ward increasing the degree and
quality of our maturity in these
aspects and in nurturing its growth
in our children. An individual
grows and develops in many differ-
ent ways from the time of concep-
tion through infancy, childhood,
adolescence, adulthood, and, in
some respects, as long as he lives.
In fact, we may be correct in specu-
lating that developing emotional
maturity is an eternal process. De-
termining whether or not an indi- the Latter-day Saint concept of pro-
vidual is appropriately mature for gression, for certainly this is one of
his age is not a quick or easy job; the ways in which eternal growth
however, there are certain traits and development have the potential
which seem to represent maturity to occur. Many of the challenges
that should be helpful to us. As of the gospel of Jesus Christ require
we attempt to evaluate our own the characteristics of an emotionally
emotional maturity, we must be as mature person in order to accom-
objective and honest as possible. plish them successfully. Without
taking the time to cite numerous
The Rote oi Emotional Maturity scriptural quotations, let us recog-
The role of a mature adult living nize that one cannot possess the
in a nuclear age can never be one skill and ability genuinely to love,
of passive and uncritical acceptance, forgive, be concerned about the
It must be a role in which we par- welfare and well-being of others,
ticipate in creative and objective without being appropriately mature
evaluations of the many new forces, ^r one's age. If we are to live the
alternatives, and decisions which we teachings of Christ and be pre-
surely must face. The mature pared for leadership in our society,
adult is one who thinks, meditates, as well as in the kingdom of God,
values, tries to foresee consequences, it is important that we make a con-
and is actively confronting life and certed effort toward increasing our
trying to do what needs to be done emotional maturity,
to improve life. The mature per- We cannot become emotionally
son is not afraid of life; rather he mature all at once. We advance
actively seeks to face it on as many toward it little by little. Each step
fronts as his capacities and limita- we take in this direction will lead us
tions permit, to live as an effective and our fellow men from a world
person in a rapidly changing society in which there is considerable chaos
of today. The mature person must and confusion toward a world
have graduated from home and characterized by those elements
school with an awareness of what which will make up the kingdom
will be expected of him by society, of heaven on earth.
He should have successfully devel-
oped from the stage of thinking, Need for Religious Maturity
"Please help me/' to "I can take In addition to exerting our efforts
care of myself," to "Please let me diligently toward achieving more
help you." emotional maturity is the serious
There is an urgency for a mature need of growing toward greater re-
leadership in our society and com- ligious maturity. The true gospel
munities. A mature person, be- of Jesus Christ is not a religion
cause he understands himself and consisting of essentially juvenile
others, is better prepared to meet formulations, but rather a religion
the tasks of everyday life with more which encourages the individual to
confidence and is, therefore, more develop all the characteristically hu-
capable of wisely and intelligently man powers within him. When
leading others. Jesus of Nazareth said, "Be ye there-
Emotional maturity is essential to fore perfect, even as your Father
which is in heaven is perfect/' he
was extending an invitation to ma-
Religious maturity is built not
only upon belief (faith), but also
upon behavior (works). It is di-
rectly related to, if not dependent
upon, the parallel development of
emotional maturity. Certainly such
characteristics or attributes as ac-
ceptance of self and others, adapt-
ability and flexibility, orientation to
environment, an integrated philoso-
phy of life, acceptance of responsi-
bilities, and knowledge must be
present in order for the religious
maturing process to occur.
Tiaits of Religious Maturity
1. Knowledge and awareness of
which one does not overdo some
phases of living to the serious
neglect of others.
Life for the religiously mature
person consists of growth toward
wholeness. Perhaps this is what
Paul had in mind when he said:
When I was a child, I spake as a child,
I understood as a child, I thought as a
child: but when I became a man, I put
away childish things (First Corinthians
The religiously mature adult is
developing a comprehensive phi-
losophy of life which provides
coherence to the world about him
and enables him to make his life
harmonious with it.
4. Practical (dynamic) applica-
«,! -r — j — 7 t£ y> — n=r r^ ti°n of religious beliefs. The gos
the abundant life. 1 he religious- . 2 — . . . &
ly mature person must assume
responsibility for gaining all the
knowledge he possibly can regard-
ing the context of the abundant life
as taught and exemplified by the
Savior. He sees it as a growing
process and recognizes that progres-
sion in the direction of achieving
the abundant life comes through
diligent study, reflective thinking,
and communion with the Creator.
2. Spiritual freedom. If the indi-
vidual is to be encouraged or even
permitted to experience the po-
tentialities within him for spiritual
living and religious maturity, he
must have an environment in which
he can exercise his freedom of the
soul. A social environment which
seeks to enforce conformity of
thinking and which is highly critical
of spiritual exploration would ap-
pear to discourage the freedom
which God intended men to have.
3. Growth toward wholeness. The
spiritual life is a balanced life in
pel which Christ taught is a religion
of doing, a religion of positive
action. The religiously mature per-
son within the framework of Chris-
tianity must, of necessity, be
involved in a life of dynamic action.
The religiously mature person is not
only concerned with his awareness
of religious teachings, but he is
genuinely concerned with develop-
ing the skills to apply them.
5. The sense of glory in life. The
religiously mature person recognizes
that glories surround him. He
stands in reverent amazement of
the many elements which consti-
tute the universe and life that are
beyond his own comprehension —
beyond his own accomplishment.
Reverence for life inevitably results
in humility — a hallmark of the
religiously mature person.
With this kind of approach to
living, an individual is able to see
beneath the surface — see beyond
the horizons. He has the ability to
sense the inwardness of things. And,
likewise, the religiously mature in- or a tinkling cymbal" — we are
dividual senses the inwardness of nothing.
people. He sees the potentialities If we are to maintain good
within them and constantly seeks to mental health and achieve a feeling
move toward the goal of helping of personal satisfaction and security,
himself and other people. He we must counteract the unrest and
seeks as Socrates prayed: "Make me anxiety which exist in the world
beautiful in the inward soul and with knowledge and awareness of
may the inward and the outward be the abundant life. We must insure
as one." The abundant life might the conditions which will permit
be interpreted as consisting mainly freedom of the soul in order that
of loving God, loving oneself, and independently we can make the best
loving one's fellow men. of our lives. Our planetal aware-
6. Acting in faith. The religious- ness in the nuclear age emphasizes
ly mature person acts in faith, and the importance of growth toward
because of his faith, he has an wholeness in order that we may
optimistic view of the future. Faith develop an attitude of outreach and
not only serves as a dynamic force inclusiveness. Our skills of apply-
to impel us on to greater things, ing and practicing our religious
but it can serve, also, as an anchor beliefs must be perfected so that
which can help provide a feeling faith will be matched with works,
of security much needed in the If we can develop a sense of glory
rapidly changing and complex world in life, a reverence for life, perhaps
of today. The importance of faith we will seek to nurture and en-
along with love was pointed out
when we were told: "And if you
have not faith, hope, and charity,
you can do nothing" (D&C 18:19).
The Role of Religious Maturity
The demands of living spiritually
in any age, but particularly in this
nuclear age, require the traits,
characteristics, and qualities of re-
ligious and emotional maturity. As
man has developed the almost
unbelievable mechanical advances
which may permit him to destroy
himself, the ability to love and to
forgive becomes even more essen-
tial than in the past. Our own per-
sonal development should be of
vital concern to all of us. Paul told
us, in essence, that no matter how
many other things we have, that
without love in our hearts and in
our lives, we are "as sounding brass,
hance life rather than destroy it.
Then, acting in faith, we can exert
our every effort toward achieving
good works and toward improving
the life situation.
The Powerful Influence oi
the Home
The home is one of the most
powerful influences affecting the
development of emotional and re-
ligious maturity. The degree and
quality of emotional and religious
maturity which are developed in the
home are closely related to what is
expressed in the behavior of par-
ents. During the early years, the
home plays a most significant role
in determining whether or not one
is helped to lay away childish ways
of reacting and encouraged to de-
velop new and more mature ways
of thinking and behaving.
We cannot become mature all
at once. We advance toward it
little by little. We are yet im-
perfect human beings on our way
toward perfection, but each step
that we take ourselves and help our
children take, leads us closer to the
fulfillment of living the gospel of
Jesus Christ.
A great responsibility falls upon
the home to produce loving person-
alities, individuals with feeling of
respect and value for mankind, and
skills of putting into practice Chris-
tian ideals and teachings. Our world
can only be as effectively safe and
secure as are the homes that con-
stitute it.
Walking the Spiritual Road
Our challenge, then, is to find a
way in which parents can join hands
with each other and with their chil-
dren to travel the spiritual road.
The spiritual road has Christ as its
ideal, not the gratification of the
physical, for he that will save his
life, yielding to the first gratifica-
tion of a seeming need, would lose
his life, lose his happiness, lose the
pleasure of living at this present
time. If he would seek the real
purpose of life, the individual must
live for something higher than self.
He hears the Savior's voice saying,
"I am the wav, the truth, and the
life.. ." (John 14:6).
The Quest for Peace in Society
The need for world peace is
obvious. No matter how gloomy
the picture may appear at times, one
optimistic fact exists — each one of
us can make a contribution toward
achieving world peace and good will
toward men. It is important, how-
ever, that we actively assume re-
sponsibility for putting our own
house in order. What the world
needs is individuals who are living a
practical religion, who are living ap-
plied Christianity. We need not only
pray 'Thy kingdom come. Thy will
be done in earth, as it is in heaven,"
but, individually, to work and strive
to create the kind of world in
which these conditions may prevail.
This implies that if religion is to
make a contribution in our quest
for peace, it must not only be a
subjective feeling, but also an ex-
pression of that feeling manifested
in human associations and social
relations. Knowing a thing or
merely feeling an assurance of the
truth is not sufficient. 'To him
that knoweth to do good, and doeth
it not, to him it is sin" (James
Service to Others
Christ invited us to follow in his
steps in order that we might have
life more abundantly. One very
tangible way in which we can make
a contribution toward others and
toward our own personal develop-
ment is by serving our fellow men.
Most all of us daily, regardless of
our age, could find opportunities to
serve someone older than we are;
someone who may be crippled or
handicapped in some wav; by giving
encouragement to someone who is
discouraged or depressed; or by mak-
ing life more interesting and satis-
fying for any of the persons with
whom we associate. Those indi-
viduals who experience satisfaction
and happiness by living creatively,
by serving their fellow men — indi-
viduals who are dedicated to the
creation of a still better world for
everyone, are traveling the course
which we are charting toward a bet-
ter world.
Jesus, having man's future in
mind, said, nineteen centuries ago,
"A new commandment I give unto
you, That ye love one another"
(John 13:34). Today, scientists of
human behavior have arrived at the
conclusion that love is the greatest
medicine and provides the most
hope for achieving a world of peace
and a condition in which man can
live and maintain good mental
We have learned through cen-
turies of experience that a com-
mandment alone does not make a
person love another. We have
learned that if a person is filled with
hate and anger and hostility, at-
tempts to command and legislate
kindness and mercy and love appear
to have essentiallv failed. The de-
velopment of such traits and
characteristics will result from liv-
ing in healthy conditions which
nurture and promote feelings of
love that spontaneously flow from
within the individual. If sincere
men and women the world over
could unite in an earnest effort to
supplant feelings of selfishness, hat-
red, suspicion, and greed, with feel-
ings of kindness, mercy, justice, and
service to others, then leaders would
think more of men than of the suc-
cess of a system, and they would
thereby promote the peace and
happiness of mankind. There is
no road to universal peace which
does not lead into the hearts of
The challenge and task of follow-
ing the pathway to peace obviously
rest upon the shoulders of each of
us. It will take all of us working
diligently together to create a world
of peace-loving people, to develop
within ourselves the skill, the capac-
ity, the desire to live harmoniously,
creatively with one another, to love
the Lord, to love oneself, to love
one's neighbor, to love one's ene-
mies, to create within our homes
the kind of environment which will
produce loving personalities in our
children. This means we must
search for self-understanding, for
inner peace, contentment, serenity,
while, at the same time, maintain-
ing sufficient feelings of dissatisfac-
tion that we have the propelling
drive and urge to improve the life
We must realize that the power
to love does not come full-grown
into our lives. It does not come by
mere admonition, nor by logical,
verbal proof of its importance. To
promote love among men requires
that we do more than talk about it,
that we actually promote situations
and create atmospheres in which
love will spontaneously flourish
without being admonished to do so.
It must form a very core of our lives
as we attempt to live and practice
a religion of love. Not by seeking
the superficial things of life, but
rather as love springs from the in-
dividual's heart will we find the
peace of Christ.
Eva Willes Wangsgaard
I tried to capture April weather,
Spin song of fragrance lilacs bore.
But a poet wearing a bright blue feather
Sang all that I knew to sing and more.
cJhe Southern States ft it.
Pieston R. Nibley
Assistant Church Historian
/^\NE of the first missionaries to labor in the states which later were
included in the Southern States Mission, was Wilford Woodruff
who, as early as 1834, traveled through and held meetings in Arkansas,
Tennessee, and Kentucky. Converts were baptized and several small
branches of the Church were established. In 1839 Jedediah M. Grant
began missionary work in Virginia. Other elders followed, but it was not
until 1875 that the Southern States Mission was organized, with Henry
G. Boyle as president. The States included in the new mission were
Tennessee, Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and Virginia.
As the work of the mission increased, a number of adjoining States
were added, including Ohio, North and South Carolina, Kentucky, Mary-
land, Texas, Louisiana, and Florida.
The headquarters of the Southern States Mission was first established
in Nashville, Tennessee. It was later changed to Chattanooga, Tennessee,
then to Atlanta, Georgia.
Presidents of the mission who served from the time of its organization
until 1933 were: Henry G. Boyle, 1875-78; John Morgan, 1878-83; Brigham
H. Roberts, 1883-84; William Spry, 1888-91; J. Golden Kimball, 1891-94;
Courtesy Atlanta Chamber of Commerce
Submitted by Lucile W. Bunker
Page 164
Courtesy Atlanta Chamber of Commerce
Submitted by Lucile W. Bunker
Elias S. Kimball, 1894-98; Ben E. Rich, 1898-1902; Ephraim H. Nye,
1902-03; Ben E. Rich, 1903-08; Charles A. Callis, 1908-33.
After serving twenty-five years as president of the Southern States
Mission, Charles A. Callis was ordained a member of the Council of the
Twelve Apostles, on October 14, 1933.
Mission presidents who have served since President Callis are:
LeGrand Richards, 1933-37; Merrill D. Clayson, 1937-40; William P.
Whitaker, 1940-43; Heber Meeks, 1943-48; Albert Choules, 1948-52; Peter
J. Ricks, 1952-55; Berkeley L. Bunker, 1955-59; J. Byron Ravsten, 1959—.
The borders of the Southern States Mission have been changed sev-
eral times since its organization. The Mission now embraces the States
of Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and South Carolina.
Stakes that have been organized from the Southern States Mission are:
Florida, January 1947; South Carolina, October 1947; Atlanta, May 1957;
Orlando, February 1958; and Tampa, August 1959.
At the end of November 1959, there were 12,554 members of the
Church in this Mission, located in seventy branches.
Sixty-four Relief Society organizations, with 1276 members, were re-
ported in December 1959. Lucile W. Bunker is former president of the
Southern States Mission Relief Society. The new president is Elva Stella
Note: The cover for this Magazine "A Southern Mansion With Dogwood in
Bloom," is used by Courtesy of the Atlanta, Georgia, Chamber of Commerce, and was
submitted by Lucile W. Bunker. See also "Recipes From the Southern States Mission,"
by Sister Bunker, on page 179.
A Place for Everything
Charmaine Kohler
DEBRA awoke suddenly, as she
did each morning, plans for
the day running through her
head. Today she wanted to wash
the kitchen windows, straighten the
cupboard shelves, and give the
utility room a good cleaning. After
that, there might be time to do
that stack of mending before Dan
came home from work.
Debra prided herself on her neat-
as-a-pin home. She knew her neigh-
bors remarked on how she kept it
that way with two small atom-
powered boys and a husband to
clean up after. Her formula was "a
place for everything, and everything
in its place," and she followed this
formula to the letter.
Her thoughts were interrupted
when two little blonde heads peeked
around the door. Ronnie, age four,
and Greggie, age two, skipped smil-
ing to the bedside, both talking at
"Good morning, Mommie!" Ron-
nie flashed his dimples and pro-
ceeded to dig Dan out from be-
neath the covers.
' 'Morning, Mommie/' Greggie
always managed to sound like his
big brother's echo. Everything Ron-
nie said Greggie would repeat as
best he could, which sometimes
wasn't too clear.
Debra smiled quickly at her wig-
gling sons, as she reached for her
housecoat and slippers. The boys
would have "Daddy Polar Bear" up
soon, so she might as well take ad-
vantage of the opportunity and get
breakfast started. When Dan left
Page 166
for work at nine, she hoped to be
all ready to start cleaning.
Greggie soon joined her in the
kitchen and demanded his usual
seat on the counter top. Here he
could watch every fascinating move
as flour and eggs blended with milk
and shortening to make the hot
cakes he loved.
"Me help?"
"Not this morning, honey. Mom-
mie wants to hurry." Debra poured
out a cup of dried milk and set it
down on the counter.
"Ronnie! Hot cakes!" Greggie
eagerly relayed the good news.
"Hot cakes!" The answering shout
from the bathroom and the quick
dash for the kitchen were evidence
of another little boy's breakfast fav-
"May I help?" Ronnie asked
"Not today. I have to hurry."
Debra turned back to her bowl just
in time to see Greggie leaning over
the cup of powdered milk, his
mouth puckered, ready to blow.
"Oh, no, Greggie!" she gasped.
Too late. A cloud of powdered
milk crystals flew up above the little
blonde head and drifted lazily down
to settle on floor, cupboard — and
little blonde head.
Debra firmly picked up Greggie
and plunked him into his high chair
to await breakfast. Ronnie made a
fast get-away to the living room.
When his mother walked that fast
he knew from experience that it
was time to move on.
Breakfast followed the usual pat-
tern. Debra was silent, thinking
over her day's work. Dan ate
quickly, glancing occasionally at the
clock. Greggie and Ronnie kept up
a constant chatter.
"I'm going to clean up my plate
first. I'll beat you, Greggie!"
"Beat you, Ronnie."
"Huh-uh!" Ronnie argued.
"Hey, Mommie," Ronnie asked
for his mother's attention.
"If my head was in my tummy I
bet it could see what this milk is
doing down there."
"Hurry and eat your breakfast,
Ron." Debra had no time this
morning to become involved in one
of her son's wild imaginings.
At nine o'clock Debra kissed Dan
goodby and sent the boys to the
back yard to play. Now if only they
would occupy themselves for a few
hours so she could get down to
Debra quickly stacked the break-
fast dishes and filled the sink with
sudsy water. Just as she was scour-
ing the last frying pan, she heard
Ronnie calling excitedly from be-
neath her kitchen window.
"Mommie — Mommie! Come
"Quick!" echoed Greggie.
"What is it?" Debra called
through the windows, imagining at
least a broken arm or a bloody gash.
"Greggie found a spotted bug.
Come see him!"
"See 'im," Greggie chanted.
Debra had no intention of taking
the extra time or steps involved to
see the spotted bug. She knew the
boys would forget about it soon.
Twelve o'clock arrived quickly as
Debra busily cleaned. Dutifully,
but with regret, she laid down her
window polishing cloth and called
the boys in to lunch.
"Lunchtime, boys. Empty the
sand from your cuffs before you
come in." The sandbox and Debra
waged a constant battle. The gritty
sand could make a shiny, freshly
waxed floor rough like concrete in
a short time.
Debra quickly made peanut but-
ter sandwiches and tall glasses of
chocolate milk, then scooped large
helpings of gelatin salad onto two
"What's new with you, Mother?"
Ronnie came strolling into the
Debra glanced quickly at her old-
est son and smiled. Now where
had he picked up that remark?
"New you, Mommie?" Greggie
"Not much, boys. Hurry and
wash your hands. Lunch is ready."
TLTOW many times a day did she
say "hurry" and "quick," Deb-
ra wondered. How many thousands
of things were there to lure little
boys' minds from what you told
them to do? How many pebbles to
examine? How many butterflies to
chase? How many questions to an-
swer? Sometimes a twitch of con-
science warned Debra to be more
patient. She knew she should take
time to answer more questions
thoroughly and explore more of
nature's wonders with her sons, but
the days never seemed to be long
enough to get everything done.
There was always a washing to do,
an ironing, or baking. If she ever
really slowed down, surely her house-
hold would disintegrate before her
eyes within two days.
Finally, after two dozen requests
of "Eat your lunch, boys/' the last
drop of ice cream disappeared from
the bottom of their bowls and Debra
whisked them off to bed for naps.
She always looked forward to this
time of day, for now she could really
fly around without spending so
much time going to the window to
check on the boys at play.
Just as she was closing their bed-
room door, Ronnie called out. Im-
patiently, Debra opened the door.
"It is nap time. Now go to sleep
and do not call me again!" Debra
spoke sharper and louder than she
"Just one word, please." Ronnie
held up one small finger to make
his request sound as reasonable as
possible and looked zt his mother
with large, serious eyes.
"Word, p'eese?" Greggie spoke
softly as he peeked at Debra with
one eye closed.
"All right. What is so important
just now?" Debra relented.
"Mommie, you know that sad tree
we saw at Grandma's? Why was
it so sad? Didn't it have any play-
"Cree any p'aymates?" Greggie
echoed worriedly.
Sad tree? Debra was puzzled.
What in the world was a sad tree?
"I guess not, hon. Now have a
good nap."
Debra returned to her polishing
cloth, then suddenly she understood.
Of course! The weeping willow
tree. I must remember to explain
about the names of different trees
when Ron awakens from his nap,
she decided.
jpHREE o'clock came. The kitch-
en windows shone, the utility
room gleamed, and Debra was
efficiently reorganizing cupboard
shelves. To make the simple task
less monotonous her favorite rec-
ord was spinning on the hi-fi and
strains of "Oh, I'm So Lonely" were
drifting through the air.
"Oh, I'm so lonely since he said
goodbye . . ." Debra crooned under
her breath.
Ronnie's voice from behind start-
led Debra so that she nearly fell
from the stool on which she was
perched. Lost in her task and the
music, she hadn't heard her son's
bare footsteps.
"You frightened me. Did you
have a good nap?"
"Yes, I had a good nap," giggled
Ronnie, tickled because he had
scared Debra.
"Good nap." Greggie nodded his
head so vigorously that his whole
body jiggled.
"Fine. Run get your shoes and
jeans and you can ride tricycles
"Okay!" Greggie had just mast-
ered the art of tricycle riding and
enthusiastically ran to find his miss-
ing clothes.
"Mother, if you find that man,
I'll be his playmate." Ronnie was
standing very still with a thoughtful
scowl on his face.
"What man? What are you talk-
ing about?" Now what, Debra
"That man singing . . . 'lonely
him/" Ronnie answered seriously.
"That is just a pretend song, hon-
ey. He's not really lonely. Now
run get your clothes. Greggie! What
are you doing? Hurry, darling."
Debra climbed down from the
stool and went to see what was delay-
ing her youngest.
Greggie was stretched out full-
length on his stomach, chin resting
on the floor, while one finger poked
experimentally and with caution at
the retreating end of a big black
"Oh, darling, leave that thing
alone. He may bite," Debra warned.
"He bite?" Greggie, round-eyed
and fascinated, did not retreat one
Debra scooped the beetle onto a
magazine and threw him out the
window. "Come on, Greg. Mom-
mie will put your shoes on. Don't
you want to go outdoors?"
"Don' wan'nu,' wan'nu', wan'nu'!"
Greggie thrust out his chin, his eyes
shot sparks, and he dared Debra to
give him any argument.
"Now stop that right now. Hurry
up and go play so that I can finish
those cupboards. You're just wast-
ing time."
TTyEBRA could feel her anger ris-
ing. Why did Greggie have to
give her trouble now? He did look
cute when he was angry, though.
She wanted to pick him up, cuddle
and tease him awhile, but she just
didn't have time now. Instead, she
picked him up and carried him,
small arms and legs churning, to a
chair where she forcibly dressed him.
"Now ride your tryke and stay
out of the street."
With one last scowl over his
shoulder, Greggie peddled off down
the sidewalk.
"Ronnie, are you going out?"
Now what is he doing? Debra won-
Ronnie had rediscovered a gun
he had received for Christmas a year
ago. He had also dug a dart for the
gun from the clutter of his toy box.
The suction-cup head for the dart
was missing, but maybe it would
shoot. He would try, anyway.
"Watch me shoot that zebra,
Zing! Crash! Before Debra could
even open her mouth to stop him,
a dozen pieces of the ill-fated zebra's
hind quarters scattered and slid
across the end table and floor.
Ronnie stood motionless — big-
eyed and amazed. He'd hit it! What
a good shot! He didn't think Moth-
er would agree with him, and he
eyed her cautiously.
Debra looked at the shattered
zebra sadly. It wasn't the first of
her zebra collection to be broken,
but it was the first to be broken in
too many pieces to be repaired.
"You know better than to shoot
that gun in the house. Now go out-
doors and play before I spank you."
Debra went for the broom as Ron-
nie made his escape. He had been
expecting a spanking and considered
himself lucky to get by so easily.
Ten minutes later Ronnie was
back at Debra's side, a child's book
clutched in his hand.
"Will you read to me?" he asked
"Not now, maybe later. I have
a lot to do before Daddy gets home
from work. Run back outdoors and
"I bet you just won't ever read,"
Ronnie muttered, as he sadly shuf-
fled out.
By five o'clock Debra had finished
all the day's tasks she had allotted
herself that morning in bed. All,
that is, except the mending. She
decided to work on that while she
watched television with Dan that
evening. Dan had told her often
that he didn't want her working
around the house while he was home
in the evening. After the hustle-
bustle of the drugstore all day, Dan
looked forward to a relaxed evening
surrounded by his family.
Sometimes they rough-housed,
the room shaking, while "Daddy
Polar Bear" and his "cubs" rolled
growling over and over each other
across the floor. Other times Dan
would sit on the davenport, a son
under each arm, reading fairy tales.
Debra also looked forward to their
evenings together, but if her work
for the day had not been completed,
she found it hard to relax. Even
wrhen physically tired, Debra's mind
would start planning tomorrow's
^HAT night when Dan closed the
storybook, Debra reached for
the boys' pajamas.
"Bedtime, fellows," Dan said as
he tugged Greggie's shoes off. "Let's
see who beats undressed."
While the contest noisily pro-
ceeded, Debra went to the boys'
room. She opened a window, closed
the blinds, and turned down the
covers on the twin beds. Then,
ready for the "going-to-bed cere-
mony," she waited.
The "going-to-bed ceremony" had
started a year ago when Greggie,
just one year old, had been given a
"big bed." The ceremony consisted
of prayers, the eeny-meeny-miney-
moe game, a final drink of water,
and a goodnight kiss. Only after
the completion of this ceremony
would the boys lie down and go to
sleep. Debra had tried to leave out
a part or two to hurry up the routine
at times, but the protests were
always so vigorous that she had giv-
en up.
Greggie and Ronnie skipped into
the room in their identical blue
sleepers, resembling two innocent
blonde angels, and knelt, each by
his own bed, for prayers.
"Heavenly Father . . ." Ronnie be-
"Hebbenly Fa'her," Greggie ech-
"Bless Mommy and Daddy, Greg-
gie and me. . . ."
"An' me," Greggie mumbled.
"Help Uncle Rod on his mis-
sion. . . ." Ronnie continued.
"Help Umple Rod. . . ."
"Help Grandpa feel better," Ron-
nie added.
"Gran'pa beller. . . ."
"Help us be good boys. . . ."
"Good boys. 'Men." Greggie fin-
ished his prayer and climbed onto
his bed, clutching his beloved fuzzy
Debra raised her head and waited
for Ronnie to bounce up. He re-
mained kneeling, head bowed,
hands clasped.
"And help Mommie have lots
more time so she can play with us.
Debra stiffened. Ronnie's final
request to Heavenly Father was not
part of his usual prayer. He had
never added anything before. Why
had he said such a thing?
Debra knew why. How many
times today, and before today, had
she told the boys, "Not now-
later." "I don't have time right
now." "Some other time. I'm in a
hurry." "Don't waste time." "Hurry
and eat." "Run wash your hands."
How many times had she ignored
their questions and requests when
what they were really asking for was
her company?
F\EBRA didn't like the way she
was seeing herself — the way
Ronnie and Greggie must see her.
"Eeny, meemie! Eeeny, meemie,
Mommie!" Greggie shouted im-
Greggie squealed and helplessly
struggled as Debra gathered him up,
tossed him onto the bed, and drew
the sheet up to his chin. Ronnie
soon succumbed, and after tucking
him in, Debra went to the bathroom
for their "ceremonial drink/'
What had she been doing, she
wondered, robbing her sons? That
was an ugly word, but true. Her
own best childhood memories were
of the hours her mother had read to
her, the talks they had had, and the
doll clothes they'd sewed together.
She never remembered her mother
ever telling her that there wasn't
time or that she was too busy. Her
mother's house was always clean,
too — even with seven children
frolicking through it.
"Mother, you forgot our drink,"
Ronnie called indignantly.
"Coming," Debra replied, and
hastily filled two cups and carried
them to the thirstv bovs. When
drinks were finished, Debra leaned
down to kiss them good night.
"Good-night, darling," she mur-
mured to Ronnie. "Have a good
sleep because we have a big day
ahead tomorrow. How would you
like to go for a walk by the river?"
"Sure, can we?" Ronnie was
"Of course, we can," Debra
smiled, "and we'll see how many
kinds of bugs, trees, and colored
rocks wc can find."
"Mc! Rocks, crces, bugs!" Greg-
gie shouted, sitting up straight in
"You, too, honey." Debra smiled.
"You have a good sleep, too. Good-
Debra paused outside their closed
door, her heart full of love. It would
not be easy to break her habit of
constant, nervous cleaning, but she
could, and would — starting now.
As she went to join Dan in the
living room, a voice (perhaps her
conscience, peaceful at last) sighed
through her thoughts . . . "and a
little child shall lead them."
1 1 larch cJt
Enoh Chamberlin
March time came to the world today,
Came with the wind-whipped applique
Of the shadows of new leaves on the ground;
Came with the heart uplifting sound
Of a meadowlark calling, came with the feel
Of pussywillows like satin chenille.
March time came to valley and hill;
Came with a yellow daffodil;
With north flown robins again on the wing —
Came with a boy with a ball of string,
With a care-free heart and a purple kite,
With scuffed old shoes and eyes alight,
With the wind and sky at his command
Holding the universe in his hand.
Sixty LJears J/igo
Excerpts From the Woman's Exponent, March 1, and March 15, 1900
"For the Rights of the Women of Zion and the Rights of the Women
of All Nations"
VISIT TO MEXICO: About 5 o'clock p.m., on the 21st of October, we arrived
at Dublan, where there was a joyful meeting with my daughter. At Dublan there is
an excellent site for a large city, the only drawback being the scarcity of water late
in the season. . . . The latter part of October I went to Juarez, about eighteen miles
distant. . . . We were kindly treated by the Saints and hospitably entertained at the
homes of Presidents A. W. Ivins and Henry Eyring, Bishop Joseph Bentley and others,
and met with many friends, among them Sister Elizabeth Snow, who is spending the
winter with her daughter in this delightful climate. . . . On Thursday I returned to
Dublan with Sister Mary P. Eyring, the president of the Relief Society of Juarez
Stake, and met with the Relief Society of Dublan. Many excellent testimonies were
borne of the Gospel. . . .
— Ann C. Woodbury
THE LAKES OF THE WASATCH: Whether in the delicate profusion of the
Spring's flowery extravagance, or clothed in the deep, rich green of Summer's foliage,
in the gorgeous wealth of Autumnal colors, or buried beneath the snowy silence of
Winter, the Wasatch mountains are beautiful, sublime, inspiring; and high up lying
in open dells between vast walls, where the earth is intense with insect life and flowery
growth, are fairy lakes of mystic depths, held fast in the rugged cradles of these
mountain ridges. . . .
— M. A. J. Lambert
Could we with ink the ocean fill,
Were all the earth of parchment made,
Were every single stick a quill.
And every man a scribe by trade,
To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry,
Nor could the scroll contain the whole
Though stretched from sky to sky.
— Selected
THE SEVENTEENTH OF MARCH: On Saturday, March 17, it will be fifty-
eight years since the Relief Society (which has now attained such magnificent pro-
portions) was organized in the City of Nauvoo, Illinois. We speak of it as having
been organized by President Joseph Smith. . . . He foresaw and foretold many things
concerning it which have since come to pass. . . . What it may do in the great future,
to which we look with such earnest hopefulness, remains for us who still live and
labor, and the younger women who will enlist in the work, to determine by diligence
and enterprise along the lines of higher and nobler aspirations and culture, than the
world has yet attained. . . . Therefore, it seems fitting indeed to celebrate the day
when such a movement was inaugurated, and to make it a day memorable in the minds
of all who are within reach. . . . One suggestion might be made . . . that particular
respect be shown to the veteran workers in the cause; and that mention be made in
some one of the addresses or speeches, of the great advantage the Society has given
to its faithful members, and in promoting and inculcating correct principles of life. . . .
— Editorial
Page 172
Woman's Sphere
Ramona W. Cannon
RS. JOHN (Barbara) EISEN-
HOWER accompanied her
father-in-law, President Dwight D.
Eisenhower, in December, on his
historic eleven-nation tour to Italy,
Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan, In-
dia, Iran, Greece, France, Tunisia,
Spain, and Morocco. The Presi-
dent's wife did not make the
journey on account of her health.
jyjRS. LOUISE LAKE is a Lat-
ter-day Saint woman from Salt
Lake City who became completely
paralyzed from polio. Through
faith, determination, and therapy,
she has regained the use of her body
to be able to move around with the
aid of hand crutches. Mrs. Lake
was nationally recognized as the
"Handicapped Person of the Year"
in 1958, and has now been named to
the national President's Committee
for the Employment of the Handi-
capped. She was also named to the
planning committee of the Inter-
national Society for the Welfare of
Cripples. Mrs. Lake has also helped
to design clothes for the handi-
capped, many with zippers and
buttons placed for special uses.
IV/fRS. Anne Wheaton is Associ-
ate White House Press Sec-
retary and a very busy woman.
pARAH DIBAH, beautiful twen-
ty-one year old Iranian com-
moner, became the third wife of
Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlevi,
Shah of Iran, in Tehran, on De-
cember twenty-first. The Shah has
divorced two wives because of lack
of a male heir to the throne.
MIRIAM ASSY, an Arab and a
Christian, has been given a
special award and recognition by the
Israel Ministry of Health for "dedi-
cated and superior nursing care"
given at the Malben Hospital near
Nahariya in Northern Israel. Miss
Assy received a medical dictionary
and a biography of Eve Curie, each
inscribed by the hospital's director.
After the award ceremony Miss
Assy received a heartwarming wel-
come in her native village of Kfar
TTELEN LEE, a native of Knox-
ville, Kentucky, is head of the
design department of Alyssa Origi-
nals, Inc., and a partner in the firm
which does a multi-million dollar
business each year in designing and
manufacturing clothes for girls. She
and her staff of fourteen turn out
forty dress designs each week —
clothes noted for their "elegant
simplicity." Miss Lee also designs
a coat collection and all the chil-
dren's patterns for a large pattern
Page 173
VOL. 47
MARCH 1960
NO. 3
cJhe IKe fining confluence of LKelief Society
(^)F all the refining influences that
come into the lives of those
who strive to uplift themselves, that
of the gospel of Jesus Christ is pre-
eminent. The gospel illumines
one's mind and soul, and frees one's
life from dullness and earthiness. A
knowledge of the divinity of the
Savior lends a touch of the sublime
to life in this world. A desire for
eternal exaltation gives purpose to
efforts to overcome weaknesses, to
cleanse from impurities, and to rise
above that which is coarse and vul-
gar. Knowing the gospel helps one
know the spiritual form that under-
lies everything. One cannot be truly
refined if he is deficient in spirit-
Relief Societv brings the refining
influence of the gospel of Jesus
Christ to its members. Relief So-
ciety furnishes inspiration which has
impelled action on the part of the
sisters to learn and live the com-
mandments of our Heavenly Father.
One great purpose for its organiza-
tion, and a constant direction from
the prophets, is to teach the gospel
— to build testimonies.
Refinement is not merely concern
for one's own spiritual and cultural
advancement. It embodies all that
is gentle, considerate, and uplifting,
and embraces consideration for and
service to others. The author Gales-
worthy once described a friend as a
person having true refinement be-
cause he couldn't help thinking of
others no matter what he did.
Thoughtfulness of the needs of
Page 174
one's fellow men and service to
them enlarges the soul. Compas-
sion is tenderness, understanding,
sympathy, and fellowship in feeling
which leads to alleviating want and
distress; all are emotions and actions
which enrich one's own life. Presi-
dent McKay has defined the essence
of true culture as being considera-
tion for others. Selflessness is an
attribute of character the truly re-
fined person possesses.
Relief Society throughout its long
history has ever been mindful of
serving God through serving his
children. Members of Relief Society
make its motto "Charitv never fail-
eth," a living reality in constant
striving to be of living service. This
great, world-wide sisterhood gives
each member opportunities to serve
in the name of the Society and
encourages individual sisters to de-
velop habits of kindliness in them-
selves. Relief Society responds as
wholeheartedlv todav to the need
J 4
for its myriad services as it did in
the beginning.
Intellectual development is one
facet of the many faceted jewel of
refinement. The various aspects of
culture are a refining influence and
their study an enriching experience.
An understanding of the great and
beautiful arts brings breadth of vi-
sion, guidance in meeting life's chal-
lenges, and an emotional response
which promotes learning. What one
feels deeply greatly affects learning.
Education and intellectual pursuits
add to the storehouse of knowledge
upon which one can dream to live are the foundation of lives beautiful-
more abundantly. ly lived. Such basic things as self-
Relief Society brings culture and control, unselfishness, and self-mas-
beauty into the lives of its members tery are traits of character that lead
and their families in its educational to spiritual and emotional maturity,
program. It helps create and keep This maturity is a refining influence
alive the desire for progression, the that shapes purposeful lives,
constant goal of ever-increasing Relief Society helps to build with-
knowledge. A discriminating study in its members the resources for
of literature increases one's ability gracious living. All phases of home-
to choose wisely those things which making are taught: from making
will contribute to mental and spirit- homes more beautiful by creative
ual growth. Appreciation of good handwork, to fundamentals of a
music is another cultural feature well-ordered home economically
Relief Society fosters, both as a managed, through the activities
means of providing for participation which spiritualize the home. The
in worshiping and learning, and in continuing education that mothers
increasing understanding of a refin- receive in Relief Society serves to
ing art to add depth and richness to increase the happiness, serenity, and
life. joyousness of family life.
Gracious living is conducive to The refining influence of Relief
refinement. The opposite is also Society has reached thousands of
true. Refinement is conducive to lives in the one hundred eighteen
gracious living. The spirit of the years since 1842. Our Heavenly
home in which one resides influ- Father has truly provided an organ-
ences the process by which refine- ization for his daughters which
ment is achieved. The love, the disci- guides, assists, and uplifts them,
pline, and the teachings of parents — L. W. M.
1 1 itraculous KjLdvent
Ida Elaine James
So long the shoulders of our joy have borne
The burden of the snow; so long the lost
Bloom of an earlier ecstasy has worn
Only the bitter mantle of the frost:
If, through the casements of the heart, we see
At last dark acres travail to the bud,
The earth turn gold and coral, and the tree
Plume to the ascent of white mounting blood:
Oh, give a tolerant hearing once again
To such spring words as winter hearts indite,
Who see, on blossomed hillsides of old pain,
Beauty come singing, with a face of light.
y^Jrganizattoas and LKeorganizations of Stake
ana 1 1 iission LKeltef Societies for igjg
Formerly Part of
North Sacramento
Appointed President
Lois S. Fife
Date Appointed
American River
December 6, 1959
Denver Stake
North Davis Stake
Amy E. Willis
Afton C. Higley
July 7, 1959
April 12, 1959
Denver West
Denver Stake
Delia H. Teeter
July 5, 1959
East Idaho Falls
Idaho Falls Stake
Bertha Hansen
June 14, 1959
Granite Park
South Salt Lake Stake
Melvina U. Dust
February 23, 1959
Huntington Park
South Los Angeles
Laura R. Shimp
April 19, 1959
Great Lakes Mission
Hazel M. Brinson
May 17, 1959
Bakersfield Stake
Ora Kidd
August 16, 1959
Pocatello (new)
West Pocatello Stake
Emily S. Romish
April 19, 1959
Mount Jordan Stake
Orlando Stake
Wanda L. Gull
Inez Edwards
April 12, 1959
October 25, 1959
West Covina
Redondo Stake
Covina Stake
East Los Angeles
Kathryn L. Squire
Lyle H. Facer
Rea W. Jorgenson
May 3, 1959
May 3, 1959
April 26, 1959
Mill Creek Stake
Richland Stake
Dorothy F. Bolander
Adele Willden
January 25, 1959
June 1, 1959
Formerly Part of
Appointed President
Date Appointed
Argentine and
Fawn H. Sharp
September 25, 1959
Brazilian South
Ida M. Sorenson
August 24, i!959
South German
West German
Verda C. Buehner
September 12, 1959
Released President
Melba H. Tullis
Melba Thorne
President Appointed
Date Appointed
Mazie S. Christensen
Elizabeth C.
January 25, 1959
October 2, 1959
Edna S. Millar
Alyce B. Glade
June 28, 1959
Cora S. Jenkins
Pearl A. Heaton
Ruby A. Robbins
Pearl R. Haddock
September 1, 1959
May 25, 1959
Eva H. Stevenson
Janet S. Schmidt
June 21, 1959
Lyle H. Facer
Delia H. Teeter
Doris Lee
Ilah K. Smith
May 3, 1959
July 12, 1959
Page 176
Grand Coulee
Kearns North
Lake View
Monterey Bay
North Box Elder
North Davis
North Sacramento
Orange County
Palo Alto
Santa Ana
Santa Monica
South Los Angeles
South Sevier
St. Louis
West Poeatello
West Utah
Released President President Appointed Date Appointed
Merle B. Johansen
Jane M. Larsen
Myrtle A. Davidson
Lucille S. Condie
Rhoda Thorpe
Joyce S. Jensen
Katherine Child
Gwen J. Miner
Elease E. Rollins
Celeste D. Millerber^
LaVee Haws
Christie L. Haynes
June I. Hunsaker
LaVora S. Wood
Lois S. Fife
Laura M. Wilkin
Alline Hatch
Vela E. Milton
Ruby M. Dobbins
Jennie R. Scott
Emeline W. Marley
Kathryn L. Squire
Hope S. Beus
Isabell C. Ellison
Mariom A. Wood-
Hilda Goucher
Vera R. Cant well
Laura R. Shimp
Faye K. Nielson
Lorene Tidlund
Fanny S. Kicnitz
Emily S. Romish
Loleta W. Dixon
Rena Grange
Lanore S. Bowen
Vera S. Crockett
Genevieve F. Wright
Berenece B. Darley
Clarice M. Woolley
LaRue L. Schoenfeld
Nellie G. Quinney
Ada W. Eyre
Marguerite G.
Louise H. Johnson
Margery M. Tate
Nina H. Beecher
Verna C. Holt
Kerma D. Jensen
LaPrele S. Brown
Mary S. Grasteit
Paula F. Hawkins
Nell M. Benson
Ann M. Merrill
Fern T. Hartvigsen
Ruth Witty
Ruth Millet
Myrl S. Stewart
Bessie L. Brockbank
Elva D. Cusworth
Ireta R. Hymas
Alta C. Davis
Clara S. Roberts
Mardean P. Stein-
Annie M. Ballantyne
Margaret L. Jones
Esther M. Moulton
March 15, 1959
April 26, 1959
September 27, 1959
January 12, 1959
June 28, 1959
January 22, 1959
June 21, 1959
May 17, 1959
September 27, 1959
May 10, 1959
September 27, 1959
September 20, 1959
August 10, 1959
January 25, 1959
December 10, 1959
August 27-, 1959
December 13, 1959
November 15, 1959
August 13, 1959
January 26, 1959
February 1, 1959
May 3, 1959
July 19, 1959
September 27, 1959
May 16, 1959
September 20, 1959
September 27, 1959
April 20, 1959
May 17, 1959
June 7, 1959
August 23, 1959
April 19, 1959
December 13, 1959
Central American
Central Atlantic
Eastern States
New England
New England
North German
Northern California
Southern Far East
Southern States
Released President President Appointed Date Appointed
Irene T. Erekson
Leah H. Lewis
Gladys K. Wagner
Lovell W. Smith
Ora H. Petersen
Florence S. Jacobsen
Alice C. Christensen
Margaret R. Jackson
Laura P. Brossard
Edythe C. Robbins
Hazel S. Love
Luana C. Heaton
Lucile W. Bunker
Ruth T. Oscarson
LaVelle D. Curtis
Sylvia R. Stone
Edith J. Moore
Frances B. Monson
Edith B. Hancock
Catharine W.
Florence B. Thorup
Olive L. Smith
Laura P. Brossard
Laura P. Brossard
May F. Can
Velma W. Fetzer
Leta C. Pugh
Barbara C. Taylor
Elva S. Ravsten
Ellen S. Omer
Jennie W. Erekson
La Vera W. Coombs
January 23, 1959
April 14, 1959
March 4, 1959
February 18, 1959
October 13, 1959
January 22, 1959
November 23, 1959
July 2, 1959
November 12, 1959
November 19, 1959
November 13, 1959
June 16, 1959
April 16, 1959
November 16, 1959
August 8, 1959
May 20, 1959
ifnaex for igjg [Relief Society 1 1 lagaztne *yL\>ailable
/^OPIES of the 1959 index of The Relief Society Magazine are available
and may be ordered from the General Board of Relief Society, 76
North Main Street, Salt Lake City 11, Utah. The price is twenty cents,
including postage.
Relief Society officers and members who wish to have their 1959
issues of The Relief Society Magazine bound may do so through The
Deseret News Press, 33 Richards Street, Salt Lake City 1, Utah. (See
advertisement on page 209.) The cost for binding the twelve issues in a
permanent cloth binding is $2.50, leather $3.80, including the index. It
is recommended that wards and stakes have one volume of the 1959
Magazines bound for preservation in ward and stake Relief Society libraries.
cJhe <yimericari [Red Cross and &ts Campaign
for 1 1 lembers and C/unds
Theodore V. Housei
Volunteer National Chairman for Members and Funds
^HE Red Cross volunteer is a respected symbol of the American's tra-
ditional concern for his brother's well-being.
The story of the Red Cross begins with its volunteers. Internationally,
the organization was founded by volunteers. It was brought to this coun-
try by volunteer leadership. Here in America, the Red Cross took deep
root because the tradition of neighbors volunteering to help one another
and their communities is part of our national and spiritual heritage. . . .
The past year found the American Red Cross not only carrying on its
more familiar responsibilities — those of disaster relief, training in first aid,
swimming, lifesaving, and home nursing, providing blood for the sick and
injured, and helping servicemen, veterans, and their families — but also
mobilizing to meet other challenging situations. . . .
Although the Congressional charter under which the Red Cross oper-
ates imposes specific duties and responsibilities upon the organization, it
receives its financial support solely from the voluntary contributions of
the American people.
At this time, when the American Red Cross holds its annual cam-
paign to enlist our active participation, and, in many communities, our
financial support of its Nation-wide and world-wide activities, its achieve-
ments warrant our continued support. It is fitting that all of us join in
supporting the Red Cross in its annual campaign for members and funds,
being conducted throughout the month of March, to secure the volunteers
and the money needed to carry on its important work.
[Recipes Qjronx the Southern States liltssion
Submitted bv Lucile W. Bunker
1 c. corn meal
V* c. white flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
Deep-South Corn Bread
!4 tsp. soda
1 egg
lA c. shortening
Melt shortening in nine-inch square baking pan and set aside. Mix all other
ingredients together except the buttermilk, then pour enough buttermilk in to make
the mixture thin enough to pour into a greased baking pan. Beat in the melted short-
ening last, then pour into greased pan. Bake at 500 degrees F. until brown. Serves
six to eight.
Southern Fried Chicken
Cut chicken in pieces for frying, sprinkle with salt, and then let stand a few
minutes and then roll in flour.
Heat enough shortening in an iron skillet to half cover the chicken, but do not
drop into the grease until it is smoking. Now drop in pieces of chicken and cook
uncovered until browned on one side. Turn and cook on the other side until brown.
Cover with a lid and cook on low heat a few minutes more, about twenty-minutes in
all, then remove from the grease and drain on paper towels a few minutes. Do not
let it stand on the paper towels long, or the grease will re-enter the chicken. This
gives a tender, juicy, crisp Southern fried chicken.
Sweet Potato Souffle
4 large sweet potatoes
3 eggs, beaten light
1 c. milk (approximately)
sugar to taste
1 tsp. mixed spices
!4 tsp. each of nutmeg, cinnamon,
and cloves
Boil sweet potatoes, peel, and mash until smooth. Add sugar to taste, (slightly
sweet), and the lightly beaten eggs and spices. Add milk enough to resemble thick
custard. Pour all into a greased baking dish and bake at 400 degrees for thirty minutes
or until it is set like a custard. Serves four to six.
Variations: One of the following may be added: raisins, coconut, pineapple. Fold
in before baking.
Po' Boy Pudding
14 slices white bread
1 c. seedless raisins
1 box (4 oz.) shredded coconut
Vz c. butter or butter substitute
1 c. sugar
6 eggs, beaten
1 can (14 /4 oz.) evaporated milk
Cut bread into one-inch pieces; place in greased thirteen by nine by two inch pan.
Sprinkle first the raisins, then coconut over bread. Cream butter and sugar. Add
eggs; blend. Stir in milk. Pour mixture over coconut layer. Bake at 4000 F.
for twenty minutes. Serve warm with lemon sauce. Yield, ten to twelve portions.
Instead of sauce, try sprinkling chocolate chips over the top when the pudding
is done and returning it to the oven just five minutes to soften the chips.
Page 179
3 lbs. turnip greens
Vz c. water
1 tsp. sugar
Turnip Greens
XA tsp. salt
4 slices salt pork
Wash and drain the greens. Place in large kettle with the water, sugar, and salt.
Drop in the pork and boil until tender. Serve immediately.
i c. grits
4. c. boiling water
l tsp. salt
l tbsp. butter
Pour grits into boiling salted water and stir until water returns to a boil. Lower
the flame and let simmer slowly for one hour, stirring frequently. When ready to
serve, add butter and beat well for a few minutes.
Blackberry Cobbler
2 cans (8% oz.) blackberries
2 c. sugar
i tbsp. butter or butter substitute
i recipe pastry topping
i egg white
Combine blackberries, sugar, and shortening; heat until shortening is melted. Pour
into eight inch square pan. Roll pastry dough on floured surface into a square slightly
smaller than pan. Arrange on top of berries; cut steam vents. Brush topping with egg
white; sprinkle with sugar. Bake at 400 degrees F. for twenty-five to thirty minutes.
Yield four to five portions.
Pastry Topping
1 c. sifted flour
dash of salt
J/4 c. butter or butter substitute
1 egg yolk
2 tbsp. water
Sift flour with salt, cut in shortening; add egg yolk and water; stir until dough is
Sweet Potato Pie
2 c. sweet potatoes, boiled
Vi stick butter
6 egg yolks
1 c. sugar (or less, to suit taste)
Vi tsp. nutmeg (or to suit taste)
6 egg whites (meringue)
Boil yeUow yams till tender, peel, mash, and put through a sieve, if they are
stringy. While yams are hot, mash the butter in with them so it will melt. Beat egg
yolks and sugar together and mix with the potatoes. Add milk and nutmeg, adding
extra sugar, if desired, to taste. No other flavoring is used. Mix all together well and
pour into uncooked pie shell which has been brushed with melted butter. Bake until
filling is firm and crust brown. Add meringue made from egg whites and sugar.
Return to the oven till topping is golden brown, or serve with whipped cream, instead
of meringue. Sufficient for two pies. Bake at 350 degrees F. for thirty-five to forty
Hal Rumel
ys, wherefores, and cfun vl/ith K^reen [Plants
Maude N. Howard
HERE, simply stated, is basic
information to dispel the
myths, to inform you con-
cerning the whys and wherefores of
healthy house plants — how to
light, water, feed, pot, and multiply
One of the joys of indoor garden-
ing is that it is never out of season.
House plants, with glossy green
foliage or bright-colored blooms,
can keep memories of spring and
summer alive, no matter what the
calendar may say or how the cold
winds blow.
Plants are ornaments for the room
you live in. You increase your
pleasure by selecting and placing
plants where they will be tasteful
room accents, often the finishing
touch that completes an effective
decorating plan. Whatever you want
done decoratively, there are plants
that will help you to do it. The
choices are many.
Depending on the size and style
of the particular room, its colors,
the space available, you will con-
sider whether you want to mass a
number of plants in one impressive
group, or spotlight a single plant in
the strategic location that makes it
a focus of interest.
Some plants have shiny foliage,
others have a velvet or furry finish.
There are different shaped leaves,
and greens go from palest char-
treuse to almost black-green tones.
For the most pleasing effect it is
well to remember to mix texture,
shape, and color of plants to make
your group interesting.
Page 181
A window garden is the answer
for rooms in need of color, and
nothing is a more effective color
cure in winter months than a win-
dow garden full of bright, blooming
plants. Poinsettias, azaleas, chrysan-
themums, and cyclamen plants keep
longer than most plants, but even
these will not last forever.
Others, such as African violets
and everblooming begonias, will
thrive through all twelve months of
the year under average home condi-
tions. Also, you can force your
own crop of spring flowering bulbs
for a succession of colorful bloom
indoors. An easy way to extend
the imprcssiveness of a few flower-
ing plants is to combine them with
your faithful foliage performers.
When you buy flower plants
always choose the ones with buds
so they will last. It takes lots of
moisture for a plant to produce
blooms, so be sure to water faith-
fullv while in bud. If you let the
Hal Rumel
plant get completely dry at this
time, flower buds may be damaged
so severely they will never open.
In bitter winter weather, move
plants away from the window at
night, if there is danger of frosting
when the house temperature drops.
The most successful window
garden will be the one that is
planned to suit the plants it in-
cludes in regard to light, tempera-
ture, and water. If you have a
suitable south window, you can
grow almost any house plant.
Always use the most attractive
containers you can find, and pre-
serve a polished look by regularly
wiping foliage.
The luxury look comes easily and
quickly to your rooms when you
invest in suitable plants of larger
size. Or, if time is not important,
you can start with young ones and
enjoy them as they grow.
IVY prospers in bright light, but
not direct sun; it must have a
well-drained soil, and the soil must
never be allowed to become severely
dry. Ivy is beautiful combined with
geraniums, especially for kitchen
decor. Grow ivy in water in a
dark green vase that disguises the
roots. Ivy is pretty in a basket
allowing the ivy to trail over the
handle. Wicker bread baskets
serve as appropriate plant containers
in the kitchen.
The pickaback plant ranks with
the hardier plants. A major attrac-
tion is its curious habit of putting
out new plants at the base of old
leaves, thus its popular name. Grow
this plant in bright light and a moist
Grape ivy, another hardy plant,
requires a light and well-drained
soil, always allowing surface soil to
Hal Rumel
(Cut Leaf)
become dry before adding water,
it tolerates low light and humidity
better than common ivies.
Monstera philodendron is a fav-
orite of decorators because of
its sophisticated appearance. The
several varieties of monstera require
brighter light than philodendrons
or the leaves will not split to the
extent that they should. They re-
quire sufficient moisture to keep
the soil moist but not wet.
Philodendron dubia, the common
variety of philodendron, needs light
and humidity. Philodendrons on
totem poles do much better if care
is taken to moisten the moss stick
at times.
Trileaf wonder, a variegated
green plant, is easy to grow in low
light and a loamy soil. If you like
small dramatic plants, try the
peperomias. They like medium
heat and careful attention given so
as not to overwater. Peperomias
come in plain green, variegated, or
watermelon variety.
Regardless of size, dracemos
(dracaena), in general, thrive in
damp soil and require at least med-
ium light. If the leaves become
brown, it is usually a sign of im-
proper watering — too little or too
much. There are a number of in-
teresting species, and they have
leaves that are long and broad,
striped in white or yellow.
The Boston fern wears spring's
tender green all year long. As na-
tives of tropical regions, ferns dislike
cold. In wintertime set ferns back
from the window so that the frond
ends do not touch the cold glass.
Hal Rumel
(Rubber Plant)
They thrive best in a sixty-five de-
gree temperature.
Aspidistra grows where nothing
else will. It is often called the cast-
iron plant and grows best in an
out-of-the-sun location. For ap-
pearance sake, clean the leaves of
this plant often with a commercial
solution or plain water, so that its
somewhat leathery foliage will be at
its glossy best.
^HE rubber plant will grow to
tree size. It makes a hand-
some room decoration, and with-
stands neglect and lack of sunlight,
but do not overwater this plant.
Pandanus has a sword-like leaf and
thrives in a warm indoor tempera-
ture. Water the pandanus moder-
ately in summer and keep it on the
dry side in winter.
Dieffenbachias flourish in loca-
tions receiving filtered light. These
are luxuriant plants that catch and
hold attention in any room setting.
They grow best in a well-drained
soil, rich in organic matter. They
need filtered light to prosper.
All cactus plants are succulent,
which means they have the ability
to store water, so they need little
water. Succulent plants take on so
many fascinating shapes and forms,
and so many have dwarf, or small
growth patterns, that they make
ideal house plants. Their sculptural
appearance calls for unusual con-
Everyone loves flowering house
plants. Their fresh blooms, some-
times fragrant, always colorful, catch
and hold the eye of all who enter
the room. One can, if she plans
ahead, have a variety in bloom all
year. Perpetual bloomers are the
begonias and African violets. Ge-
raniums will reward you with ten
long seasons of blooms. Cuttings
rooted in the late summer bring
fall and winter blooms, in addition
to spring and summer flowering.
Hal Rumel
(Rudolph Roehrs)
Grow these house plants for the healthy new plants. Take cuttings
gifts of color and freshness they three to five inches long just below
bring to your home. a joint, plant about two inches deep
You can have the spring plants in vermiculite or coarse sand. Keep
such as daffodils, hyacinths, and cuttings in the shade until the roots
tulips many weeks ahead of time by begin to form, then move into the
a process known as "forcing" sun. When the roots are one and
(which means to bring to bloom at a half to two inches long, cuttings
earlier than normal date). The larg- are ready to pot. Provide for good
er the bulb the more simple it is to drainage. Pinching encourages
force. The later the bulb blooms branching on a young plant,
out of doors the harder it will be to Hydrangeas require indirect light,
force indoors successfully. wet soil, and prefer a cool room.
As many plants are killed each
/Cyclamen plants require a sunny year from "overcare" as die from
spot and lots of water. Pour neglect. Most plants need good
the water at edge of the pot and light and thrive best (out of drafts)
not into the plant crown. at temperatures of seventy to seven-
Poinsettias come in pink, white, ty-five degrees. Examine the soil
and red, and these plants are easily each day and add water uniformly
damaged by chilling. Keep them when the soil starts to dry out. The
always away from a draft. When soil should be moist clear to the
warm weather comes, cut the stems bottom of the container. Fertilize
back and set the plants out in the monthly with a commercial plant
garden in a sunny location, then food
bring them indoors before frost. More and more decorators are
A bloom-laden azalea will keep usi knt§ as im tant dec.
its show tor many weeks. Keep it .? -, • c • i •
j v t_. i i . r-T ri orative elements in turmshmg a
in good light but in a rainy cool „, , , , &
location. Water each day just room' They choose large plants to
enough so that it will require mois- Punctuate a focal point or camou-
ture the next day Rage an architectural defect. Always
Geranium plants need regular select plants to the proper scale of
pruning to keep them growing in a your room and remember verdant
bushy, pleasing shape. The stems plants give a home a touch of per-
cut off can then be rooted to give sonality.
K/Lnnouncing the Special *jLpril Short Story SJssue
^HE April i960 issue of The Relief Society Magazine will be the special
short story number, with four outstanding stories being presented.
Look for these stories in April:
"Uncle Matt and the China Doll," by Sylvia Probst Young
"To Die Before Thy Time," by Helen Bay Gibbons
"Room in Her Heart," by Shirley Thulin
"That Special Flavor," by Dorothy S. Romney.
JnLfi v^Junce of ^Precaution
Mabel Harmer
THE members of the Marshall What could be more simple than
family were enjoying their taking the family through a fire
usual sound sleep one night drill, showing them how to get out
when the father was awakened by if the stairways, or other usual exits
the smell of smoke. After arousing are cut off? Why not teach chil-
his wife, he rushed into the next dren such simple procedures as
room and jerked the two eldest boys keeping their heads near the floor
out of bed. if a room is heavy with smoke, or,
He didn't take time to investigate if possible, to put a wet towel over
whether or not there was any dan- the nose and mouth to assist in
ger. He simply shouted, 'Tire! breathing.
Scoot!" One young woman who lost her
The lads grabbed bathrobes and life in an apartment house fire,
scooted. could have been saved if she and
He went across the hall, picked her husband had felt the door to
up Debbie and Dina, the six-year- find out if it was hot, before open-
old twins, and followed the boys ing it to let in the death-dealing
outside. He knew that Mrs. Mar- smoke. They could both have
shall had already escaped with the escaped through the window. As it
baby and two-year-old Jean. was, he lost hold of her hand in
It had taken less than three min- the darkness and only he reached
utes for all of the family to get out the window alive,
of the house. Only then did he go One more simple precaution,
back inside to phone to the fire Everyone who is old enough should
department. memorize the telephone number of
How was it that each one knew the fire department. Often one is
exactly what to do in case of such too excited to look it up correctly.
an emergency? It was because Mr. Sometimes there are no lights by
Marshall had taken the precaution which one can look it up. The least
of holding a fire drill the very day anyone can do is to have the number
the family had moved into the new on a card above the phone, along
home. It was still so new that with that of the police department
the blaze had started from paint and the family doctor,
cloths left too close to a radiator.
Fortunately, the fire was confined T AST year there was a total of
to one room. Still more fortunate over 35,000 deaths on the high-
— due to that ounce of precaution — way. Next to this avenue as an exit
the family escaped safely. from life, the home takes dubious
Almost every day, especially dur- second honors as a setting for acci-
ing the cold winter months, the dental death. If adults choose to
newspapers carry headlines of death risk their lives by improper wiring,
by fire. More often than not, the driving through the night when
victims are children. Surely many half asleep, or climbing on unsteady
of the deaths could be prevented, ladders, there isn't much anyone
Page 186
can do about it. But children are The dread of every parent is that
different. We should do every- a child may be molested by a sex
thing in our power not only to pro- pervert. It is not wise nor necessary
tect them from danger, but also to to frighten a child unduly, but there
teach them how to help protect are certain precautions that can and
themselves. should be taken. Fortunately, many
One conscientious young mother school officials are now taking the
in our neighborhood has trained her responsibility of teaching children
children to come home and ask how to avoid such dangerous en-
permission before eating any candy counters.
that may be given to them. She First of all, a child should be
conceived the idea so that she could warned never to get into an automo-
keep track of how much they ate, bile with a stranger. Even going
and when, but the rule paid off in for a visit in the same neighborhood,
another way. Five-year-old Ann it is a simple matter to have the
was playing out with friends when child telephone and let mother
they found some "candy" in a know that she has arrived at her
garbage can. Why people will be friend's house,
so criminally careless as to put dan- Two small girls who lived in the
gerous pills or poison out where suburbs had been instructed that
youngsters can get hold of them is they should never get into an auto-
beyond comprehension, but it does mobile with anyone except friends
happen. of the family. When a man who
The other children urged Ann to lived in the same neighborhood,
eat the "candy" but, true to her offered to drive them home from the
training, she went home first to end of the bus line, they accepted
ask permission. The pills were with provision, "First you must give
labeled For adults only, to be taken us your telephone number, in case
sparingly. Had the child eaten anything happens to us."
them in any quantity, the result The neighbor gravely wrote down
might have been disastrous. his phone number, then drove them
How many children have been safely home. Their mother im-
killed or maimed by having firearms pressed the warning a bit more
pointed at them in play? One such deeply for the future,
tragedy occurred on Christmas day
with a weapon that had been given HpHERE are certain clanger spots
as a gift. As is usually the case, this besides automobiles that chil-
gun was "unloaded." dren should be warned about. Fore-
It is only common sense — most among these are movie
although far too uncommonly exer- houses, rest rooms, and public parks,
cised — to make sure that all fire- Recently, police dogs have been
arms in the house are unloaded and added to the force that patrols the
are out of the reach of children, parks of some cities. They are valu-
But one should go a step further able in flushing out anyone who
than this and insist that, even in might be lurking in the shrubbery,
play, no child aims even a toy When a movie is being shown that
weapon at another child's head. will attract a large audience of chil-
dren, the public safety department
has a number of extra officers on
At this writing, the body of a
Camp Fire girl has been found, rav-
ished and slain, while selling candy.
How easy it would have been for
some man to have invited her to
step inside the house while he made
a purchase. A friend of mine said
that after she had invited a Girl
Scout indoors to buy her cookies,
she warned the girl never to go in-
side another house.
Almost every parent knows the
anxiety and terror of having a child
lost. In the great majority of cases
children return home safely, even
after an expedition into unknown
streets; however, once in awhile
they do not. As soon as he is able
to do so a child should memorize
his name and address. Even earlier,
a simple precaution is to sew his
name and address on a tape inside
his clothing.
Always he should be taught that
the policeman is his friend. It is
hoped that there is no one so be-
nighted in these days as to frighten
a child into good behavior by the
threat of calling a policeman.
While a clog may be man's best
friend, a strange dog, on the other
hand, may be a dangerous enemy.
Every youngster should be cau-
tioned against petting strange dogs.
I shall never forget the agony I suf-
fered when our three-year-old boy
was attacked in the face by a
strange dog. For some time we
feared the sight in one eye might
be gone. True, the clog was tied
up and the child should not have
gone near; but he didn't know that.
We had failed to warn him that all
dogs are not playmates.
In some places the irrigation
ditches and streams claim the lives
of an appalling number of tiny vic-
tims every year. Increased watch-
fulness on the part of parents is
the most important thing that can
be done to lessen the number of
these tragedies. But there are some
precautions that can be taken with
older children, such as teaching
them to swim.
Even in places where it is too far
to swim to shore, a child who has
learned to handle himself in water
may be able to stay afloat and keep
from getting panicky until help
The rudiments of artificial respira-
tion should be learned, for many a
life has been saved by the simple
method of breathing into the pa-
tient's mouth.
No one wants to turn a child into
an 'accident - chondriac," fearful
that any move may send him to a
hospital, but it is wise to teach
safety rules persistently, one at a
time, and parents should see that
these rules are practiced. The re-
wards may be the saving of a life,
and the life you save may be that
of your own child.
Zara Sabin
Bird songs waken me — sparrow or lark,
Or maybe a robin or wren.
Coolness, like gauze, lies over the town.
Day is beginning again.
Offerings of the Heart
Frances C. Yost
MARJORIE Martin tied the
bow under tiny Julie's chin
and said, "There, the little
sunbonnet Mommie made for you
will keep those old freckles off
Julie's smiling face." She patted
her little daughter lovingly and
added: "Have fun in the yard,
Julie darling, and don't put any-
thing in your mouth."
"Bye bye, Mommie," Julie
mouthed the words joyfully. Her
little face wreathed in smiles under
the sunbonnet. "Back soon!" She
was gone out into the warm morn-
ing sunshine.
"Julie talks very well for her age,"
Marjorie's mother-in-law said, as she
picked up the dish towel to dry the
dishes Marjorie had started washing.
"Yes, Julie does talk nicely,"
Marjorie agreed. "Why, she won't
be two years old until July, and
already she can make her every want
known. Since Dan fenced in the
back yard so securely, do you think
I make a mistake turning her out
alone, Mother Martin?"
"Why, I think she's all right for
a spell, but she bears watching. All
children do." Mother Martin
laughed a little.
"I can watch her every movement
while I wash the dishes here at the
sink," Marjorie said. "Oh, oh, she's
picking those nasty dandelions. It's
just like her to cart them in the
house, and want them stuck in a
flower vase. Well, I'm not having
the house overrun with those ugly
weeds, as some doting mothers do!
I'll nip bringing bouquets to mother
before she starts." Marjorie quick-
ly dried her hands and started for
the door.
"Just a minute, Marjorie. I think
I should tell you about Emily,"
Mother Martin said gravely.
"Who on earth is Emily?"
"Emily is a little girl I knew very
well, long ago." Mother Martin
kept drying dishes as she spoke, but
her eyes had a faraway look. . . .
Emily didn't have a thing to give
her mother, and she wanted so
much to give her something nice,
for Mother was always giving her
something, or doing something for
her. It was springtime, and the
wild flowers were in bloom, and so
Emily decided to gather a lovely
bouquet of flowers for Mother, and
give them with her love.
Emily started gathering the flow-
ers, but the wild flowers were scat-
tered. Emily was not even aware
of the time or energy she was using
as she climbed over crags and rocks
and even walked where the ground
was slippery and muddv for a pretty
flower to add to her tiny bouquet.
The day wasn't overly hot, but it
took a long time to find the flowers,
and some of the first ones had wilt-
ed in her sweaty little hands. At
last Emily had a nice little bou-
quet of flowers of many colors, and
proudly she retraced her steps to-
wards home.
The walk, ordinarily, would have
seemed long, but today Emily
thought of the pretty smile on
Mother's face when she would see
the lovely little bouquet of wild
In her excitement, Emily forgot
Page 189
the mud on her feet, forgot to clean
them on the mat. Instead, she
rushed into the house calling, "See
what I have!"
"I see what you have, mud on
your shoes!" Her mother expostu-
lated. Mother came toward Emily,
but she wasn't wearing her ' nice-to-
see-you-smile." Mother's face looked
like the old cracked earthen bowl
turned over. Then Mother spoke
sharply: "Get those ugly weeds out
of my house, and clean your feet
before you come in. I've scrubbed
and cleaned all day, and I'm tired!"
I^MILY turned and ran from the
house, still clutching the wild,
wilted flowers in her hot, little
hand. As she rushed toward the
old woodshed, she felt tears splash-
ing on her cheeks. She crept into
the woodshed and shut the door
Emily had built a little playhouse
in the corner, where the wood had
been used, but she wrasn't in the
mood for playing house now. She
wasn't crying aloud as she some-
times did. She was sobbing, big,
gasping sobs that she could not
control, could not stop. Emily fell
exhausted on the slivery floor, and
sobs shook her body, and the tears
kept splashing on her cheeks.
Later, Emily laid out the flowers
one by one on Daddy's greasy old
work bench. Mother was right,
they looked old now, but if the
little flowers had a drink of water,
they would look pretty. When she
was all hot and tired, a drink of
water made her look better, and
feel better. The flowers were only
thirsty and tired. They were not
old and ugly, as Mother had said.
Just thinking of mother and the
flowers made Emily start to cry all
over again. But this time she just
cried silently, inwardly. She had
so wanted to surprise Mother, give
her a nice present. Make her eyes
light up and her face smile and
smile and smile all day. . . .
Mother Martin's story culminated
when a childish little knock was
heard on the back door. Marjorie
went to open it.
"Look, Mommie, flowers for
you." Julie's face was wreathed
with joy, as she extended a hand-
ful of dandelions to her mother.
"Why, Julie, these are pretty as
primroses. Thank you so much,
my little darling." Marjorie stooped
to kiss the tiny forehead under the
little sunbonnet. Then she turned
to Mother Martin.
"Do you mind if I ask who was
little Emily, of the generous heart?"
"I was christened Emily May.
When I grew older I was just
known as May," Mother Martin ex-
Marjorie's voice had an almost
reverent quality when she said:
"Thank you, Mother Martin, for
teaching me a very important les-
son in life."
Celia Luce
T is more important that I help my child to dream and teach him how to make his
own dreams come true than that I fulfill all his dreams for him.
With a Song in My Heart
Mabel Law Atkinson
i t "T^W ONT say it, Granny. I
I I know the understanding
wife doesn't try to change
her husband. She accepts him as
he is and loves him. Of course I
accept Reg and I love him too, very,
very much, but I'm going to change
him, Granny. You mark my words.
I'm going to change him or my
name isn't Bethesda Nichols Grover.
There now, I feel better, that's off
my mind."
"Will you make him entirely
over, my dear, or just camouflage a
few of his faults?"
"Darling Granny, you know my
Reginald doesn't need entirely mak-
ing over. He's almost perfect as he
is, but he does have one dreadful
fault." Beth paused for a moment
then went on, "It isn't being dis-
loyal, is it, Granny, to talk things
over with you? You've always
seemed to understand me perfectly.
Perhaps it's because I was named
after you. I love the name Beth-
esda, and almost wish I were not
called Beth for short."
"My dear, of course you are not
disloyal. Come, tell me all about
your great big trouble with your
handsome husband of only six
months." Granny patted her arm.
"Granny, since we were married,
Reg has been getting less romantic
every day. Everything seems to be
for utility with him, downright
practical. And I thought romance
and star dust and silver music and
beautiful words would go on and
on. . . ."
"And life would be one long,
perfect day." Granny's eyes twin-
kled as she finished the sentence. "I
know, my dear, for you see I
thought the same."
"You, too, Granny? And did you
get disappointed in one little way
also? Is Grandpa like my Reg, all
for utility?"
"Yes, my dear, that's what I
thought at first. Of course, he need-
ed his practicality, for he had so
much to do in pioneering a new
land, that he had little time for any-
thing else. But, as the years have
passed, I have come to know that
his awkward, utility gestures are
mostly on the surface and cover a
most sensitive awareness to beauty.
You must remember, my dear, a
certain degree of utility or practical-
ity is essential and praiseworthy, for
people must eat and have homes
and fuel and clothing. So be glad
your Reginald is practical in most
"I am, Granny. Do you think it
possible that perhaps Reg feels ten-
der and beautiful beneath his prac-
tical and matter-of-fact veneer?"
"I wouldn't be at all surprised,
Beth, my dear. Perhaps he's like my
Robert was, afraid to show the real
man for fear he'll be laughed at or
not understood. Think it over, my
"Tell me about Grandpa and his
utility ways and how you have man-
aged to change him into the tender
and courteous lover he is today. Oh,
but you two make a delightful
couple, Granny, with your graying
hair and your young-old smiling
Page 191
faces. Tell me how you did it, I knew we didn't have the money,
Granny, for I want Reg and me to just as I knew your grandpa didn't
grow old sweetly together, too." have the money for an engagement
"My dear, there isn't much to ring before we were married."
tell. I don't remember, now, really "And you didn't get an engage-
trying to change my Robert at all. ment ring at all?" Beth turned her
I just loved him all the more after diamond on her left hand as she
his awkward attempts to be non- asked the question,
chalant about his love for me, and "No, dear, and it didn't matter
as a flower grows toward the sun, too much, not for long anyway, for
gradually he came toward my way of I found so much joy in my work
doing things until now he is a per- each day pioneering a new land, and
feet husband, and the perfect father in my babies as they came along,
to his children— or as perfect as I there was no time to grieve. You
would ever want him to be." see, happiness doesn't depend on a
"But surely, Granny, he wasn't ring. But, let me see. . . ." Granny
ever so thoughtless and downright paused. "I was telling about my
queer as my Reg. Why, instead of watch, wasn't I? It was a lovely
giving me this watch wrapped up Christmas we had, with the tree
prettily, with a kiss and a 'Happy touching the ceiling in the front
Birthday, darling,' he actually had room, and decorated with strung
it wrapped in brown paper and popcorn and chains made of red and
brought it in with the groceries when green crepe paper, with red apples
be came at noon. I didn't discover tied on the branches. We had five
it until after he had gone back to of our nine children then."
work. Can you imagine that! Hon- "But what about your watch,
estly, Granny, sometimes I wonder Granny? Did Grandpa give you
if he has a sense of beauty and ap- one for Christmas?"
propriateness." "Yes, Beth, he did, but you'll
Granny was laughing inside, but never guess how he gave it to me.
only smiling with her lips as she It was an even more unique and
replied, "His ways are different and downright queer way than the way
unique at least. Did I ever tell you your Reginald gave you yours."
how your Grandpa gave me my "Do tell, Granny! Hurry!"
watch several years after our mar- "From morning until midafter-
riage?" She fondly touched the noon I wondered why Robert had
small gold watch pinned to her dress forgotten to give me a present,
a little below the left shoulder, as There was none from him in my
she spoke. stocking nor under the tree. The
"No. Do tell me, Granny." children felt worse than I did, the
"All right. But bring us each a smaller ones, because Santa had for-
glass of milk and a plate of those gotten me.
cookies from the cookie jar, then we "Then we discovered it! A large
can eat as we talk." used envelope tied on to the tree
***** with a sackstring— where the thick
branches almost concealed it from
^*T had wanted a watch for years," view— bore the name 'Bethesda' in
Granny began, "but, of course, your grandpa's writing.
"I thought it was a joke, so I told
Robert Jr. he could take it down
and see what was in it, if he wished.
'No, Mama, it is for you. You must
be the one to see it first/ he said, as
he handed me the very practical and
homely looking package.
"I glanced at your grandpa then.
He was rather red in the face and
looked quite chagrined and uncom-
fortable, but oh, the light of love
and tenderness I saw in his eyes!
"I untied the string, and opened
the envelope. I gave a gasp as I
saw the most beautiful watch I had
ever seen, far more beautiful than I
had hoped to own, ever." Granny
lovingly caressed the watch at her
shoulder and went on, "A piece of
paper fell out of the envelope and
on it were these words:
This watch I give you with my love
And want you, dear, to know
If it should fail you and should stop
Your love can make it go.
"I looked at your grandpa again
and saw him as he really was. In
his eyes were love and tenderness,
beautv and romance, with all his
need for love and understanding. He
was mutely telling me he needed my
love and, with it, he could do and
be anything I desired."
Beth interrupted with a whisper,
"What did you do, Granny?"
"Holding my precious watch, I
went to him and said, Tut the chain
around my neck, Robert, and pin
the watch on my dress/ He did.
Then I put my arms about him,
kissed him and said, 'How I love you,
Robert; and I need the strength of
your love. Thank you, my dearest/
I was so happy I cried and I saw a
tear roll down each of his cheeks.
"The children were about us then,
and Robert smiled as he said, 'It's
hard for me, Bethesda, to be the per-
fect companion, but I try and will
keep on trying, and with your help
I'll succeed/ "
# # ?$: if. if.
"/^PEN this, my dear, and see if
I've improved a little through
the years." It was Grandpa who
entered and gave Beth's grandmoth-
er a long, narrow box, white tissue
wrapped and silver ribboned.
"It's my gift to you, Bethesda,
for putting up with me and loving
me for fifty years." He kissed her
gently as he spoke.
"But, Robert," Granny said softly,
"it isn't our golden wedding anni-
versary yet, not for another three
months, remember?"
"But it was fifty years ago today
that I told you I loved you and
found out that you loved me. I
should have given this to you then.
Will you accept it now, my dear?"
Granny's fingers trembled with
excitement as she removed the wrap-
pings and took the lid off the box,
then with a quick intake of breath,
she cried, "How beautiful! Oh, how
breathtakingly beautiful! One long-
stemmed, perfect red rose! The red
rose of love! Oh, my dear, you
couldn't have given me anything
more beautiful." Her eyes twinkled
as she looked at her granddaughter
and continued, "Nor more romantic.
Thank you, Robert." She drew him
down to her and kissed his fore-
"Granny," Beth asked, her eyes
shining, "is it my imagination or is
something flashing in the very cen-
ter of your rose?"
Granny inspected the rose and
cried happily as a girl, "It's a ring,
Robert! A diamond ring, sure as
sure! A high Tiffany setting as they
used to wear. It's my engagement
ring! Oh, bless your dear, romantic
Granny didn't need to tell her
husband what to do next. Without
another word, he took the ring and
placed it on her finger with the plain
gold band, gave her another kiss,
and said, 'There, now, that debt of
love is paid."
'Tou darlings!" Beth said the
words impulsively as she kissed them
both, then continued, 'Thank you,
Granny, and you too, Grandpa. I'm
going home to my Reg now . . .
with a song in my heart."
*jl LreppermtntStick [Party
Helen S. Williams
OLEASE come to Florence's ice-cream and peppermint-stick party. If
you do, your eyes will open wide and your mouth will water. The
table will be surprisingly different, and everything will look good enough
to eat, for Florence's parties for children are unforgettable.
At this peppermint party, the table will be covered with a round red
and white striped cloth made of chintz and edged with fringe. In the
center of the table a graceful oak branch set into a round of wood will
hold the ice-cream-cone decoration.
The tree and base will be sprayed a fabulous pink and will hold ice-
cream cones hanging from each branch. They look just like real
ice-cream cones. Each will be filled with a scoop of pink styrofoam which
stays in the cone with the help of glue. The cones will be fastened to
the branches with fine florist wire that has been stuck right through the
cone then wound around the branch.
Nestled within the tree sprigs and above the cones, will be little pink
artificial rosebuds which give the tree a dainty and festive appearance.
Over to the side of the table will stand a holder for the peppermint
chews and candy canes. What a novel and different way to serve candy
to little ones. This tiered dish was made with different sizes of round
pieces of wood held firmly in place by fastening the wood to the rod.
It was sprayed with that same beautiful fabulous pink spray paint so easy
to use.
The bright red and white striped peppermints and the candy canes
that hang over the edges of this epergne will catch the fancy of young
eyes and hearts.
Hal Rumel
Arrangement by Florence C. Williams
Standing jauntily on the top tier will be the little man on the ball
of styrofoam. His mouth is made of felt, his eyes and nose of beads,
and he will be listening to all the "Oh's" and "Ah's" through his ears of
peppermint life savers. On his head is his cunning hat — a peppermint
chew with a gay twisted tissue for its trimming.
All the children will receive a favor, of course, because Florence
believes that everyone invited to a party should take home some little
gift as a reminder of the afternoon — so the favors will be little men just
like the one perched on top of the candy dish. They will stand in a
half ball of styrofoam as a base, and their feet will be life savers also.
Refreshments? Dainty sandwiches made in strips of bread with
minced ham filling — pink punch and, of course, strawberry ice-cream
So, please come to Florence's ice-cream party, or give one yourself
for your children or neighbors.
You will have fun preparing for it, and the children will love you
just as they love Florence for such a nice invitation and for such a de-
lightfully different kind of party.
Jxathryn Jt. L^arne — uxrtist, I Curse, (/Lome-maker
TT^ATHRYN A. Came, Seattle, Washington, lives the Relief Society motto "Charity
*■ *- Never Failcth." She has used her nursing skills and training to care for her
friends and neighbors and to serve the community. During the First World War she
was head of a Red Cross Emergency Hospital, and during the Second World War
she served as a full-time Red Cross worker. She was manager of a nursing home for
seven years. As a mother and foster mother her love and care have been unbounded.
In addition to her own daughter, she has reared six otherwise homeless girls, and a
grandson, who lived in her home for twelve years. She also provided for the education
of the six foster daughters.
Mrs. Carne is a gifted painter, specializing in landscapes, and floral and fruit sub-
jects. Ilcr work exemplifies much ability in design and the use of color. She has also
made more than twelve hundred beautiful aprons, thirty-one quilts, six afghans, several
crocheted bedspreads, many hooked and braided rugs, six crocheted dinner cloths, and
has made the needle point covers for many chairs. Her Church work has included
service as counselor and as work meeting leader in her ward Relief Society.
cJhts U u\i
Mabel Jones Gabbott
I have seen a burnished sunset glow
Then die, slowly, like famished embers, hushed
And still; and felt the soft snow, as it brushed
Against my hand, then watched it melt and go;
I have seen the petals of the rose
Drop one by one, their copper, gold, and rust
Curled and crumbled into fragrant dust
That pricks beneath boys' summer-barefoot toes.
With each I grieve a little; I wonder why.
Tomorrow's light will quicken with the dawn,
The running snow will wake a new rose leaf;
So, too, the sudden tender look, your shy
Quick grin, your oft told words — that now seem gone
I shall know again. So why this grief?
Page 196
The New Day
Chapter 6
Hazel K. Todd
Synopsis: Lynn Marlow, a dress de-
signer in Chicago, who is engaged to
David Talbot, returns to Springdale, her
home town, to visit her Aunt Polly and
to find out if she has really forgotten an
early love for Johnny Spencer. Johnny
had married a Southern girl and she had
died, leaving two children. Lynn meets
the children, and, finally, visits with
Johnny, who is bitter and withdrawn.
Lynn decides that, although she loves
David, she must help Johnny to find
himself again. She goes with the chil-
dren to visit a turkey's nest.
THE old turkey was not so
anxious for curious onlook-
ers on her private domain as
was Peter. She struck her snake-
like head out and hissed her dis-
"It's just because you're differ-
ent," Peter explained. "She doesn't
care when Lindy and me look at
"I think we shouldn't bother
her/' Lynn suggested. "She might
leave her nest and not come back."
The nest was hidden in the rocks
in the forked roots of an old juni-
per tree. As they turned to leave,
Lindy fell down and cut her knee
on a sharp rock.
Lynn picked the sobbing child
up in her arms. "Don't cry, Lindy
dear/' she soothed, wiping the tears
from her eyes with her handker-
chief. "Let's get away where we
won't bother that grudging old hen
and then we can see what's hap-
pened to that poor unfortunate
knee, that's always getting hurt."
A safe distance from the turkey
nest, Lynn sat down on a big rock
and began wiping the dirt from the
injured knee. There was blood on
her dress and a deep cut in the
little knee.
"We'd better put something on
it," Peter suggested, patting his sis-
ter's head. "Daddy always puts a
bandaid on it when it bleeds."
"I'm sure that would be a good
idea," Lynn agreed. "Can you take
her to the house and fix it up,
"Oh, I always get it all messed
up. You'd better do it."
Lynn had a frustrated, helpless
feeling, as though she were being
dragged into an inevitable pattern
of events from which there would
be no escape. It was too easy to
love these children.
Lindy was clinging onto her with
her arms tight around her neck.
And Peter was waiting expectantly.
There was but one thing to do.
She breathed a little sigh and start-
ed after Peter.
In the house Lynn set the little
girl on the cupboard by the sink
and looked at the cut again. "I am
afraid this is too big for a bandaid.
Do you have some gauze?"
Peter brought her gauze and a
tube of iodine. "Dad always puts
this on when we hurt us, even if
we cry."
As soon as Lindy saw the iodine
she began to cry again. "I don't
want it! I don't want it!" she cried
and started scooting across the cup-
Lynn laid the tube down. "Let
Page 197
your Daddy put some on when he
conies home."
In a few minutes she had the
knee all wrapped up and Lindy had
ceased her tears.
Lynn lifted her gently to the
floor. "I must go now."
The cuckoo bird from the clock
on the wall chirped once, and Lynn
looked up, surprised to find it was
She hesitated. "Is your father
coming home for dinner?"
"No. But he left some sand-
wiches in the frig," Peter said.
Leaving two children alone at
dinner time wasn't right. Lynn
pondered thoughtfully a minute.
Should she take them home to have
dinner with Aunt Polly? That
would antagonize Johnny, she was
sure, and besides, she was only
drawing the children closer to her.
Peter was watching her closely.
She couldn't stand here in this un-
decided manner. And then the
idea came to her. It was far-
fetched and unreal, but she seized
it quickly.
"Peter," she said, opening cup-
board doors until she had fished out
a small pan, "take Lindy and run
down by the turkey nest and pick
some of the strawberries, will you?
They would taste very good with
the sandwiches."
A S soon as the children were
gone, she went quickly to the
telephone and began thumbing
through the phone book, until her
finger stopped at the hospital num-
She reached for the receiver and
then stopped. How could she
hope for such a fantastic idea to
work! For a second more she hesi-
tated, and then she took the receiv-
er from the hook and repeated the
number she had found.
"I would like to speak to Miss
MayRee Richins," she said, and
waited while they went to find her,
almost wishing they would be un-
able to do so.
But in a few minutes she heard
the cheery "hello."
"This is Lynn Marlow, MayRee,"
Lynn said, gulping to keep her voice
"Why, Lynn, I heard you were
back in Springdale. It is nice of
you to call."
"I am calling about Johnny,"
Lynn said.
There was a moment's silence.
And then, "That is a strange thing
for you to be calling me about,
Lindy Marlow."
"Oh, MayRee, please try to
understand. I have no interest in
Johnny . . . er . . . that is, I mean
I am going to marrv someone else."
She finished lamely, feeling that
she had bungled the whole thing.
"Well?" MayRee was still wait-
ing for an explanation.
"Aunt Polly told me you had
tried to help Johnny, that you had
both tried and he refused to be
"I am afraid, Lindy, you are the
only one who could help Johnny."
"Would vou be willing to try
once more? Does it mean anything
to you, that you would try?"
Again there was a hesitation and
then MayRee said, "What do you
want me to do?"
"I want you to come to his house
and have dinner with his children."
There was a gasp, and then May-
Ree said, "Johnny would annihilate
"Please give it a try, MayRee.
Look, I have sent the children after
strawberries. There are sandwiches
in the frig. You can fix something
to go with it. Tell them something
happened and I had to go back to
Aunt Polly's. Could you be here
by the time they come back with
the berries."
"It's the craziest thing I ever
heard of."
"But you will do it?"
"I guess he can't do more than
send me home."
As she walked along through the
clover to Aunt Polly's, Lynn felt
strangely relieved, and yet, almost
guilty toward the children who had
so quickly come to trust her.
Farther on across the meadow she
turned to look back at the house,
and saw the car stop at the picket
gate. As she watched MayRee's
trim figure step from the car, she
remembered, with an odd sort of
feeling, the few jealous pangs she
had felt for this girl in those long
ago years. She turned back again,
with a half smile, and quickened her
footsteps to Aunt Polly's.
A LL afternoon she debated with
herself whether to call David
or whether to wait to see what hap-
pened to MayRee.
And then Johnny came.
He stood at the door and de-
manded that she come with him.
"Why, of course I will, Johnny,"
she said. "I'm so glad you called."
Aunt Polly came forward a little
shakily. "Johnny," she said, "It is
so good to have you come. Please
sit down a minute."
But he didn't sit down. He just
stood there in the door a hundred
miles away, and waited.
In the car he kept his eyes
straight ahead on the road, and he
made no movement toward her and
said no word. A half dozen times
Lynn planned a way to begin, like
"Johnny, you have such lovely chil-
dren^ or "Johnny, couldn't we just
talk calmly?" or "Johnny, it is so
good to see you again.77 But the
chasm was too deep between them.
She was sure anything she said
would be the wrong thing.
By the time he stopped the car
before the drug store, she had given
up saying anything. I'll just have
to wait, she thought.
She followed while he led her to
their booth and they sat opposite
each other.
Mr. Jensen stared at them in
astonishment and rubbed his chin
nervously with his hand.
"We want strawberry sodas,"
Johnny said calmly, "with pink
He looked sternly at Mr. Jensen
who seemed to be petrified for the
moment. "Did you hear?"
Mr. Jensen jumped then. "Oh,
sure, two strawberry sodas."
Lynn looked at her soda thought-
fully. I may as well begin some-
where, she thought.
"Johnny, it's almost like old
times," she said, "I mean, drinking
sodas like this."
"Only it isn't like old times," he
said bitterly, looking at her keenly.
"Why, Johnny, I. . . ." She
gazed into his strained face. "No,
I guess it isn't, is it?"
She dropped her eyes wearily into
her lap. There is no way to reach
him, she thought.
He was leaning forward toward
her across the table. A lock of
his dark hair falling over his fore-
"It can never be like old times,
can it, Lynn?"
And suddenly she realized he was
asking her to go back to the old
She looked at him sadly. Her
heart ached for him. "No, Johnny,"
she said, "it can never be just like
old times."
"Then why did you come back?
Why did you come to my home?"
"I came back — not of my own
choosing — but because I had to
He looked at her awhile then,
almost in utter weariness.
"Well, now that you know, I will
thank you to leave me alone, you
and MayRee and everyone else."
"But Johnny, we would all like
to help you. Your children, you
can't do this to them."
He had risen from the table.
"Johnny," she said in a last effort
to reach him. "Oh, don't you see,
nothing is hopeless. True, we can
never go back to the past. It
wouldn't be what we wanted any-
way. We must always go on. This
is a new day with new promises,
new. . . ."
"Come on," he said, "I will take
you home."
She looked at him sadly. "No,
Johnny, Mr. Jensen will take me
home," she said.
He turned then, and walked out
into the spring evening.
She looked at Mr. Jensen, stand-
ing helplessly before her.
He shook his head sadly and
fumbled with the napkin on the
"It's no use," she said. And then,
"Do you mind if I call David before
we go?"
"No, Lindy," he said. "I'll just
wait here."
He sat down at the table and
drummed aimlessly on it with his
T was wonderful to hear David's
voice again. It seemed like half
a lifetime since she had last heard it.
And the eagerness with which he
said her name brought new peace.
"Oh, David," she said with tears
suddenly coming, "I want so much
for you to come and get me! Please
leave tonight!"
And then all the past heartaches
and joys, all the years she had lived,
all the problems she had experi-
enced, came to her assistance and
she was able to give to David the
assurance of her love, pure and
sweet in its entirety; save only one
heartache which remained for the
man she had been unable to free
from bondage of the past.
She found Aunt Polly waiting on
the red couch.
"I just called David," Lynn said.
"I am going home tomorrow."
Aunt Polly nodded her head
"I - I think I will go to bed,"
Lynn said then. "I will need to
get up early and pack."
"Yes," Aunt Polly said, laying
down her apron on the chair. Then
she came over and kissed Lynn on
the forehead as she used to do
when she was a little girl. "It has
been wonderful to have you even
for a week."
"But Aunt Polly, I'll come back
often now."
Aunt Polly was gone, then, leav-
ing her standing with the tears fall-
ing softly down her cheeks.
She picked up the checkered
apron from the chair, held it to
her face, wiped her tears on it, and
then cried new ones quietly into
its folds. "Dear, dear Aunt Polly,"
she whispered.
(To be concluded)
Hulda Parlcer, General Secretary-Treasurer
All material submitted for publication in this department should be sent through
stake and mission Relief Society presidents. See regulations governing the submittal of
material for "Notes From the Field" in the Magazine for January 1958, page 47, and
in the Handbook of Instructions of the Relief Society.
Photograph submitted by Emma A. Hanks
Front row, left to right: Connie Mitchell, Secretary -Treasurer; Dee McBride, Barb-
ara McCrae; Kay White, President.
Back row, left to right: Joyce Box, accompanist; Barbara Jones, Second Counselor;
Belle Fashender, First Counselor; Dorrine Hanley, director.
Emma A. Hanks, President, Gulf States Mission Relief Society, reports: "The
Singing Mothers of the Laredo Branch Relief Society sang two numbers for the No-
vember Relief Society Conference. All these women, except one, are wives of Air Force
men. They work very hard and are to be commended for their efforts."
Page 201
Photograph submitted by Ruth T. Oscarson
STOCKHOLM, Autumn 1959
Seated at the table, beginning at the lower left: Edith Nilsson, Stockholm District;
Signe Gustavsson, Goteborg District; Polly Thelander, Sundsvall District; Signe Edlund,
Jonkoping District; Linnea Wiklund, Gavle District; Ruth T. Oscarson, former Presi-
dent, Swedish Mission Relief Society; Karin Larsson, secretary to former President
Oscarson. Gunnel Olausson, Norrkoping District; Sister Larsson, Malmo District;
Gartrud Ekelund, Karlskrona District; Judith Lindberg, Lulea District.
Sister Oscarson reports: "We met here in Stockholm ready to begin our meeting
at nine o'clock in the morning, and held meetings all day, where we discussed and
planned our work for the coming year. The luncheon was between meetings. Every-
one enjoyed the meetings and they all feel that they gain a great deal by meeting to-
Sister Oscarson was released from her duties in the Swedish Mission shortly after
this photograph was taken. The new Relief Society President is Ellen S. Omer.
Photograph submitted by June R. Shepherd
Front row, beginning eighth from the left: Louisa Stephens, a former Montpelier
Stake Relief Society president; Gertrude Teuscher, First Counselor, Montpelier Stake
Relief Society; June R. Shepherd, President; Utahna Anthony, Second Counselor.
Sister Shepherd reports: "Under the direction of Utahna Anthony, Stake Work
Director Counselor, and Evelyn Kunz, stake work meeting leader, all of the ward Relief
Societies and one "home" Relief Society participated in one of the most colorful events
on the season's calendar of the Montpelier Stake Relief Society. The occasion featured
a fashion show and a display of handwork items made by members of the organization.
"The skit 'Relief Society — Why,' a reading 'Stitching,' and special musical selec-
tions introduced the fashion show. There were forty-two entries. Each style was
detailed as it was modeled. Styles were varied, distinctive, and expertly tailored, fea-
turing everything to wear, from casuals to wedding dresses for the women, suits for the
little master, and frilly fluffs in both single and sister sets for the dainty little misses.
All types of handwork were on display: quilts, embroidery work, applique, tatting, cro-
cheting, knitting, weaving, painting, ceramics, leather work, artificial flowers, foam
rubber, plastic items, and a varietv of Christmas ornaments.
"At the conclusion of the festivities, refreshments were served from an attractively
decorated table, featuring the Relief Society in blue and metallic gold. Approxi-
mately five hundred members were in attendance."
Photograph submitted by Anna W. Bentley
TEACHERS CONVENTION, September 30, 1959
Front row, seated, left to right, five Mission Relief Society Board officers: Juana
Vallejo, Monterrey District representative; Alfa Loya, Secretary-Treasurer; Carmen Vega,
Second Counselor; Rula McClellan, First Counselor; Anna W. Bentley, President,
Northern Mexican Mission Relief Society; Four Relief Society branch presidents:
Maria Lackner, Rosa C. de Luna, Margarita R. Chavez, and Sara E. de Hoyos.
Sister Bentley reports: "Enclosed is a picture of our Relief Society sisters from
four branches in and near Monterrey. It was taken September 30, 1959, at the time
of our District Visiting Teachers Convention. The more distant branches in the
district held their conventions individually in their own branches. This was the first
visiting teachers convention of the Monterrey District and was conducted by our
mission board district representative Sister Juana Vallejo of Nuevo Repueblo. The
spirit was beautiful among the sisters and genuine sisterhood was felt by all. Included
in the program was a new song 'My Prayer for Today,' also a short drama depicting true
compassionate service. . . . We love the Magazine and eagerly await its arrival each
month. Many of our dear sisters read English enough to be on our mailing list."
Photograph submitted by Melvina Dust
HONORED AT CONVENTION, November 16, 1959
Front row, seated, left to right: Hattie Guest; Miriam Allgood; Arminta Waters.
Back row, standing, left to right: Clara Bleak; Melba Jacobson; Margaret Smith;
Elizabeth Aiken.
Melvina Dust, President, Granite Park Stake Relief Society, reports: "We featured
a demonstration of a visiting teachers meeting by the visiting teachers and presidency
of the Southgate Ward. This was followed by a presentation of the film 'Unto the
Least of These.' All of the visiting teachers who had served more than twenty years
were given special recognition. Seventy-one were honored with 'Visiting Teacher' and
the number of years of service stamped in gold on a blue ribbon badge. The sisters
in the above photograph have all served for fifty years or more as visiting teachers.
Sister Allgood has served for fifty-three years. Two hundred and twelve sisters attended
the convention. Attractive tables, with cut glass punch bowls centering them, and
decorated with autumn leaves, were used for serving refreshments. Everyone attending
was deeply moved by the film, and each one left the convention with a determination
to serve the Lord to a greater extent in visiting teaching."
«yx sluick cfade-d^Jut
Sylvia Pezoldt
ops! You've written the wrong thing — or made a blot right on that lovely card.
Don't throw it away! A twist of cotton around the end of a toothpick dipped
in ordinary household bleach will whisk away most ink stains. Some ink requires several
applications — and some ink just doesn't respond, but it's worth a try. The bleach will
remove color, too, so don't try it on any but white paper.
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Presser 1.50
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taries— Stickles 1.50
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Page 205
Q/he IKelief (boctety i/lagaztne tn JJurban,
South KjLjnca
Muriel Wilson
VTIGEL came running in this them, and the pictures were beauti-
morning with a large envelope ful, but I didn't find much time to
in his hand. His little hands were study them very closely. I was
shaking with impatience and excite- more interested in The Book of
ment. ''Look what the postman Mormon, The Doctrine and Cove-
left today/' he shouted at the top nants, and The Pearl of Great
of his voice — as the door banged Price, and the pamphlets the elders
violently behind him. left for us to read.
Malcolm looked up from his However, for a month before
book with a pained expression on Nigel was born, I had to go into
his face. "That's Mummy's Relief the hospital for a complete rest on
Society Magazine," he said, as he a strict diet. The elders brought
returned to his book. me fresh copies of The Relief So-
The covers are so beautiful, we ciety Magazine to read. It was then
just had to open the envelope to I discovered the refreshing and sin-
have a peep. Then Nigel was satis- cere stories and articles in the
fied and went back to his road-mak- Magazine. With all day free and
ing game in the garden, and I put with a terrific appetite, I began to
the Magazine away to be read later, study the recipes — and how my
when my work was finished. mouth watered. From that time on
I look forward to the arrival of I have never looked back and have
The Relief Society Magazine each been subscribing regularly to The
month. I would not like to miss Relief Society Magazine.
any of the copies. I love the stories I can thank The Relief Society
and the poetry. The advice and en- Magazine also for my change of
couragement make me feel the view with regard to Shakespeare,
troubles and trials of life are petty. I always thought his plays were
I feel uplifted, and my testimony is heavy and uninteresting. Maybe,
strengthened. I feel refreshed and being older, I appreciate his works
prepared to start anew to live the more, but if it hadn't been that we
gospel to the best of my ability. were studying Shakespeare in the
I shall always remember my in- Relief Society literature course, I
troduction to The Relief Society would never have had the experi-
Magazine. We were investigators, ence of renewing my knowledge,
and the elders had been holding I would like to think that every
cottage meetings at our home for sister in the Church has her Relief
months. At different times they Society Magazine regularly every
brought along books for us to read, month, so that we may all share in
The Children's Friend, Improve- the joy of reading the stories and
ment Era, and The Relief Society articles and delight in the beauty of
Magazine. We enjoyed reading the pictures therein, together.
Page 206
[Reward of Kybedtence
Flora J. Isgieen
LOOKING at my watch, I noticed I
would be on time and hurried on to
meeting. How tiny but valuable a watch
is, I thought. How intricately made; one
part depending on the other; the hands
depending on the springs, the springs
depending on the service of man. If man
did not wind it and give it care, it would
have no value for him. The watch works
by law.
As I walked on to church my mind
dwelt on the similarity between the watch
and the kingdom of God. All the bless-
ings of God are available for our welfare
and good. His whole plan is for us, but
this plan works on law. The Lord said
that when we obtain any blessing from
heaven it is by obedience to the law on
which it is predicated. So, like the watch,
the kingdom has value only to the man
who makes the effort, who will co-operate,
who is obedient. He is the man who re-
ceives the blessings.
(Hilltop UJ
Ethel Jacobson
Now when all earth wakes
And the sky is pearly-hued,
Before dawn breaks
And the leaves are cool, bedewed,
The thicket suddenly stirs
And almost bursts apart
With an ecstasy of "whirrs"
Where clouds of blackbirds start.
From a towering tamarisk
A cardinal greets the sun
With his gaily whistled, brisk
Salute. Day has begun!
And the radiance of sky
And fluting trill of birds
Are hymns of praise that I
Put haltingly in words.
March 17, 1960, April 27, I960,
June 5, 1960, November 20, 1960.
The tour leaving on June 5th is a
special tour planned by ship.
March 23, 1960
Nephi, Mesa, St. George, Los
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Page 207
{Birthday Congratulations
One Hundred One
Mrs. Emma Hansgen
Provo, Utah
Mrs. Nellie Tootiwena
Portgage, Utah
Mrs. Nancy Mann Kartchner
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Hattie Amelia Bushnell Foster
Belleville, Ontario
Mrs. Zenia Rawson Chugg
Farr West, Utah
Mrs. Alice G. Smith
Logan, Utah
Mrs. Emma Ellwood Hill
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Eva Barton Groesbeck
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Catherine Heggie Griffiths
Clarkston, Utah
Mrs. Annie Woods Westover
Mesa, Arizona
Mrs. Marie Jensen
Shelley, Idaho
Mrs. Sarah Ann Schaefer Clark
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Mary Lemon Lee
Brigham City, Utah
Mrs. Louise Park Brockbank Reynolds
Salt Lake City, Utah
Page 208
Mrs. Selina Elizabeth Saniger
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Annie Mecham Paskett
Hyrum, Utah
Mrs. Florence Cornell Knight
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Mary Jane Crowther Durfee
Aurora, Utah
Mrs. Olive Pace Schoettlin
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Lottie Huntington Lambson
Orem, Utah
Christie Lund Coles
Child, let us blow the bubbles high,
A shimmering, gleaming bit of sky;
A rainbow captured in a sheen
Of rose and gold, and blue and green;
A bright, translucent glistening,
As delicate as skies in spring;
A circle, round as earth made new,
True as childhood trust is true.
■ ♦ ■
Nancy W. Wilcox
Spring came to my house today,
Strolled right through the door
And sat down as if to stay
And rest awhile and chat
With me about this and that.
(Last night the weatherman said
There might be cold winds or rain
Or perhaps a touch of frost.)
Spring just smiled her sunny smile
And didn't seem to care,
Wore her newest bright green dress,
Blue violets in her hair.
A sure way of keeping alive the valuable instruc-
tion of each month's Relief Society Magazine is in
a handsomely bound cover. The Mountain West's
first and finest bindery and printing house is pre-
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Mail or bring the editions you wish bound to the
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600 to 1000 miles 54
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If you are interested in
HAWAII, remember we have
tours going every month.
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the PASSION PLAY at Ober-
ammergau, Germany, which is
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Send for a day by day HIS-
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Train and Bus Tours.
Write or Phone:
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Salt Lake City 2, Utah
Phone: DA 8-0303
Beginning and ad-
vanced classes start
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ogy sheets, etc.
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Salt Lake City, Utah
From Witfi/n
These Walls
This latest (Eighth) volume contains a new
selection of the "Spoken Word" broadcasts from
"The Crossroads of the West," including: Old
Age; Health and Happiness and Physical Fit-
ness; Are We Good for Each Other?; Repenting,
Forgiving, Forgetting. Other selections.
The incredible story of Communism is fully re-
vealed in this newly-revised book that explains
Communism's amazing appeal, its history, its
basic and unchanging concepts, and its secret
time-table of conquest. An additional chapter
now gives a report on Nikita Kruschev's recent
visit to the United States. m ** —
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Residents of Utah include 2*/2% sales tax.
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> V
J VOL. 47 NO. 4
< | APRIL 1960
Special Short Story Issue
vi/ords of sbaster
Alberta H. Chrfstensen
"And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and
heard his word" (Luke 10:39).
His word was more than nuance of sound
Syllable-shaped for time to remember.
For the questioning heart his word was light,
Morning, after the sleep of darkness;
The sudden flame from a waning ember;
Sunlight of spring on the frozen ground.
For the troubled heart in the silent hour
It was song in the stillness; the luminous cloud,
Promise for root in the withering plain.
The sorrowing heart knew his word as power —
With the step of Lazarus quick again
On the homing roadway, free of the shroud.
To the humble of earth his word was more
Than wool of raiment, sandal, and bread;
It was peace and a healing against their grief —
The kingdom glimpsed through an open door.
They listened at dusk — Mary and Martha
Moved by the wonder; blessed with belief!
The Cover: St. Mary's Lake, Glacier National Park, Montana
From a Transparency by Hal Rumel
Frontispiece: Jesus in the House of Mary and Martha, From a Painting
by Ludwig Otto, Photograph From Camera Clix, New York
Cover Design by Evan Jensen
Cover Lithographed in Full Color by Deseret News Press
Qjrom ll
ear an
a oft
The beautiful cover on the March 1959
Magazine ("Scene in the Ozark Moun-
tains, Arkansas") brought back memories
to me. My husband had spent two years
in the Ozark Mountains as a missionary.
So, when we took a trip East, naturally we
went to Arkansas. We drove down just
such a shady lane, and my husband in-
quired of just such a boy, about the next
town. I always scan the contents of the
Magazine to see if my dear friend and
school companion Mabel Law Atkinson
has a new story or poem for us.
— Mrs. Ada Ipsen
Malad, Idaho
A few minutes ago, I opened my front
door, and there was the new Magazine.
I was preparing a small package for my
daughter for her birthday. All morning I
had searched in books, in my files, in my
memory, for a poem that I could add to
the gift that would express my feelings
for her. And there in the Magazine was
just what I was trying to say, in the poem
"What Can I Give You?" by Christie
Lund Coles. Thanks for a wonderful
Magazine that always seems to answer our
every need.
—Mrs. Elda Stafford
Birmingham, Alabama
I give you my heartfelt thanks for all
the Relief Society Magazines that you have
sent to me. We are able to read only a
few words, but yet understand much of
it, and the pictures are wonderful.
—Mrs. T. Drent
Sneek, Netherlands
I would like to congratulate you for
the wonderful work you are doing in the
publication of The Relief Society Maga-
zine. Every month I anxiously wait for
my Magazine to arrive. I enjoy all the
articles published in the Magazine.
— Mrs. Kiniuyo Fukuda
Hilo, Hawaii
I do enjoy reading the Magazine and
learn so much from it. I really look for-
ward to receiving it each month and am
truly grateful for it.
— Doreen Andersen
Holstebro, Denmark
I am so pleased and proud to have my
poem "Letter From a Missionary" appear
in the February issue (page 85). It is a
beautiful Magazine, as it is each month.
We were all so happy for Lucille Perry
from Bountiful, who placed second in the
Eliza R. Snow Poem Contest. I feel Mrs.
Roberts' first-place poem was a work of
great depth and feeling. The strong un-
dercurrents suggested in the simple, but
well-chosen words gave me food for
thought for many days. The poems in
this February issue seem especially beauti-
ful. I thought as I read Lael W. Hill's
poem "Hour of Waiting," now this is
true art, and such expert craftsmanship
that it but adds to the beauty of the
— Mabel Jones Gabbott
Bountiful, Utah
I thank you for my Magazine received
a couple of days ago. . . . You may wonder
how I came to receive this Magazine.
Well, Mrs. Louise Palmer of Provo, Utah,
sends it to me as a birthday gift, as my
birthday is on the same date as her late
husband's was. Mrs. Palmer and I used
to be "pen friends," then she came on an
air trip to London to be present at the
opening of the new temple. From there
she was conducted to Sheffield by two
elders who were staying with my daugh-
ter in Pitsmoor, Sheffield. My daughter
brought Mrs. Palmer to our house in Hills-
bro. . . . Talk about excitement! We just
hadn't time to say and do all we would
have liked, but we didn't do so bad. . . .
Our visit was all too short as Mrs. Palmer
had to rejoin her party and finish the
tour, but it was long enough for us all
to form a lovely friendship. . . .
— Mrs. Nellie Goodison
Sheffield, England
I am writing to let you know how much
I appreciate Lael W. Hill's poem "Hour
of Waiting," the frontispiece in the Feb-
ruary issue of the Magazine. It exempli-
fies her talent for technique. Her poems
enthrall me. I also like the serial "The
New Day."
— Grace Ingles Frost
Provo, Utah
Page 210
Monthly Publication of the Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Belle S. Spafford
Marianne C. Sharp
Louise W. Madsen
Hulda Parker
Anna B. Hart
Edith S. Elliott
Florence J. Madsen
Leone G. Layton
Blanche B. Stoddard
Evon W. Peterson
Aleine M. Young
Associate Editor
General Manager
Josie B. Bay
Christine H. Robinson
Alberta H. Christensen
Mildred B. Eyring
Charlotte A. Larsen
Edith P. Backman
Winniefred S.
Elna P. Haymond
Annie M. Ellsworth
Mary R. Young
Mary V. Cameron
Afton W. Hunt
Wealtha S. Mendenhall
Pearle M. Olsen
First Counselor
Second Counselor
Elsa T. Peterson
Irene B. Woodford
Fanny S. Kienitz
Elizabeth B. Winters
LaRue H. Rosell
Jennie R. Scott
Marianne C. Sharp
Vesta P. Crawford
Belle S. Spafford
VOL 47
APRIL 1960
NO. 4
The Restoration Antoine R. Ivins 212
The West Central States Mission Preston R. Nibley 216
Using the Blackboard in Teaching Lessons in Relief Society William E. Berrett 228
The Widening Circle Charlotte R. Leyden 243
Christening the New Carriage Lula Walker 261
That Special Flavor Dorothy S. Romney 218
Uncle Matt and the China Doll Sylvia Probst Young 223
The Blue Bowl — Part I Loya Beck 230
Room in Her Heart Shirley Thulin 234
To Die Before Thy Time Helen Bay Gibbons 247
The New Day — Chapter 7 (Conclusion) Hazel K. Todd 267
From Near and Far 210
Sixty Years Ago 238
Woman's Sphere Ramona W. Cannon 239
Editorial: "They Shall Speak With New Tongues" Vesta P. Crawford 240
Notes to the Field: Brigham Young University On-Campus Leadership Week 242
Lesson Previews to Appear in the June Issue of The Relief Society Magazine 243
Special Feature for the July 1960 Magazine 237
Notes From the Field: Relief Society Activities Hulda Parker 270
Birthday Congratulations 280
Recipes From the West Central States Mission Anna C. Merrill 244
Cosmetics for Grandma Esther H. Lamb 250
Planters for the Patio Eva Willes Wangsgaard 251
Thirteen Don'ts in Sewing for a Best-Dressed You Wilma M. Rich 254
Moonlight Celia Luce 255
Do It Yourself joy Hulme 256
Christening the New Carriage Lula Walker 261
The Old Red Couch Helen B. Morris 263
Pathways Evelyn Cox 265
Applesauce Bread Myrtle Ainsworth 265
Anna Whitney Johnson — Gifted Artist 266
A Touch of the Divine Wilma Boyle Bunker 278
A Christmas Chest for All the Year Elizabeth C. McCrimmon 278
,xr , t -n POETRY
Words of Easter — Frontispiece Alberta H. Christensen 209
£1pnl|lo1?d r« Katherine F. Larsen 214
Blue Talisman of Spring Dorothy J. Roberts 215
Spring Symphony Linnie F. Robinson 227
£l- 1 ^a-f;er : «i Ouida Johns Pedersen 24 1
Wild Morning Glories Ethel Jacobson 246
Masterpiece _ Viola Quinn Willmore 250
Untold Promise Vesta N. Fairbairn 255
Wlaim o :Um-V Maude Rubin 260
Sumew%5p-Snsiblilty Winona F. Thomas 266
The Wild Plum Tree Evelyn Fjeldsted 269
Easter Message Matia McClelland Burk 279
Someone Is Coming Mabel Law Atkinson 280
Copyright 1959 by General Board of Relief Society of The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Editorial and Business Offices: 76 North Main, Salt Lake City 11, Utah: Phone EMpire 4-2511;
^subscriptions 246; Editorial Dept. 245. Subscription Price: $2.00 a year; foreign, $2.00 a year;
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Entered as second-class matter February 18, 1914, at the Post Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, under
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The Restoration
President Antoine R. Ivins
Of the First Council of Seventy
THIS dispensation of the GOS- A second witness was clearly needed.
PEL was initiated by the These events were preparatory
vision given to the lad Joseph and initiatory to the re-establish-
Smith Jr. in the Sacred Grove near ment of the Church in the earth.
Palmyra, New York. In it the Other things were necessary before
Prophet was told that he should not the organization of the Church,
affiliate himself with any of the then especially the restoration of the
existent church groups, and that the Priesthood, for Priesthood is neces-
time would come when, if he were sary for the performance of the vari-
to live properly, he would be the ous ordinances practiced in the
instrument whom the Lord would Church.
use to re-establish the TRUTH On the 15th day of May, 1829,
among the people. John the Baptist conferred the
In this vision the great confusion Aaronic Priesthood upon Joseph
regarding the personality of Jesus Smith and Oliver Cowdery at which
Christ and God the Father was time he gave them notice that, at a
cleared up. In reality, it was a future time, the Melchizedek Priest-
verification of the promise made to hood would also be given them. Be-
Peter when Christ told him that he fore the Church was to be given a
would establish his Church upon formal organization, Peter, James,
the revealed testimony that he is and John appeared unto Joseph
the Son of God, for God introduced Smith and Oliver Cowdery and con-
Christ to Joseph Smith as his Son. ferred upon them the Melchizedek
Some time after this first mani- Priesthood. That all of this should
festation, the Prophet had others in happen before the organization of
which he was given much instruc- the Church was imperative to make
tion and was prepared to receive the it authoritative,
plates from which The Book of It will be noted that Joseph Smith
Mormon was translated. This book and Oliver Cowdery were instructed
is a second testimony of the min- by John the Baptist to baptize each
istry of Christ in which many of other, after having received the
the least understood principles of Aaronic Priesthood. Thereafter a
the gospel are clarified. In Second few other persons were likewise bap-
Corinthians, Chapter thirteen, verse tized to qualify them to meet the
one, we read, "In the mouth of two requirements of the law of the State
or three witnesses shall every word of New York, in that to organize a
be established." The Bible, alone, church six men were necessary. Ac-
seems to have been unable to bring cordingly, on the 6th day of April,
people to a unity of faith, and many 1830, The Church of Jesus Christ
factions of Christianity were strug- of Latter-day Saints was given a
gling for supremacy at the time of legal existence within the State of
these manifestations to the Prophet. New York. These events all hav-
Page 212
ing happened, there was now upon
the earth, again, a Church which
was set up under direct authoriza-
tion from God.
In addition to these gifts of
Priesthood, there were certain spe-
cial authorizations necessary. In the
temple at Kirtland, as recorded in
the noth Section of The Doctrine
and Covenants, we have the record
of the visitations, in vision, of
Moses, Elias, and Elijah, each of
whom conferred upon the Prophet
and Oliver keys for special functions
of the Priesthood. These referred
to the gathering of Israel, the dis-
pensation of the gospel of Abraham,
and the turning of the hearts of the
fathers to the children and of the
children to their fathers. (If there
ever was a time when fathers should
take greater interest in their chil-
dren and when children should pay
greater respect to their parents than
right now, your humble servant can-
not call it to mind.)
^HE Church functions through
its Priesthood. The rights and
privileges of the various offices in
the Priesthood are set forth in The
Doctrine and Covenants with great
clarity. We recommend that all
become familiar, not only with the
offices of the Priesthood, but also
with the responsibilities and func-
tions incident to each office. Many
people appear not to appreciate
their position after accepting ordi-
nation therein.
It will appear that in granting
these keys of the Priesthood there
is now, within the Church, the right
to perform every ordinance neces-
sary for the salvation and exaltation
in the kingdom of God. All of
these rights centered in the Prophet
Joseph Smith. When the Apostle-
ship was bestowed by the Prophet
upon a Council of Twelve men,
they were given these keys which
they should exercise always under
authorization of the President of
the Church, a provision necessary to
assure that these powers would car-
ry on even in the case of the death
of a President.
In the Aaronic Priesthood there
are three orders — deacon, teacher,
and priest — each with specific rights
and responsibilities, while in the
Melchizedek Priesthood there are
two general offices — the elder and
the high priest — and the Presi-
dency of the Church, the Council
of the Twelve, the Seventies, and
the Patriarchs which are highly
To control the use of the powers
of the Priesthood, the people are
organized into stakes and wards
under authorized leadership. Ward
activities are directed by three high
priests called a bishopric. Their
function is a dual one since they
have to care for the temporal needs
of the members of the wards and,
at the same time, direct certain
spiritual functions. The stakes are
directed by three high priests — a
stake presidency — from whom the
bishops and all other stake officers
take direction. This makes it pos-
sible for the general leadership of
the Church, through stake presi-
dencies and bishoprics, to reach the
individual members, when neces-
sary, with a minimum of effort.
Outside of the wards and stakes
live many members of the Church.
To care for them and carry on the
proselyting work of the Church,
there are fifty missions organized
each under the direction of a mis-
sion president. The missions are
divided into districts and branches
with the necessary local leadership
and, here again, close contact with
the members is possible.
Since every worthy man may have
the privilege of the Priesthood, and
since most men who accept it feel
a certain responsibility to qualify
for the implied service, there is a
greater lay-member power for re-
ligious leadership than can be found
in other church organizations. Mem-
ber participation is the strength of
every virile organization and this is
especially true of those of religious
S aids to the Priesthood there
are the Auxiliary Organizations
set up with local and general super-
vision. Of these we are, at the pres-
ent writing, especially interested in
the Relief Society.
This Society was brought into ex-
istence under the direction and
special call of the Prophet Joseph
who, when organizing it, set forth
the purposes and functions of the
Society. It was composed entirely
of women who set about finding
ways and means of helping people
in distress. With but few members
at the time, it has now grown to
great membership and the amount
of good accomplished by it is be-
yond computation. Through stakes
and missions it reaches into almost
all parts of the world. Reports of
its activities come from such far
distant places as Japan, New Zea-
land, Australia, South Africa, and
elsewhere. Who can doubt the
inspiration of the Prophet in its
We have, then, in the RES-
TORATION a renewed testimony
of the personality of God and Jesus
Christ; a restoration of Priesthood
in all its functions which came by
direct gift through heavenly beings
who had been sent by Jehovah him-
self; a renewed type of Church
organization which gives the best
possible means of satisfying the
spiritual and temporal needs of the
children of God.
KjLprd LKoad
Katherine F. Larsen
A brown road calls me
In the tender spring,
To leave accustomed homeways;
For when the blackbirds sing
My wayward feet would follow
Paths meandering
Through buttercups and violets,
Up an old wood road
That winds through white-limbed aspen trunks
Whose slender branches fling
Fresh-minted glinting leaflets
In sunlight shimmering. . . .
Lucien Bown
itilue cJalisnian of (bprtng
Dorothy J. Roberts
Something breaks the monotone of seasons
Edged with the ragged ermine of the snow —
A sapphire jewel glinting on the landscape
Where a pool holds part of heaven here below.
And I recall the brave, blue tint of promise —
The aqua sphere beneath the robin's wing,
Blue courage of the hyacinth and crocus,
Bare willows where an azure bird will sing.
I think of dawn's pale preface to the morning
Where the cold, black weight of midnight had been pressed —
How the turquoise swells and spreads above the valley
And crowds the waning darkness from the west.
Revived, I leave, the bright brooch of the water
Glistening on the dullness of the fen.
And turning from the darkness and the winter,
I walk the waiting land with faith again.
Page 215
cJhe Vilest (central States 1 1 it
is s ton
Pieston R. Nibley
Assistant Church Historian
npiIE West Central States Mission was organized at a conference held in
Billings, Montana, on November nth and 12th, 1950, under the
direction of Elders Harold B. Lee and Ezra Taft Benson, of the Council
of the Twelve.
The mission was formed from districts taken from three other mis-
sions: From the North Central States Mission — West North Dakota,
Milk River, and Yellowstone; from the Northwestern States Mission —
Northern Montana, Great Falls, Missoula, and Butte; from the Western
States Mission — Wyoming and Black Hills Districts.
Elder Sylvester Broadbent was installed as president of the new mis-
sion, and eighty-eight missionaries were transferred from the three missions
to labor under his direction. A commodious mission home was purchased
at Billings, where the headquarters was established.
In June 1953, the Butte Stake was organized from branches taken
from the West Central States Mission, under the direction of Elders
Spencer W. Kimball and LeGrand Richards, of the Council of the Twelve.
This was the first stake organized in the State of Montana.
President Sylvester Broadbent served faithfully as president of the
West Central States Mission until December 1953, when he received his
release. He was succeeded by Samuel A. Hendricks. President Hen-
dricks served until March 1957, and under his leadership the work of
the mission was greatly enlarged. He was succeeded by George F. Sim-
Courtesy Hungry Horse News
Submitted by Anna C. Merrill
lake Mcdonald, glacier national park, Montana
Page 216
Rise Studio, Rapid City, South Dakota
Submitted by Anna C. Merrill
Left to right: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt,
Abraham Lincoln
mons. President Simmons served until June 1957, when he was released
on account of illness.
In June 1957, the Great Falls and Missoula Stakes were organized in
the West Central States Mission, making three stakes in all in Montana.
After the release of President Simmons, former mission President
Samuel A. Hendricks served as acting president until the appointment of
Casper W. Merrill, in August 1957. With President Merrill in making
the first tour of the mission was Elder Alma Sonne, Assistant to the Coun-
cil of the Twelve. On his return to Salt Lake City, Elder Sonne said:
''Missionary work is making steady progress in the West Central States
Mission, and the prospects are exceedingly bright." President Merrill is
serving at the present time.
On December 31, 1959, there were 9,608 members of the Church in
the mission, located in forty-four branches. During the year of 1959, there
were 782 converts baptized.
Forty-eight Relief Society organizations, with 1055 members, were
reported in December 1959. Anna Crockett Merrill presides over the
West Central States Mission Relief Society.
Note: The cover for this Magazine is a view of St. Mary's Lake, Glacier National
Park, Montana, taken from a transparency by Hal Rumel.
See also "Recipes From the West Central States Mission," by Sister Merrill on
page 244.
That Special Flavor
Dorothy S. Romney
CLAIRE Connelly pulled the
down quilt over her ears in
a futile effort to keep out the
angry shrilling of the telephone.
Then she remembered that Matt
had worked late last night, had gone
to bed completely exhausted, and
needed sleep. She sat up abruptly
and reached for the telephone.
She attempted to sound at least
half -a wake, but failed. She felt too
miserable to make the required
"Claire," a voice on the other end
of the wire said, "this is Sister
Herth. Matt stopped by on his way
to work and said you weren't feeling
well again. I want to come over,
but can't get there for a little while.
Jim is short-handed this morning,
and I'll have to help out."
Claire looked around her. Sure
enough, Matt was gone. The house
had that empty, silent quality. She
looked at the clock on the dressing
table. The hands stood at ten
o'clock, later than she had ever al-
lowed herself to sleep.
"Matt shouldn't have done that,"
she apologized. "I feel all right.
A bit tired, but otherwise all right,"
she insisted, thinking all the while
that it wasn't true. Her head ached,
and she had that same alarming
shortness of breath she'd felt yester-
You have enough to do without
my chores," she con-
"I'll be over as soon as I can
make it," Sister Herth replied.
There was silence on the line.
"Claire, are you all right?" the
older woman asked.
Page 218
taking on
"Yes," Claire answered, "perfectly
all right. And please don't inter-
rupt your busv day. I really don't
need you." She rather hoped that
she didn't sound too convincing.
Sister Herth was such a comforting
person to have around.
"I'll be over," her neighbor re-
peated, and hung up.
Past experience told Claire it did
no good to argue with Sister Herth.
She was also fully aware that her
neighbor was a woman of few words
but of tremendous action. The
Herths were wonderful neighbors,
always ready to help out in an emer-
gency, but far too busy with their
extensive dairy farm to have much
time for trivialities.
Claire hung up the phone, slipped
into a housecoat and slippers, and
went into the dining room.
She sighed as she looked through
the door at the stack of dinner dish-
es awaiting her at the sink. She
had been just too tired to do them
last night.
Claire sat down. She was frankly
"Why has the zest and sparkle
suddenly and completely gone from
my life?" she asked herself. "Per-
haps it's my age." She pondered
this thought for a moment. "Non-
sense," she reminded herself, "forty-
six is positively youthful. There
must be another explanation."
CHE had just had a complete
physical check-up, and been
pronounced "fine." The doctor had,
however, started to tell her some-
thing just as she was leaving his
office, when he'd been interrupted
by a nurse with an urgent telephone
call. "Just be careful you don't
. . . ." he had said, and that was all
she had heard.
Maybe she should call him and
ask him to finish the warning. There
must be some reason for her feeling
so miserable.
She was remembering that Matt
had watched her all through dinner
last night with obvious concern.
"What you need is a complete
change/' he had pronounced.
"I've just had a complete change,"
Claire had pointed out, "and it
didn't take."
'Til get you that ticket to Utopia
one of these days," he had prom-
ised. It had been a standing joke
all through their life that someday
just the two of them would go
away on a nice, restful trip.
"Two to Utopia," Claire had re-
peated, "it sounds funny, but nice."
Matt had picked up his briefcase,
gone into the den, and had worked
far into the night. Claire had awak-
ened several times and heard him
murmuring in his sleep, as he always
did when he was overtired. She felt
She went into the kitchen and
prepared a light breakfast, and then
found that she had no appetite for
even this small meal.
Yes, she concluded, that old fa-
miliar lift is definitely missing.
She began again to probe for the
reason. With Marny, her eldest,
married five years, with Dick staying
on at the University for the summer
courses to catch up after serving his
mission, and Mark, their baby, just
beginning his foreign mission; with
her calling as Relief Society litera-
ture teacher finished until fall,
Claire had suddenly found herself
with very little to do.
complete change from the busy
life she had led in the past,
her thoughts continued. Perhaps a
trip would be just the tonic she
needed. Twenty-seven years of mar-
riage without one honest-to-good-
ness vacation was a long stretch.
Then she remembered all the
delightful "snatches" of vacation
they had enjoyed, she and Matt and
the children, because she had never,
never gone on a trip without Matt,
and it had been difficult for him to
leave town for more than a few days
at a time.
Claire got up determinedly, and
went into the bedroom. Sister Herth
mustn't see what a drone she had
become. She would dress and have
all the work out of the way before
her energetic neighbor arrived.
Of course, there wasn't much that
needed doing, outside of the dishes.
She had promised to put the finish-
ing touches on a dress for Marny
to take with her on the convention
trip she and Peter would make, and
to iron a white shirt for Matt.
As she came into the kitchen, a
wave of dizziness passed over her.
She leaned against the sink for a
moment's rest.
The doorbell rang and interrupted
her reverie.
It can't be Sister Herth, she
thought. It has only been a few
minutes since she called — thirty at
the most.
But it was.
"Jim decided he could get along
without me," she explained, "so I
came right over."
"I'm being a bother," Claire apol-
ogized again.
"I'll just get these dishes out of
the way," Sister Herth said. "You
sit down and talk to me."
Claire sat down as directed. She
watched her neighbor's energetic
movements. She felt as if some-
thing dreadful were closing on her,
like an ether cone over her face, cut-
ting off her breathing.
"I'm sure there's ironing to do,"
her neighbor said, as soon as the last
clean dish was put away. She was
on the service porch with the iron
swinging expertlv over one of Matt's
difficult-to-iron shirts, before Claire
could protest.
Claire stood uncertainly in the
doorway, feeling like a stray kitten
someone had left on the doorstep.
CISTER Herth looked at her
"You look tuckered," she ob-
served. "Why don't you take a nap
while I'm ironing? Then I'll stay
and have some lunch with you."
Oh, thought Claire, feeling more
than ever like a rudderless ship, she's
treating me as if I were a baby,
and then added, perhaps it's be-
cause I'm acting like one. She had
never, over the years, known Sister
Herth to interrupt her busv day just
to sit down and eat luncheon — un-
less it was an occasion with real
meaning. Matt surelv must have
convinced her that Claire needed
"Imagine a nap in the middle of
the day," she protested.
"A nap will do you good," her
neighbor insisted.
"Perhaps it will," Claire agreed.
Her knees were actually beginning
to buckle. Nevertheless, she felt
guilty as she went into her bedroom.
Unable to go to sleep, Claire
finally decided to get up and see
what she had for lunch that was
tempting. She combed her hair,
put on a fresh frock and lipstick,
washed her hands, and went into
the kitchen. Her head felt some-
what better.
As soon as they had eaten lunch,
Sister Herth insisted on washing up
the dishes. After that she left for
home, telling Claire she'd look in
on her tomorrow. Her obvious con-
cern made Claire wonder, did she
know something about Claire's con-
dition that Claire herself didn't
know? That warning the doctor had
started to give her — perhaps he
had given it to Matt and her neigh-
bors instead, to avoid frightening
She settled herself determinedly
at the sewing machine. She'd get
this dress for Marny finished and
out of the way right now, she de-
clared. But after working for about
half an hour she felt too miserable
to go on.
She put the dress aside, and lay
down on the couch to rest. Her
thoughts started back over the years,
bright, happy years, full of action
and excitement. Her energy had
been boundless, which made her
present lethargy all the more puz-
"Two to Utopia," she thought
again, longingly. She could scarce-
ly wait until Matt returned from
work. If he'd settled his present
business, he'd be all set to go. Per-
haps this would be the tonic she
^HE telephone rang. It was Matt.
"Start packing, Mrs. Connelly,"
he said, "the deal is all done up in
pink tissue paper." He was jubi-
lant. "I'll stop in and get something
easy to fix for dinner," he added.
Claire hung up the phone and
sat down. "Well, it is actually
here." The big trip that she had
looked forward to all her busy life —
just for her and Matt. Still, there
was no surge of joy, as she had
expected. Anyway, she'd start pack-
ing immediately. They'd take the
Hilman, she quickly decided, not the
big gas-hungry station wagon as
they'd had to do in the past to
accommodate the crowd. One suit-
case was all that the small car
would hold, but with the modern-
dav dacrons and orlons she was sure
that would do — they'd sort of
rough it for a change.
As she packed she kept remem-
bering the eager trio, Marny, Dick,
and Mark each time they had pre-
pared for a short trip — remember-
ing their shining faces, glowing with
anticipation, their happy chatter as
they rode in the back of the huge
station wagon. Well, this time, she
thought, she could look back and
see nothing but the empty road
stretching out behind them. It
would be rather restful.
Matt came home just as she fin-
ished packing the suitcase. It was
still open on the bed. He kissed
her, then went to the closet to hang
up his coat.
"What's this?" he asked, as he
turned and saw the closely packed
suitcase. "I thought this was going
to be the big celebration, the trip
to outdo all trips. How about tak-
ing enough clothing for a comfort-
able vacation without having to
worry about laundering?"
"I thought we'd take the Hilman
— save on gas," she told him, "and
one suitcase is all it will hold."
"Whatever you say," he replied,
his voice all at once flat.
Claire went into the kitchen and
started to prepare dinner. The
telephone rang, and she answered it
on the extension. It was Marny.
"Hi, Mother," her bright young
voice said. "Did you get the dress
Claire had a sudden feeling of
guilt. She had always disliked giv-
ing excuses.
"No, dear, I had one of my head-
aches come on, and had to stop
working," she explained.
"Mother," Marny said accusingly,
"why don't you see a doctor?"
"I had a complete check-up two
weeks ago, and there's nothing
wrong," Claire assured her daugh-
ter, then wondered again about the
doctor's half-spoken warning.
"Well, I'll just have to buy a
dress. Peter and I are leaving in
the morning for that convention,
and I have to have one — I'm host-
ess for the Tuesday luncheon. And
don't worry, Mother," she added,
"I have a perfect flower of a baby-
sitter engaged."
"That's fine, dear," Claire said.
This would be the first time Marny
had gone out of town and left her
children with a stranger. Claire
had always insisted on taking them.
She wouldn't tell Marny about their
own planned trip — not just this
minute, anyway, the steaks needed
"I'll call you before we leave in
the morning," Marny promised,
"but now I must rush out and buy
that dress."
The steaks were so tender they
almost melted in your mouth, and
the tossed salad was refreshingly
springy tasting, but Claire found
her appetite only half adequate to
do justice to the meal.
Matt insisted on washing the
dishes. Claire dried them.
HTHEY were preparing for bed
when the telephone rang. It
was Marny again, and she was in spite of the fact that they both wore
tears. sunglasses and big smiles.
"Oh, Mother;' she wailed, "the "Happy?" Matt asked, often,
most awful thing has happened." Each time Claire nodded em-
Claire's heart turned completely phatically and said, "Very."
over. She kept looking back as they
"Our baby-sitter has the measles, rode along,
and I can't think of another soul "Beautiful day, beautiful sight,
I'd trust with the children — except isn't it?" Matt asked,
you. Oh, if only you felt better." "Oh, yes," Claire breathed ecstat-
She sounded exactly as she did that ically.
time when as a six-year-old she had Behind them in the big station
broken her favorite doll. "What wagon sat Marny's two bright-eyed
shall I do?" twin girls, aged two, their faces
Claire went silent for a long scrubbed, and shining with an eager-
moment, her heart and mind in a beaver look, then the two boys, who
turmoil. were the older brothers, three and
"Your father and I are leaving in four — same look. Back of them
the morning on a long-planned trip, stood the family's huge Boxer, alert
We're taking the Hilman. I have and ready for his run on the beach,
our suitcase all packed. There must Behind that the station wagon
be someone reliable you could get extended a yard, at least, crammed
to look after the children . . ." she with suitcases for a happy vacation,
hesitated. "I'll call Grandma Lar- Claire sighed rapturously. That
son. She would be perfect, if she's old certain-something, that special
free." flavor was back in her life. She felt
"All right, Mother," Marny re- young and zestful. What a romp
plied. Her bright, golden voice of they'd have on the beach these two
a few hours ago had turned leaden, delightful weeks. Just like old times.
Claire thought with a pang. "Seven for Utopia," she told
Claire dialed Grandma Lar- Matt. He smiled at her happily,
son's number immediately. She After she'd called Marny back last
waited several minutes, but there night and told her thev'd take the
was no answer. Then she remem- children with them on vacation, she
bered that Grandma had told her had felt really fine, normal, and elat-
several weeks ago that she was going ed for the first time in weeks, she
to Tuolumne to visit her daughter couldn't believe it, quite. So this
for a month or so. morning she'd called Dr. Hart to
She dreaded calling Marny. Poor make sure she was up to it.
child, she'd be so disappointed, and -Sure vou're all right," he'd said,
she had looked tired lately. «i to\a y0'u tnere was nothing wrong.
What warning?" he had asked, in
answer to her question.
"Oh," after a few minutes of
HE sun shone so brightly on the thinking. His chuckle was low and
pavement that was the "99" merry. "That — 'just be careful
Highway, Claire had constantly to you don't come down with a case
adjust the windshield shades, in of leisure-itis.' "
Uncle Matt and the China Doll
via. Pwbst Young
NIGHT was stealing down the
mountains when Elizabeth,
carrying a supper tray, crossed
the barren field toward Matt's place.
At her side the wind moaned
ominously. A snow wind, maybe.
How late the snow comes this year,
she thought resentfully. They were
to be gone "when snow flies," Hank
had said.
At the far end of the field the
light from a lantern glowed eerily
through the barn window. Hank
was milking. This was the life he
loved — life on the land. He was
willing to keep on trying year after
year to make this raw country into
a thing of beauty. He would make
the farm pay, he said. Young, strong,
and dauntless, he had cleared the
sage from acre after acre with his
own two hands and a grubbing hoe.
It was she whose courage had
failed after three years with no
crop. Hank had finally agreed after
a July hailstorm had lashed the gold-
en turning wheat into the ground
and left the fields looking devas-
"Well go back to Parkville," he
had told her. 'Til lease the place.
Mavbe it's better that wav."
Her heart had lifted then. "You
know there is always a place for you
in the mill," she had encouraged,
"and Patty won't have so far to go
to school."
"We'll try to go by the time snow
flies," he had promised.
Now it was the first of December,
the ground was still bare, and Hank
had talked no more about leaving.
Elizabeth quickened her steps;
she wouldn't brood now.
The warm lamplight from Matt's
windows gleamed out invitingly. As
she neared the porch, the door
opened suddenly.
"Mama!" Patty's brown eyes
were glowing. "Come in, Mama,
and see the new dolls."
"Dolls?" Elizabeth smiled at her
eager eight-year-old daughter.
Patty, with the blond pigtails, the
shining brown eyes, and the quick
smile, was the light of their lives.
In the homelike warmth of the
big room that served as general store
and Matt's living room, Elizabeth
unbuttoned her coat and put the
supper tray on the great wooden
"Guess you're about ready for
supper, Matt. Has this daughter of
mine been behaving herself?"
From his armchair by the window
the big man looked lovingly at the
little girl.
"She's a big help,Patty is."
Elizabeth nodded knowingly. "By
the time she's sampled all the penny
candies and the gum, she hasn't
much time to help."
"Oh, but I did help, Mama," the
little girl defended. "I dusted the
showcases and straightened up the
combs and the cuff links. I didn't
have any candy at all."
"That's right, Elizabeth," Matt
assured her. "And then Patty was
busy with the dolls."
"Matt," Elizabeth brought the
supper tray to the little table beside
his chair, "I thought you weren't
getting dolls this year. I thought
you were saving all the money you
could for a wheel chair."
"I am, Elizabeth," he told her.
Page 223
"I'll get my wheel chair, but it
wouldn't be Christmas if I didn't
have dolls in the window ."
pLIZABETH'S eyes sought the
front window where a dozen
different dolls were on display, some
suspended by cords and some
propped up in pasteboard boxes. At
Patty's urging she went to look more
closely at them. Dolls — so many
of them, no wonder Patty's eyes
were glowing. And each one was
different. Some had composition
heads, two or three were celluloid
with painted faces and, wonder of
wonders, some of them had eyes
that opened and closed. But there
was one — a very special doll; Patty
had pointed her out immediately.
She looked like a queen. Her body
was covered with soft, white kid,
her head and arms were of china,
her hair and eyelashes were real, and
her eyes — dark brown like Patty's
— would open and close.
"Isn't she just beautiful?" Patty
Elizabeth could only nod her
head, the little girl's eagerness had
brought quick tears to her eyes.
Patty's dolls had been of the cel-
luloid variety.
It was wrong for Matt to have
such a doll in his window, she
thought. Who in Rockport could
buy it?
Matt seemed to read her thoughts.
"The big doll was specially ordered,"
he told her.
"Or did Mr. Geece just use his
super salesmanship on you?" Eliza-
beth challenged, thinking of the
tall, sauve, friendly drummer.
Matt smiled and shook his head.
Elizabeth found a chair beside the
pot-bellied stove and watched her
brother-in-law eating the simple
food she had placed before him.
Her heart warmed. Matt was a
very special person. Some kind of
paralysis had made his legs useless,
and for twenty years he had sat in
his combination store and living
room greeting friends and neigh-
bors. They brought their eggs to
exchange for vinegar or sugar, back
combs, or greeting cards. They sat
by his stove to play a game of check-
ers with him or to tell him their
He was always willing to listen to
their joys and their sorrows. In his
friendly place the young people
gathered to sing or to talk of their
romances, women exchanged recipes,
men discussed cows and crops.
"It's a good supper." He looked
at Elizabeth while he buttered the
warm bread. "I always told Hank
he married the best."
From behind the counter Patty,
who was deciding what kind of can-
dy to take from the glass jars as
pay for helping Uncle Matt, turned
to join in the conversation.
"Uncle Matt told me our life
story again," she announced.
"Matt," Elizabeth laughed, "she
knows it off by heart."
"I like best the part where Daddy
came home from the dance," Patty
twinkled, "and he said, 'Matt, I met
the schoolteacher tonight, and I'm
going to marry her.' "
"Your Daddy didn't take long to
make up his mind," Elizabeth told
her, "and speaking of your Daddy
— we'd better go, he'll be through
milking now."
She rose to gather the dishes and
felt Matt's eyes upon her.
"You're unhappy tonight, Eliza-
beth. What about Parkville, noth-
ing decided?"
The tears she had fought all day
suddenly glistened in Elizabeth's
blue eyes.
"Hank's never said anything
more." she choked, "and I haven't
wanted to nag him."
Matt's face was marked with
understanding. "It will work out,
Elizabeth," he said gently, "it will
work out."
HPHE wind was still blowing when
they went outside, and light
flakes of snow peppered the cold
air. But Elizabeth's heart felt
Matt had always been able to
soothe her troubles as a father
soothes a child. She tucked the lit-
tle girl's hand in her coat pocket,
and turned her eyes toward home.
"Mama," Patty's voice was wish-
ful, "do you think that Santa Claus
could bring me a china doll with
eyes that open and close?"
"I don't know, honey," she chose
her words carefully. "Sometimes
Santa Claus doesn't have enough
dolls to go around, and we have to
be happy with whatever he can
bring us."
The little girl sighed, "I know,
but maybe I could write him a very
special letter."
The purr of the separator greeted
them when they entered their kitch-
en, and Patty went out into the
back room to watch the golden
cream run out of the valve. It
always delighted her. Sometimes
Hank let her turn the big handle.
"She'll make a good farmer's
wife," he would say. And Eliza-
beth's only answer would be an un-
spoken "No!"
The dishes were on the table, and
she was slicing bread when Hank
came into the room.
"Hello, honey." He came over
to the table to plant a light kiss
on her forehead, his dark head
towering above her fair one. "What
we got for supper?"
"Just dried beans and carrots."
"Sounds good, though." He was
so easy to please. "Patty's been
telling me about Matt's dolls."
"Yes. She's got her heart set on
one of them. Wish Matt didn't
have them."
He looked at her tenderly. There
was concern in his eyes. "You've
not been feeling well, have you?
Which reminds me I talked to Wil-
lis this afternoon, again, he'll lease
our place."
"Hank!" Elizabeth cried. There
was mingled joy and exasperation
in her voice. "Why don't you ever
tell me these things?"
"Didn't want to get your hopes
up before I knew. He'll take over
the cows the first of the year, or
before, if we want it."
In her eagerness she was unaware
of the forced lightness in his voice.
"I'll write Mama and tell her. We
can stay with them until we find a
"You want to go before Christ-
She saw the shadow on his face
then. "No," she said quickly, "oh,
no, we'll stay here for Christmas,
Matt would be so disappointed and
Patty, too."
"\\THEN supper was over, Hank
went over to Matt's to visit a
bit and help him to bed.
Patty helped Elizabeth with the
dishes, and they made plans for
leaving Rockport, but Patty did not
share her enthusiasm, and Elizabeth
was disappointed.
When the little girl was tucked
in bed she went to stand at the
front window. The ground was
covered with white now, but it had
stopped snowing, and the moon
was breaking through, fringing the
clouds with gold. Her eyes followed
the road to a place near the hill —
Rockport's cemetery. A part of her
heart would always be there by two
little graves where two infant sons
were buried. In Parkville there
were doctors within call, the coming
baby would have a better chance.
She turned from the window; the
room was warm and pleasant. The
lamp burned with a lazy tongue,
and the wood fire crackled cheer-
fully. She smiled, thinking of
Hank, big and quiet, a little shy,
but sure of what he wanted. She
was glad he had wanted her.
The next afternoon Hank drove
Elizabeth over to Mortensen's Merc-
antile. The butter and egg money
that she had carefully saved, came
to $3.57, enough to buy material for
shirts for Hank and Matt and pon-
gee for a new dress for Patty. There
would be enough pongee for a new
dress for Patty's doll, too. She had
debated long over the money before
buying the cloth — $3.57 — the
china doll in Matt's window was
$6. She couldn't ask Matt to
charge the rest, her charges were
always written off his books, and he
had said the doll was a special order.
Patty would understand, and next
year they wouldn't have to depend
on a crop for their existence. Hank
would be working at the mill in
Parkville, Patty could have a new
doll then.
In the days that followed, when
Patty was at school and Hank
busy with the chores, Elizabeth
worked at her sewing machine. The
dolls in Matt's window were fast
disappearing, but the china doll
was still there, much to Patty's de-
A few days before Christmas,
when they brought Matt's supper
to the store, the china doll was gone.
Patty noticed its absence at once.
"Uncle Matt," she cried, "the
china doll is gone."
pLIZABETH thought she saw a
tear in the dark eyes, but the
child only smiled. "Well, I guess
she couldn't stav here forever," she
said, "but whoever gets her is going
to be awfully happy/'
When school let out for Christ-
mas vacation, Elizabeth had finished
her sewing. She was pleased with
the red-checkered shirts, and the
pongee dress, with its ruffled skirt,
was beautiful. Even the celluloid
doll looked sweet in her new dress,
although the paint on her eyes was
almost worn off.
The day before Christmas, Eliza-
beth and Patty busied themselves
making gingerbread men and honey
candy. Hank brought the tree into
the house in the earlv afternoon,
and Patty's delight knew no bounds
as she strung popcorn and hung
bright tinsel stars on it.
They took Uncle Matt's supper
over early. The store was full of
neighbors and friends, little gifts
and bright greeting cards lay on
Matt's table.
"Everybody loves Uncle Matt,"
Patty observed as they walked home
in the gathering twilight,
miss him, Mama."
"Yes/' she said lightly, "but we'll
have him tomorrow and that will
be a wonderful day."
TT was late when Hank came back
from Mart's that night. Eliza-
beth had gone to bed, but she got
up when he came in.
Fie was carrying packages and he
put them on the table. "Been so
many folks there I couldn't get
"What do you suppose he sent
"Well, the sack is candv and
oranges, he had me fix that up. The
others, I don't know."
"Shall we open them? It's almost
Christmas morning."
"There're no names on anything."
Hank picked up a long, thin box
and handed it to Elizabeth.
Her hands trembled as she lifted
the lid. For a long moment she
couldn't speak, her eyes were glued
to a china-headed doll lying in the
box before her.
"Hank," her voice was choked
with emotion, "it's the doll, and he
said it was a special order."
Hank nodded. "I'm not surprised.
Won't Patty be happy? But he'll
be even happier — It's the same
every Christmas, he writes people's
accounts off his books. Guess he
gave half those dolls away. Don't
know when he'll get his wheel chair,
but I don't know anyone happier."
Elizabeth held the doll close to
her. Anticipating a child's joy, an
unheeded tear rolled down her
cheek. Matt was happiest making
others happy, even when it meant
going without himself.
She looked across at Hank. He
was like Matt, even willing to give
up the land — the thing that he
loved so much, to make her happy.
The land was his hope, and spring
would come again with new promise.
But she was taking him away from
it. He would never be as happy
anywhere else — maybe she would
not either.
"Hank," she looked at him stead-
ily, "let's not go after all."
"Elizabeth! you mean. . . . Oh,
Elizabeth. . . ."
There were stars in his eyes as he
took her into his arms.
Spring Symphony
Linnie F. Robinson
Boxelder trees beside the stream
Are festooned with an early bloom
Of golden lace in the sun's bright glow,
And blackbird music spills below.
The pragmatist walked their way —
"They're quite enough to deafen one,
What do they celebrate?" he said
"These are no trees to furnish bread."
I only smiled because just then
The finches and the robins sang,
And then the larks gave music clear
Of tone as ever fell on human ear.
Each branch swung dark with feathered wing,
And every heart was wont to sing . . .
The sun was warm upon the land
With golden trees and golden strand.
Using the 'Jjlack board in cJeacning JLessons
in the [Relief Society
William E. Berrett
Vice-President and Professor of Religion
Brigham Young University
(Address Delivered in the Teaching Aids Department, Annual General Relief Society
Conference, October 8, 1959)
have never known an effective
teacher who did not make regu-
lar use of the blackboard.
The value of a blackboard in the
teaching process should be obvious.
The optic nerve, which carries im-
pressions from the eye to the brain,
is eight times as large as the auditory
nerve, which carries impressions
from the ear to the brain, and is
correspondingly more important in
the learning process. Hence instruc-
tions, to be effective, should be di-
rected to the eye as well as to the
ear. Experience shows that infor-
mation placed upon the blackboard
is retained by the student in a much
higher ratio than information which
has been presented only orally.
In five important phases of the
teaching process the blackboard be-
comes a vital aid:
1. Getting attention
2. Motivating thought and study
3. Clarifying the subject or object under
4. Obtaining student retention of ideas
5. Obtaining student activity (student
use of blackboard)
The following suggestions are
made as to methods of using the
(A) The Outline
The teacher of adult groups will
find that an outline of the subject
to be discussed, when placed on the
blackboard, will stimulate thinking
by class members and will tend to
keep the discussion purposeful and
progressive. The outline enables all
Page 228
class members to follow the dis-
cussion, acts as a constant review of
what has been covered during the
class hour, and contributes to the
fixing of ideas permanently in the
mind. The outline should be simple
and easy to understand without oral
(B) Listing Problems and Answers
Student-teacher discussions are
often aimless and a waste of time
unless the blackboard is used to give
organization and direction to the
discussions. For example, the teach-
er might ask the class, "What prob-
lems concerning baptism do you be-
lieve we should discuss?" If the
problems are answered or discussed
in the order of student responses,
there will be much duplication,
jumping about, and a getting of the
"cart before the horse/' The logical
step is to write upon the blackboard
all of the problems before attacking
any of them, eliminate duplications,
and arrange them in a logical order.
Hence the discussion takes a direc-
tion and purpose. The whole of the
problem can be seen, and the rela-
tionship of one question to another
becomes apparent.
Likewise, the blackboard is invalu-
able in listing the answers of class
members to questions or problems
raised. This method enables both
teacher and class to visualize the
discussion and to keep in mind all
the suggested answers so as later to
evaluate them properly. This meth-
od glorifies the member's answer.
It was important enough to write
down. It glorifies the class mem-
bers by making them the judges of
their own responses.
(C) Maps
The most effective maps a teacher
can use are outline maps sketched
upon the blackboard. This can be
done from time to time by a few
simple chalk lines, or at a nominal
cost of a few cents, an outline map
can be drawn on the blackboard
with white paint that is usable for
years, putting in the details needed
for each lesson with chalk as the
occasion arises. (For illustrations of
the type of details see J. Lewis
Browne, The Graphic Bible).
A painted outline map does not
interfere with use of the blackboard
for other purposes as other writing
can be written over it freely and
erased without destroying the map.
(D) Charts and Diagrams
The need of charts and diagrams
in teaching for the purpose of clari-
fication is apparent to all teachers.
The blackboard simplifies and en-
courages their use because of the
ease with which a chart or diagram
can be made with chalk.
Charts help students to see the
relationships of time, proportions,
distance, weight, and effects.
(E) Objects, Directions, Events
The use of the blackboard to
illustrate objects, directions, and
events has been greatly neglected.
In teaching adults, however, its use
is best confined to illustration of
objects, directions, and events out-
side the usual experiences of the
group. For example, one does not
draw an illustration of a horse for
adults who already have mental
images of horses, but might il-
lustrate the Temple of Solomon or
the sequence of historical events.
Illustrations can be made graphic
without necessarily being accurate
or artistic.
Three fine books on this use of the
blackboard are available : Blackboard
Sketching by Frederick Whitney, Mil-
ton, Bradley Co., Springfield, Mass.; and
Chalk Talks; and Talks in Crayon and
Chalk, both by Ella M. Wood, Deseret
Book Company, Salt Lake City, Utah.
(F) Central Thoughts and Chal-
lenging Statements
A sentence carrying the central
thought of a day's lesson, placed
upon a blackboard before or at the
beginning of the class hour, has a
powerful effect upon the class dis-
cussion, and upon retention.
(G) Summarizations
The use of the blackboard to sum-
marize must not be overlooked. The
best summaries are built up of re-
sponses by the class as to what has
been accomplished during the class
hour, and, when written on the
blackboard, enable the students to
carry away from class a unified mes-
(H) Assignment
The best assignments arise from
problems raised by the class mem-
bers and listed on the blackboard.
If the class cannot answer the ques-
tions, assignments for special study
are obvious. The name of the per-
son assigned and reference or direc-
tions for finding the needed infor-
mation can then be suggested by
the class or teacher and written up-
on the blackboard by the question.
Placing assignments to a group,
upon the blackboard, saves teaching
time and the assignments are re-
membered longer.
Use your blackboard at each les-
son period for at least one thing,
and you will find yourself preparing
your lessons with greater care and
teaching with increased satisfaction.
The Blue Bowl
Part I
Loya Beck
THE bustling city of Nauvoo, as
it slipped into view around a
wide bend in the Mississippi
River, would surprise a traveler who
had grown familiar with the previ-
ous scenes of open countryside and
straggling population on the fringe
of America's wilderness in January
of 1846. Surrounded on three sides
by the mighty Father of Waters,
the city rose with the gradual slop-
ing of a dome-shaped hill, its highest
elevation about a mile from the
river. Blocked into neat squares
with broad streets and tree-lined
avenues, the metropolis was crowned
with a massive structure of gray
marble that overlooked the terrain,
like a ship riding the crest of a wave.
Streamers of smoke drifted from the
tall chimneys of the newly built
homes that dotted the hill, bestow-
ing an illusion of warmth on the
chill winter air.
On Mulholland Street, only a
block from the temple, the clatter
and bang of metal on metal re-
sounded from the rustic interior of
a small, two-story frame house.
Playing near the warmth of the fire-
place, a fiery-haired toddler pound-
ed his mother's wrought-iron cook-
ware with the fury of a Don Quixote
attacking a windmill.
"Come along, Alma, it's time for
your nap." The child's mother en-
deavored to speak above the clamor,
as she drew loaves of golden-crusted
bread from the oven and placed
them on the table to cool.
"No!" was the quick retort.
Page 230
"Yes!" the mother answered firm-
ly, taking the child by the hand
and raising him quickly to his feet.
"No! Busy, Mama, busy," the
child wailed, tugging away from her.
"You can play with the kettles
again when you wake up. Come,
now, let me see if you can climb the
stairs by yourself."
With the enthusiasm of a turtle
climbing a thorny hillside, Alma
plodded his way to the upstairs bed-
room. His mother watched him
from below, saw him disappear
through a curtained archway, heard
the squeak of the springs as he
climbed into bed.
Mary Martha Lee listened care-
fully for any sounds from her son.
Weighted with the bloom of an
eight-month pregnancy, any venture
upstairs seemed like a major expedi-
tion to her. A Welsh flannel dress
with a high neck, wrist-length
sleeves, and a floor-length skirt en-
veloped her small figure.
Hearing no sounds from the room
above, Mary gratefully returned to
her work.
Seated in a rocker near the
window, Mary began sorting out
leftover piece-goods to be used for
quilt blocks. Interest in her task
began to lag, however, and her
hands soon fell idly into her lap.
She gazed about the room, perceiv-
ing its homely features as those of
a dear friend from whom she was
about to part. It was a someday
room. Someday it could have been
finished along with its homemade
furnishings, which consisted of a A/f ARY opened the door, recoiling
table, two chairs, and a tall cup- in the sudden cold blast that
board. In one corner a bed, with- penetrated the warmth of the room,
out a headboard, leaned against the and invited the stranger in.
wall with a faded blue blanket He was a small man, slim and
hugging the whole of it. Between hard-muscled underneath his envel-
the bed and the back door there oping black coat.
was a large trunk with a high curved "You want to buy our place?"
lid and bright silver trappings. A Marv questioned hesitantly.
colorful Paisley shawl was draped "I'd like to look it over and see
over its side. A handcarving done if it's worth buying."
by Tom, Mary's husband, of her "My husband won't be home
mother's bakery shop in Hanley, until this evening. You can come
Staffordshire, England, hung on the back tonight and talk to him about
wall above the trunk. The sign, it."
"Woods Bakery — Hot Pies," was An expression of disapproval
carved plainly on the front. hardened MacDowell's sharp blue
Ruffled curtains made a gay eyes as he boldly scrutinized Mary
frame for two small windows that from head to toe. "I have no mind
overlooked the snowy front yard, to come back tonight, Ma'am. I'll
Mary had purchased the material just look around myself and see if
for the curtains with part of the it suits my needs. If I like it I'll
money she had earned from the sale make you an offer. You can take
of the first pair of men's trousers it or leave it, only you'll be smart
she had made. When Mary and to take it if you figure on getting
Tom had first moved into their new anything out of this place at all."
home, rugs and other luxuries had "I would rather you would talk
to wait, but "A home is not a home to my husband," Mary replied firm-
without curtains at the windows," ly, feeling the color rise to her
Mary had said when Tom had urged cheeks at his continued stare,
her to wait for them, too. The MacDowell's lips tightened im-
curtains now decked the windows patiently. "I'll just go ahead and
with the assurance of old friends look around."
that had come to stay. "No!" Mary spoke emphatically.
Glancing out the window, Mary "No, if you have to see the place
saw a stranger coming up the path now, I'll show it to you." She was
leading to the house. The sudden surprised at the high pitch of her
beating of the man's fist against the usually controlled voice,
door set Mary's heart pounding, as "All right, you show me." Mac-
she rose to her feet and hesitantly Dowell shrugged indifferently,
walked to the door. Mary's clammy fingers tightened
"What do you want?" Mary into the palms of her hands. "There
called through the closed door. are only two rooms — this one and
"My name's MacDowell, Chris- the one upstairs."
topher MacDowell. . . . I'm inter- Pulling off a woolly cap and slap-
ested in buying your place. You'll ping it against his thigh, MacDow-
be selling out, I reckon." ell turned and surveyed the room.
"I reckon you'll not be taking the
furnishings with you."
"What's in the cupboard? Any-
thing in there for sale?"
Mary walked to the cupboard
and threw the doors wide. "Every-
thing's for sale," she said. "See,
there on the center shelf, that's real
Staffordshire china, handpainted by
my father. It's worth a lot."
The delicate deep shadings of the
pansies that centered the shining
blue plates in the cupboard had
been painted with meticulous care.
A ring of gold encircled their paper-
thin edges.
A smile passed over MacDowell's
thin lips as he took the gracefully
designed sugar bowl that belonged
to the set into his rough hands. A
stubby finger caressed the smooth
curve of the bowl. "My woman
would sure like this!"
"Let me have it, I will not leave
this piece." Mary snatched the
bowl from his hands and returned
it to its place in the cupboard.
"Don't get riled, Ma'am," Mac-
Dowell protested. "So your father
was a blimey old Englishman with
a gift for painting?
"Yes, I'm English. They are peo-
ple, too, you know," Mary retort-
ed proudly. "My husband is
Scotch, but he was reared in Eng-
"Maybe Danny Edinburgh is peo-
ple, and Johnny London is people,
but Moimons, what are they? Are
they people?" MacDowell grinned,
but his blue eyes were cold.
Mary's pale lips tightened and
her gray eyes met his directly.
"We'll be taking some of the kettles
with us, but no doubt, some will be
left behind."
MacDowell toed one of the iron
kettles that Alma had been playing
with on the floor. "You must have
another kid, mine does that, too."
"We have a son two years old.
He's upstairs asleep," Mary an-
swered. "I'd rather not take you
up there; it might disturb him. All
we have up there is an iron poster
bed and a wooden chest."
"The room's just like this one, I
reckon. Got any heating up
"Only what comes up from be-
"I don't have to see it, I guess.
I'll look around outside and then
come in and make you an offer for
the place." MacDowell shoved his
cap back on his straggly hair and
turned towards the door.
"I'll go with you." Mary hurried
to the door and snatched her coat
from the peg behind it.
"Now, that won't be necessary, I
don't need any help in my looking."
A/fARY slipped the coat on and
fastened it. "I'm ready to go,"
she nodded.
MacDowell jerked open the door,
and a rush of icy air surrounded
them in its wake. From the back
door they could look down over the
sloping city to where the ice-choked
Mississippi ribboned the foot of the
"That's your temple over there,
isn't it?" MacDowell nodded to-
ward the massive spired building
that towered on the hill.
"Yes, it is." Mary answered,
pausing to gaze at the temple
fondly. Tom was there now help-
ing to finish the intricate hand-carv-
ing on the interior.
"Looking forward to a good old-
fashioned revival meeting there
someday/' MacDowell teased.
Mary's cheeks paled even in the
bite of the frosty air, but she did
not answer. She followed Mac-
Dowell down a snow shoveled path
which was bordered on either side
by the naked stems of an orchard
that she and Tom had planted only
last spring. Arriving at a gray shed
made over from old lumber, Mac-
Dowell pushed open the door and
waited for Mary to enter first. A
Guernsey cow lifted her head from
the manger.
"She's not our cow," Mary point-
ed out. "She belongs to our neigh-
bors. We shelter her and help feed
her, and both families share the
"Don't need a cow," MacDowell
muttered. Then, looking around,
he observed, "Not a bad shed, don't
seem to be too drafty."
"It's built well. My husband
built it," Mary said proudly.
"Those your chickens?" Mac-
Dowell questioned.
A rooster and five hens were hud-
dling together in a corner looking
"Yes, they're ours. They will be
for sale."
"I saw you had an orchard plant-
ed outside," he said, clearing his
throat. "What kind of trees do
you have out there?"
"Apple, mostly," Mary answered,
a note of triumph in her voice. "A
few pear trees, peach, plum, and
"That sounds good. It's a good
place, I like it. Easy to see there
was care taken in the building."
MacDowell opened the gray shed
door and stepped out into the snow.
Mary followed to the house, feeling
a chill run across her shoulders and
down her spine. Back again in the
warm house she threw another log
on the low burning fire.
"I'm not a rich man, you under-
stand," MacDowell began as Mary
jabbed at the burned logs with the
poker. "I like this place, so I'll
make you a special offer." He
paused to shift on his feet and
scratch the side of his nose with
his finger. "I'll give you two cows
and a dandy good rifle for the
whole kit and kaboodle."
Startled, Mary faced MacDowell.
"Two cows and a rifle for this whole
place? Why my china alone is
worth. ..."
"Take it or leave it. Makes no
difference to me. I can just as
well wait till you go across the
prairie, then take over the place for
nothing. But, I'm a fair man, don't
believe in taking anything I don't
pay for. You can use the cows and
the rifle, too, so take your choice."
"Of course, vou are exactly right,"
Mary's voice broke. "My husband
will have to confirm anv sale. If
you go over to the temple and ask
for Thomas Lee, I'm sure he will be
glad to talk to you." Mary followed
MacDowell to the front door.
"I'll talk to him," MacDowell
said as he opened the door, but
pausing on the threshold, he glanced
back at Mary's face. "How old are
"Nineteen, why?" Mary lifted her
head to meet his gaze.
"Why don't you go back to Eng-
land, girl?" MacDowelFs hard blue
eyes seemed to soften. "Why don't
you go home to your mother?" He
turned and slammed the door be-
hind him.
(To be concluded)
Room in Her Heart
Shirley Thulin
4 6 % v T ELL, Ann, you're going upset stomachs. His abilities as a
Y^ to have a baby." Doctor physician and surgeon could not
Brooks grinned, but Ann help her with her coming ordeal,
avoided his direct gaze. Her chin however, although Ann was deeply
quivered and her lips were hot and happy in her motherhood and the
dry, as she listened to his cheerful opportunity to bring another soul
voice repeating, like a well-known into the world, the criticisms of
record, her instructions for the com- others were sometimes hard to take
ing months. As if she didn't know smilingly.
how to care for herself by now! Ann was grateful for the early
This was her eighth child, and the evening breeze that refreshed her as
doctor's verification of her own she stepped out of the downtown
suspicions had left her with mixed medical building, joining the tide
emotions. of homeward-bound shoppers and
"Ann, I have something new I office workers. As she walked to-
want you to try," Doctor Brooks wards her bus corner, her mind was
continued. "It may help you have a whirlpool. Ann could see her
less nausea in the mornings." He mother's face and hear her say, "Oh,
handed her a little box of capsules. Ann, not again. Susie is only a lit-
"Thank you," she said, but she tie over a year old. You will never
thought — what have you in the live to rear them at this rate." And
way of a capsule that will help me no amount of reassuring on Ann's
and give me the strength and cour- part would make her mother stop
age to face some of my family, and worrying and realize, as with each
friends, and neighbors who will say of the other children, that this
I am having too many children? eighth one was wanted.
And, as though he were reading And Ann knew what Beth, her
her thoughts, the doctor said, "Ann, neighbor on the west, would say.
you have a wonderful family. I am "Oh, really, dear, what can you be
proud to be your friend and doctor." thinking of?" And she knew what
The tears welled up close to over- Beth would be thinking . . . one
flowing, but Ann managed to con- more little Jensen child to pick my
trol them. tulips the spring when he reaches
"Thank you," she said quietly, the age of two. No matter how
though she wanted to say much carefully Ann watched them it hap-
more. She wanted to tell him how pened every time, but only once,
grateful she was for his competent Ann reached the corner and
care over the years. To tell him hoped she wouldn't have to wait
how much it had always meant to long for her bus. She was weary
al-1 of them to have him there when and a little anxious about the chil-
thcy needed him, with the parade dren. Jill was dependable and was
of broken limbs, tonsillectomies, and good to follow instructions, but the
Page 234
little boys would sometimes tease
and make Sue fretful, then Jill had
more than her hands full.
A NN wondered how Jill would
take the news. She had been
happy over little Sue, but she was
younger then, and hadn't as yet had
much responsibility placed upon
her. Ann felt a tug at her heart as
she thought of all the fun Jill had
had to miss this summer. It seemed
that her Sunday School and Mutual
classes always picked Saturday on
which to have their parties and
outings. This was fine for the
others, but Jill couldn't often be
spared on Saturdays. There was
too much to do to get ready for the
I only hope Jill doesn't become
resentful. So far I haven't detected
any signs of her having done so, but
sometimes mothers take these things
for granted. Ann pictured Jill, her
soft brown hair curling slightly
around her pretty face, which just
in the last year had lost its childish
roundness and had taken on a new
look ... a serious look.
"Jill looks more like you every
day, dear," Vern had said so often
lately. At first it had pleased Ann
to hear her husband say this, but
now she was wondering if her eldest
child were being forced to grow up
too fast with too few childhood
I almost wish Tom had been a
girl, too, then some of the work
could be shared. But Ann had giv-
en up trying to teach her twelve-
year-old son to help. He was will-
ing to try, but was so awkward when
it came to doing anything around
the house ... so like his father,
Ann mused. Vern tried so hard to
be helpful that it was a little sad.
About the only way to get help
from the two of them, was to send
them on a shopping errand or set
them to a task in the yard that
would keep them out from under-
foot in the house. Each of the oth-
er four children had regular jobs.
Debbie, ten, and Evan, eight, could
do several little jobs well. Even
Jerry, five, and Dickie, three,
helped, but the brunt of helping
fell to Jill.
There is always so much to do
when a family is large, Ann thought.
Every household duty is multiplied
by two or three-fold. But she knew
it was worth all the effort each time
she looked at her dear children as
they began each new day. If only
I can instill the true values of life in
my children's hearts, Ann thought.
But now with the new baby and
even more responsibility on the
way, Ann was frightened. She won-
dered how she could do more to
make their home life even more
pleasant. They were a close-together
family so far, and did many things
as a group. They always attended
their Church meetings together.
They had regular family hours, and
went on picnics. They visited
friends and relatives often . . . but
maybe these things were not enough
to satisfy Jill now that she was grow-
ing up.
^HE green and yellow city bus
came to a halt in front of Ann.
She climbed aboard and took a seat
near the front by an open window,
and felt the tinge of autumn in the
air. Maybe now that school is be-
ginning, and Jill will have more
time outside the home, things will
work out, she thought.
Ann wished they could afford a
carpet for the living room, and
then she had a little sick feeling as
she realized that now the money
they had saved would perhaps have
to be used for the new baby. As
for herself, a carpet hadn't seemed
to matter. She had tried to keep
the floor waxed shiny, and had
placed bright, hand-braided rugs
here and there. But, with so manv
pairs of feet traveling over the floor
each day, it was difficult.
Ann could hear Elaine, her sister-
in-law say, "Why don't you do
something about this living room?
It looks so bare. You really should
try to be more economical and put
your money to better use."
Elaine didn't realize how many
pairs of shoes and quarts of milk
were needed for the little ones.
Even a small item such as soap
added up, when a family of nine or
ten was involved!
Elaine had something to say
about Ann's housekeeping, too. It
did no good to try to explain that
it was important to help Jerry cut
out his supersonic rocket ship from
the cereal box. And Ann and Jill
would often be helping with Deb-
bie's book of paper dolls or Evan's
modeling clay, somewhere between
the bedmaking and the dusting.
When Ann would tell Vern, he
would just laugh and say, 'There's
nothing wrong with Elaine that
eight or ten children wouldn't
Ann pulled the cord to let the
driver know that this was her stop.
Usually when she returned from
town, she felt that the block she had
to walk from the bus stop was
almost too long to endure, but this
time, it seemed far too short. It
didn't give her enough time to com-
pose herself. She must not let her
family know that she was rather up-
set, but she had to show how really
happy she was about her new child.
Happiness is always contagious, she
thought. But it would help if she
didn't have to make the announce-
ment just yet, but she knew from
past experience that it was impos-
sible to keep it from them, even
for a few weeks. She knew that
when she walked through the door,
they all would ask their usual ques-
tions: "Where have you been,
Mommy?" "Why did you have to
go to the doctor?" "Don't you feel
well?" And she would tell, in spite
of herself.
Ann stood a moment and
breathed deeply. She feared what
she might see in their eyes and
those of her neighbors and dear
ones. Ann closed her eyes. She
bowed her head slightly and said a
prayer to her Father in heaven.
"Please, Father, help me to make
them all as happy about the baby
as I am, and to be kind and under-
As Ann continued walking along,
she looked at the row of neat little
homes. She felt a surge of thank-
fulness. "We are blessed," she told
herself. "We live in a nice neigh-
borhood, we have all the necessities
of life."
A NN was nearly home when she
heard the commotion. It was
coming through her opened win-
dows. The voices were loud and
excited. Something had happened!
She heard a chorus of what sounded
like screams, and she ran across the
lawn and up the porch steps two
at a time and pulled open the front
"Mother!" Jill shouted. "Oh,
Mother, I'm so glad you're home.
The baby. . . ."
"What is it? What's happened?
Where's Daddy?" Then, as Ann
glanced from one face to another,
she could see the twinkling eyes and
wide smiles.
"Daddy had to go help Uncle Bill
administer to Aunt Elaine. She's
having another one of her nervous
spells," said Jill. "But, Mamma,
the baby. . . ."
"What about the babv? She looks
all right to me." And Ann stooped
over and picked Sue up from the
middle of the floor.
"Oh, she's all right," Tom said.
uShes been walking."
"Walking? Why, you little ras-
cal." Ann was a little saddened that
she hadn't seen her very first steps.
"Imagine," said Jill. "She's walk-
ing at last. I was beginning to be
embarrassed. Jane's little brother
is only ten months old, and he's
been walking for simply ages."
"Mom," said Tom, "look how big
she's getting to be."
"Yes," said Jill, a little wistfully.
"Gee, soon we won't have a baby
any more."
Ann couldn't speak. Her throat
was all lumpy inside.
That night after the family prayer
had been said, Ann gave each of her
children a special hug and tucked
them in their beds, then went to
the living room to wait for Vern.
She knew he wouldn't be home
for a little while yet. Sometimes
these sessions with his sister lasted
until quite late.
Ann was glad that there had been
so much excitement about Sue's
new accomplishment this evening.
The children had forgotten to ask
their questions. Now she could tell
Vern first. She knew that when he
came home he would say his usual,
"Honey, we are so blessed! I feel
so sorry for Elaine and Bill. I wish
they could have a baby, or would
adopt one." And Ann planned to
ask in a teasing tone, "Shall we give
them our new one when it gets
He would look bewildered, then
surprised, then he would hold her
tight and say, "No, sir. There is
always room at our house for one
Ann leaned back against the soft-
ness of the couch. Things had as-
sumed their right perspective now.
She knew she could make her an-
nouncement with joy and pride.
Special QJeature for the fyuly ig6o 1 1 lagazine
A special surprise feature will be presented in the July i960 issue of
The Relief Society Magazine. This feature will have practical and artistic
appeal for all Relief Society women. Watch for the July Magazine and be
sure that your subscription is up to date so that you will not miss this
special feature issue.
Sixty L/ears ^yigo
Excerpts From the Woman's Exponent, April 1, and April 15, 1900
"For the Rights of the Women of Zion and the Rights of the Women
of All Nations"
RESULTS OF THE REVOLUTION: This momentous occurrence produced the
most perfect basis upon which to build a bencficicnt governmental superstructure —
the American Constitution. It has no counterpart in human affairs. It provides to
the individual citizen the fullest possible freedom, the most ample personal protection
and the complete security of legal property possession. It is the basic guaranty of
exact equality before the law, without classified distinctions. Hence the American na-
tion is composed of the most independent and, therefore, the most strongly individual-
ized race on the face of the earth today, with a record of progress that has no paral-
— Mabelle Snow
THOMAS JEFFERSON: His personal appearance ... is described as six feet
two inches in height, slim, erect as an arrow, with regular features, a very ruddy com-
plexion, an extremely delicate skin, full, deep-set hazel eyes and sandy hair. He was
more a student than athlete, yet he possessed a passionate love of nature and took the
greatest delight in horsemanship. Though an ardent student, he was not necessarily a
bookworm, but, on the contrary, was fond of society. He was an expert musician, the
violin being his favorite instrument, was a good dancer and a daring rider. ... As
Thomas Jefferson's home-life was ideal and a beautiful example to young America, far
more so was his public career ... for forty years he served his country. ... As a
statesman Jefferson was unequalcd. . . .
— Annie W. Cannon
A life replete with brave and noble deeds,
Wrought in sweet patience and humility,
With loving thought for all humanity,
And that which ev'ry living creature needs.
Eighty and one, long years, how strange it seems
That you should see so many wondrous things. . . .
Through youth and wedded life, and widowhood. . . .
And toil and labor, all the time for good. . . .
— Emmelinc B. Wells
The Seventeenth Ward Relief Society celebrated anniversary day March 17,
Saturday evening in the ward hall, President Clarissa S. Williams presiding . . . some
exquisite hymns were rendered, beside the sacred songs. . . . Sister B. W. Smith, one
of the presidents of the General Board, gave a verbal sketch of the first Relief Society
organized in Nauvoo and of its officers and work. At the close of Sister Smith's address,
a neat little girl in white came forward and presented her with an elegant bouquet of
choice flowers. Sister Julia C. Howe, who had been connected with the ward since its
organization, read a sketch of the Relief Society in that ward. . . . The secretary, Mrs.
C. F. Wilcox read a . . . paper on the life and labors of "Aunt Zina," and the possi-
bilities of the Society, and paid a beautiful tribute to Aunt Zina, and her magnanimity
of character in all departments of life. . . .
— Editorial
Page 238
Woman's Sphere
Ramona W. Cannon
Great Britain gave birth to a
baby boy February 19th. This is
the first time in 103 years a child
has been born to a reigning British
monarch. Prince Charles and
Princess Anne were born before
their mother's ascension to the
SON has become a power in
American education. Director of
Elementary School Services, Wes-
leyan University, Middletown, Con-
necticut, she long served as Edi-
torial Director for the American
Educational Press. She became re-
sponsible for a variety of weekly
publications for schools and also
My Weekly Surprise, a picture
newspaper for the pre-school child.
She has authored and directed the
development of several series of
widely used textbooks.
second story 'The Cup"
appeared in the March Ladies'
Home Journal. Her first was
"String of Pearls." Mrs. Russell
teaches the literature lessons in the
North Twentieth Ward, Ensign
Stake Relief Society, Salt Lake City,
Utah. She is the mother of seven
BEGINNING March 27, i960, a
six-day White House Confer-
ence was held in Washington,
D.C., in the interests of children,
youth, and better family and com-
munity relations. This was the
sixth such national convention.
They represent a great development
in America's social conscience, re-
sulting in improved legislation and
organization of public and private
social services. In 1909 the em-
phasis was on home-finding for
dependent children — many thou-
sands of them — and breaking up
large institutions for child care into
small, cottage-type units, more like
homes. In 1919 specialists in child
welfare, education, pediatrics, and
public health drafted a statement
of minimum standards for child em-
ployment, maternal and child
health, and child protection. In
1930, 1200 experts prepared reports
on subjects which included pre-
natal care, communicable disease
control, parent education, vocational
guidance, recreation, the handi-
capped, and delinquency. In 1940
democracy was the theme: the
economic challenge to democracy;
self-respect, self-reliance, and a co-
operative attitude necessary to
democracy; the family the "thres-
hold of democracy"; the waning of
the family's acceptance of responsi-
bility for its own children. The
1950 theme was discovering the
ingredients of a healthy personality.
Page 239
VOL. 47
APRIL 1960
NO. 4
cJhey Shall Speak vi/ith Hew cJo agues
(^)N a morning in early spring a
farm woman who lived in the
bleak hills of a western desert
walked to the mouth of a canyon to
see what appeared to her to be a
miracle. She saw a stream of pure
water breaking from a snowbank—
and only a short distance down the
hill the wild yellow violets blos-
somed in splendor against the gray
rocks. Spring had come and hope
had come, and sunshine blessed the
land. The woman felt joy and
gratitude in the turning of the sea-
sonal cycle that had brought the
springtime back again. It was the
restoration of promise and the re-
newing of the Heavenly Father's
lasting covenant with earth.
To all women whose hearts are
made glad with springtime there
comes again the message of the
holy scriptures and the precious
words that bring the undeniable
solace and hope of the teachings of
the Savior. For among the believ-
ers in the land of Palestine were
many faithful women "which fol-
lowed Jesus from Galilee, minister-
ing unto him."
First at the opened tomb were
the women of Easter. They were
the first to hear the immortal words
that fell as everlasting sunlight
against the darkness of the sepul-
chre: "He is not here: for he is
risen, as he said. Come, see the
place where the Lord lay."
Page 240
To women — first — wras the
message given — to women who had
followed the Christ along his earthly
pathway, rejoicing in his gospel and
seeking for understanding of his
words which opened for them the
wide doors of a belief in life eternal.
How glorious are the words of
Easter, crystal clear as brooks leap-
ing over stones, deeper than pools
of water, and more vibrant than
fountains in a season of rain— the
words witnessing the resurrection of
Jesus, and the consequent arising
in the time of promise, of all who
had ever lived upon the earth and
those who were yet to make the
journey in mortality. It is of great
moment that women the world
over, in every age and generation,
should contemplate the significance
of that eternal message.
The words came not without a re-
sponsibility to those who heard the
voice of the angel — or to those
women following in later eras of the
gospel light: ". . . go quickly, and
tell his disciples that he is risen from
the dead; and, behold, he goes be-
fore you into Galilee; there shall ye
see him . . . And they departed
quickly from the sepulchre . . . and
did run to bring the disciples word."
Thus the women of Easter be-
came couriers and messengers of
the word. Light upon the stone
paths were their feet, and glad their
hearts to carry the message of the
resurrection. It is not strange, then,
that women have been in times past,
and are today privileged to rejoice
in the glad tidings—". . . go tell my
brethren. . . . All power is given
unto me in heaven and in earth . . .
and lo, I am with you alway, even
unto the end of the world . . ." (Mt.
28:10, 18-20).
Then, shall we not as women in
the beloved sisterhood, accept with
rejoicing our privilege of earth life,
enduring with courage our trials and
disappointments, placing a resplend-
ent faith in the Savior's promise of
eternal life? Shall we not rise above
the stones and the troubles that
beset us, and greet each day even as
the women of Easter lifted their
radiant faces on that morning long
ago from those dark hills round-
about Jerusalem?
-V. P. C.
Mt 8
Ouida Johns Pedeisen
Along the dark path Mary carried spice
And ointment, sweet and fragrant in her hand.
Seeking to do some small service there,
She sought the tomb across the morning land.
Perhaps she knew, as women know, that grief
May be assuaged in service, that the call
Of human need can bring a sweet relief
When faithful hands are busied with a task.
As sunrise rimmed the hills her eyes beheld
The open sepulchre. She stood in sudden fright
Before the angel, yet she stayed to hear
His message spoken in the growing light.
From tombs of grief the stones were rolled away
Eternally. To all the world was given
Joy, when, trembling in amazement, Mary heard
"He is not here — he is risen — he is risen!"
iurignam LJoung dniversity \z)n-(^ampus
^Leadership week
June 4-9, i960 — 37th Annual Festival of Learning
The welcoming doors of Brigham Young University will again open to the guests
of Leadership Week June 4-9 of i960. Each year the Relief Society members have
found the events of Leadership Week most interesting, enjoyable, and of great help in
their year's program. The General Board would like to direct the attention of the
members of the Relief Society to the following classes, along with many others, which
will be of great value to Relief Society women:
Historical Background of Relief Society Theology Lessons
Relief Society Theology Lessons — The Doctrine and Covenants
Relief Society Social Science Lessons — Spiritual Living in the Nuclear Age
Relief Society Literature Lessons — American Literature Comes of Age
Teaching Helps
Music Helps
Audio-Visual Helps — Teaching Materials for Relief Society
Storytelling, Poetry, and Dramatization
Work Day Ideas — Arts and Crafts for Teachers of Adults
(Including workshops)
Family Nights
Teaching Discipline to Healthy Children
Kitchen Planning
Drapery and Lampshade Construction
Community Meal Service
Handling the Family Income
Understanding Your Child
Foundations of Health in the Family
Methods of Caring for the Sick in the Home
Foundations of Testimony
Elder Roy W. Doxey, author of the theology lessons for the coming year, will teach
the course on the Doctrine and Covenants; Elder Briant S. Jacobs, author of the Relief
Society literature lessons, will teach the classes in American Literature Comes of Age;
Elder Blaine M. Porter, author of the social science lessons, will teach a course in
Spiritual Living in the Nuclear Age; and Elder Ivan J. Barrett will teach the course in
the Historical Background of Relief Society Theology Lessons.
Detailed programs and registration cards may be obtained by writing to or calling
in at the Brigham Young University Adult Education Services in Provo, Utah.
The information and teachings given at Leadership Week do not substitute for
the official Relief Society instructions, but the material is most beneficial as it supple-
ments and enhances understandings.
Leadership week programs at the following times and places will be announced
Ogden, Utah June 20-22
Salt Lake City, Utah June 27 - July 1
Southern California August 22-26
Northern California August 29-Sept. 2
Rexburg, Idaho November 9-11
Arizona December 28-31
Page 242
JLesson [Previews to Jxppear in the yune tissue
of ofhe [Relief Society II Lagaztne
npHE previews for the 1960-61 lessons will appear in the June issue of
The Relief Society Magazine, and the lessons for October will be in
the July i960 issue. In order to obtain the June issue of the Magazine,
it will be necessary for renewals and new subscriptions to reach the general
offices by the first of May i960. It is suggested that Magazine representa-
tives check their lists immediately so that all Relief Society members will
receive all of the issues containing the lessons. Ward presidents, also,
should make this announcement in the April meetings.
C/he vUtdentnq Circle
Charlotte R. Leyden
Associate Director, Public Education
American Cancer Society, Inc.
T^HE widening circle made by a pebble in a lake always reaches the outer
edges. If it's a large lake it takes longer than if it's a small lake. If
you dropped a pebble from a boat into the center of Lake Michigan you
might never witness the moment when the widening circle meets the
shoreline. But you know for a fact that it will.
Not all of us may live to see cancer conquered. . . . The concensus
of scientists is that cancer will be conquered just as were other once dread
diseases, such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, and polio. The question is
no longer ii, but when.
There are many doctors in practice today who remember the time
when there was no ii about it, when the outlook for the average cancer
patient was death and disaster. That was when a small group of men and
women dropped a pebble of hope into the dark, seemingly impenetrable
depths of the cancer problem. Slowly it spread into what has now become
a vast life-saving network of research, service, and educational programs.
Independent volunteers built the American Cancer Society as their instru-
mentality for achieving cancer control. The Society is a grass roots organ-
ization which belongs to its 2,000,000 volunteers, working in fifty states.
They raise the funds, they set the policies, they do the chores that each
year help save the lives of 165,000 men, women, and children cancer
patients. . . .
In many areas informative films for group showing may be obtained
from local organizations of the American Cancer Society.
One million living Americans cured of cancer bear witness to the
success of these efforts. In April the Cancer Crusade will give you a chance
to drop a pebble with a dollar sign into the widening circle of hope for
every cancer patient in America. . . .
Page 243
LKectpes Qjrom the west (central States 1 1 Ltssion
Submitted by Anna C. Merrill
Huckleberry Dessert
i c. sugar
2 tbsp. butter
1 egg, beaten
i tsp. baking powder, sifted with
i c. flour and pinch of salt
3 c. ripe huckleberries, washed
4 c. sugar,
or nutmeg
mixed with cinnamon
Mix in order given, stir in huckleberries. Spread in greased cake pan, 8" x 10".
Sprinkle top with Vz cup sugar mixed with cinnamon or nutmeg. Bake 25 or 30 min-
utes in 400 degree oven or until brown and crusty. May be served with cream, whipped
cream, or lemon butter sauce. Serves four.
Beef in Sour Cream
3 lbs. lean stewing beef
3 tbsp. fat
5 large onions
2 c. sour cream
Vz tsp. oregano
1 tsp. salt
Cut beef in chunks suitable for serving. Roll in flour and brown in fat. Remove
to baking dish. Slice onions thinly and brown in remaining fat. Add sour cream and
seasonings. Cover and bake in 3000 oven for 2 hours or until tender. Serves 8.
Banana Drops
2 Vz c. flour
2 tsp. baking powder
Vz tsp. salt
!4 tsp. soda
% c. shortening
1 c. sugar
2 eggs
Vz tsp. vanilla
1 c. chocolate drops or chips
1 c. mashed bananas
Mix as for standard cookie recipe. Drop by teaspoons on greased cookie sheet.
Bake at 4000 for 10 to 12 minutes. Yield: 6 dozen.
XA c. shortening
1 c. brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. baking powder
Butterscotch Brownies
3A c. flour
Vz tsp. salt
Vz tsp. vanilla
Vz c nuts
Mix as for standard cookie recipe. Bake at 3500 for 20 to 25 minutes in 8-inch
square pan.
Barbecued Venison
Use round, T-bone, or other cut of steak. Sauce is for approximately four servings.
% c. catsup
3 tbsp. mustard
1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
Page 244
salt, pepper to taste
(onion salt if desired)
% c. water
Combine all ingredients in the order given to make bar-b-que paste. Place meat
in greased baking dish. Spread prepared paste over meat. Add small amount of
water to bottom of pan to keep meat moist. Cover and bake at 3500 for 1/4 hours
or longer, depending on tenderness of meat. Add water if needed.
Roast Pheasant
1 pheasant 1 tsp. salt
1 qt. boiling water % tsp. pepper
3 stalks celery 4 strips bacon
1 onion 1 c. water
Clean pheasant, place in pan, and pour boiling water over bird and into cavity.
Place celery and onion in bird. Do not sew up. Rub bird with salt and pepper. Place
in roasting pan and place the bacon strips over breast. Add the 1 c. of water and roast in
moderate oven (3500 F) uncovered for 2 hours or until tender.
Wild Duck
1 duck 3 strips bacon
1 stalk celery 2 tbsp. bacon drippings
J/4 apple salt and pepper to taste
1 onion
Clean duck and soak in strong salt water 2 or 3 hours. Remove from water and
dry well. In cavity of duck place celery stalk, apple, and onion. Season outside of bird
with salt and pepper. Fasten strips of bacon across the breast of bird with toothpicks.
Place duck, breast side down, in uncovered roasting pan. Add bacon drippings. Roast
at 3750 F. until it begins to sizzle and turn brown. Place lid on, and reduce tempera-
ture of oven to 300 ° F. Baste every 20 minutes and roast for 3 hours. During last half
hour remove cover and turn duck so breast will brown.
De Luxe Hot Cakes
3 c. unsifted whole -wheat flour 2 egg yolks
1 tbsp. baking powder iVi c. whole milk
% tsp. salt 3 tbsp. oil
3 tbsp. honey 2 egg whites, beaten
Combine in order given, folding in beaten egg whites last. Bake on lightly
greased hot griddle. These are really light and tasty.
Pan Cakes, Chuck Wagon Style
6 slices bacon 2 c. flour
Vs c. cooked bacon fat 4 tsp. baking powder
2 eggs 1 tsp. salt
2 c. milk !4 c. sugar
Chop bacon and brown lightly. Set aside while fat cools. Sift flour, baking pow-
der, sugar, and salt together. Beat eggs, stir in milk and cooled bacon fat. Add dry
ingredients. Beat to a smooth batter. Makes about twenty 3-inch cakes. Cook on
hot griddle.
2 eggs, beaten Vi tsp. soda
1 c. sugar l Vi tsp. baking powder
2 tbsp. oil i tsp. salt
l c. sour milk or buttermilk i tsp. nutmeg
4 c. sifted whole-wheat flour Vi tsp. cinnamon
Combine beaten eggs, sugar, and oil. Add sour milk or buttermilk and beat. Sift
dry ingredients together twice and add to first mixture and beat well. Knead for
Vi minute. Roll to V& " thickness, cut, and fry in deep fat.
Prune Cake
i Vi c. sugar i tsp. cinnamon
2 Vi c. flour i tsp. nutmeg
3 tsp. baking powder % tsp. cloves
Vi tsp. salt Vi tsp. allspice
Mix well in a large bowl, then add:
3 eggs l tsp. vanilla
Vi c. chopped nuts Vi c. shortening
l c. prunes (cooked, cooled, pitted,
and add juice)
Beat until smooth, about 4 minutes. Bake at 3500 for 45 to 50 minutes.
Easy Caramel Icing
1 Vz c. brown sugar 2 tbsp. butter
lA c. top milk 1 tsp. vanilla
Mix in saucepan, bring to boil, and boil for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove
from heat, add vanilla, beat until thick and creamy enough to spread. Add a little
cream if needed to spread.
Vi/dd I Homing (glories
Ethel lacobson
Colors run riot
Over the plain!
Here like a purple
The morning-glory
Armies sweep
Till we walk in glory
Where a myriad tiny
Trumpets blare
Triumphant paeans
On April air!
To Die Before Thy Time
Helen Bay Gibbons
MARY Sheridan was smiling
as she hung up the tele-
phone. It was easy to break
that appointment, she thought. I'd
better call Martha again right away
—she is so insistent, and the lunch-
eon does sound tempting.
For a moment she glanced out-
side at her flower bed, neat and
colorful behind the billowy, white
Priscilla curtains. Mary took great
pride in her excellent housekeeping.
She enjoyed creating for her hus-
band and children the peace and
comfort of a clean, uncluttered
home. Her eyes surveyed the shiny
kitchen, and discovered in the cor-
ner a small boy's Cub Scout cap,
carelessly crumpled.
"Oh, clear, I forgot about Jamie's
scout program this afternoon." She
tapped her toe impatiently. "Well,
it isn't very important. Jamie will
understand about the luncheon,"
she reassured her sinking spirits.
Remembering the Cub Scout com-
mitment really troubled Mary, for
she was a conscientious person, but
deliberately pushing aside her mis-
givings, she raised the telephone.
That's when she heard the voices.
Her startled senses suddenly became
aware of an unexpected conversa-
"Who else is coming in to see Dr.
Sterling today, Sue?"
"Not too many patients. A Mrs.
Mary Sheridan just called and
changed her late afternoon appoint-
ment to Friday."
Manv blocks away, Marv listened
silently. She was a very proper per-
son who usually wouldn't dream of
eavesdropping, but hearing her own
name mentioned, curiosity con-
quered. She held the receiver
quietly — straining to hear the muf-
fled voices of her doctor's nurse and
receptionist amid the background of
doctor's office noises. Apparently
no one there had noticed the tele-
phone ajar on its cradle, and the
earlier connection with Mary's line
remained unbroken.
"Mary Sheridan!" she heard the
nurse exclaim. "Did you check
with Dr. Sterling to see if it would
be all right to postpone the ap-
"No. I thought it was just a rou-
tine matter. Is it important?"
"I don't know for sure. Dr. Sterl-
ing had asked Mrs. Sheridan to
come back today so that he could
discuss with her the results of the
tests we ran. Where are the lab
Mary sat stiff and attentive. She
heard the rustle of shuffled papers,
and a comment or two that she just
could not make out. Then she
heard the nurse exclaim, quite clear-
"Oh, dear. This is a bad one!"
"What do you mean?"
"I'm not an expert at assessing lab
reports, but see what it says: 'evi-
dence of widespread malignancy.'
It's sad when a case like this occurs.
I don't envy Dr. Sterling. Of course,
he'll check and double-check, run
more tests, and do all that he can,
but when his efforts fail, he must
face the patient. It must be ter-
ribly difficult to tell a woman that
she has only a few months left to
Page 247
A/TARY felt a heavy agony begin
to grow inside her.
"Only a few months left to live."
Her shocked mind repeated the
phrase over and over. Its chilling
force paralyzed her muscles and
she sat with the telephone frozen in
her grip, totally unconscious of the
click of the other receiver, and the
buzz of the dial tone.
"It isn't true — I don't believe
it," Mary cried aloud at last. But
even as her ears heard the words,
she realized that she did, too, be-
lieve it. A fear of just this sort of
thing had taken her to Dr. Ster-
ling's office in the first place. She
put down the telephone, buried her
face in her arm and wept.
She cried only a short time, how-
ever, for Mary Sheridan had never
been inclined to hide from realitv.
Always, when something went
wrong, or when something had to
be done, she had gone to work with
a kind of aggressive energy to re-
solve her problems. Now that the
first force of the shock was receding
a bit, her mind probed urgently in-
ward, and she began dispassionately
examining her own soul. What was
to be done? She tried to weigh her
strengths and weaknesses just as she
might have inspected the items in
her daughter's back-to-school ward-
"Here I am," she finally admitted
to herself, "just another middle-aged
matron with a somewhat dusty
mind and well-polished furniture. I
have carefully cultivated my flower
garden, and neglected my character.
I live with my drab spirit in a lovely,
cheerful house."
"How did it happen?" she kept
asking herself. "Dear, generous Dan
works overtime to buy the things I
want, and we are all too busv to
have much time together. Oh,
Jamie and Louise, how I've neglect-
ed you."
It did not take long for Mary to
realize that there was much to do.
And being very conscientious, she
wiped away her tears, rose to her
feet, and began to rearrange her way
of life.
# -if. -if. If. Sf
""VTOW, boys," said the den
mother, Mrs. Whitney, "will
you please stand, one at a time, and
introduce your guests. Mothers,
welcome to our Cub Scout party."
Mary Sheridan sat very straight
in her chair, resisting the urge to
hug Jamie and his scrubbed freckles.
No need to embarrass him in front
of his friends. There was a certain
manliness about him, but Mary
could still see in him the baby son
she had held in her arms such a
short time ago. A big grin kept
popping out all over his face, and
his head bobbed around excitedly.
He was so lovably like Dan, big,
exuberant, and perpetually in mo-
tion. As Mary glanced at Jamie,
she remembered uncomfortably the
snowman they had not had time to
make, the hike in the canyon that
would have made them too dirty,
and the noisy friends that were too
unruly to invite into the house.
"Boy, that was a real neat party,
wasn't it, Mom!" Jamie burst out
on the way home.
"Yes, it was, son, and I'm glad
you invited me."
As usual, Louise burst into the
house breathlessly. "Mom, the kids
are waiting outside for me. May I
go over to Janet's rumpus room.
She has some dreamy new records."
"Hi, honey," Mary answered
breezily, "run along, but be home
in time for dinner. Why don't you
get the crowd together here for a
platter party sometime soon? We
could roll back the rugs and dance,
if you like."
Louise had an expression on her
face like Christmas morning, as she
dashed out. Mary's face looked lit
up, also. Perhaps it was the reflec-
tion of the afternoon sun.
VVTHEN Dan saw the living room,
his concern was very evident.
''Mary, what's happened to your ex-
pensive new love seat that was de-
livered yesterday?"
Mary's smile was warm and af-
fectionate. "I sent it back to the
store and cancelled the order for
the other pieces. Here is the re-
fund check."
"But, honey," her bewildered hus-
band frowned, "I thought you liked
the new furniture."
"Oh, this old couch is much more
comfortable," his wife reassured
him, "and besides, we need lots of
things more than a new love seat —
like dinner now, for instance. Later,
let's hold a family council. I've a
few suggestions — about taking a
hike Saturday instead of working in
the yard. This beautiful weather is
too good to waste."
Dan still looked puzzled, but smil-
ing at the aroma of steak and onions,
and patting the refund check in his
pocket, he accepted the new atmos-
phere uncomplainingly.
Later that night, lying awake in
the moon-drenched bedroom, Mary
drank in deeply of the refreshing air
of evening, and watched the familiar
face of her husband relax into sleep.
She knew that Dan had sensed
something was different, but Mary
had made it safely through without
revealing her secret.
Wonderful Dan — always so kind
and good. She remembered the day
they married, promising each other,
"We'll make our lives really mean
something." Hungrily, her eyes took
in every beloved detail of her hus-
band's appearance — his broad,
muscled shoulders and strong,
square hands, the funny wrinkles
around his eyes.
"It's almost too late, Dan," she
whispered, "almost, but not quite."
She fell asleep thinking of the
freckled grin of a small boy, and
the joy in a teen-aged daughter's
lovely eyes.
T^HAT was the way the days
passed until Friday. The chil-
dren hurried home from school to
a mother with time to welcome and
listen to them. Dan, refreshed by
the thought of the sizable refund
check deposited in the bank, seemed
more relaxed and secure. He seemed
to find more time to spend with his
family. Mary, marking and savor-
ing every hour as it passed, knew
that she must go on Friday to see
Dr. Sterling and hear from him
what amounted to her death sen-
tence — the penalty which disease
had placed upon her.
"Dr. Sterling will see you now,
Mrs. Sheridan." The nurse's voice,
clipped and formal, sounded strange-
ly like doom to Mary. She shud-
dered slightly, but squared her
shoulders as she walked down the
Dr. Sterling was examining a
paper as she came in. It was the
lab report, no doubt. At least, it
would be a relief to know just what
she might expect. In any case,
Mary thought, I'll appreciate the
davs that remain.
"Mrs. Sheridan," Dr. Sterling
greeted her cordially, rising and ex-
tending his hand. "How are you
today? Won't you be seated."
"Please don't think me abrupt,
Doctor," Mary said, sitting nervous-
ly on the edge of the chair, "but I
am anxious to know the truth."
"Well, that will be easy. We find
only a small benign tumor, easy to
remove. Otherwise, you are in fine
Mary looked at him suspiciously,
struggling to hide the quaver in her
voice, "Please don't be afraid to tell
me what you really found. You
see, I overheard your nurse. I al-
ready know what is on the lab re-
"Well, Mrs. Sheridan," Dr. Ster-
ling smiled as he spoke, "you
obviously overheard the wrong lab
report. You are the fortunate one
— another of my patients is not so
blessed with good health. All that
we must do now is make a date for
taking care of that tumor."
sjc jj: # # jjs
The afternoon sunshine was bril-
liant in its happy blue sky. The
flowers smiled gaily. Mary missed
nothing of the sights and sounds of
the city streets, the earth, the sky
and the people around her as she
hurried home to continue her new-
planned life with her husband and
1 1 Lasterptece
Viola Quinn Wi/Jmore
Blushing pink, fluffy white, and cerulean blue,
Orange, mauve, and cerise in loud or muted hue;
Purple, gray, and harvest gold —
What artist dares to paint so bold?
And yet in the evening to the West there lies
This panorama in Dakota skies.
■ ♦ ■
(^osmetics for (grandma
Esther H. Lamb
nnHE day had been long, warm, and work-laden. I sat, grateful for a moment on the
* cool stone of the front porch, glad for the sound barrier the house provided
between me and the half dozen lusty-voiced grandchildren playing on the back lawn.
All day they had performed like monkeys on strings, each set in motion by his own
animated need for action.
"I am weary to the bone" I told myself. I would be glad when night folded them
in its quietness.
Suddenly the back yard war changed its battlefield. All the generals hurled their
forces past me in frenzied pursuit of imaginary foes.
Five-year-old Scott, the wildest lieutenant ever to go into action, broke ranks,
leaned toward me and pressed sweet lips briefly against my cheek, and charged away.
He never guessed the tingling wave of renewal that his caress had spread across my
face, to lodge with restfulness in my heart.
[Planters for the LPatto
Eva. Willes Wangsgaard
ONE of the surest ways to in-
crease the outdoorsy feeling
of the patio and tie it to the
garden is by means of planters.
So containers become of basic in-
terest — what size, what shape,
where and how to obtain them?
I made mine and collected Ori-
ental kegs to add to them. The
Japanese grocers import native foods
for their customers. Soy bean
sauce, pickled plums, etc. arrive in
wooden kegs of a delightfully
artistic design. They are made of
hardwood staves with bamboo
rounds. Removing the paper la-
bels, sanding off the print, and
applying a coat of spar varnish is a
very small task, and you have a
beautiful jardiniere, or with a brace
and bit, you can bore drainage holes
and have a practical planter that
will enhance the beauty of any ar-
rangement. Since the kegs are made
of wood, if they are used as jar-
dinieres, they need periodic soak-
ing to prevent shrinkage and falling
apart. But as planters, the watering
of the plants keeps the staves moist
and tight.
The goods boxes which carry the
canned goods in from the Orient
are another source of planter ma-
terial. These may be obtained
through the Japanese grocers for a
few cents each. They take redwood
stain well, and, being hardwood,
make particularly serviceable con-
tainers. One box sawed in half
lengthwise will make two planters.
The lids provide the material for
filling in the open side. If the lids
are not available, two boxes will
make three planters 7" x 10" x 20",
which may be finished in two
shapes — depending on whether
you use the 7" side for the bottom
or the 10" side. This is determined
Page 251
"by the space it has to fit, and also,
by what the intended planting is.
The shallow, wider box is a satis-
factory petunia and shallow-rooted
plant container. The deeper box
serves well for geraniums and coleus
In making containers of wood,
one must keep in mind the fact that
wood swells when wet and may
warp out of shape. This warping
is controlled by binding the bottom
and sides around both end pieces
with strips of metal. For this one
can use the metal strips that come
off peat moss bails and similar
sources, but, usually, I use brass
weather-stripping because it is just
as binding and is ornamental as
well. When inch-wide stripping
was all I could purchase, I split it
lengthwise with the garden shears
with little resistance. An addition-
al binding around the middle with
full-width weather-stripping makes
a good decoration.
A NOTHER source of material is
the redwood pieces discarded
in the kindling piles at the local
lumber yards. Also, it pays to buy
redwood by the foot and make your
own designs, because in that way
you can fit the size and shape of
the planter to your requirements.
I had mine cut to measure at the
planing mill and put them together
with small finishing nails. The
least expensive material is the un-
finished redwood used for basket-
weave fences. It has a pleasing,
rough texture. For other spots you
might prefer the finished redwood.
You can buy it in a number of
widths and thicknesses, and, cut to
measure, the finishing of the boxes
is a simple, pleasant job.
Except for the kegs, most plant-
ers, of whatever wood they are
made, look better and give longer
service if they are given two coats
of redwood finish "three-in-one,"
which stains, seals, and waxes in one
My patio contains two house
windows. I leveled my sills with a
piece of 2" x 8" redwood beveled
on the underside to fit the slope and
secured to the widowframe with
angle braces. Around this slab, and
protruding one half-inch above the
surface, I nailed a wide strip of
weather-stripping which serves as a
lip to prevent slipping of window
boxes and as an ornament. Win-
dow boxes trimmed with redwood
bark and planted with Madeira
vines make a picture of the windows
and soften the severity of the fire-
brick walls.
Carrying out the theme in the
garden, the fifteen-feet circle, which
is my iris garden, is only foliage
from June on. To fill this space
with color, depth, and interest,
planters and stands proved an
aesthetic answer. Large boxes
10" x 10" x 27" filled with May-
time petunias, and resting on iron
stands, backed by taller merchan-
dise-display stands, loaded with
tiers of planters filled with Pink
Wizard petunias, which carried out
both depth and height to the color
picture, carry summer color out,
up, and back to the background of
Persian lilacs. A nail keg, cut wide
at the mouth and bearing a rich
redwood coat, holds a growing
bouquet of dwarf dahlias and fills
the center spot.
Each year teaches me a little
more about color effects and tim-
ing, but I key my whole garden
color scheme to the phlox which, in
this locality, are at their height in
patio season. A planting of City
of Portland (melon pink) cannas
is lovely in an Oriental keg with
lower-growing related plants such
as chin-cher-chin-chee or gladioli
blooming around them.
The small boxes that fit the
flower cart are made of cut-to-meas-
ure finished redwood and planted
with coleus, geraniums, and fibrous
To keep planters off the floor and
allow drainage, which is provided
for by bored holes, I use rubber-
headed furniture protector pins or
rubber caster cups nailed on upside
Planters frequently need moving
for convenience or for obtaining
sun and shade as required for plant
growth. This chore is made simple
by use of a few homemade dollies.
One wide board cut the proper
length for fitting the planter, re-
enforced by a cross piece at either
end, is made mobile by screwing
casters to the cross pieces, one in
each corner. If no wide wood is
available, the crosspieces make it
easy to hold narrower lumber to-
gether. Homemade dollies have
two advantages over commercial
ones, they cost less and can be
made to fit the need. The casters
of the type that screw to the bottom
of things can be bought at most
hardware stores for a reasonable
cJhtrteen JJon ts tn Sewing for a iuest- Jjressed you
Wilma M. Rich
uVOU always look as if you had
stepped straight from the
pages of Vogue!" my neighbor re-
flected aloud one day. "How do
you do it?"
"By sewing all my own clothes,"
I answered simply.
With a wail close to tears, she
asked, "But how? I sew, too, but
I come closer to looking as if I've
splurged at a third-rate rummage
sale instead. What makes the dif-
What does make the difference?
Expensive materials? Four hundred
dollar sewing machines? Extensive
sewing courses? Or just taking a
few specific pains and double check-
Speaking from experience, Fve
discovered that good quality ma-
terial and a smooth-running ma-
chine do help, as do hours of
experience and learning; but the big
thing that makes the big difference
is learning to eliminate a few simple
Mistakes most often made by
beginners as well as experienced
seamstresses can be wiped quickly
and easily from the slate and thus
save frustrated tears and chucked
away, half-finished clothes. But
Well, to explain easily, let me list
the "don'ts" to watch out for and
leave the "do's" to the pattern you
choose to create with.
First of all, I'll generalize with
one tremendous don't that briefly
overheads all smaller ones: Don't
The others follow and are all of
Page 254
1. Don't begin your article until you are
completely familiar with your pattern,
material, and sewing machine. If you do,
it is like putting your confidence in
numerous, strange business partners.
2. Don't underestimate the value of
markings on your pattern pieces. Use
them to full advantage. Having a dot or
a broken line to follow may save many
precious moments and stitches.
3. Don't choose at random the kind
of seam for your garment. Investigate
types of seams for different types of cloth-
ing and complement your article with the
best seam possible.
4. Don't feed material under the needle
too fast and turn out faulty, uneven seams.
Anyone can sew fast, but only an expert
can sew straight.
5. Don't leave seams unfinished or de-
pend entirely upon pinking shears for fin-
ishing seams. Leaving a seam unfinished
is like leaving a cake un-iced, and pinked
edges are only effective on certain mater-
ials. All materials fray; only finished
seams keep unruly threads intact.
6. Don't neglect to clip curves and trim
seams when the pattern calls for it. Care-
lessness may produce puckers and humps
and look very unattractive.
7. Don't fight "the battle of the bulge."
If bulges crop up in obvious profusion,
don't try to push or pry them out, the
result may be hazardous. Get to the base
of the problem and work it out deftly
from where the bulge begins.
8. Don't cover one mistake with an-
other. Two wrongs don't make a right.
Undo the first and the second will take
care of itself.
9. Don't scowl at and skip around the
word "baste" on a guide sheet. It is put
there for your benefit and will simplify
your job immensely. Take the extra time
that says you care.
10. Don't tack by machine in conspicu-
ous places. It may spare you a moment,
but will cost you that fashion-lovely look
you desire.
11. Don't pull gathers haphazardly. The
tiny gathers determine the graceful curve
of a sleeve and the full, flaring drape of
a skirt. Make them precise.
12. Don't finger-press. Use an iron so
your seams, pleats, tabs, and plackets will
lie flat and even.
13. Above all, don't sew under stress.
An hour of mistakes may be avoided by a
twenty-minute relaxation break.
To sum up:
Don't take your sewing for grant-
ed. Take time, use care, and be
tolerant and patient. You'll discover
a whole new world of delight ahead
and an exquisite, fashion-fancy, new
Untold (Pi
Vesta N. Fairbairn
Like an opening flower,
Like morning's dawnlight hour,
Like the unread page,
Like spring's first breath of sage,
Like untried chords and tone
Of a song, unsung, unknown,
Like mystery of earth
Is each year's joyous birth.
1 1 Loo might
Celia Luce
npHE night was a gusty one, with the sky almost covered with clouds. The moon
■* sailed behind the clouds, sending its light in a great glowing circle where the
clouds were thin, and peeking through tiny holes in the thicker clouds.
I watched with delight, but feared the display was about at an end. Ahead of the
moon was a dark cloud that looked as though it was so deep and black there would
be never a hole for the beauty of the moon to shine through.
The moon crept on behind the dark cloud, but her radiance kept finding thin
places and holes, and she went shining on. The cloud which had looked black and
forbidding was made golden and beautiful by the moon's presence.
There are times when life looks like the dark cloud. There doesn't seem to be
anything ahead but the deepest of gloom.
Then the wise person turns to the Lord in prayer. The light of God will shine
through the gloom and scatter beauty over the path ahead.
The light of the moon may not be fully appreciated on clear nights; but a few
clouds spread the glow and add immeasurably to the beauty.
We turn to God for help when the way ahead looks' dark, and our lives are richer,
more beautiful, for the clouds of sorrow we have seen.
LOo SJt LJ our self
Joy Huhne
THE do-it-yourself urge with
me is like yeast. Hidden
away in my being somewhere
are the tiny spores waiting for the
proper frame of mind to nourish
them. When a spark of thought
warms them, and they are fed the
sweet sugar of ambition, they begin
to ferment and grow within me
until I am filled with a bubbling
effervescence for action.
My husband Bill has choked
down sandwiches for dinner many a
time while he suffered through the
worst and hoped for the better. My
children have learned to make their
own beds or open a can of soup
for lunch in case of emergency.
( Emergency has a very liberal mean-
ing at our house.) But the person
who has needed the most under-
standing is my mother-in-law.
Some supersensitive instrument
must have been built into Bill's
mother for her to detect when the
yeast has come to a head, that she
can always pick the day of my latest
project to "drop in."
It is almost as uncanny that I
cannot predict her visits. I have
not yet figured out what pattern
they make on her closely followed
schedule of things to do. I can
predict a week, a month, or even
ten years in advance that come
Monday morning, she will wash.
Tuesday, rain, shine, or hurricane,
she will have the ironing finished
by ten o'clock. So it goes. She has
a time for everything. She never
has spring or fall housecleaning as
I do, when everything is turned ex-
citedly upside down for two weeks
and finally settled comfortably,
Page 256
cleanly back. Each dav she does
some of those extra cleaning chores.
She would never say on a fine spring
Monday, "I think I'll just sit under
the apricot tree and drink in the
deliciousness of the air." I could.
And, likely as not after studying the
pleasing shape and arrangement of
blossoms on the apricot bough, I
would think, wouldn't that make a
nice design for an etched aluminum
tray? I'd make a circle of my fing-
ers and, looking through it with one
eye closed, move it closer and farther
away from the flower-laden twig,
until I had determined the place-
ment of the spray in the design I
was already forming in my mind.
I really should make something for
Mary Jean Thomas' wedding, I
would think. And the bubbling was
started in my brain.
By afternoon I would be deep
into the project. The dishes would
still be in the sink and the floor lit-
tered with not quite perfect patterns
that lay where I had dropped them
in my zest to make a better one.
My fingernails would be black with
asphaltum, but on the tray the de-
sign would be painted in neat clean
lines. About the time I would hold
it up to admire the freshness of
spring I had caught, Bill's mother
would ring the bell, and I'm sorry
to say, she would not catch any
freshness of spring, but rather the
choke of turpentine, as she came
through the door.
HE truth is I wanted to feel that
way myself. My mother-in-law
was everything I'd like to have been
— calm, cool, collected. I yearned
to be the competent master of my
fate that she was. But efficiency
was a conservative garment I wore
onlv occasionally. I still kept it well
pressed, hanging in the closet to
slip on at a moment's notice, hop-
ing for the chance to appear casually
clad in it when my mother-in-law
arrived; but I never had time to get
it on.
Last spring I thought I was cured
forever and ever of the do-it-your-
self business.
It started one morning as I lay
in bed and saw a cobweb hanging
from the ceiling. I looked around
for more and noticed, not for the
first time, the streaked green color
of the walls and the dark spots by
the light switch.
'This room needs painting/' I
"Uh huh," agreed Bill who was
always affable when he wasn't quite
The idea was only a vague
thought. I could turn away from
it. Sometime later I got to the
mental game of choosing a color
scheme, and the day I saw the paint
sale at the hardware store, I knew
there was no turning back.
I don't like to paint at all, really,
so the thought was in my mind to
have Bill do it, although his unco-
operative idea about all do-it-your-
self projects was that they cost near-
ly as much as a professional job by
the time you had bought the tools;
that they didn't look so well; and
besides (and mostly) that they
were too much work.
I didn't ever really expect Bill to
do it, but just mentioning it was
part of the process. Sometimes it
took a good deal of impatience to
get the yeast-like action going.
After several days of hinting, I
finally said, "When are you going
to paint the bedroom?"
"You're not expecting me to do
it, are you?" he asked. That set-
tled that. Still I had had to elimi-
nate the possibility that he might
do it because I didn't want to,
After that I took to measuring
the room with my eye and approxi-
mately the number of strokes with
the roller it would take to do each
wall. I assembled the tools and ma-
terials needed so nothing would
slow me down once I got that urge
to get the job done. Still no urge.
The yeast was getting old.
It was one Monday morning,
after a particularly peaceful week
end, that my eyes swept the room
with a new speed. The size of the
walls diminished under my gaze,
and the length of my arm sweep
and the width of the paint roller
were exaggerated by my exuber-
ance. And today was Monday.
Bill's mother would be too busy
with her washing to catch me in a
"I think I'll just paint this room
today," I said.
"Uh huh," mumbled Bill and
rolled out of bed.
Just paint this room today, in-
deed! That proved to be the under-
statement of the century.
I started to pull up the covers on
the bed but threw them back in-
stead. Might just as well have clean
sheets, too. I'd just toss them in
the washer.
As soon as Bill had gone to work
and the older children were off
to school, I stacked the dishes and
started the painting.
If only a roller or brush could
sweep down a wall as fast as the eye
thinks it can! I had failed to con-
sider the rough finish of the plaster.
It took a great deal of pressure on
the roller to force the paint into
the recesses of the wall. Before
long I was puffing with the effort.
I paused and looked back to admire
the spot I had finished. The thirsty
plaster was drinking in the paint like
a blotter. Instead of the clean
oyster-white I had in mind, the spot
was a dingy, pale, seasick green.
Feeling a pale, seasick green myself,
I turned back to my task with more
determination but less enthusiasm.
I'd have to hurry to get two coats
done before Bill came home and
saw that bilious color.
Four-year-old Wayne appeared in
the doorway. "Whyn't you give me
'prize?" he asked. "An' not a kiss."
"I don't have any surprises," I
said, stretching to reach a little far-
ther on the ceiling. "Run outside
now and play in the sand pile."
Finally, by staring him down, he
said, "Okay," and the door slammed.
By mid-morning my shoulders
ached from pushing, and my neck
was stiff from holding my head
tipped back to look at the ceiling.
I remembered the sheets in the
washer and went to hang them out.
Then the overflowing hamper of
soiled clothes demanded attention.
When I had put down my paint
roller to hang clothes for the sixth
time, I looked at the clock. Patty
would be home from school any
minute and could play with Wayne
when he woke up from his nap.
In another blessed hour Edward
would be home from his paper
route. He could help me with the
second coat. I'd tried a swipe where
the paint had already dried and it
was the gleaming, clean color of an
oyster shell. My spirits had revived
somewhat, but I had given up on
my time schedule. The woodwork
would have to wait until tomorrow.
Edward came in about four
o'clock with his face looking like a
storm cloud.
"Finished your route already?"
"No, I haven't started it. My bike
won't work."
"What's the matter with it?"
"The fender drags on the wheel."
"Can you fix it?"
"I just have to tighten up a
"Go tighten it then. What's all
the fuss about?"
"I can't reach the screw without
taking the wheel off. I'll need a
little help."
Edward and I have an unex-
pressed understanding between us.
I will give him help when he needs
it, and he w7ill do the same for me.
It is very fine to have a son like
We had the wheel off his bicycle
and the guilty screw tightened in a
few moments, but couldn't get the
axle nut tightened after we replaced
the wheel. After working for half
an hour, we discovered the threads
were stripped. We were rummag-
ing in the odds-and-ends box look-
ing for a new part when the phone
rang. It was Mr. McCloud want-
ing to know why his paper hadn't
been delivered yet.
"Get in the car," I said to Ed-
ward. "I'll take you around your
route." I called to Patty to wash
the breakfast dishes and set the
table for supper while she watched
Wayne. "All right," she said. Pat-
ty is a delightful child. "Please help
me with my arithmetic, when you
get back," she called.
HAT night when Bill and I
crunched our way to bed across
the newspaper-strewn floor, he said,
"We should have hired John Olson
to paint this room/'
"We couldn't afford it/' I re-
minded him.
He acted as if I'd reduced the
resale value of the house at least
five hundred dollars by doing the
job myself, and we couldn't afford
that either.
"It will look better with a second
coat," I assured him, pointing to
the spot I'd gone over twice.
"I hope so." He sounded dubi-
ous as he turned out the light.
The next day I painted with the
greatest care. I went over every
spot until not a speck of green was
showing. The enamel on the wood-
work was brushed and brushed and
not a drop allowed to run. I paint-
ed around the window glass with a
meticulousness unheard of by pro-
fessional painters. This took a good
deal of time, however, and by after-
noon I could see I wouldn't finish
this day either.
I sank wearily into a chair. I felt
the enthusiasm escape from me in
tired little puffs. This time the
yeast had risen too high. Tomorrow
I would start being efficient like
Bill's mother. I'd make a schedule
and leave no time on it for my crazy
schemes. Tomorrow when the
painting was finished, that is. I
picked up a paper and pencil and
made a few notes: Monday, wash;
Tuesdav, iron.
I may be slow to get started, but
at least I'm not a quitter, and the
next morning I was at my task
early. This was very much to my
credit, for the air outside was like
bubbling gingerale— sparkling, cool,
inviting. Bill's enthusiastic "Not
bad. Not bad, at all," when he saw
the room, had given my spirits the
lift they needed. I marveled at my
luck that my mother-in-law hadn't
caught me in the worst of all
No sooner had this thought
crossed my mind than a car crossed
the intersection and drove to a stop
in front of the house — her car.
I quickly wiped the paint from
my arms, peeled off my dirty
clothes, and slipped on a clean
dress. I sprayed air freshener in a
thick choking fog to dissipate the
paint odor and shut the bedroom
WHEN the bell rang for the sec-
one time, I called, "Come in,"
from the kitchen where I'd started
to wash breakfast dishes.
I had to look twice to make sure
it was Bill's mother. No crisp ging-
ham today. She was wearing an old
skirt, and one of Dad's faded shirts.
My mouth was so busy being open
she was the first to speak.
"I came to help you," she said,
"with the painting." She should
have been a detective. I thought
my quick camouflage had been com-
"How did you know?"
"I heard from Bill and I see paint
on your nose," she said simply.
"Where's a brush?"
"But today is your day to clean
the linen closet." I had memorized
her schedule by now.
"Forget the linen closet. Who
will know a hundred years from now
if I cleaned it today or not?"
"Mother, sit down. Do you feel
all right?"
"I haven't felt better for thirty-
five years."
"Will you explain what's hap-
pened to you?"
"Nothing happened to me. I
happened to it. Emancipation Proc-
I decided Fd better humor her.
I was afraid something had snapped
in her well-disciplined mind.
"What did freeing the slaves have
to do with you?" I asked.
"I have just freed myself from
being a slave — a slave to my house,
to my work. But, mostly, to my
schedule. I burned it."
"Burned your schedule?"
"Yes, I wanted to be like you.
Master of my fate."
"But I'm not master of my fate
at all. You're the one. . . ."
"Oh, yes, you are," she said. "If
you want to do something, you do
it. I'm always wanting to come over
to see what new and exciting things
you are doing."
The new, exciting things she was
talking about rushed in a quick pro-
cession through my mind — the
etched trays, the ceramic figurines,
the floats for the children's parades,
raisins drying in the sun, copper
tooling, mosaics, piecing quilts. The
line was long. It had been fun.
"You've taught your children to
do all sorts of things," she went on.
"You are never too busy to help
them learn."
I hadn't really taught them, just
let them work with me. They were
so eager, and their small fingers re-
sponded skillfully. It was true they
had learned to do many things both
to help and for fun.
I crumpled the paper I had start-
ed writing my schedule on last
night, and dropped it in the waste
basket on my way to the bedroom.
"Let's hurry and finish the paint-
ing," I said, "and then how would
you like to ride up the canyon and
take a picnic?"
"I'd love to," Mother answered.
"We could get some river stones so
I can get started on that rock garden
I've wanted so long."
One thing I didn't know about
do-it-yourself until then. It's con-
Maude Rubin
I claimed this garden plot for mine . . .
From desert earth I'd made it,
Planted every rose and tree,
Harbored bird and humming bee,
Hoarded seed and gently laid it
In the furrow — powdered fine
Was every clod of dry adobe.
But now these flowers so full of wonder,
These drums of hail, these shouts of thunder,
Tear my flimsy claim asunder . . .
God's — the seed, the storm, the tree,
God's — the garden, lent to me!
(christening the I lew (carriage
Luh Walker
TT was an ecstatic moment when I
first saw our new carriage that
lovely summer morning in 1905. No
sleek-lined Cadillac could ever thrill
me as did that carriage, its satiny
smoothness gleaming in beautiful
newness — a marked contrast to our
weather-worn old spring wagon.
The carriage was a complete sur-
prise. Only the night before papa
had smuggled it into the shed, then
driven it out next morning at the
strategic moment when we were
ready to go visiting. For years we
had longed for a carriage. Now we
had one, with a wonderful glossy top
to shelter us from both sun and
rain. No more aching arms from
holding parasols. And those in-
triguing little glass boxes up in
front held real kerosene lamps.
Fancy driving along a dark road with
carriage lights gleaming like a
couple of giant fireflies!
Papa had perfectly timed the new
purchase with our long-planned
visit to the Wright family who
lived on a distant farm in the
''Eagle" neighborhood.
Proudly we climbed in, Papa and
Mamma in the front seat, we chil-
dren in the back. Off we went be-
hind Major and Ribbon, our fast-
stepping sorrels. The carriage rode
marvelously. It was like skimming
along on air compared to our
clumsy spring wagon.
Everywhere was lush summer
greenness— rolling meadows, fields of
knee-high corn, and great clumps of
wild roses dotting the roadside. In
spite of our urging him to go fast,
Papa drove slowly, saving the horses,
he said. Poking along was not in
keeping with a handsome new car-
riage, when we knew our team could
pass any other on the road. Not
till we reached the National Trail
did Papa "let out the ponies." This
was the best road in the country,
graded and dragged to almost
boulevard smoothness by the enter-
prising Eagle farmers.
But there was another reason for
Papa's increased speed. This fine
road was attracting those newfan-
gled automobiles. Just as well get
out of danger as soon as possible,
Papa said. The possibility of meet-
ing one of the machines put a slight
damper on our high spirits. We
were fearful as to how Major and
Ribbon might react to their first
sight of an automobile.
Terrible stories were told of
what sometimes happened when
horses saw automobiles. There had
been runaways and even people
killed. Women seldom drove on
the road any more. A man's grip
on the reins was needed if one of
those nefarious machines was en-
\ LERT to danger, we kept close
watch on the road back of us.
Suddenly, my heart stood still, but
I managed to gasp, 'There comes
onel,y No need to say what. Papa
urged the team ahead, while the
rest of us concentrated on that
brassy-eyed monster. If only we
could reach the safe haven of Mr.
Wright's barnlot before it caught
up with us!
The horses' hoofs clicked faster
Page 261
and faster, but what horse could
match a machine that raced at the
reckless speed of twenty miles an
hour? It was gaining on us! No
doubt about it. The horses' ears
were up. They had scented the
acrid smoke of that fearful machine.
Mr. Wright's red barn loomed
ahead. We might make it if the
gates were open. With the sprawl-
ing hedge, we couldn't tell.
Closer and closer came the
wheezing monster. ''Hurry, hurry!"
we warned Papa. A tickle of the
whip, and the team broke into a
gallop. Just ahead, a man was wild-
ly waving his arm in the direction
of the gate. Thank goodness it was
open! Mr. Wright's firm hand
gripped Ribbon's bridle as the brass-
trimmed machine went snorting by.
The horses stood panting with heav-
ing sides, but we and our new car-
riage were safe.
We hadn't realized how common
the gas buggies had become. Before
the day was over, a half dozen went
whizzing by. And each time we
children raced to the front gate for
a close-up of this fascinating ma-
chine. With their curiosity under
better control, the grownups took
their vantage point on the front
porch. Almost as queer looking as
the automobiles themselves were
the occupants — men in funny black
goggles, women with long fluttering
veils, and both men and women
wearing long coats that Mrs. Wright
said were "dusters."
Conversation that day didn't fall
into the usual pattern of "man talk"
and "woman talk." In the parlor
Mr. Wright and Papa made desul-
tory attempts to discuss crops. But
it was hard to concentrate on corn
when any minute they might have
to dash to the porch to see how
the passing model differed from the
one that went by an hour ago.
Both Papa and Mr. Wright were
agreed that automobiles were a men-
ace. Vermont might have the right
idea, they said, in passing a law that
forbade driving an automobile on
a public road unless a man walked
several hundred feet ahead to give
warning. But Mr. Wright admit-
ted a few Eagle farmers were get-
ting "the bug." His neighbor, Ed
Matson, had just bought one. Fool-
ish, of course. He wouldn't think
of it himself. Oh, maybe in a year
or two, if crops were good. . . . But
Mr. Wright's conclusion was cut
short by a raucous honk that sent
both men scurrying to the porch.
HpHE topic of automobiles had also
invaded the kitchen. As she
whipped the potatoes, Mrs. Wright
kept up a sprightly flow of chatter
about the Matsons and their new
automobile. Dropping her voice to
a whisper, she confided to Mamma
that she was worried . . . worried
about her husband who was show-
ing strong symptoms of "automo-
bile fever." He was a good man,
but men were men, and you
couldn't tell. . . .
"Come on, you women," boomed
Mr. Wright from the parlor, "or
you'll miss this one." Mrs. Wright
dropped the potato masher, and
with Mamma rushed to the porch.
We could hardly bear to leave
that exciting spot. We took a back
road home, since Papa decided the
longest way round might be the
safest. Jouncing over this little-
traveled road, our new carriage
didn't ride quite so smoothly, but
we children chattered excitedly
about those whizzing automobiles
we had seen. Would we ever, ever
ride in one, or wear one of those
glamorous veils, we wondered?
Papa might have been wondering
a little, too. He held the reins
loosely, looking straight ahead with
no comments on the corn we passed.
Only now and then he'd speak, and
when he did, it was to say some-
thing about automobiles. As yet,
our new car was only a gleam in his
eye, but the gleam was there.
c/he (c)ld [Red Couch
Helen B. Morris
I sat in the platform rocker staring
at my old red couch. It wasn't
really red any more — just the
color that is left after many seasons
of sun have subtracted the intense
hues of newness. Varied lengths of
faded strings dangled from the worn
right arm, and an inch of heavy
white cord pointed in my direction.
It was a big, awkward intruder
standing boldly against the new
gray-green wall.
Sadly, I realized it would con-
tinue to be the "chief seat" in our
house for many seasons yet. But,
then, it would surely have to go.
This last thought stirred some
idle corners in my mind. As I
looked at the couch again, a vision
of memories played before the eyes
of my imagination. It magically
melted my scorn and transformed
it into a kind of affection. Then I
knew that to cast it away without
a thought of thanks would be
slightly akin to retiring a loyal serv-
ant to penniless idleness.
I suddenly remembered the bleak
day four Januarys before when my
three-year-old lay weak and fever-
ish. He was sicker than I had ever
seen him. His pale, thin face made
his heavy eyes look large and sad. I
put a pillow and a blanket on the
old red couch, and he lay there
waiting for the doctor to arrive.
That evening he sat up, turned
to me and asked, "Mommy, who
is it that makes little boys well?"
"The doctor?" I guessed.
"Yes, Mommy, but who else
makes boys well?" he persisted, and
without waiting for my answer, "It's
Jesus that makes boys well, Mom-
At least seven different pairs of
Relief Society visiting teachers have
been asked to sit down on that
old red couch. As they have sat
there they have brought cheer and
beautiful messages of gospel hope
into our home.
Any number of insurance, maga-
zine, food-plan, awning, book, soft
water, and brush salesmen have
spent persuasive, fruitless hours sit-
ting there with wares we may have
wanted, but would have to wait a
while longer to afford.
Then into my mind flashed a pic-
ture of our family of four sitting
side by side on the old red couch.
There we have sat to begin our
family hours — with all their suc-
cesses and failures. Here three of
us sat while we waited for the five-
year-old to summon enough cour-
age to give the talk he had
composed for this special purpose.
I remembered his child voice
saying, "I believe in Heavenly
Father. I believe that the gospel
is true. I pray to Heavenly Father
when I should. When Jesus and
his disciples went out fishing, the
sea was 'furious,' and Jesus said,
Teace be still/ and the sea was
calm. I love my brother and my
parents. . . ."
QO many times we have invited
our bishop and his counselors
to sit down on the old red couch.
Then we have steadied ourselves,
wondering if their tidings might be
a new challenge somewhere in the
upbuilding of the kingdom. And
surprising as such requests have
been, or how far above us the task
may have seemed, any bread cast
upon the water has always returned
a thousand fold.
The old red couch has provided
a seat for a representative from at
least seven different classes of shy,
twelve-year-old boys who have come
faithfully on Fast Sunday morning
carrying with them a stiff brown
Then I remembered sitting there
one late September evening. The
head of our house came home later
than usual from a Saturday night
Priesthood meeting. I sat there
while he told me he was the new
member of the stake high council.
Since then I have sat there wait-
ing for him many long and lonely
evenings, but there we have also
sat when he returned and we have
discussed issues great and small.
From this spot, I realized, had come
most of our hopes and plans. It
had been the setting of many of
our deepest confidences.
Faces of friends old and new
passed before my memory as I
thought of the people who had sat
on the old red couch. I remem-
bered the wonderful, welcome
friends who came to strengthen us
in our moments of sorrow, and to
share with us our times of joy.
My reminiscing mind saw two
tiny babies napping on the old red
couch. It saw two little boys cling-
ing to its edge as they learned to
walk. And as they grew, their keen
imaginations transformed its arms
into horses, its cushions into boats,
and its back to the tallest building
in the world. And temporarily, it
has been known to become a
tumbling mat, a slippery slide, and
even a trampoline.
I remembered sacred moments
when lying there ill I have felt the
power of the Priesthood give me
needed strength and felt great grati-
tude for the presence of the Priest-
hood in our home.
We all went to the old red couch
when we first sat down together as
a family of five, and we opened a
little white blanket to introduce a
heaven-sent baby daughter to her
two excited, noisy brothers. It was
there we all said a silent, humble
thanks for this gift of life.
Remembering, a little of the color
seemed magically restored to the
faded red upholstery. The desire to
send it to obscurity had lost its
urgency. There it stood, meaning
many things to a family — a boat,
a cradle, seat of honor, and even a
spare bedroom for grandpas and
grandmas when they came to spend
the night.
Still, in time, the old red couch
will have to go. But not to be
discarded — just tucked away. It
was the remembering that changed
it from an enemy to a real trusted
Evelyn Cox
N the early dawn I walked across a meadow. The air was cool with a fresh, earthy
fragrance. Birds chirped and called from near by willow and poplar trees.
From the indigo blue of the sky to the green carpet of grass I felt the world was
beautiful; it was good to be alive. I enjoyed this habit of walking and looking and
listening in the early hours after dawn.
My steps left slight imprint upon the grass as I passed by. And then I crossed a
path. Many footsteps had worn away the tender green blades of grass. Even the roots
had long since been trampled and destroyed; the earth was worn down and deeply
I stopped and thought, how like a pathway are the habits we form. Most acts,
whether good or bad, do not leave too deep an impression when they are committed
once. However, each repetition gives a deeper impression, and we have made a path
upon which we travel, up or down, whichever the pathway leads.
Jrlpplesauce Luread
Myrtle Ainsworth
1 pkg. yeast ( either fresh or dry) 1 c. cracked wheat
(dissolved in 1 Vi cups warm water) !4 c. sugar
1 c. applesauce (sweetened or un- 1 tsp. salt
sweetened, as desired) lA c. shortening
1 c. dry milk 5-6 c. white flour
Mix all of the ingredients together, except the white flour. Then add two cups
of white flour and stir well. Let the mixture stand in a warm place to rise (from one
to two hours). Then add the remainder of the flour, enough to make a soft dough.
This requirement will depend upon the thickness of the applesauce and the consistency
of the dough desired. Mold the dough into three loaves, or two loaves and one dozen
rolls, as desired. Dot with butter or brown sugar and let rise until double in bulk.
Then place in an oven preheated to 400 ° F. After ten or fifteen minutes, reduce the
heat to 300 ° and bake for one-half hour or more according to degree of brownness
Raisins or chopped nuts, dates, prunes, or figs may be added to this recipe, and,
if desired, for a sweet bread, more sugar may be added. If unsweetened applesauce is
used, the bread will not have a sweet flavor.
Page 265
*j\nna Vi/hitney (Johnson — (gifted J/Lrtist
\ NNA Whitney Johnson, Springville, Utah, in all her eighty-two years, has exempli-
■**• fied the theme "A thing of beauty is a joy forever." An artist of multiple talents
and many interests, she has been successful in landscape painting in oils, china painting
and designing, raising houseplants, designing and quilting quilts and comforters, making
hooked rugs, tooled leather articles, ceramic figurines, and many pieces of embroidery,
crocheted articles, and knitted clothing. She is a charter member of the Hafen-Dallin
Art Club, and was Springville's "Mother of the Year" in 1956.
Mrs. Johnson has devotedly served the Church, and has worked in various positions
in Relief Society for thirty-six years. Her descendants include four sons, two daughters,
twenty-four grandchildren, and nine great-grandchildren.
Cfioine U\(
line u\esponst
Winona F. Thomas
I thought to write a poem,
One was running through my head,
But I made you pajamas
To keep you warm in bed.
I could have made a picture,
But I knew you had no bread
I kneaded dough and baked the loaves
So that you would be fed.
.Page 266
I fingered the piano;
My music was outspread.
When I saw dust upon the floor
I cleaned your house instead.
That night my prayers were heaven sped.
"Thank God for you," is what I said.
The New Day
Chapter 7 (Conclusion)
Hazel K. Todd
LYNN packed her luggage
carefully while it was still
early morning.
Aunt Polly had arisen long before
sun-up and picked fresh rhubarb.
Now she was making pie. There
was already gingerbread on the cup-
board, fresh strawberry jam, and a
pan of chiciv^n ready to be fried.
'My goodi, ess, Aunt Polly, you'd
And then she saw the tiny speck
far off in the distance. And she
knew it was David. Even before
she could see the gray and green
color of the car, she knew it was he.
"Aunt Polly," she said. "I think
he is coming!"
Aunt Polly came and stood beside
"Aunt Polly," Lynn said, "keep
think it was Vhanksgiving or some- trying to help Johnny."
thing with al\ this baking," Lynn
said, coming into the aromatic
"I thought you might like a lunch
to nibble on, on the way. If this
David boy is like other men, he
likes to eat."
"I'm sure he does," Lynn laughed.
"And he will be happy, I'm sure, to
know he's marrying into such good
"Don't say such things. You
might give me a swelled head."
Aunt Polly was trying to be jovial.
But she added seriously, "It has
been wonderful cooking for you
Then they didn't say any more.
Aunt Polly didn't answer.
The big gray car was coming up
the hill now. Lynn gave Aunt Polly
a quick kiss and went out the door.
She walked to the gate and stood
waiting. And then, in a minute
David's arms were about her.
"Lynn, my darling," he said hold-
ing her head against his shoulder.
"It seems as if you've been gone a
year instead of a week."
"Does it rcr.Ily?"
She held to his hand then. "But,
come, Aunt Polly is waiting to look
you over. She has cooked such a
feast we can never eat it all."
They walked up the path holding
hands, to the house where Aunt
All day Lynn waited anxiously. Polly was waiting.
She started watching the road long It was difficult to say goodbye,
ahead of time. Even the delicious breakfast of blue-
It's a long way to Chicago," berry muffins and scrambled eggs
Aunt Polly said once.
Lynn laughed a little. "I guess
I'm just too anxious."
Once she went out and walked
around the yard. "If I could just
have helped Johnny," she said, "it
would have been so much easier to
hadn't taken away the sharp
"I never knew I was such a
baby," Aunt Polly said.
But she couldn't seem to do any-
thing about it. She stood holding
the corner of her apron to her eyes.
"Oh, go on, get out before I start
all over again."
Page 267
"We must see her often/' David
said, as they walked to the car.
"It's a promise/' Lynn said, and
then she saw Peter, almost upon her.
His face was flushed from running,
his shirt tail stuck out, and his chest
was heaving.
"You got to help me. Lindy's
sick!" he panted.
T N horror, Lynn looked down into
his face.
"Her knee hurts. It's all big and
The cut by the turkey nest! The
iodine! She had not used it!
"What is the matter?" David
asked, looking at the frightened
boy. "Who is this child?"
"He is Johnny's boy," Lynn said.
"His little sister cut her leg badly
the day I called you."
"My Dad had to go before Lindy
woke up. That MayRee woman
told me to always call her number,
but I forgot it," Peter said unhap-
"But I can find it," Lynn said,
seizing the ray of hope. And then
she stooped and put her arm around
Peter. "I am going away to Chi-
cago to live," she said. "But May-
Ree will always be here to help you.
I'll find her right now. She is a
nurse and will know just what to
do for Lindy."
In the house Lynn explained
briefly to Aunt Polly, and then wait-
ed for the hospital to find MayRee.
"But I guess you know you got
me sent home the other night,"
MayRee said to Lynn's second invi-
tation to go to Johnny's house.
"Please try again."
"What am I supposed to do this
"That day before you came Lindy
fell and cut her knee. I wrapped
it up. Now Peter is all excited. He
says that Lindy is sick, that her knee
is red and swollen."
"But Peter could have called me
if he wanted to. I told him to."
"He forgot your number. He's
all confused."
There was a slight hesitation.
"But Johnny will just send me
"Johnny isn't there now. Any-
way, MayRee, somebody's got to
help them. I'm going back to Chi-
cago. I won't be here any more.
Don't you think it would be better
for you? You will always be here.
And besides you are a nurse and
know what to do."
MayRee sighed. "Very well,
Lynn. I guess I'll always keep try-
"Please do. And please let me
know as soon as you can, how Lindy
is. I'll be waiting here."
"It may take only a few minutes,
if Johnny comes. I may be back
before you get your hat off."
DUT it was an hour before the
phone rang.
Lynn held the receiver with
trembling hands. "MayRee?" she
asked eagerly.
"Lindy is all right, Lynn, just a
real sore knee, with a dose of infec-
tion. I'm taking her to the hospital
for penicillin."
"Oh, MayRee, I am so glad."
"Yes, it could have been serious
"Johnny . . . did he come?"
"Yes, he came just when I had
the bandage off and it looked the
"He didn't send you home then?"
"No. Because I scared him half
to death. I made him think Lindy
was sick enough to die. He was
glad to have me stay. If you have
been wondering, Lynn, if he loves
those children, you don't have to
any more. He adores them/'
"Oh, I'm sure he does, but. . . ."
"He promised to change his ways,
to ... to forget the past. He prom-
ised to let me help him."
"MayRee, I am so happy."
There was a faint sob.
"Lynn, do you — do you think
some day maybe I could be a good
Lynn smiled to herself. "The best
in the world, MayRee." She hesi-
tated a moment. "Will you do
something for me?"
"Anything, Lindy."
"Just tell Johnny we said goodbye
as the best of friends."
There was a slight pause.
"But I . . . Why don't you tell
him yourself? He's with Lindy. I'll
get him."
"But I'm not sure he would talk
to me."
"I think he would now, Lynn.
Wait just a minute."
Lynn waited calmly until she
heard him pick up the receiver.
"Yes, Lynn."
"I just wanted to say goodbye."
"Thank you, Lindy."
"You have darling children, John-
He paused. "I ... I want to
thank you for being so kind to them.
They adore you."
"I will be looking forward to see-
ing all of you when I visit Aunt
"Lynn, can you forgive me for
being — for being that way?"
"Of course, Johnny. I have been
foolish, too. But that is all in the
past. Remember, this is a new day,
a bright new day, with all the world
before us."
"Yes," he said, "I will try to re-
She wiped the tears from her eyes
and wondered why she was crying
when she was so happy.
And then she hung the phone on
the old worn hook, kissed Aunt Pol-
ly again, and went to find David
who was waiting for her in the porch
» ♦ ■
cJke vUtld [Plum off
Evelyn Fjeldsted
From near the creek a wave of perfume comes,
As softly as the zephyr's touch at night.
The native wild plum tree will soon bring plums
To ripen in the wind and valley light.
Its growth was sure when there was much at stake,
And with the perfume of another dawn,
It brings back fleeting memories that take
Us far, but blossom trystings soon are gone
With all the sweet intangibility
Of perfume from the Potawatomi.
Hulda Parker, General Secretary-Treasurer
All material submitted for publication in this department should be sent through
stake and mission Relief Society presidents. See regulations governing the submittal of
material for "Notes From the Field" in the Magazine for January 1958, page 47, and
in the Handbook of Instructions of the Relief Society.
Photograph submitted by Marjorie M. Ward
Left to right: Jeanne Wilkins; Naomi Bliss; Antonia Van Otten; Alice Tolman,
instructor; Cordelia Taylor; Connie Ward.
Marjorie M. Ward, President, Salt Lake Stake Relief Society, reports: "During
the year 1959 the Relief Society sisters from the Nineteenth Ward have hooked these
beautiful rugs, making them entirely from discarded woolen clothing and old blankets,
doing all the dyeing themselves. They have learned the true value of thrift, the real
art of blending colors, and the joy of doing something very worthwhile. 'A thing
of beauty is a joy forever.' With care, these rugs will last for many generations, a luxury
many could not afford if they had to buy them. These rugs cost so little, only the
price of the stamped burlap and a few cents for dye."
Page 270
Photograph submitted by Beulah B. Woodbury
December 1959
Beulah B. Woodbury, President, British Mission Relief Society, reports: "General
Conference of the Central and Northern Districts was occasioned by the visit of Presi-
dent Henry D. Moyle of the First Presidency and Lawrence D. McKay of the Sun-
day School General Superintendency, their wives, and the two daughters of President
Moyle, Alice and Janet.
"The Singing Mothers have been called on to organize themselves and sing at each
of the district conferences this past fall series. All of the Singing Mothers from this
area united in a group of 226, which was led by Sister Margaret Jenner of the Hull
District, and Sister Elsie Curtis, also of the Hull District, acted as accompanist. . . .
The Singing Mothers have also been called upon to provide the music for the spring
series of conferences almost by popular demand of the membership of the mission.
"Many expressions of appreciation of this event were received from district presi-
dents and branch presidents, as well as from many others. President Peter }. Everett
of the Hull Branch commented: 'The Relief Society choir was truly magnificent, a
choir of angels. How great it was to sing with the other 2,034 saints, and then to
crown all this to hear the leaders of our Church speak.' "
LEAST OF THESE," November 5, 1959
Ruth Stapley, President, Phoenix Stake Relief Society, reports the showing of the
film "Unto the Least of These" through courtesy of the Fox Theatre, Phoenix. "More
than 1100 women came out to see the film. A personal invitation was sent to every
woman in the three stakes (Phoenix, East Phoenix, North Phoenix) inviting her to
come and bring her husband and friends and neighbors.
"We began the hour-long program with a beautiful prayer offered by the East
Phoenix Stake visiting teacher message leader, Edith Alexander. Then a greeting and
introduction of the film by Ruth Stapley, President, Phoenix Stake Relief Society, fol-
lowed by a song, 'The Lord's Prayer' sung by our talented Phoenix Stake Relief Society
organist Virginia Peterson. Then the film was shown, followed by the song 'My
Testimony' sung by a large group of Singing Mothers from Phoenix Stake. Benediction
by Mildred Romney, visiting teacher message leader of the East Phoenix Stake. It
was truly a touching and inspirational hour. We know that many hearts were touched
that morning and many good resolutions were made anew.
"We sincerely thank our wonderful General Board, and especially Sister Christine
Robinson, for this marvelous story so beautifully told and filmed."
Photograph submitted by Minnie P. Burton
At the right: chorister Margaret Schoeler.
First row, left to right: Erna Schumacher; Martha Elisabeth Otto, President; Hed-
wig Klesper.
Second row, left to right: Anna von Kalkstein; Margarete Obermann; Frieda Weich-
haus; Margarete Moccke.
Back row, left to right: Ruth T. Benson and Marion Kaye Greenwood.
Minnie P. Burton, President, West German Mission Relief Society, reports: "Ruth
Benson and Marion Kaye Greenwood are missionaries. The Singing Mothers groups
in our mission have done much to bring our sisters together. Many of our groups are
small, but in this land where so much fine music originated, the love for music is ever
present. We hope to encourage such groups in each branch in the mission."
Photograph submitted by LaRue L. Schoenfeld
Lake View Stake Relief Society officers and board members, seated in the front
row, left to right: Mabel Burgener; Gwen Stokes; Hazel Heslop; LaRue L. Schoen-
feld, President; Glenda Thompson; Lucille Molen; Iola Belnap Murray, chorister; Mabel
Peterson; Laura Holmes; Mae Matis; Marietta Parker,
Several members of the chorus were absent when the picture was taken, including
Dorothy Code, stake organist and Mabel Belnap Relief Society stake organist. Sister
Mabel Belnap's picture is inserted at the top right.
Sister Schoenfeld reports: "Approximately one hundred Singing Mothers par-
ticipated in the singing for both sessions of conference, and also for conference in Janu-
ary of the same year (1959). Some of the songs sung in the two conferences were
Sister Florence Jepperson Madsen's 'Oh, Lovely Land, America/ 'My Soul Is Athirst
for God,' and 'If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments.' "
Photograph submitted by Luella T. Wilson
January 9, i960
Front row, seated, left to right: Clara Gren; Nellie Wiscombe; Ella Peterson;
Sarah Jane Davies; Mary Christensen; Maggie Daley; Sarah Beardall; Harriet Brown.
Second row, seated, left to right: Amy Ostler; Harriet Jensen; Zelma Christiansen;
Edna Lindsey; Leila Fullmer; Alice Johnson; Eva Bird; Estella Wixom; Mary Whiting.
Third row, seated, left to right: Clara Perry; Agnes Harrison; Annie Gividen;
Gladys Parry; LaVerl Young; Martha Houtz; Olive Whiting; Zina Dibble; Eugenia Bird.
Back row, standing, left to right: Roka Fackrell; Velma Hjorth; Thora Dalley; Lilly
Barney; Rose Neilson; Martha Whiting; Margaret Miner; Mable Brown.
Luella T. Wilson, President, Kolob Stake Relief Society, reports: "At a Visiting
Teachers Convention held in Kolob Stake, January 9, i960, all visiting teachers were
invited to become star teachers for i960. As they arrived, a gold star on a blue back-
ground was pinned on each visiting teacher. Stake Priesthood authorities, President
Ernest A. Strong, Jr. and advisor, Bishop Oliver H. Dalton, were present and spoke
words of inspiration and encouragement. The beautiful film 'Unto the Least of These'
was shown, and two musical numbers were rendered by the Sixth Ward Singing Moth-
ers. All sisters with twenty-five or more years of service as visiting teachers were intro-
duced by their respective Relief Society presidents, and presented with a pretty blue
potted primrose in a gold foil container. Corsages were also pinned on four sisters who
had served over fifty years. The oldest was Amy Ostler, who has served sixty-two
years and is still active. Refreshments were served after the program at a table beautiful-
ly decorated in blue and gold, which also carried the theme of being star teachers."
Nineteen other visiting teachers with twenty-five or more years of service are not
represented in the picture.
Photograph submitted by Mona Brown
Seated, left to right: Ruth Stanger; Blanche Hansen; Lucille Poulton; Ila Camp-
bell; Jean Staley; Mary Cheney, stake work director.
Standing, left to right: Wilda Carlson, stake organist; Donnie Miller, reader; Ella
Johnson; Effie Larsen; Lois Willis; Marilyn Fairbanks; Deonne Roberts; Thelma Quig-
ley; Norma Larson; Muriel Demer; Betty Birrell, stake chorister.
Mona Brown, President, Twin Falls Stake Relief Society, reports: ''Our Decem-
ber leadership meeting preliminary program was presented by the stake music depart-
ment and told of Christmas in song and verse. Following the departmental meetings,
we all went into the work department to view the lovely Christmas displays and have
refreshments served by the stake board."
Photograph submitted by Mary G. Jensen
GENERAL CONFERNCE, October 7, 1959
Standing at the right: Tabernacle organist Alexander Schreiner and Vivian P.
Hoyt, director of the chorus.
Standing in the foreground, at the left of the organ: Will L. Hoyt, Juab Stake
Patriarch, and husband of Mrs. Vivian P. Hoyt; Juab Stake President R. Roscoe Gar-
Mary C. Jensen, President, Juab Stake Relief Society, and her counselors Helen
B. Jones and Reba C. Mangelson, are standing in the third row, center of the left
Sister Jensen reports: "One hundred sixty-five women participated, their ages
ranging from twenty-three to eighty-nine years. This group of women represented
about 1250 family members (husbands, children, and grandchildren). There are six
wards in Juab Stake and almost one hundred per cent participation of stake and ward
officers and class leaders in the chorus, with only a few trained singers in the group.
Selections sung were: Trayer Perfect/ by Stenson, and 'When Mothers Sing,' words
and music by Vivian P. Hoyt. Sister Hoyt has dedicated and assigned this song to the
Juab Stake Relief Society, who are contributing all proceeds from this music to the
building fund of the stake and ward building which is in the process of construction."
Photograph submitted by Claire D. Ord
September 28, 1959
Claire D. Ord, President, Union Stake Relief Society, reports: "The opening
social for the Baker Second Ward used the harvest as its theme. It was held in the
evening, husbands were invited, and a lovely harvest dinner was served. The hall was
beautifully decorated, with the center of attention being a very large horn of plenty,
showing an abundant harvest. (The horn of plenty was made of chicken wire, brown
wrapping paper, and a hoola hoop.)
"With the beginning of the program, a much deeper theme was introduced, that
of the spiritual harvest. What are we gleaning from this life to take home to our
Heavenly Father? As each of the different departments was represented, each held dif-
ferent shaped seeds (made of painted cardboard), saying that attendance at Relief
Society would aid us in the planting and nurturing of the good seeds bearing the fruits
of the qualities we so desire. As each sister finished her preview, she placed the fruit
bearing a word which we could expect to glean from her contribution to Relief Society
in the coming year.
"The invitations, sent earlier, were gay, using burlap for the covers, and bright
colored yarn and stickers for the horn of plenty. This opening social was outstanding
in theme and general beauty, and presented well to both the sisters and their husbands
the coming year's work and the aims of Relief Society. Sister Luella Jordan presides
over this ward."
Photograph submitted by Elizabeth C. Hayward
CHRISTMAS IDEAS," November 5, 1959
Left to right: Hilda F. Stewart, Stake Work Director Counselor; Helen Bateman,
Ward Work Director Counselor; Helen Cragun, stake work meeting leader; Lillian
Smoot, ward work meeting leader.
Elizabeth C. Hayward, President, East Sharon Stake Relief Society, reports: "On
November 5, 1959, the East Sharon Stake of Provo, under the direction of Hilda F.
Stewart and Helen Cragun, presented 'A Preview of Christmas Ideas.' Each of the
eight ward Relief Societies was responsible for a display. These, plus two guest dis-
plays, made up the exhibit, which included the following subjects: gifts in music, gift
wrappings, homemade toys and games, Christmas foods, Christmas decorations, inex-
pensive gifts, aprons, quilts, household items, and books. During the afternoon over
three hundred sisters from the stake visited the preview. Arrangements were made
for ward work meeting leaders to obtain patterns and instructions as requested by the
women of the wards."
his W. Schow
Charity is the last loaf — shared;
The grace to lean; the will to lift;
The step that ends the second mile;
The giver, given with the gift.
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«_/! oJouch of the LOtvtne
Wiima Boyle Bunker
"O ECENTLY I was returning home,
■*■ *-* planning as I drove along what
could be prepared quickly for the family
dinner. It was late afternoon, and the
sun was just ready to dip behind the tops
of the mountains on the west of the Salt
Lake Valley. I had my car radio on
listening to the musical setting of "The
Lord's Prayer." As the soloist began to
sing, "For thine is the kingdom, and the
power, and the glory, for ever," I glanced
up at the snow-capped mountain peaks
in the east where the setting sun spot-
lighted their whiteness, and in that fleet-
ing moment I felt a touch of the divine.
Yes, I am sure I would have appreciated
the beauty of God's handiwork without
the music, but combined with it, it truly
washed away from my soul the dust of
•everyday life.
(Page 278
Ji Lshristmas finest
for Jrtll the Ljear
Elizabeth C. McCrimmon
INSTEAD of saving money for a
Christmas fund, articles for
Christmas presents may be ac-
quired throughout the year. I pick
them up at sales when I am out
shopping, or stow them away in my
Christmas cedar chest. Although
Christmas is often overdone, the
saddest gifts are those that aren't
given. There are lonely and neglect-
ed people who, with just a little
more effort, could be remembered.
It is a misfortune for a child to be
disappointed on Christmas morn-
So, all year, when I go shopping
or attend sales, I keep my eyes open
for exceptional values or appropri-
ate stock for Christmas giving. This,
in addition to supplying the needs
of our immediate family.
In the spring, winter clothing is
disposed of at half price. Summer
clothes are sold at heavy discount
in the autumn. I have found treas-
ures in a rummage sale and dug out
antiques at a secondhand store.
A lingerie shop, closing out, is a
bonanza. A picture from one place,
a frame from another, combine at-
tractively. A few of the books I
buy and read during the year are
stored away to be passed on at holi-
day time. Linens are always ac-
I have fun at a ceramic sale in
obtaining figurines for indoors and
out, and finding artistic planters for
Cosmetics and perfumes are
luxuries from drug store sales. Cos-
tume jewelry lends an exotic note.
Carved leather and baskets from
across the border make appreciated
gifts, sometimes dressed up with
sequins and velvet.
An elderly lady that I drive to the
grocery store volunteered to make
the clothes for both old and new
dolls, and I purchase aprons, and
children's clothes at the Relief So-
ciety bazaar. With this, I help a
worthy cause as well as get good
During the year I also save clean,
pretty boxes. These are stored one
inside another to save room. Christ-
mas boxes are quite expensive. Ten
days before Christmas, when every-
one is rushing around, I arm my-
self with a box of festive wrapping
paper, a ball of ribbon, and some
name cards. Leisurely I go to work
on the contents of the chest; decide
what to give whom. Won't some
of the recipients be surprised! My
idea of a Christmas present is a
surprise. Something that a person
would not buy for himself.
I do not go into debt nor im-
poverish the family for holiday
festivities. At the last minute I
can scurry around, dig up a bottle
of perfume or arrange a basket of
fruit for an invalid; or bake fresh
cookies for the children.
Then I have time to address the
Christmas cards, and perhaps write
Christmas letters. Sometimes a
letter is the best gift of all, and all
it costs is a four-cent postage stamp!
(busier 1 1 lessage
Math McClelland Buik
After the cross, the victory;
After the night, the day.
With spring's eternal promise —
The stone is rolled away.
Vida Fox Clawson Travel Center
Dear Friend:
If you are interested in
HAWAII, remember we have tours
going every month.
Spring Blossom Tour leaves
April 19th and May 28th.
I960 is the most important year
for a trip to Europe because of
the PASSION PLAY at Oberam-
mergau, Germany, which is given
only once every ten years. Tour
sails on June 10th. Write for com-
plete itinerary.
Send for day - by - day PRO-
GRAMS — all Historic Tours will
include the HILL CUMORAH
PAGEANT. There are both two
and three week tours.
Write or Phone:
216 South 13th East
Salt Lake City 2, Utah
Phone: DA 8-0303
New Classes Begin Soon
Adult classes for Relief Society and gene-
alogy workers will teach beginning and
advanced typing. Classes will run 6:30
to 8:00 p.m., Mondays and Thursdays.
Individual help and instruction by pro-
fessional teachers. Call for reservations
and further information.
Phone EM 3-2765
70 North Main Salt Lake City 11, Utah
{Birthday Lsongratulattons
One Hundred
Mrs. Eunice Lowry Molen
Great Falls, Montana
Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Russell Day
Hunter, Utah
Mrs. Laura G. Brown Nebeker
Pleasant Grove, Utah
Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson Young
Sanford, Colorado
Mrs. Minnetta Permelia Brown
Manti, Utah
Mrs. Maria P. Thompson
Ephraim, Utah
Mrs. Ada DeAn Alexander Bonner
Midway, Utah
Mrs. Sophia Anderson Workman
Francis, Utah
Mrs. Nora Meglemre
Yakima, Washington
Mrs. Mary Rowley
Grantsville, Utah
Mrs. Alice Gowans
Tooele, Utah
Miss Isabella Catherine Rogers
Lewiston, Utah
Mrs. Rhoda Alice Hales Tanner
San Diego, California
Mrs. Georgina Toone Condie
Ogden, Utah
Page 280
Mrs. Albertha Nielson Hatch
Riverton, Wyoming
Mrs. Amalia Olson Ungerman
Castle Dale, Utah
Mrs. Martha Marie Packer Pierce
Brigham City, Utah
Mrs. Sarah Fitch Whyte
Lethbridge, Canada
Mrs. Inger Ann Thompson Hansen
Preston, Idaho
Mrs. Mary Ann Giles Cummings
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Annie Glade Vine
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Mary Ann Cummings
Daly City, California
Mrs. Emeline Bingham Wood
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Sarah Van Natta Whipple Shaw
Salt Lake City, Utah
& Cc
omeone o/s coming
Mabel Law Atkinson
Someone is coming
Over the hill,
Golden her laughter
As wild daffodil.
Someone comes dancing
Over the land,
A little catkinned willow,
The wand in her hand.
Someone who waited
For winter to pass
Is singing her name
In rain on the grass.
Someone delightful
Advances, we know,
For in her footprints
The violets grow.
Rinsed by a shower,
His flute crystal-clear,
The glad lark is calling,
"April is here!"
Now in new
of Fabricated Leather
Close-up view
of Fabricated leather
These LDS classics and
Standard Work are now
available in the beautiful
new Fab-Lea (fabricated
leather) library bindings.
If you are building a per-
manent library collection,
these volumes in the new
Fab-Lea will be most
serviceable and enduring.
Book of Mormon 2.25
Articles of Faith James E. Talmage 2.50
Jesus the Christ James E. Talmage 3.50
DeswetraBooh Co:
44 East South Temple •• Salt Lake City. Utah
Deseret Book Company
44 East South Temple Salt Lake City, Utah
Gentlemen: Enclosed you will find □ check □ money
order □ I have an account. Please charge for following
books in new Fab-Lea (fabricated leather bindings:)
Amount enclosed $ copies "Book of Mormon"
copies "Articles of Faith" copies "Jesus the Christ"
City Zone State
Residents of Utah include 2'/?% sales tax.
Is your home
out on a limb
- - - without
mortgage insurance?
Some people — such as arctic
explorers and small boys who build
precariously perched tree-houses
— like to live dangerously. But
most of us prefer to play it safe
. . . especially when it comes to
home and family.
There is only one thing more
pathetic than a home without a
mother — and that's a mother
without a home. If the privilege
of living in a home while you are
paying for it is worth 5% or 6%
interest, then the knowledge that
your family will always have that
home must be worth the additional
1% or 2% that it costs for mortgage
Will you leave your family a
home— or just the memory of one?
Beneficial Mortgage insurance
makes all the difference.
"'Hfcn '
Beneficial Life Building
Salt Lake City, Utah
Dept. R 460
Check up now on your
householding foresight . . .
Send for free folder "The House That Jack Built
Street or RFD
Virgil H. Smith, Pres.
Salt Lake City, Utah
Zone State.
. MR
cfor lliother
Christie Lund Coles
After these many years her lips still shape
Her words with a faint Scandinavian mark . . .
The native tongue she spoke for twenty years;
And now her hair is white, which once was dark
And heavy, falling to her firm and slender waist;
The color whipped into her high cheeks by
The ocean winds, the cold and Northern clime,
Is faded into pallor; her slim hands, lie
Quite still, which once made lace, and kneaded bread.
Her footsteps are unsure which one day ran,
And served us with unfailing steadiness.
She has grown old. Age is the fate of man.
Yet, still within my heart my mother holds
A spot which is forever fair and young;
For she is not this woman aged, alone —
But many different women, all unsung.
A friend in joy and sorrow, and a nurse
In illness . . . gentle, patient, true;
A saint of understanding in our pain,
A gay companion when our youth was new.
A keeper of the home where all who came
Found warmth and food heaped high, and more,
The sustenance of strength, her hope, her faith,
Her kindliness which opened like a door.
To all who needed kindness. Life has not
Left her unscarred, nor spared her its dark tears,
So I, who have the meager gift of words,
Bring her this gift for the gift of all her years.
The Cover: Mount Elbert, Colorado's Highest Peak
Courtesy Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company
Submitted by Daisy R. Romney
Frontispiece: Tulip Blossoms, Photograph by Don Knight
Cover Design by Evan Jensen
Cover Lithographed in Full Color by Deseret News Press.
C/rom ft
ear an
d Stt
Each month I look forward to receiv-
ing The Relief Society Magazine. I always
find many interesting articles and pictures
in it. In the July (1959) issue is a
picture of the Susquehanna River. I find
this very interesting as I have made a
number of oil paintings of this same river.
I am a visiting teacher and I find the
lessons very interesting and inspiring. I
hope to be a subscriber to the Magazine
long enough to have my name mentioned
in the Birthday Congratulations — which
will be many years from now.
— Lola M. Tetzner
Waterloo, Iowa
For some time I have desired to
write and compliment you on our lovely
Magazine. Like my husband, I agree that
it is one of the best magazines published.
And it has the very best stories. It seems
a long time to wait for the continued
stories. "Grandpa's Red Suspenders"
(Second Prize Story, February i960) by
Myrtle M. Dean was so refreshing and
contained such wisdom. It could be read
in every home where the commandments
honor thy father and thy mother should
be taught. The poetry is nice and the
lessons and editorials are excellent.
—Ruth T. Clark
Thornton, Idaho
We have enjoyed the lovely contest
poems and stories this year, especially Mrs.
Roberts' "Immigrant's Child" (first prize
poem), with its warmth of subject and
its timeless style of expression; and Mrs.
Robinson's "The Fishbite Story," in which
she has so adeptly combined childlike
humor with a moving example of faith in
action. The i960 covers are giving us
some wonderful vicarious journeys. The
lithographing is flawless.
— Iris W. Schow
Brigham City, Utah
I surely enjoyed "The Fishbite Story"
(third prize story, March i960) by Doro-
thy Clapp Robinson.
— Marguerite McNamara
I loved "The Fishbite Story" by Doro-
thy Clapp Robinson, the third prize story,
March i960. Even my grandchildren en-
joyed it. Her descriptive ability is
wonderful, and her stories are so inter-
esting. I am always happy to see her
work in the Magazine.
— Nina Olsen
Iona, Idaho
I am very happy and thankful that Mrs.
Elizabeth Hogan is sending The Relief
Society Magazine to me. I surely appreci-
ate her kindness. I love to attend Relief
Society meetings. We are snowbound —
had no meeting tonight (March 9, i960).
I live in Nauvoo, Illinois. My dear moth-
er was a friend of Emma Smith, wife of
the Prophet Joseph Smith. I am ninety-
six years old and have spent many pleasant
hours reading the Magazine. The story
"A Is for Apron" (August, September, and
October 1959, by Ilene H. Kingsbury)
touched my heart. Many thanks for the
good Magazine.
— Sophia Harsch
Nauvoo, Illinois
At the present time I am serving as a
missionary in the Finnish Mission, and on
a number of occasions have had to speak
in various meetings. Wanting some ideas
for subjects, I have turned to The Relief
Society Magazine for help, always finding
such wonderful ideas.
— Maxine Kershaw
Joensuu, Finland
I wish to thank you for the very won-
derful, inspiring, and uplifting lessons we
receive through Relief Society and our
Magazine. I continually marvel at how
these lessons, though written for so many,
seem to speak to each one of us indi-
vidually. Each message seems to be meant
just for me! How can we go wrong if
we but heed the wisdom to be found in
The Relief Society Magazine?
— Winnifred Billquist
Iona, Idaho
Deer Lodge, Montana
Page 282
Monthly Publication of the Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Belle S. Spciford ._-_.._ President
Marianne C. Sharp ------ First Counselor
Louise W. Madsen --------- Second Counselor
Hulda Parker - - Secretary-Treasurer
Anna B. Hart Josie B. Bay Elna P. Haymond Elsa T. Peterson
Edith S. Elliott Christine H. Robinson Annie M. Ellsworth Irene B. Woodford
Florence J. Madsen Alberta H. Christensen Mary R. Young Fanny S. Kienitz
Leone G. Layton Mildred B. Eyring Mary V. Cameron Elizabeth B. Winters
Blanche B. Stoddard Charlotte A. Larsen Afton W. Hunt LaRue H. Rosell
Evon W. Peterson Edith P. Backman Wealtha S. Mendenhall Jennie R. Scott
Aleine M. Young Winniefred S. Pearle M. Olsen
Editor _-.-------_ Marianne C. Sharp
Associate Editor ---------- Vesta P. Crawford
General Manager - - - - - - - - - Belle S. Spafford
VOL. 47 MAY 1960 NO. 5
What the Gospel Means to Me Irene B. Woodford 284
The Western States Mission Preston R. Nibley 288
Contest Announcements — 1960 290
Eliza R. Snow Poem Contest 290
Relief Society Short Story Contest 291
I, Too, Want to Be Useful Aslaug S. Vaieland 318
Magazine Honor Roll for 1959 Marianne C. Sharp 325
Orchids in the Snow — Chapter I Rosa Lee Lloyd 293
Second Baby Dorothy S. Romney 299
Standing Pat Frances C. Yost 312
The Blue Bowl— Part II Loya Beck 321
From Near and Far 282
Sixty Years Ago 304
Woman's Sphere Ramona W. Cannon 305
Editorial: Wife and Mother Marianne C. Sharp 306
Notes From the Field: Relief Society Activities Hulda Parker 335
Birthday Congratulations 344
Recipes From the Western States Mission Daisy R. Romney 308
The Golden Years Maggie Tolman Porter 310
Not Only By Bread Dorothy J. Roberts 317
Crossed Wires Genevieve Van Wagenen 319
Annie Maria Spray Steel Makes Many Braided Rugs 320
When Parents Play Ruby Dee Christensen 342
For Mother — Frontispiece . Christie Lund Coles 281
These Small Things Maude Rubin 287
The Native Currant Evelyn Fjeldsted 287
From a Canyon Retreat _ Pansye H. Powell 292
Mother Linnie F. Robinson 298
Your Sacred Presence Caroline Eyring Miner 307
My Gifts May H. Marsh 307
A Case for Contrast Evalyn Miller Sandberg 319
Respite Zara Sabin 320
Contemplation Catherine B. Bowles 324
Pepper Tree Louise Morris Kelley 334
Prairie School Lula Walker 334
Girl Graduate Ida Elaine James 340
Beneath a Song Sparrow s Nest Eva Willes Wangsgaard 341
Inheritor of Beauty Vesta N, Fairbairn 344
Copyright 1959 by General Board of Relief Society of The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Editorial and Business Offices: 76 North Main, Salt Lake City 11, Utah: Phone EMpire 4-2511;
Subscriptions 246; Editorial Dept. 245. Subscription Price: $2.00 a year; foreign, $2.00 a year;
20c a copy; payable in advance. The Magazine is not sent after subscription expires. No back
numbers can be supplied. Renew promptly so that no copies will be missed. Report change of
address at once, giving old and new address.
Entered as second-class matter February 18, 1914, at the Post Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, under
the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in
section 1103, Act of October 8, 1917, authorized June 29, 1918. Manuscripts will not be returned
££ »« return Postage is enclosed. Rejected manuscripts will be retained for six months only.
The Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts.
Page 283
What the Gospel Means to Me
Irene B. Woodford
Member, General Board of Relief Society
THE burning of two rooms of Christ, the Redeemer of the world,
a small town school in Can- I know that Joseph Smith was the
ada in February of 1943 start- instrument in God's hands to re-
ed a sequence of events which store the fulness of the gospel to
culminated in my conversion to the the earth in these latter days,
gospel. The combining of classes The earth was created that we,
necessitated by the fire resulted in the spirit children of God the Eter-
one teacher being left without a nal Father, might each receive a
room or students. Since the neigh- tabernacle of flesh and have oppor-
boring school in which I taught had tunity for development and growth
been without a principal for two during a period of mortal probation,
weeks, this teacher was asked to fill While in this life we suffer a spirit-
the position. ual death by being shut out from
A few days after his arrival, a the presence of God, that we might
friend voiced her suspicion that the learn to walk by faith. In due time
new principal was a Mormon. I we also experience mortal death in
knew practically nothing about the the departure of the spirit from the
Mormons — but I nevertheless sin- temporal body. A Savior was pro-
cerely hoped that he was not one vided who freely gave his life that
of them. However, he was. we might live again. Through his
Our Mormon principal soon infinite atonement the bands of
found opportunity to have some death are broken, and we receive
gospel conversation with me, and I the free gift of resurrection and im-
knew immediately by the testimony mortality to enjoy forever the kind
of the spirit that he had the truth, of life we have prepared ourselves to
I felt a great and impelling urge to receive.
know more of the things of which There is, however, a great differ-
he spoke. After four months of ence between the immortality given
avidly studying the gospel and stor- to all men, good or bad, and the
ing my mind with its wondrous individual salvation gained only
truths, I became a member of The through obedience to the laws and
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- ordinances of the gospel. For those
day Saints. who accept the atoning sacrifice of
How deeply grateful I am that the the Savior and obey the gospel, who
Lord blessed me with the oppor- are valiant in their testimony and
tunity of hearing the gospel of his faithful to the end, God has pre-
beloved Son, Jesus Christ. The pared an exaltation and eternal glory
knowledge and understanding I now beyond our present comprehension,
have of God and his divine plan for Through baptism by water and by
the eternal progression and exalta- the spirit, we enter the gateway to
tion of his children are the joy and the celestial kingdom. There now
strength of my life. I know that must follow a steadfast pressing for-
God lives and that Jesus is the ward along the straight and narrow
Page 284
path of obedience to all the other
laws and ordinances, if we would
realize the blessing of eternal life.
This understanding of the pur-
pose of life makes one keenly con-
scious of the commandments of
God and their transcendent im-
portance in one's life. Each of us
has the obligation to seek and know
the truth, for we cannot be saved
in ignorance. Consequently, mem-
bership in the Church and kingdom
of God is a priceless possession, not
to be taken for granted nor treated
with indifference, for it is only with-
in the Church that we can receive
the truth and live completely in
accordance with it.
T^HE most glorious and exalting
ordinance to be received as we
press forward in our progression is
marriage for eternity in the temple.
Compliance with this ordinance is
necessary for the gaining of exalta-
Companionship of husband and wife is
a divinely appointed means of mutual
betterment; and according to the measure
of holy love, mutual respect and honor
with which that companionship is graced
and sanctified, do men and women de-
velop toward the spiritual status of God,
(Quoted anonymously by Louise Y. Robi-
son, "Marriage for Eternity," Archibald
F. Bennett: Saviois on Mount Zion, page
For those who desire to attain
unto God's glorious promises, the
gospel becomes the dominant, mo-
tivating force of life, its influence
permeating thoughts, hopes, aspira-
tions, and actions. This influence
is felt in the choice of friends and
companions, "For intelligence cleav-
eth unto intelligence; wisdom re-
ceiveth wisdom; truth embraceth
truth; virtue loveth virtue; light
cleaveth unto light . . . (D & C
88:40). Living the gospel brings
control of appetites and passions,
maintains moral cleanliness, and
leads to the overcoming of evil
propensities. Through its refining
influence, Christ-like attributes of
patience, tolerance, meekness, kind-
ness, humility, long-suffering, cour-
age, and righteousness are devel-
oped. Through faith, study, and
prayer, spirituality grows.
The great key to happiness and to
personal growth and development
is service to fellow men. King Ben-
jamin said, "when ye are in the
service of your fellow beings ye are
only in the service of your God."
To live the gospel of Jesus Christ
truly and conform our lives to its
teachings, we must dedicate our-
selves to the work of the Lord.
Thus, service in the Church is part
of the life of a Latter-day Saint.
What joy we experience in know-
ing that someone's life has been
enriched and blessed through our
efforts! The happiest families are
those engaged in Church work, for
those who serve willingly are the
recipients of peace of mind, one of
the priceless blessings of life. The
reward of unselfish service has been
told by the Lord, ". . . whosoever
will save his life shall lose it: and
whosoever will lose his life for my
sake shall find it" (Mt. 16:25).
There are innumerable opportuni-
ties to render kind, unselfish service.
There is first of all the home, where
we dedicate our time and talents,
our love and kindness, in looking
after the needs and promoting the
happiness of those who are so dear
to us. There are the auxiliary or-
ganizations of the Church, such as
the Primary, Y.W.M.I.A., and Sun-
day School, with their many needs
for teachers to instruct, inspire, and,
in other ways, influence for good
the youth of the Church.
'TTIE great service organization of
the Church is our own beloved
Relief Society. President McKay
said of Relief Society:
The most beautiful and undoubtedly
the most efficient organization in the realm
of service, is the National Women's Relief
Society. Through this channel, your
myriad deeds of mercy sparkle like gems
in a crown (The Relief Society Magazine,
December 1958, pp. 792-93).
My first call to serve in Relief
Society was as a visiting teacher,
and my next-door neighbor was in
my district. My companion and
I called at her home one dav,
discussed the message, and left.
The next day she said to me, "You
have no idea how important your
visit was yesterday. I had a prob-
lem with a friend, and I did not
know what to do about it until I
heard the message. It gave me the
answer to my problem/'
This experience made me appre-
ciate more fully the privilege of
being a visiting teacher. Other op-
portunities I have had to serve in
Relief Society have brought great
joy into my life. The privilege I
now have of meeting Relief Society
sisters throughout the stakes of the
Church gives me an association with
wonderful women, choice spirits of
our Heavenly Father, many of
whom have endured trials and ad-
versity and have held fast to the
faith. They are stalwarts of the
Church, strong in their convictions
of the truthfulness of the gospel,
gracious and kind in their manner.
Such sisters are a strength and an
inspiration to all who know them.
Still another great opportunity for
service, and a responsibility that
rests upon all of us is that of mis-
sionary work. ". . . it becometh
every man who hath been warned
to warn his neighbor" (D & C
88:81). The great privilege of filling
a full-time mission or a stake mission
comes to many, but not to all. This,
however, does not deprive us of the
opportunity of being missionaries.
Neither a stake nor a full-time mis-
sionary ever called at my door. I
am a member of the Church be-
cause a working associate took the
opportunity to present the gospel to
A friend of mine prior to her mar-
riage worked in a department store.
She was a convert to the Church
and had a strong conviction of the
truthfulness of the gospel. However,
she did not feel that her co-workers
would be interested in her faith and
so refrained from mentioning it to
them. Several years later one of
these women came to her and said,
"You had the gospel when we
worked together. Why did you not
tell me about it?" She had recently
joined the Church, but she regret-
ted the lost years when she could
have been enjoying the blessings of
Church membership. Opportunities
to assist in the saving of souls come
to all of us, whether it be in explain-
ing the gospel to our next-door
neighbor, the stranger we meet in
our travels, or in strengthening our
brothers and sisters in the Church
who are weak in the faith.
Probably the most unselfish of
all Church service is that of work
for our ancestors. Many hours,
months, and years are spent by faith-
ful and devoted members of the
Church in gathering the records of
their dead and performing the sav-
ing ordinances in their behalf in
the holy temple. The responsibil-
ity for this work rests upon us all,
"For their salvation is necessary and
essential to our salvation . . . they
without us cannot be made perfect
— neither can we without our dead
be made perfect" (D & C 128:15).
The Prophet Joseph Smith em-
phasized the importance of this
work when he said, "The greatest
responsibility in this world that God
has laid upon us is to seek after our
dead." Hours spent in research and
temple work for the benefit of oth-
ers not only develop unselfishness
but also a great love for our fellow
men. It is a most rewarding service
that fills the soul with peace and
I cherish my membership in the
Church and kingdom of God. Hav-
ing tasted of the blessings of the
gospel, I would not want to live
without it. It gives purpose to life,
joy in service to fellow men, and the
hope of a glorious resurrection.
cJhese Small o) kings
Maude Rubin
This Bible graced her marble center table,
Recorded births — and marriages — and death.
Small treasures picture her, small home-things able
To speak through changing years with gentle breath
Of one who found her joy in simple things —
Brought her happiness to children; reared strong men,
Gave them a name to honor, one that rings
Forever through this West-land. . . . Now, as then,
This clear bell shields her wreath of waxen flowers . .
Her sand glass counts these hushed, atomic hours.
cJhe 1 la live C- arrant
Evelyn Fjeldsted
Along the creek and country roads,
The rugged native currant thrives
Through years, through changing modes
On the arid wasteland it survives.
The tiny yellow blossoms hold
The captured sunshine of each spring;
The fruits, like jewels red and gold,
Are gifts, and now the field birds sing.
And when the currants have been sealed,
In crystal settings in a row,
Far and wide in lane and field,
The shrubs present a scarlet glow.
cJhe western States ill
Preston R. Nibley
Assistant Church Historian
rFIIE Western States Mission was organized in April 1907. It comprised
the States of Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, Nebraska, and North
and South Dakota. The headquarters was established at Denver, Colo-
rado, and Joseph A. McRae, former President of the Colorado Mission,
was installed as the president.
In December 1908, President McRae was released, and John L. Her-
rick was appointed to succeed him. At that time there were 654 members
of the Church in the entire mission. There were also ninety full-time
President Herrick served until June 1919, and the mission grew and
prospered under his leadership. At the time of his release there were
5,500 members of the Church residing in the mission. A new chapel and
mission home had been erected in Denver.
President Herrick was succeeded by John M. Knight, who served until
March 1928. Other mission presidents who have followed are: Elias S.
Woodruff, 1928-1933; Joseph J. Daynes, 1933-1937; William W. Seeg-
miller, 1937-1941; Elbert R. Curtis, 1941-1945; Richard W. Madsen Jr.,
1945-1946; Francis A. Child, 1946-1949; Ray E. Dillman, 1949-1954; A.
Lewis Elggren, 1954-1958; David S. Romney, 1958-
The boundaries of the Western States Mission were changed in 1925,
Courtesy Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company
Submitted by Daisy R. Romney
Page 288
Courtesy Colorado Advertising and Publicity Company
Submitted by Daisy R. Romney
when North and South Dakota were added to the North Central States
Stakes that have been organized within the mission are San Luis
(1883), Young (1912), Denver (1940), Grand Junction (1955), Albu-
querque (1957), Cheyenne (1959), and Denver West (1959).
In 1946 President George Albert Smith visited the Western States
Mission, and at Pueblo dedicated a monument which had been erected in
honor of the Mormon Battalion, which, one hundred years previously,
had established the first white settlement in what later became the State
of Colorado.
In June 1959, President Antoine R. Ivins made a tour of the Western
States Mission and on his return to Salt Lake City gave the following
report to the Deseret News: "He pointed out that the mission has good
leadership in the districts and branches, and that all the branches are
presided over by local members. He praised the work of President and
Mrs. Romney who are directing the mission/'
At the end of December 1959, there were 4,390 members of the
Church in the Western States Mission, located in twenty-nine branches.
Twenty-nine Relief Society organizations, with 629 members, were
reported in December 1959. Daisy R. Romney presides over the Western
States Mission Relief Society.
Note: The cover for this Magazine, "Mount Elbert, Colorado's Highest Peak," was
reproduced from a transparency submitted by Daisy R. Romney, courtesy Denver and
Rio Grande Western Railroad Company. See also "Recipes From the Western States
Mission," by Sister Romney, page 308.
Contest Announcements — 1960
THE Eliza R. Snow Poem Contest and the Relief Society Short Story
Contest are conducted annually by the General Board of Relief So-
ciety to stimulate creative writing among Latter-day Saint women
and to encourage high standards of work. Latter-day Saint women who
qualify under the rules of the respective contests are invited to enter their
work in either or both contests.
The General Board would be pleased to receive entries from the out-
lying stakes and missions of the Church as well as from those in and near
Utah. Since the two contests are entirely separate, requiring different writ-
ing skills, the winning of an award in one of them in no way precludes
winning in the other.
ibliza U\. Snow Lroern Contest
HTHE Eliza R. Snow Poem Contest
opens with this announcement
and closes August 15, i960. Prizes
will be awarded as follows :
First prize .--. $40
Second prize $30
Third prize $20
Prize poems will be published in
the January 1961 issue of The Re-
lief Society Magazine (the birth-
month of Eliza R. Snow).
Prize-winning poems become the
property of the Relief Society Gen-
eral Board and may not be pub-
lished by others except upon writ-
ten permission from the General
Board. The General Board reserves
the right to publish any of the other
poems submitted, paying for them
at the time of publication at the
regular Magazine rates.
Rules for the contest:
1. This contest is open to all Latter-day
Saint women, exclusive of members of the
Relief Society General Board and em-
ployees of the Relief Society General
Page 290
2. Only one poem may be submitted by
each contestant.
3. The poem must not exceed fifty
lines and should be typewritten, if pos-
sible; where this cannot be done, it
should be legibly written. Only one side
of the paper is to be used. (A duplicate
copy of the poem should be retained by
contestants to insure against loss.)
4. The sheet on which the poem is
written is to be without signature or other
identifying marks.
5. No explanatory material or picture
is to accompany a poem.
6. Each poem is to be accompanied by
a stamped envelope on which is written
the contestant's name and address. Nom
de plumes are not to be used.
7. A signed statement is to accompany
the poem submitted, certifying:
a. That the author is a member of The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
b. That the poem (state title) is the
contestant's original work.
c. That it has never been published.
d. That it is not in the hands of an
editor or other person with a view
to publication.
e. That it will not be published nor
submitted elsewhere for publication
until the contest is decided.
8. A writer who has received the first
prize for two consecutive years must wait
two years before she is again eligible to
enter the contest.
9. The judges shall consist of one mem-
ber of the General Board, one person from
the English department of an educational
institution, and one person who is a
recognized writer. In case of complete dis-
agreement among judges, all poems select-
ed for a place by the various judges will be
submitted to a specially selected commit-
tee for final decision.
In evaluating the poems, consideration
will be given to the following points:
a. Message or theme
b. Form and pattern
c. Rhythm and meter
d. Accomplishment of the pur-
pose of the poem
e. Climax
10. Entries must be postmarked not
later than August 15, i960.
11. All entries are to be addressed to
Relief Society Eliza R. Snow Poem Con-
test, 76 North Main, Salt Lake City 11,
LKelief Society Short Story Looniest
rpHE Relief Society Short Story
Contest for i960 opens with
this announcement and closes Aug-
ust 15, i960.
The prizes this year will be as
follows :
First prize $75
Second prize $60
Third prize $50
The three prize-winning stories
will be published consecutively in
the first three issues of The Relief
Society Magazine for 1961. Prize-
winning stories become the property
of the Relief Society General Board
and may not be published by others
except upon written permission
from the General Board. The Gen-
eral Board reserves the right to pub-
lish any of the other stories entered
in the contest, paying for them at
the time of publication at the regu-
lar Magazine rates.
Rules for the contest:
1. This contest is open to Latter-day
Saint women — exclusive of members of
the Relief Society General Board and em-
ployees of the General Board — who have
had at least one literary composition pub-
lished or accepted for publication.
2. Only one story may be submitted by
each contestant.
3. The story must not exceed 3,000
words in length and must be typewritten.
The number of the words must appear
on the first page of the manuscript. (All
words should be counted, including one
and two-letter words.) A duplicate copy
of the story should be retained by con-
testants to insure against loss.
4. The contestant's name is not to ap-
pear anywhere on the manuscript, but a
stamped envelope on which is writen
the contestant's name and address is to be
enclosed with the story. Nom de plumes
are not to be used.
5. A signed statement is to accompany
the story submitted certifying:
a. That the author is a member of The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
b. That the author has had at least one
literary composition published or ac-
cepted for publication. (This state-
ment must give name and date of
publication in which the contest-
ant's work has appeared or, if not
yet published, evidence of accept-
ance for publication.)
c. That the story submitted (state the
title and number of words) is the
contestant's original work.
d. That it has never been published,
that it is not in the hands of an
editor or other person with a view
to publication, and that it will not
be published nor submitted else-
where for publication until the con-
test is decided.
6. No explanatory material or picture is
to accompany the story.
7. A writer who has received the first
prize for two consecutive years must wait
for two years before she is again eligible
to enter the contest.
8. The judges shall consist of one mem-
ber of the General Board, one person from
the English department of an educational
institution, and one person who is a rec-
ognized writer. In case of complete dis-
agreements among the judges, all stories
selected for a place by the various judges
will be submitted to a specially selected
committee for final decision.
In evaluating the stories, considera-
tion will be given to the following points:
a. Characters and their presentation
b. Plot development
c. Message of the story
d. Writing style
9. Entries must be postmarked not later
than August 15, i960.
10. All entries are to be addressed to
Relief Society Short Story Contest,
76 North Main, Salt Lake City 11, Utah.
» *o* ■»--
QJrom a (^anyon LKe treat
Pansy e H. Powell
O God, from concrete streets and brick-lined squares
We come to thee,
Laying beside thy purling stream our cares,
For one day free.
Between these cottonwoods we see thy sky
A clearer blue;
This flowering verdure that thy brook flows by
Takes deeper hue.
The smallest canyon rock, the aspened peaks
That, encircling, tower,
Witness thy presence, and each one bespeaks
Thy unmatched power.
Now over all thy peace broods like a dove
Upon her nest;
And not a jarring sound disturbs what love
Has surely blessed.
May beauty, peace, and rest we find today
Be truly thine,
That when we leave here we may take away
Something divine!
Orchids in the Snow
Chapter I
Rosa Lee Lloyd
SHARON Haskell opened her
eyes, stretched her arms, and
looked dreamily at her be-
loved bedroom.
Frothy white curtains criss-
crossed her window where the early
morning sun was a pinkish mist; a
golden filigree tray with perfume
bottles glistened on her ivory dress-
ing table, and the long French mir-
ror with the pink taffeta bow at the
top, completed the room especially
designed for an adored twenty-one-
year-old daughter.
Suddenly her face crumpled and
she covered it with her hands. Tears
came achingly. She was going away.
She was leaving all these precious
things and the people she loved;
her twinkling, witty mother, her big,
generous-hearted dad, and Kenny,
her fifteen-year-old brother who was
a teasing rascal at times but ador-
able anyway, really adorable. And
Aunt Jewel, too. Dear, thoughtful
Aunt Jewel. She could not bear to
leave them. And yet, she was over-
joyed to go!
Today was her wedding day! Her
dark eyes flew to the Dresden clock
on her bed table. Six o'clock. In two
hours she would be in the temple.
In exactly twelve hours she would be
standing beside her husband, Sam-
uel David Wynter, in front of the
rose-banked mantle downstairs in
the living room. By this time to-
morrow morning they would be on
their way to Sun Valley for their
honeymoon. A little sigh of joy
whispered through her tears. Two
weeks alone with Sam in beautiful
Sun Valley before they flew to Alas-
ka where they would make their
home. Sam had accepted a position
as instructor in the engineering
school at the University of Alaska
in Fairbanks.
A little tremor of apprehension
went over Sharry. Aunt Jewel had
warned her that there was a housing
shortage in Fairbanks and that living
conditions were very different from
those in Salt Lake City. But she
refused to worry about it. Aunt
Jewel, she thought tenderly, didn't
have children of her own, so she
had given Sharry and Kenny all her
pent-up motherly affection. She was
a professional nurse and had cared
for her parents until they died last
winter. Sharry's engagement, her
bridal parties, her temple marriage
this morning, and her wedding re-
ception tonight had given Aunt
Jewel the joy of her lifetime to be
a part of it all. She lived in Shar-
ry's romance and happiness.
Everyone in the ward loved Aunt
Jewel, Sharon thought, and every-
one hoped that she would marry
some fine man now that she was
free from the family burden she had
carried since she was a young girl.
Aunt Jewel was only forty-four, two
years younger than Daddy, who was
her brother. She was still slender
and queenly fair, especially in her
white cap and uniform. Sharry
wished Aunt Jewel would go to ward
parties and have fun instead of
working so hard all day and staying
home every night.
"You need a change, Jewel,"
Page 293
Mama had said one day last week.
"You must reach out for happiness
and love."
"I know/' Aunt Jewel had an-
swered. "I know I should go out
more, Mary. But there is so much
to do, so many sick people who
need me. Then I'm too tired at
night for parties."
Mama had nodded, understand-
"You've been so loyal, Jewel. So
self-sacrificing. But now— please go
out more, meet new people. Have
some of the things you deserve.
You've earned a little happiness,
"But I am happy, Mary!" Aunt
Jewel had protested. "I love my
work — it is everything to me."
Mama had smiled her knowing
little smile.
"No woman can be completely
happy who hasn't known love,
Jewel," she said. "Give yourself a
chance for that happiness."
sjt A ajc jic sjc
1VTOW Sharon pressed her tear-wet
eyes with the palms of her
hands, then reached for Sam's pic-
ture on her bed table.
Why did she love him so deeply?
she asked herself, wonderingly. He
wasn't exactly handsome. His red
hair was too bushy. Even last week
when he was honor guest at the
dinner his fellow engineers had giv-
en for him, he was very well-
groomed in his new dark suit, but
his hair was a red bush. She had
never seen him in a hat.
Did engineers wear hats in Alas-
ka? she wondered, or fur caps or
ear muffs? And would Sam's
bounce off his head because of his
Her finger lovingly traced the
outline of his nose in the picture,
still a little crooked where a base-
ball bat had struck him when he
was ten. But his eyes are wonder-
ful, Sharon thought, blue and hon-
est and genuine. And she loved
the wide, generous curve of his
"That boy will always be good to
you," Mama had told her when they
became engaged in April. "He has
good eyes and a kind mouth and a
chin like the bow of the Queen
Elizabeth. But don't push him too
far, Sharry. Don't pout and want
your own way all the time. Men
with bushed-up red hair and chins
like that have a will of their own,
even when they love as tenderly as
Sam does."
Yes, she thought, Mama is right.
Sam has a will of his own. She
had seen him angry only twice in
the year they had gone together,
and both times had been her fault.
She had sulked because he had been
gone so long on a consulting job
with the Twin Mining Company in
Colorado. She had been jealous
because his work was so important
to him. From now on she would
take Mama's advice and not argue
with him about it.
She held the picture close to her
heart, remembering what her chum
Marge Barlow (who was to be her
maid of honor tonight) had written
on the card with her wedding pres-
ent: "May your life together be a
path of roses."
Oh, Marge, she thought, as she
placed the picture back on the bed
table and put on her robe, our life
will be a path of roses. How can it
help being so when we love each
other? Sam is the man who carries
my world on his shoulders.
\ knock on the door brought her
head up sharply. That would
be Mama, of course.
"Come in!" she called gaily.
Mama must not know she had been
crying. But it was Kenny, tanned
and lean in his bathing trunks. His
blond hair was a damp stubble.
"Hi, bride!" he called, impishly,
tossing a big rubber tire wet from
the pool toward her. She flopped
back on the bed, struggling to hold
the tire.
"Kenny!" she gasped.
He grinned.
"Just wanted to know if you're
in condition for Fairbanks, Alaska.
It's rugged up there. I've been read-
ing about that little burg you're
going to live in. Or should I say
Sharon pushed the tire to the
floor and jumped to her feet.
"Take that thing out of here!
Why can't you act like a gentleman
on my wedding day?"
Kenny sat down on her satin
slipper chair and looked around the
"Think I'll make this my work-
shop when you're gone. I can re-
pair television sets right in this
"Kenny — please. Don't be so
mean," she coaxed. "This will
always be my room. You know that.
This is my home, you are my broth-
er, and I love you even though you
are unbearable."
"Your home will be Fairbanks,
Alaska, after today," he insisted.
"Fairbanks, Alaska, where you can
have a big gray wolf for a pet, while
Sam is off on his snowshoes search-
ing for gold mines in the white icy
"Wait until I'm gone. You'll
wish you had said something nice
to me," Sharon insisted.
"Like what?" he teased.
"You might say I have been a
sweet sister to you," she answered
patiently. "You might remember
certain little favors I've done while
you were growing up. I'll remem-
ber every little thing about you,
Kenny. The first day you went to
school when you were six and I was
thirteen, and you cried before Mama
came in and I didn't tell about it."
He jumped to his feet.
"Kid stuff!" he scoffed. "Sisters
always think they're so grown-up.
Does Sam know that you cry when
you're alone in the dark or when
your hands get cold? Does he know
you've never been away from home
without Mom or Dad or me?"
"Oh, you! Sam wants me just
the way I am."
His young eyes sobered.
"Sam is twenty-nine," he said, as
though he had been thinking it
over. "He's used to roughing it on
long, hard engineering jobs. He's
used to living in a trailer or a tent.
He'll expect a real woman to keep
house for him, and what'll he get?
A doll baby who doesn't even iron
her own blouses!"
"Why, Kenny Haskell! You get
out of here right now or I'll call
"That's right," he teased again.
"Call Mama. You always call for
Mama. Who'll you call for in Alas-
He lifted the tire and opened the
"You better wake up," he added
significantly. "This book I'm read-
ing says that part of Alaska where
engineers go is our last frontier.
You might have to live on caribou
meat or clean fish or shoot bears.
And learn to can moose, because
beefsteak is three dollars a pound
up there!"
''Don't be ridiculous!" she
laughed, but her heart turned over
and was suddenly very quiet. Some-
where deep inside of her she remem-
bered that Sam had said how high
the cost of living was in Alaska.
"It won't be an easy life, darling.
And you may have to stay alone at
times while I'm away on consulting
trips. Alaska's great mining and
metalurgical resources are of great
value to the country. Some of my
work will be secret. But we'll work
it out, sweetheart. We'll have each
other and that's what counts."
TZENNY closed the door with a
little bang. She stood there
listening as he bounced the tire
down the hallway. Then she real-
ized that Kenny was worried about
her going to Alaska. His impishness
was just an act to hide the real way
he felt. He had even taken time to
read books about the place where
she and Sam would live. That was
more than she had done, she
thought with a guilty pang. She
had been too happy and too busy
preparing her trousseau, having her
announcement party, and arranging
for the wedding reception after their
marriage which would be in the
temple this morning.
Her eyes went quickly to the
clock. Almost six-thirty. She didn't
have time to worry over what Kenny
had said about wolves or snowshoes
or caribou meat or cleaning fish.
She must bathe and dress and
brush her hair until it shone like a
black pony's coat. That was how
Sam described her hair and she
loved the way he looked at her
when he said it; as though he was
marrying the most beautiful girl in
the world and nothing else mat-
sis sis # sje s}c
T six o'clock that evening, Shar-
on walked down the stairway.
Everything was crystal white and
beautiful. She could hardly breathe
for the lump in her throat. Fresh
dewy flowers smiled at her from
every nook and corner of the down-
She met Sam's eyes and took her
place in the reception line by his
"My wife!" he whispered in his
deep, tender voice. "I love you,
All the glory of love was in his
eyes as they met hers.
"My husband," she whispered
back, "I love you, too."
This was the moment she had
dreamed of and planned for ever
since the night in April when she
had promised to be his wife. This
was the dream come true.
Smiling, gracious guests streamed
past the wedding party saying the
chosen words of praise that every
bride and groom love to hear and
remember. Soft music from the
string trio on the patio was a lullaby
of enchantment. Sharry's heart
lifted and sang with the joy of it all.
No night had ever been so beautiful,
no bride had ever been so loved and
loving. She closed her eyes in a
wave of gratitude to her Heavenly
Father. She would remember every
moment of her wedding day forever
and ever.
Sharon started in surprise. Kenny
was standing before them. He
looked very grown-up in his dark
trousers and cream-colored coat.
Even his black bow tie was perfect-
ly straight.
'There's a call from Alaska, Sam,"
she heard him say. "Some man
from the University wants to talk
to you. He savs it's very impor-
Sam's heavy brows drew together
as he looked at Sharry.
"Sorry, darling. You'll have to
excuse me a minute."
"But, Sam!" she touched his arm.
"You can't leave now. You can't."
"I have to," he said simply. "No
one would call me unless it was an
Sharry's eyes widened as she
watched him walk away. How could
he do such a thing at their wedding
reception with dozens of people
watching them! How could he leave
her at a time like this?
Marge Barlow, her maid of honor,
slipped her arm around her.
"Take it easy, hon," she coaxed.
"He'll be back."
"I could die, Marge," she said,
tightly, "just for an old telephone
"But it must have been urgent,"
Marge insisted. "You married a
man who has a job to do, remem-
CHARRY felt her anger mount-
ing in her. Sam always put his
work and duty above everything.
But now he had a wife and she must
come first. She would insist that
Sam not answer their telephone
while they were on their honey-
moon in Sun Yallev.
She glanced at others in the line.
Of course they were wondering why
Sam had left her like this. Daddy
and Mama were whispering together
with Sam's parents, and there was a
ripple among the bridesmaids.
Marge nudged her.
"Now be good," she coaxed.
"Here he comes."
"That didn't take long," he said,
as he took his place in time to greet
the Sherman Browns.
After they had moved on, Sam
turned to Sharry. His blue eyes
were serious.
"Listen, honey, I wish this could
wait, but it can't. There is a
special meeting for all mining and
metalurgical engineers scheduled for
next Saturday. We'll have to leave
on the first plane out of here. The
meeting is of national importance."
Sharry felt the words beating
against her heart. Sam was telling
her they must give up their honey-
moon in Sun Valley!
"No!" she heard herself saying
in a strange, tense voice. "You
promised, Sam. Two weeks alone
in Sun Valley. You promised/"
"Look at me, darling," he plead-
ed. "You know I want those two
weeks as much as you do. Do you
think this is easy for me?"
She could not answer. Her eyes
flickered away from his, and her
mouth drooped into a pout. Then
she saw Mama looking at her,
warninglv. It was as though she
was saving: "Don't pout or want
your own way all the time. Don't
push him too far, Sharry."
She took a long, quivering breath
as she turned her eyes back to Sam.
"It's all right," she said. "I —
understand how it is."
"That's my sweetheart!" he
sighed gratefully. "I knew you
would be a real trooper, honey. I'll
make it up to you. You know I
"I know, dear," she said, trying
to smile.
She swallowed hard. Sam must
not see her cry, she thought bravely.
She must live up to what he ex-
pected of his wife. She had to learn
how to be a real wife now. He was
her husband and she loved him with
all her heart. But her hands trem-
bled as she pressed her bouquet
against her breast.
"I hope I catch your bouquet,"
Marge whispered. ''It's almost
time to throw it, Sharry."
Sharry's hands